Despite the sudden increase of a large amount of debt, Kakuda Ichiro quickly recovered from the tangled emotions and became extremely excited. Leaving aside the debts, at least this Divine Item is already in hand. The feeling of actually holding a Divine Item is really... so cold.

In fact, because the previous weapon did not belong to him, Kakuda Ichiro couldn't see all the attributes of this thing when he saw this weapon. What he saw was only some of the attributes that I opened to him. At that time, Kakuda Ichiro's thought was: Since half of the attributes are so good, it doesn't matter if the rest are garbage attributes. However, what Kakuda Ichiro actually didn't know was that this knife was nothing ordinary.

In fact, think about it from another angle. If it is really such a good thing, will I keep it for now? There are indeed not many people in our guild who use Japanese swords, but if it is a particularly good thing, will we leave it alone?

Of course, from a certain point of view, this weapon is indeed quite powerful, and it is even comparable to my eternal, Matsumoto's light god. However, although the output attribute alone is not much different from our weapon, this sword has a very terrifying attribute-the master devourer.

Most players have never seen the attribute of the master, because something with this attribute is really too rare. Anyway, besides this sword, I have only seen one piece of equipment with a sword. The main attribute, and that thing is currently lying in the warehouse of our guild, no one dares to use it.

Why don't you say that no one dares to use the equipment with the main attribute? Because this is a long-lasting curse, not only will continue to affect the player himself in the battle, but more terribly, this thing will also seriously threaten the security of the player's character account.

Some people may find it strange. If the equipment itself interferes with the player's battle, this is understandable, but how can a weapon threaten the player's account security? The answer is yes. This thing can really threaten the player's account, and the reason is that the word "Cheating the Lord" is not a metaphor, but a description of the actual situation. This attribute will continue to heat up according to the intensity of the player’s battle. Players must always pay attention to the value of this attribute and not let it enter the active state, because once this attribute enters the active state, it will really start to eat its own use. It is not simply eating your body, but eating your attributes. The various attributes of the player will be swallowed randomly by this guy with a certain speed, and during this period, all the player's battle strength indicators will be increased by more than ten times.

Let's put it this way. If an ordinary player holds a weapon that has activated the Lord Devourer attribute against me, even if he still can’t beat me, he can definitely push me into a mess. If it’s a slightly more powerful first-line player, then get this weapon. You can completely surpass me. However, although the formidable power of this thing will greatly increase when it swallows the master, because the swallowed attribute disappears forever, the loss for the player is actually worse than the drop. If you just drop the level, you just need to practice and come back. It's just some time wasted. However, if the attribute value is swallowed, it cannot be retrieved. Although the attribute value will still rise after the upgrade, it is still very difficult to upgrade because your level has not dropped. Besides, the attributes of others are the base attribute multiplied by the level plus some additional attribute points obtained before, but your attribute becomes the level multiplied by the base attribute point and then minus the swallowed attribute, this plus The gap between one reduction will be infinitely widened. Moreover, the master bitter does not mean that it will be done by eating just a little bit. This attribute will continue to eat your attributes as long as it is activated, and if you do not exit this state, you will soon be eaten up all the attributes, becoming a level of more than one thousand, but the attribute value is only equivalent to Novice Village The player's waste.

Even if you are killed back to Novice Village, you only need to re-train the level. After all, it is very fast to upgrade when the level is low. However, after the main attribute is still eaten by the empty shell, because your level is still so high, the EXP required to upgrade is still astronomical, but because the attribute is too low, you can't reach the level at all. There is no experience in killing low-level blame. If you can't beat high-level blame, this account is basically destroyed. Unless the number is deleted and re-trained, it is simply useless.

In fact, it’s really going to be gnawed into an empty shell. It’s great to delete the account and re-train it. Although it can be regarded as a heavy loss, but also not to say that it is completely hopeless. The real headache is after some attributes have been gnawed away. If you want to delete the number, this character has a very high level, and the attributes left are not too few, so if you just delete it like this, it always feels very bad. But if you continue to use it without deleting the number, it will be even more depressing. Because the attribute is lower than the normal value, leveling and everything will be slower, and because people with the same battle strength as yours are lower than you, so they must be upgraded faster than you, which will cause the later the later stage. Not comparable to others, and the gap will be widened.

You may already understand this. What the master attribute eats is not the body of the Master, but the potential. After being patronized by this attribute, your development potential will decline, and if the time is long enough, even someone like me with an exaggerated attribute advantage will become a wasteful existence. Therefore, this kind of attribute is just like biochemical weapons, which makes people completely avoid it. As long as there is a little choice, normal people will instinctively try not to touch this thing as much as possible. It can be said that things with a master-biter attribute are born to deceive people. No matter how good an attribute is, not many people dare to use it.

Of course, since there are such things in the game, it means that they are also valuable. In fact, the Lord-Eater attribute is not a terminally ill existence. If you can precisely control this attribute like a machine, you can even use it to become a superhuman existence.

Although the main devouring attribute is hugely harmful, it does not take effect when you encounter it, but you need to use this equipment to fight, and in the battle this main devouring attribute will start to accumulate energy as if charging. The more intense you fight, the faster this thing can accumulate energy, and as long as you stop fighting, this thing will start to cool down. As long as you control the rhythm and always ensure that this thing is not 100% active, then this thing is actually The harm to the owner is nothing. Moreover, there is also a high level application, which is what I call a good use case.

When the main devourer attribute reaches the critical point, it will not eat your attribute immediately, but will eat your attribute at a rate of one attribute per second. This speed is absolutely very fast. According to this speed, even if the attribute value exceeds the standard, as long as it is swallowed for an hour or two, the potential or anything basically does not exist, and if it exceeds four hours, then Basically it's a waste. However, if you can precisely control this critical point and ensure that the main attribute will fall back to the inactive state in less than one second after activation, then it will not swallow your attribute.

This kind of thing sounds crazy, and it looks silly. But in fact this is an exploitable loophole. After the master devourer attribute is activated, it will increase the player's total attribute value by ten times, basically equivalent to let you enter the superman mode. This increase takes effect at the moment when the master bite is activated, there is no one-second interval, and it takes one second for the master bite attribute to deduct your attribute before the deduction starts. There is an extra time within one second. That is to say, in less than one second from the activation of the Lord Eater to one second after it was activated, not only did you gain ten times the attribute, but you did not lose anything because of it. Of course, you will be deducted the attribute in the next second. But within this second, you didn't lose anything and you got a tenfold attribute for nothing.

Therefore, as long as you control the rhythm, let the Lord Eater activate each time, and then quickly cool down, and never let its activation time reach one second, you can use this tenfold attribute repeatedly without losing the attribute at all. value.

Does this method sound like a bunker?

Of course, as long as people with no intellectual problem know that this method is just theoretical data rather than actual operation, because in reality you can’t be sure that you can control the activation time within one second, because Cooling is not done instantaneously. After you enter the activated state, the calorific value of the activated state is still rising. If the calorific value drops below the activation standard, you need to stand still for a period of time. But the problem is that the range of calorific value beyond is uncertain. This data is affected by the intensity of your battle, so one second may not be enough for you to cool down, so it is very likely to exceed one second. Moreover, even if the calorific value accumulated after activation is very small, you still need at least the corresponding time to cool down, that is to say, in fact, at least 0.5 seconds of this second time must be used for cooling, and the time to be able to fight Less than 0.5 seconds.

Although such harsh conditions cannot be said that no one can do it, I believe that no one can guarantee that he will never make a mistake. Once you make a mistake, there will be obstacles in your heart, and then you will be more afraid of making mistakes. After a few more visits, no one will dare to continue using it.

So, although this method sounds like a bunker, no one dares to use it, and few people can actually use it.

Of course, it's not that no one can use this ability, because I know that Rose and Ziyue can easily do this kind of thing. Because we are all Dragon Clan, the neural reflex speed is much faster than human beings. Humans basically cannot achieve precise control at one-second intervals, but we can do it. Therefore, the three of us can actually use this method. . However, considering the fact that there are not many equipment with the main devouring attribute, we have not really planned to use such equipment.

Of course Kakuda Ichiro knows that he is not a superman, so he is very self-aware. After seeing this master devouring attribute, he has made up his mind to never let this devouring attribute activate. At worst, he will find that devouring master later When the attribute is about to reach the critical point, change the spare weapon and hit it first, and wait until the main devouring attribute of this weapon cools down before using it. This method is the safest.

However, even if the master-biter attribute is not activated, this thing is not so useful, because the master-biter attribute has an impact on the player itself even if it is not activated, but this is not a permanent effect. That's it. Kakuda Ichiro's mood was really complicated when he looked at this thing.

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