No matter what Ichiro Kakuda thinks, I sold the stuff anyway. I have never had the habit of vomiting this in my mouth, so I can only recognize the good and bad Kakuda Ichiro. Moreover, he can't renege on a debt for the remaining balance, otherwise it would be a bad thing to owe Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun and the others. But if you really want to use it...

The main devouring attribute does not mean that you will have absolutely no effect if you don’t activate it.

In fact, the Lord-Eater attribute is a terrible attribute. In addition to the features mentioned earlier that will cause the player’s attribute to drop, the Lord-Eater will also be on the user when it is not activated, that is, it The owner has some negative effects. These effects are usually not fixed, and mainly depend on other attributes of the equipment itself with the main attribute. For example, the sword that I sold to Kakuda Ichiro is a cursed blade, so another negative punishment attached to its main devourer attribute is to favor things like the curse of darkness.

This kind of curse does not directly interfere with the player’s attributes. I think it’s the opposite. Except for the master-devouring attribute, which will swallow the master’s attribute after it is fully activated, normally this knife will only drastically Increase the user’s martial power, otherwise with this terrifying attribute, who has a problem to use it? Isn't it all because of the high attribute value of this thing? So, the attribute of the knife itself is actually quite good. The really terrible part is not in the attribute of this knife, but in its interference with the user's spirit willpower.

First of all, there will be an illusion of low temperature when using this sword.

This so-called illusion of low temperature refers to the feeling of chills all over the body. This kind of chill is a bit like the effect brought by Yin Qi, but in fact it doesn't really lower the user's body temperature, it just makes you feel cold. Moreover, as the activation rate of the main devourer attribute increases, this cold feeling will gradually increase. From the very beginning, it just feels a little cold, and when the main devourer attribute is fully activated, it will seem to jump into ice water. , It was really cold to the bones, it made your whole body tremble uncontrollably.

In addition to this low temperature illusion, there are two other problems: visual hallucinations and auditory hallucinations.

As long as the activation degree of the main-eating attribute begins to rise, the user will continue to feel some mental disturbances. This is the same as the induction method of the low temperature illusion. With the activation degree, these two The degree of hallucinations will also deepen. The initial illusion effect is probably that you occasionally see the enemy’s face as someone close to you, and it is a momentary thing, and when the master bite is fully activated, you may find that you are all around you. face.

The auditory hallucinations are the same as the hallucinations. They start to give you a little illusion, making you feel that someone is calling you or hearing the sound of a weapon breaking through the air. In short, it will give you some interference from time to time. But when the master bite is completely activated, this interference will become very serious, and even make people lose their normal sense of hearing.

Based on this situation, the best way to successfully control this weapon is to always ensure that the activation level is at a very low level, and once this thing is fully activated, it is really Completely finished.

There is no way for Kakuda Ichiro to get this weapon. After all, a good Divine Item is too rare. Although this handle is very problematic, one thing is certain, that is, its basic attribute is indeed It's amazing. At least there are three very exaggerated types of attribute stones. If it weren't for the interference of the master-devouring attribute, this attribute superimposed on other weapons is definitely a good thing that can make people excitedly said nosebleed. At the very least, I like the "Dead's Fury" attribute.

This "fury of the dead" attribute is simply killing and damage. Every time you kill an enemy, you will increase damage to your weapon according to the opponent’s attribute strength. This process can accumulate infinitely, as long as the weapon If the attack interval does not exceed a certain time limit, this attribute will continue to accumulate, which means that the attribute of this sword will continue to rise and then rise again. As long as you don’t stop fighting, it will continue to rise until it can kill with a single blow. The point where God cut the devil with a single blow. Therefore, this kind of attribute is simply a metamorphosis of metamorphosis, and it is a bit abnormal. However, due to the existence of the master biter attribute, this attribute on the sword becomes a waste attribute, because the master bit decides that Ichiro Kakuda cannot use it continuously. When the master bitter attribute of this war knife reaches the critical point of activation, he will have to Replace it with a spare weapon to fight, so that all the attack power that was superimposed before will disappear. When the Lord Devourer's attribute cools down, the Wrath of the Dead also cools down, and naturally it won't have much effect. However, without the limitation of this attribute, this attribute alone can be regarded as the Number One Divine Artifact in the world.

Although this master biter does sound a bit annoying, Divine Item is a Divine Item after all. Kakuda Ichiro was depressed for a while after holding this thing, but finally figured it out. Anyway, the money is spent, don’t you need to lose more?

Kakuda Ichiro, who wanted to understand, took a weapon and killed him, and soon he ran into a Siberian Divine Race. This Siberian Divine Race is different from the ones I met before. This is just an ordinary member of the Siberian Divine Race.

Just like low-level players in our Frost Rose League, all of the Siberian Divine Race are also impossible super gods. There are not many strong War God Races like the Olympus Divine Race. The Siberian Divine Race is obviously not, so many of them are gods of average strength. These gods usually bully ordinary players, but there is no problem, but when faced with this kind of national peak power, they are obviously not enough.

Kakuda Ichiro, who just got the new weapon, went up to this Siberian Divine Race across the board in the spirit of experimentation. Although the opponent is not strong, but also not really soft-footed. Turning around and hitting Kakuda Ichiro's blade with a punch, he wanted to use his powerful output to shake Kakuda Ichiro into flight. However, what surprised the Siberian Divine Race and Kakuda Ichiro at the same time was that this fist went down. Kakuda Ichiro did not fly out. Instead, the sword slashed into the fist of the Siberian Divine Race and cut his palms. It was in two halves, and it wasn't stuck until the blade hit the wrist bone.

This result is certainly due to the powerful output of this knife, but the arrogance of the Siberian Divine Race on the opposite side also played a key role, but these all are a conclusion that can only be analyzed when everyone calms down. , And Kakuda Ichiro, who was on the battlefield at the time, couldn't think of so much. The only thing he can intuitively feel is that it took a few people to work together to barely get a Siberian Divine Race. After changing the weapon, he was destroyed by a single knife.

The two Siberian Divine Races that Ichiro Kakuda had dealt with before were the more powerful ones in the Divine Race of Siberia, which is very different from the current one, but Ichiro Kakuda did not have time to make a horizontal evaluation. Anyway, he It seems that these three are all Siberian Divine Race, and the first two almost exhausted him, but this one was disabled by him.

Because I was too surprised, the Siberian Divine Race on the opposite side didn’t know what to say at this time. It wasn’t until Kakuda Ichiro took out his weapon that he felt the pain and began to hold his hands and back. At this time, it was completely over-excited, and he rushed up with the sword.

The fight at close quarters just now caused a fundamental change in the imposing manner on both sides. Ichiro Kakuda is now playing with chicken blood, and the Siberian Divine Race on the opposite side is due to injuries. The gap in my heart made me very passive, and I was now avoiding the attack in a hurry, hoping to find a place to heal my hand first.

The so-called narrow encounter, the brave wins, the difference between the imposing manners of the two sides plus the fact that the Siberian Divine Race was chased by Ichiro Kakuda just like the stray dog, and because The knife was too sharp, so the Siberian Divine Race stumbled and fell, and was unfortunately overtaken by Kakuda Ichiro and hacked to death.

The excitement in Kakuda Ichiro's heart after losing this Siberian Divine Race is indescribable. The feeling of soaring strength is really refreshing. However, after he saw his attribute, the refreshment that had just disappeared instantly, instead, a white hair perspired on his forehead in an instant. In fact, the reason why Kakuda Ichiro is so scared is because he accidentally looked at his attribute just after finishing the Siberian Divine Race, only to find that the master-biter attribute on the knife has reached the 79% position.

This data instantly surprised Kakuda Ichiro, and then the whole person was not good. There was a feeling of power being taken away in an instant, and it was almost impossible to sit on the ground. This time, thanks to the Siberian Divine Race on the opposite side, it was hacked to death. If it enters a stalemate, the attribute of this thing will definitely soar by more than 100%, and when the time comes, it is Kakuda Ichiro who loses. Click on the attribute.

The startled Kakuda Ichiro suddenly felt that he was not only pitted, but also miserably pitted. But thinking about the Siberian Divine Race that was killed by himself just now, he hesitated. After weighing the pros and cons, he finally showed a little smile. After all, powerful combat units like the Siberian Divine Race are not everywhere. He can have such a good result in combat. Usually it shouldn't be a battle between players and it takes so long, so naturally there is no worry about the breakthrough point. However, if it is a large-scale multiplayer melee, it may not be necessary.

However, although I have already thought of this problem, Kakuda Ichiro also thought of a countermeasure. After he plans to go back, he will immediately find a way to get a more suitable weapon, and then specialize in cultivation two swords, usually only use one weapon to fight, and this Divine Item is only used for skills. In this way, on the one hand, you can ensure the maximum output, on the other hand, you can also ensure that your potential will not be swallowed up by this thing.

Here Kakuda Ichiro made up his mind to use this weapon as little as possible in the future, but I was beating three Siberian Divine Races with Christina and others.

Originally, after I just pitted a sum of money from Kakuda Ichiro, I was going to find a place to have fun. Who knew that halfway through I heard a notice from the god of war that there were three Siberian Divine Races and it actually broke through After the third city wall, I rushed directly to the command center area. Faced with this situation, of course I’m impossible to ignore it.

The so-called command center is the control core of Isengard Mobile Fortress, which is the place where Brat pulled out the control crystal before. That room is actually above the control room where the military god is, which means that the distance between the two is very close, regardless of whether it is the control core of the Isengard mobile fortress or the communication hub of the military god. As far as the league is concerned, there must be absolutely no loss. Therefore, even if I am now more important things must be released first, besides, I don't have many things at first.

When I heard the news, I ran over immediately, and found that there were a lot of people who arrived before me.

When I arrived, Christina and Zhenhong were already intercepting the three Siberian Divine Races, but the problem is that the battle strength of these three guys is so strong that even Christina Teaming up with True Red cannot completely block these three Siberian Divine Races. Fortunately, this is the Isinger Mobile Fortress, so we still have some defensive weapons to assist in the defense, so Christina and Zhenhong are not really crushed, but there is really no way to block the progress of these three Siberian Divine Races. , It can only delay the speed of advancement.

"Help! I can't stop it!" Zhenhong fisted a Siberian Divine Race and slapped his backhand on the head of another Siberian Divine Race. A kick was hit at the heart's mouth, and the real man flew out sideways, smashed a corner of a large building with a boom, and flew to the street at the corner.

The three Siberian Divine Races immediately got up after being knocked into the air by Real Red and moved towards Christina, who was being suppressed, rushed over. According to the plan, Real Red blocked these three guys. Christina buys time to make a big move. This big move is an attack against each target, and it won't accidentally injure the surrounding people and facilities. It can be said to be a very useful skill, but it's a pity that the energy gathering time is a little longer.

Originally, if Real Red could persist until Christina completed the energy accumulation, this Siberian Divine Race would not be a problem. Unfortunately, Real Red could not stop the siege of the three Siberian Divine Races, and was eventually hit directly. After flying, the remaining Siberian Divine Race went directly to Christina. After Christina's magic was not completed, she could only throw out the magic that had just completed 70% to 80% in a haste.

The three Siberian Divine Races saw the three arcs flying from the opposite side and immediately took off and planned to let them pass, but the three arcs came directly from the parallel flight state as if they had eyes. After a big turn, it penetrated into the bodies of the three Siberian Divine Races like tracking missiles.

The three Siberian Divine Races that were hit immediately lost their balance and throbbed in the air. The arc flashed on their bodies, and the real people trembled and trembled by the electric current. However, because the magic was not completed, the formidable power naturally dropped a lot. Although the three guys were shocked and fell miserably when they fell, they didn’t hurt their roots, so they got up immediately after they got up. He rushed towards Christina again.

The Siberian Divine Race against our guild is not one or two times. We have dug their corners before and will attack a part of our guild. The Siberian Divine Race is drawn into our guild. And they are now in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. Therefore, the understanding between our two sides can be considered to have a certain depth.

Because of the depth of understanding, these Siberian Divine Races all know that Christina is a very important battle strength for our guild. Now it happened to be really red and was knocked into the air. Christina, the mage, lost her protection. How could they miss such an opportunity, of course, immediately rushed to hope that the nail could be pulled out.

When Christina was about to suffer, a white shadow suddenly fell from the sky, followed by a rainy Flying Sword. The three Siberian Divine Races found that the situation was not right. After a few rolls, they could jump out for more than 50 meters. When they stood up and looked at it again, the place where they had just stood in front of them has become a place like grass, but It was not grass but a sword that stuck on the ground.

"Huh, you are finally here." Christina is finally relaxed seeing the appearance of gold coin. Although as the most powerful wizard in the world, Christina can also carry out a certain degree of close combat, but Christina is after all It's a mage. It's okay to rely on attribute advantages to bully ordinary players. If you face Divine Race in close combat, it's not enough.

Fortunately, although Christina failed to kill the three Siberian Divine Races, at least she was fine.

The three Siberian Divine Races over there saw one more enemy, and immediately wanted to rush up again, but at this time gold coin suddenly turned around to face them, and then pinched the sword to point it. At the previous point, following the turned over the palm, the finger hooked upwards, and the tens of thousands of Flying Swords that had been inserted on the ground immediately oh la la broke free from the ground and rose into the air.

The Flying Sword immediately re-circulates in the air to form a sword array after it lifted off. Several Flying Swords escaped from the array and flew to Christina as a protection task. The remaining Flying Sword suddenly began to deform. When combined, it was like a deformed Vajra. Those Flying Swords were assembled in the air to form a three-by-one giant sword. The length of these giant swords is more than ten meters, and the width is more than two meters. It looks like a wall is erected there.

Although it has become such a big thing, the speed of the three flying swords is not slow at all. The finger on the hook of the gold coin suddenly flipped and gently moved down the area, then the Flying Sword immediately turned and moved towards the three Siberian Divine Races below and cut it down.

After discovering this situation, the three Siberian Divine Races reacted immediately. First, a Siberian Divine Race crossed his arms on top of each other, and then erected an ice shield in front of his arms, intending to carry the attack hard, but the giant sword was cut down without hesitation, only to hear a boom, that guy Immediately bent down, the ground cracked directly, and there were large cracks everywhere, and the guy also had an ugly expression, and it was obviously quite painful to support it.

The first guy carried it hard, the second Siberian Divine Race chose to avoid it, but the Flying Sword that attacked him was automatically dispersed during the chase, and then turned into a bunch of Flying Swords and started to chase and block. . This Siberian Divine Race is a speed type. It runs fast and is sprinting all the way. Behind it, a row of Flying Swords pierced the ground one by one, almost pinning him to the ground. The Siberian Divine Race that was running hurriedly made a sharp turn. The seven-handed Flying Sword immediately nailed a Big Dipper Array on the ground in front of the running route. It would be estimated if he hadn’t found the situation was wrong and turned quickly. Will suffer.

Although neither of the two Siberian Divine Races died or suffered any injuries, they were all suppressed. For a while, there would be really no way to get out and do other things. The remaining Siberian Divine Race is even worse. It seems that he intended to attack gold coin directly, because he discovered that gold coin is also a remote legal player, so he wants to rely on it to take advantage, but it is a pity that he will arrive. Only then did I realize that I had made a mistake.

Although the sword array of gold coin is very good, it is Sword Immortal. Although the sword array lineage is gone, it is Sword Immortal after all. Naturally, the skill of this hand cannot be bad. The result was that the guy was cut so miserably by the gold coin sword technique, he could only turn around in embarrassment and escape, hoping to re-adjust the rhythm and fight again.

The situation of several people here is not optimistic, but the things that make them more depressed are yet to come. While the three Siberian Divine Races were still there, they suddenly heard a bang, and one of the Siberian Divine Races suddenly flew out. Take a closer look, it turns out that Zhenhong has crawled out of the wall over there, and this is coming back for revenge.

True Red pulled one away separately, and the remaining two Siberian Divine Races are obviously a bit disadvantaged to deal with Christina and gold coin. Although this place is the Isinger Mobile Fortress, it is our own territory. Christina and Gold Coin’s attacks are subject to certain restrictions, but this is an open space after all, so the battle strength of both can be fully utilized, although for Be careful not to hurt the surrounding buildings and increase the control, but even so, the battle strength played out is still considerable. Although the three Siberian Divine Races are very strong, it is still a bit difficult to deal with the cutting-edge battle strength of our guild in heads-up mode.

In fact, if you fight in another place, these Siberian Divine Races may not be able to handle Christina and the three. The key is that this is the Isinger Mobile Fortress. Don't forget, this is our own city. When fighting in the city, players from the city's guild will have a regional attribute bonus. In other words, the battle strength of Christina and the others is different from outside. Although they are restricted because they dare not attack indiscriminately, the attribute improvement is a fact after all, so the three Siberian Divine Races feel that they are now being beaten.

The three Siberian Divine Races here were desperately resisting and felt that they were going to die. Suddenly they saw three more comrades rushing in on the wall behind. The positions of these three Siberian Divine Races are very clever. They happened to fall in the battle area between True Red and the Siberian Divine Race. Then the three Siberian Divine Races used one pass when jumping down from the city wall. The long-range spell turned Real Red somersault, and the Siberian Divine Race below also saw the opportunity, and immediately rushed forward to beat Real Red without fighting back.

True Red can only be passively beaten after being suppressed by a series of attacks. If you let go of your hands and feet and do not defend, you will be killed immediately, but if you keep defending like this, there is no way to return. Yes, so always this is not a solution.

Just when Real Red felt a lot of pressure, the three new Siberian Divine Races immediately separated two people to join in the action against Real Red, and the remaining one was running. To start supporting the two Siberian Divine Races before to fight Christina and gold coin.

There were three Siberian Divine Races against gold coin and Christina. The battle was immediately stalemate, and the Siberian Divine Race had the upper hand, but there was no progress. However, the crux of the problem is not on Christina and the others, but on the real red side. Three Siberian Divine Races surrounded and beat the red one. In this case, the red simply couldn't hold it. Thanks to the fact that it is really red here, if you change someone and let Christina or gold coin be beaten here, it is probably dead. Although Zhenhong couldn't withstand the beating of the three Siberian Divine Races, at any rate, where her defensive power was placed, they could carry more than Christina.

True Red, who was resisting, was finally kicked over by one of the Siberian Divine Race after a few minutes of fighting, and then before she got up, the other Siberian Divine Race immediately rode to her. She pressed her under her body, and then picked up the odd-shaped saber in her hand and was about to chop it down. Seeing this situation was really red, he could only raise his hands to block, but although he blocked this guy's attack, another Siberian Divine Race went around from the front, raised his foot and moved towards her head and kicked it down. If it was hit this time, the red head was afraid that it would fly out. However, something did fly out, but it was not the red head that flew out but the Siberian Divine Race.

When the Siberian Divine Race was about to kick it down, it was swept over by a scythe of a stage, caught in the belly and flew away.

The remaining two Siberian Divine Races just after this attack were also knocked into the air, and then Zhenhong saw some of my familiars appearing near her.

"hahaha, the president is here, let's see how arrogant you are this time." Zhenhong just said a few words and saw seven or eight Siberian Divine Races jumping on the city wall over there, this time she I can't laugh anymore.

There can be so many Siberian Divine Races here, which can only show one problem, that is, the battle on the third city wall is already precarious, otherwise there would not be so many enemies rushing over. of. However, although we know that it is dangerous over there, we now have no other way except to intercept it hard. The reinforcements we can call are basically here, so we can't count on outside reinforcements, so we can only find a way to stop these people.

Fortunately, just after these seven or eight Siberian Divine Race jumped in, the people on our side gradually gathered, and it was not ordinary people who came, but chaos and order from Divine Race. Great gods.

"Do you need help?" As soon as Pandora appeared, he shot a Siberian Divine Race and flipped it to the ground. Following the gun head a little forward, the guy's throat immediately got more blood. Hole, and then fell over his neck. The effect of a sudden attack was obvious, killing an enemy in an instant.

"How many of you are here?" Because I have to block several Siberian Divine Races at the same time, I have no time to see their situation.

Pandora quickly replied: "It's only me and Radamantis. The others are entangled and can't get along."

"Just two!" Christie Na sighed.

"It would be nice to have two!" After I finished speaking, I suddenly realized that there was a white shadow in the sky not far away that flew over the top of the city wall, and then moved straight towards us. After the past, there is no meaning to land at all.

"Damn, why is there still flying in the Siberian Divine Race?" Zhenhong obviously noticed this situation.

"Nonsense, of course Divine Race can fly." Christina said.

"But we have already opened the air defense domain, and can fly in the air defense domain of Isengard Mobile Fortress. This guy's ability is extraordinary." Zhen Hong said.

"Follow the actual situation, just hit it." After Ladamantis finished speaking, he squeezed a Siberian Divine Race by the neck and slammed it on the ground, then lifted it. I stepped on it. The guy's head was stepped into the ground instantly, and it seemed that he could not die anymore. After getting rid of this trouble, Radamantis blew his whistle directly, a beautiful and alluring sexy big woman suddenly flapped her wings and flew over, Radamantis jumped, and then grabbed the beautiful woman’s outstretched hand. , Hung directly under her and moved towards the flying target and chased it.

My eyes were good, and I immediately discovered that the flying unit was not a Siberian Divine Race, but two. I quickly released a few of my familiars to help here, and then summon went out to chase the night shadow. Go up.

In the core control room on the side of Isengard’s mobile fortress, the child who caused the trouble has been held by the adult, and is crying vigorously now, and the staff are not there now. I took care of them and was busy overhauling the equipment. However, they hadn't figured it out yet, and suddenly they heard a loud explosion sound coming from outside. Looking out of the observation window, I immediately found a white frost giant dragon slamming on the platform outside the core control room of the Isengard Mobile Fortress.

This frost giant dragon does not land naturally. With Dragon Clan’s flying skills, it can still land on the ground with its head. Unless the dragon falls asleep in the air, it’s almost the same. So, this guy can Landing with this kind of dog gnawing mud can only be beaten down.

In fact, this is the case. When Radamantis and I caught up, we discovered that the white silhouette we saw before was a frost giant dragon. The reason why the guy looked white at the time was because he activated the special ability-the crystal force field. This ability is similar to the effect of our guild’s mirage system, which is a kind of optical Camouflage Technique, but their ability is a little weaker than our mirage system. It can only have an effect similar to camouflage, and it can’t really be done. Invisible, so it was discovered by us because the distance was too close.

After discovering the dragon, we discovered that there were two Siberian Divine Races sitting behind the dragon. To our surprise, one of the two Siberian Divine Races actually Wearing a black outfit. This situation can be said to be quite strange.

The Divine Race of Siberia is the Divine Race of Siberia, which is the god of Russia. Because they live in the cold zone, because of the camouflage color, most of their armors are ice blue or white. Yes, anyway, it is basically light tones, rarely dark. Such a dark color is definitely a very strange existence in the Siberian Divine Race, but this guy just wears a black suit, and the armor is still wrapped from the head to the soles of the feet. In addition to judging from the shape curve, this should be a Apart from the girl, basically nothing can be seen.

Although the other party has a girl, neither Ladamantis nor I can have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, so the girl has not been able to avoid falling with the giant dragon. as a result of.

The frost giant dragon here just landed, and the two Siberian Divine Races jumped off the frost giant dragon. Seeing that the posture was not affected by our previous attack, it should retain all the battles. strength. However, as soon as these two guys landed, they found that the situation was far less simple than imagined, because just when they just stood up, they heard a few heavy footsteps coming over.

These two Siberian Divine Races can be regarded as some insights. As soon as they see what is in front of them, they will understand. This is our guild's mobile angel, and it is not a normal mobile angel, but a very annoying one. Use mobile angels for Divine Race.

Although the core control room of Isengard Mobile Fortress is only a place similar to the navigation control room, it is the core control unit after all, so the defense force must not be sloppy. Now they only saw two mobile angels for Divine Race. It was actually because the troops here were taken away, instead of the normal configuration here. To be honest, if this place is due to the previous situation, it should be guarded by four combat players who use mobile angels for Divine Race and twelve ordinary mobile angels plus a squad. Now there are only two mobile angels for Divine Race. The battle strength is a bit exaggerated, but it is definitely less than half of the previous one. So those two Siberian Divine Races should feel lucky.

Just after the two Siberian Divine Races were blocked by the mobile angels facing the Divine Race in front, Radamantis and I also landed in the back one after another. The Frost giant dragon over there has been humming since it landed, and didn't mean to get up. It seems that the previous attack has severely damaged this guy, which means that we have to deal with only these two Siberian Divine Races.

"How to divide?" Since there are not many enemies, I am not so nervous. He glanced at Radamantis and asked jokingly.

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