Because of the price concessions and the low risk, the speed at which we recruit allied forces is as fast as the spread of forest fires. It has spread all over the world. There are various transnational Transmission Formation organizations in various places. The places are all in a state of congestion. Of course, the most congested one is the Isinger Mobile Fortress. After all, there are several entrances, but this one is the exit. However, the flow of people is still quite fast due to blockage.

As the troops from all over the world arrived at the scene one after another, these people immediately began plundering operations. The first income of invading an area is the funds obtained by plundering. This is the initial income. Although it is a non-renewable resource, it is a kind of income with huge short-term gains, so the guilds are always happy.

The large-scale retreat of Russian players left behind a large number of cities near the area, and this location has actually penetrated far into the interior of Russia. At that time, we fought all the way, and many areas in the rear were not occupied. That is to say, we can still grab it again, so not all of these coming guilds rush forward, but scattered one after another, and even the cities along the way we came were basically controlled. However, it is of course the domestic guilds that make the most profit here, because Russia and China are bordering, so the Chinese guilds are not entirely from Transmission Formation. Some of them come directly from the border.

Our guild did not stop these people coming from the border, but we have dispatched special personnel to require all guilds, groups, and individuals entering Russian territory to sign a defense agreement. With the name of our Frost Rose League in front, and no large guilds around the world raised objections, these guilds basically performed very cooperatively.

As more and more people enter Russia, the looting work in various places is gradually speeding up. During this period, the people in our guild are very busy. This is mainly because of many trades. After the meeting, he behaved very irregularly. For example, there is a Japanese guild called the Xinyi League, which is obviously only a small and medium-sized guild. The area they grabbed obviously exceeded the area that they could build by themselves, which meant that these people simply wanted to grab a handful and didn't plan to build anything at all. This behavior is very detrimental to our overall defense line, because the area you plundered may not be occupied by others. This creates a lot of blank areas, and too many blank areas will affect our later stage. Resistance to work. Besides, if these plundered clean areas increase, the guilds later will not have the first income, their enthusiasm will decline, and they will even start plundering other people’s things. This may lead to infighting, so this kind of transitional plundering behavior is completely It is a disaster.

For this black sheep, we have no plans to compromise at all. We have an unusually tough attitude. We will expel them immediately if we find them, and simply don't give them the slightest chance to explain. It is precisely because of our strictness that other guilds dare not take risks. Naturally, this phenomenon has been controlled to a certain extent. Unfortunately, there will always be people who think they are smarter, so we need to deal with it from time to time.

In addition to this kind of transitional plundering guilds, there are actually many disputes that we need to deal with, such as regional delineation. Some guilds are busy plundering, and some guilds quickly start to build cities and enclose the land, but because the only exit is the Isengard Mobile Fortress, it is inevitable that people who come out will consider looting nearby sites, and these people are because of the order in which they appear. There is a priority, so it is easy to have disputes because of land grabbing and conflicts. Of course, we have to mediate this kind of thing. Fortunately, these guilds are selling our face. As long as they mediate a little, they will basically obey management. After all, it is a pioneering period. Everyone is in a hurry. Large guilds are more rational. Knowing that at this time, instead of entangled in this kind of small friction, it is better to seize the time to go out and open up wasteland. As for small guilds, they are completely afraid to engage with our guilds.

In addition to these disputes, what we really need to be aware of is the Russian counterattack. Although the main force of Russia is now defeated, there is no such kind of unified resistance, but each city has its own guilds. When these areas are looted and invaded, other guilds may not take care of them, but the city’s own guilds do not. It is impossible not to defend, and some Russian guilds even sent troops like Rangers to harass the logistics and construction forces of the invader Legion.

For this situation, it is completely in line with the content of the joint defense agreement, and it is a work that must be managed by everyone. Therefore, the guild has conducted a full collection of elites from all guilds or groups that come here. In other words, a team of one hundred people will have an elite to participate in our joint defense work. Like those large guilds with a scale of tens of thousands, it is normal to dispatch hundreds of people. After these teams are gathered, our guild will be responsible for sending people to reorganize them, and then they will be divided into multiple mobile patrols to intercept the rangers, and sometimes suppress the Russian cities with stronger resistance. Anyway, these Russian forces must Pull it out as soon as possible. It is like a nail in the occupied area. It is definitely not a good thing. Pull it out and rest assured.

"It looks like it's basically on the right track here." After mediating a dispute, I looked at the construction site like a large construction site and said.

The rose next to me nodded and said: "Although basically on the right track, your work is not over yet."

"I know this, but the equipment is too big , I’m afraid of people’s gossip if I’m stuck on the Transmission Formation side, so I asked Giant Butterfly City to be shipped here at one time. I have just entered the territory of Russia, and when they arrive, I will direct the installation and mining."

"OK , You can control the time for yourself."

The mission that Rose and I talked about is actually a predatory mining mission. In Russia, we actually do not intend to occupy it for a long time. The main problem is that Russia is not an ordinary small country. I think the probability of long-term occupation is not very large, and the investment is too high, which is not cost-effective. However, the resources on the Russian side are quite abundant, so although the occupation period cannot be too long, the mineral resources must be taken away.

If ordinary human mining is used, the mining speed will inevitably be slow, so we plan to use large magic machinery with Earth Element magic for destructive mining. The advantage of this is that the speed is fast enough, but The disadvantage is that the total output will drop. However, these mines are Russians anyway, and we can’t take the mines away. Even if we use destructive mining, we may not be able to dig up all of them. In the end, we will blow up the mines to increase the difficulty of re-mining. Therefore, we simply do not destroy anything. Don't worry, as long as you can get something more in the shortest time possible.

We heard the communicator ringing just after we finished talking. "Chairman, Masaga Matsumoto and the others asked for an extension of the alliance agreement time and asked if we agree."

"Extend the agreement?" I was taken aback for a while and then reacted. This should not be the meaning of Masaga Matsumoto, but the meaning of those Japanese guild leaders. This time the expansion of Japan's territory on the Russian side must be impossible to miss such a good opportunity. First of all, as a partner with us to come to Russia to grab technology, Japan has a huge advantage in this expansion operation, because their main force is already here, and they are the first to know the news. of. Secondly, Japan is a country with relatively scarce resources by nature, so the meaning of overseas colonies for Japan is extraordinary.

Because the actions of the Japanese side were very active in this expansion incident, and their desire for these lands was also very strong, so the presidents of these Japanese guilds came up with a The method is to use the previous alliance agreement to extend it.

The key point of this expansion action is the transnational Transmission Formation of our guild. This is the key point supporting this action, so even if the Japanese guild has a large number of main forces on the Russian side, it is still There is no way to gain any initiative. However, because of the alliance agreement between our two sides, as an ally, Japan can get a lot of benefits from me. There is no doubt about this. Therefore, the Japanese side came up with this method, taking advantage of the opportunity that everyone is busy expanding their territory now, as an excuse that time is tight and there is no time to deal with the alliance dissolution, and it simply postponed the time temporarily, which is actually extending the alliance. Time, and during this period our Frost Rose League is still in charge of the command and coordination of this operation. Japan’s existence and cooperation with our referee will naturally bring a lot of benefits. Apart from other things, as long as we make a slight tilt on the issue of territorial disputes, they will be able to reap a lot of benefits.

Although I understand the Japanese selfish calculations, this kind of thing is harmless to us, and secondly it is helpful to our Japanese strategy, so we are naturally impossible to be embarrassed in this kind of thing. them. Let the military god tell you that we agree to postpone the cancellation of the alliance. As for the rest of the matter, I believe the Japanese know what to do.

After dealing with the matter here, I thought about going to see the situation in Giant Butterfly City. I didn't expect to contact the other side, but the other side contacted me first.

"President, help!"

"Which way are you?" Although the communicator can hear the voice, there are so many people in the guild, except for those who are particularly familiar. A few, I'm also impossible to hear everyone's voice.

When I heard my question, he immediately said: "I am the commander of the giant butterfly city insect king!"

"Damn, what's the matter with you? You What kind of help is a transport team calling for? You are not flying on the front line!"

"You ask me who I ask! I didn't find these people!"

"It's all right, I know, tell me where you are, and I'll come right away."

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