"I like it a bit challenging." After Ladamantis finished speaking, he looked towards the one of the two Siberian Divine Races that seemed more powerful.

I glanced at the two targets. Among them, the more powerful one wore a heavy plate armor, which was completely different from the black guy next to it. However, I really want to say which of these two guys is more powerful. In fact, I think the one that looks powerful may not be the strongest, because although the black girl is much thinner, she is obviously highly mobile, that is, agile. The super high type. For this kind of combat unit, the level of strength is really hard to say.

Many people will say something when they talk about fighting abilities: martial arts in the world are not broken, only speed can not be broken. This theory sounds reasonable, and it seems reasonable if you think about it a little bit. However, the results in actual battles were not as simple as imagined, or even the opposite. The results tended to be one-sided.

First talk about those war machines built by humans. Is the light tank fast? It's definitely faster than the heavy one. However, heads-up against heavy tanks is always better than light tanks. Let's talk about warships. Although small ships can also kill large ships, those are just exceptions. They really want to meet on a narrow road. Large battleships are definitely sinking in batches to clean light battleships. Otherwise, as long as they have the ability, why do all countries desperately go to large battleships instead of getting them? Thousands of torpedo boats come out?

Of course, some people may think that these all are weapons of war, and the fighting between humans is different from this.

In fact, this is nothing different. Why are international fighting competitions divided into levels? Isn't it because the weight advantage is too obvious? Heavyweight boxers or wrestlers are often crushed all the way when they meet lightweights. There are not few lightweights that can fight heavyweights, but there are only a few of them, which is completely an example.

Taekwondo and other fighting are not heavyweights, but after a little thought, you will understand. A man who is two meters tall and weighs 200 kg, who is as strong as a bear, plays taekwondo with a man who is 1.6 meters tall and weighs 80 kilograms. No matter how good you are in terms of skills, if you can't move, you can't move. Even kicking and kicking others doesn't hurt at all. How can you beat it?

If someone can use their speed to the limit, to the point where others are several orders of magnitude away from you, then of course you can say that only speed can not be broken, but the problem is reality This situation occurs in impossible. No matter how fast it is, you can be faster than others. The gap will not be too big, but the gap between physique and defensive power is much larger than this. Therefore, it is often not speed but defensive power that determines the outcome.

The situation in the game is slightly different from the reality, but roughly the same. The attribute points obtained by players usually do not differ greatly, unless the level is much higher than others, otherwise the difference in attribute points of people of the same level or similar level will not be too large. So, in this case, if you calculate your crazy agile attribute, the final result will be at most three times higher than others' agility, but in this case, it can only be said to be faster than others, not so fast that it is completely touched. To the point where it's beyond the edge. Therefore, although the world battle strength list does have that kind of agile and anti-theft existence, these people are either dual-class, high-attack and scary, or they have special skills or equipment. Anyway, they are not developed through normal channels. On the contrary, the real main players in the battle strength list are actually players who are on a serious development path, that is, the type with high offense, high defense, and slightly higher agility, rather than the type with agility and other attributes that are very bad.

The players who really rely on agility to feed on are actually not agile swordsmen, but archers, because the agility attribute determines the hit rate, and the real high-sensitivity swordsman is either agile and attacking power against the sky, or It is a pure team warrior. This type of warrior's personal battle strength is actually bad, but because of its super agility, it plays an irreplaceable role in team cooperation. Because they have high agility, they can freely decide the attacking rhythm. They can retreat when they encounter the enemy attacking, allowing their companions to cover their shortcomings, and only use their fast skills. In this way, players with high agility will look special. , And if some novices mistakenly believe that high-sensitivity players are invincible based on this, then he will have bitter fruit in the future.

Although the Siberian Divine Race girl in black armor looks like a high-sensitivity type, I don’t know what her other attributes are, so I’m not sure if this girl is really weak or not. Get up strong. To put it bluntly, highly sensitive combatants are the most difficult opponents to estimate, because their battle strength depends entirely on battle awareness and skill collocation, and the advantage in attribute points is not so obvious. The detection skills or abilities in the game basically can only test the basic data of the player, and the battle strength of agile combat units does not completely rely on data, so the test ability is basically useless for them. However, it is precisely because the battle strength of agile combat units often depends on personal battle awareness and skill matching, which is the quality of the players themselves, so many players who think they are technical experts like to practice agile combat, because once this profession is played Well, it means that the skills are really good, and no matter how high other professional strengths are, it cannot be said that they are completely technical factors. Luck, level, contacts, funds, these things will actually affect the player's strength.

After observing the two goals for a while, I did not object to Radamante’s proposal. I looked towards the female Siberian Divine Race over there and said: "Well, the girl belongs to me, over there You are responsible for your brother."

"Why do I suddenly feel that your words sound so awkward?"

"That must be your illusion. That's right." I am very Seriously nodded, and then said: "Then I will start. You are not allowed to grab the blame after finishing your work." After I said that, I rushed directly at the Goddess over there.

Although the Siberian Divine Race is a newly formed Divine Race, the Divine Race is the Divine Race, so since the girl in front of me is a member of the Siberian Divine Race, it is a proper Goddess. Of course, according to the gorgeous style of "Zero", since it is Goddess, the appearance is absolutely not cheating. Anyway, none of the women in the high level NPCs I have seen so far look below the average, and the more powerful the gods are, the more beautiful they are. This is basically the same as the equipment settings. The ugly ones are all rubbish. , The top class must be the very beautiful kind.

The girl in black armor on the opposite side has never paid attention to me. Her eyes are always fixed on the row of observation windows in the control room. She didn't even have the slightest intention to change her goal when she appeared.

I don’t know why, when I saw the other person so calm, I always felt that there was something wrong, so I changed my strategy in the middle of the rush. In fact, they secretly commanded the opposite Divine Race to attack with mobile angels.

I don’t know if it’s because I look like a woman. Anyway, I think my Sixth Sense is no worse than the girls. This time this magical Sixth Sense has saved me again. At the moment when my attack came out, the Siberian Divine Race girl turned her side slightly and wiped it from the sword glow that I sent out. That’s not even counted. After she avoided my attack, she even raised a hand to Divine Race and used the mobile angel to open her palm to stop the opponent from moving forward. The next second was that. The mobile angel facing Divine Race actually seemed to be hit by an invisible locomotive. The body instantly changed from forward to retreating. At the same time, there was a huge impact. This pair of Divine Race used the body of a mobile angel. A large area of ​​cracks appeared on the surface, and various parts and armor fragments were scattered.

Originally, after the attack on Divine Race with a mobile angel, I had a post-recruitment, but because this scene was so unexpected, I even forgot the follow-up attack. The entire battlefield was strangely plunged into dead silence.

Gudong swallowed, I adjusted my facial muscles a bit before I dared to face this Siberian Divine Race girl again. Although I previously guessed that this girl might be more powerful than that brother, I didn’t expect to be much more powerful, but now it seems that my previous decision to use mobile angels for Divine Race is really a magical stroke because of me. I'm pretty sure, if it wasn't for that decision, even if it wasn't me who had become a piece of land now, I wouldn't be any better.

When you hear the name of Divine Race with the mobile angel, you know that it is specifically used to fight Divine Race, and what are the weaknesses of Divine Race’s battle strength? Just because Divine Race is very good, it is also good for Divine Race to use mobile angels. After all, you can fight Divine Race. How can you not force it? However, it is this kind of maneuver angel designed to fight Divine Race that was easily made out of this virtue by the girl. Is this girl rare beast in disguise? speaking of which this kind of probability is really there! We must know that the chaos and order of our guild, Divine Race, there is no shortage of girls in this rare beast disguise. For example, Peacock, although she looks very beautiful, but in fact the deity is an ancient demonic beast peacock, and there are several very difficult to deal with girls in Divine Race, which are actually monsters. . Now it seems that this 80% is also a monster-level existence, and it is definitely a foreign aid from the Siberian Divine Race who doesn't know where to get it, because they themselves are impossible to make this level existence. After all, Divine Race is not a big fat pig. It doesn't mean that you can fatten up in a short time with a little feed.

"This battle strength is too illegal, isn't it?" After murmured to myself, I looked towards the remaining mobile angels for Divine Race, and then I thought about it or ordered them all to support the pull. Damantes forget it. It’s not cheap to use mobile angels for Divine Race. Knowing that this girl used mobile angels for Divine Race is almost the same as opening a box, I’m not so stupid to waste the resources of my guild. As for how to deal with this super monster girl in front of me... Don't we still have our own Divine Race.

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