"Don't cut his armor, look for weakness!" August Yuexun shouted.

"Weak underbelly?" Kakuda Ichiro stepped back and wanted to see where this guy was not blocked by the armor, but he looked up and down, left and right, but he couldn't find anyone who could directly see the meat. place. "Damn, how can this guy have weaknesses?"

"This idiot!" The Ying Yu Shen Hina hanging on that guy's back gave up his wand, and suddenly hugged that guy's head. Pulled back with the strength of the whole body, and the guy couldn't resist the whole body strength of the Yingyu Divine Young, the neck was forced to bend back to reveal his throat, and then I saw the link of the guy's neck. An open gap appeared under the nail-like piece.

The area covered by this guy's armor is definitely one of the very best for Kakuda Ichiro, even his neck is protected. But after all, a human neck is a part that moves around frequently, so it cannot be protected by a whole piece of plate armor and can only be protected by a movable structure. This guy’s neck uses a link structure similar to the carapace on an armadillo. This structure is a bit similar to blinds, except that it is circular rather than straight. The advantages of this link-shaped structure are obvious, that is, it can be both mobile while ensuring protection, but the shortcomings of this thing are equally obvious, that is, once the neck is bent back to the limit state, the link structure is It will be opened at a large angle like a shutter. Although the top is still closed, the angle below has a funnel-like gathering effect, so just aim at this opening and insert it, if the weapon is not too bad. The next can usually be inserted directly into the opponent's armor.

Hearing the reminder of the Sakura Rain, Ichiro Kakuda immediately saw the gap in the open armor, and then quickly rushed up, a lightning-like sword shot from the gap in the armor of the guy’s back. Inserted into it. Feeling the severe pain coming from the throat, the Siberian Divine Race forcibly twisted the Sakura Rain god young back and clamped Kakuda Ichiro's blade with the gap in the armor of the throat. Glancing at the stuck blade in surprise, Kakuda Ichiro suddenly released his hand to hold the handle of the knife with his left hand, followed the right hand to loosen it and pointed it into a palm, slapped it up against the handle of the knife. Accompanied by a harsh metal rubbing sound, Kakuda Ichiro’s blade immediately rubbed a string of fire stars against the gap in the armor of the Siberian Divine Race, and the blade itself directly penetrated the guy’s throat and penetrated deeply into his neck. Among.

After a successful move, Kakuda Ichiro himself held the hilt a little uncertainly, and then suddenly let go and walked out. After discovering something, August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Hina also carefully and slowly let go of this guy’s arms and head, but the Siberian Divine Race, who was struggling desperately before, was completely unresponsive. After retiring, the guy's arms slowly moved to his neck and touched the hilt of the sword inserted there. Then it seemed unbelievable. After a little shake, the guy suddenly fell to his knees. He threw himself forward and slammed on the ground like an earthquake, and there was no more movement.

"Damn, where did you run into this guy?" Ichiro Kakuda still felt a little lingering after looking at the Siberian Divine Race that fell to the ground. After August Xun and the others joined forces to seal this guy's actions, they actually worked so hard, this guy is more than difficult to deal with.

"No matter what, I will be killed anyway." Ying Yu Shen Chou said excitedly: "Do you have your own EXP? I have gained one third level experience in one go!"

"There are so many?" Kakuda Ichiro quickly checked his EXP and then exclaimed excitedly: "wa ha ha ha, I actually upgraded! Upgrade upgraded!"

< p>"Okay, okay, don't patronize and be happy. There are a lot of Siberian Divine Races here. Since these guys have such a high EXP, then hurry up and kill a few more. It will only do us good and no harm."

"It makes sense." Kakuda Ichiro ran over and glared at the guy's body and turned him over, then pulled out the long knife stuck in his throat, just waiting to see the blade When he frowned. It's not for nothing, but the blade is deformed. The blade, which had only a slight backward arc, now has an arc even in the horizontal direction, and it is still an irregular arc. The most terrible thing is that the tip of the blade has clearly collapsed.

"Your sword..." Seeing the sword in Kakuda Ichiro's hand, Fire Dragon Ji immediately exclaimed.

Kakuda Ichiro said with a bitter face: "This is over. This is my best assaber. It ran out of durability. What should I do now!"

"No weapons?" Suddenly a question came from behind Kakuda Ichiro.

Ichiro Kakuda, who is still immersed in the depression of losing his weapon, did not even think about replied: "Yes! Although this knife is not suitable for my level anymore, you also know the current market. A good knife is really difficult! Hey... Go back and ask Master Hatoyama to find a way! Maybe you can get some other knives."

"Do you like this?" The long sword like a black pearl suddenly stretched out in front of Kakuda Ichiro.

Kakuda Ichiro, who was still calm in regret and depression, suddenly saw the sword and suddenly remembered that the voice was a man, and before him, there were only Akatsuki Kaoru, Sakura Rain God Hina, and Chi The three sisters of Fire Dragon Ji are right. Kakuda Ichiro, who looked back suddenly, saw me not the enemy but me. Having already dealt with the spoils of war before, I just caught up to them at this time, so I saw that Kakuda Ichiro had lost his main weapon.

Originally, if it was the weapon that August Kaoru and the others handed over, of course Ichiro Kakuda would take it and appreciate it carefully, but this thing is mine, then it's a different matter. Looking at my eyes, and then at the knife, Kakuda Ichiro asked tentatively: "Are you planning to borrow it from me?"

"It's okay to borrow you for a while. But if you want to buy it, it’s okay."

"Can you show me first?" Kakuda Ichiro asked.

I nodded and threw it directly. "This thing is our guild's equipment in the warehouse. Unless you can break the seal and occupy the warehouse, you can't take this thing away. As long as I think about it, it will return to my hand."

Kakuda Ichiro didn't struggle with this issue, but caught the long knife and examined it carefully. Unlike most players who can’t wait to check the attributes right after they get the equipment, Kakuda Ichiro first raised the blade with the tip of the blade to his eyes to see if the blade was straight enough, and then used both index fingers to hold the two blades. After weighing it, he quickly pinched the blade with his left hand and moved the index finger of the right hand to a certain position in the middle of the back of the blade. Released the left hand and held the long knife with one finger. Watching the head and handle tremble up and down. It stabilized at once.

Seems to be very satisfied. After trying these, Kakuda Ichiro held the handle of the knife again and flicked the knife body close to the ear with his fingers. A special vibrato immediately sounded, and the sound was a bit strange. , Is not crisp, but also has some continuous diacritics.

"Good knife." Kakuda Ichiro started to check the attributes of this knife after speaking, and immediately cried out in surprise. "This is a Divine Item?"

"Do you think the things I took out are ordinary goods?"

Kakuda Ichiro shook his head and checked the attributes of this long knife again. , The result is that the more I look at it, the more uncontrollable exclaims continue. "There is such a Divine Item, which is really amazing. This is a great knife!"

"No, this is not a great knife, you think I won’t keep it. Will someone give it to you?"

"That's what I said!" After sighing, Kakuda Ichiro asked, "Then why did you suddenly think of selling this thing to me? You don't always don't 't let one's own fertile water flow into others' field?"

"Too much fertile water is a flood. There are not many players in our guild who use knives, not to mention that this is a specialized type The Japanese sword of Japan can be used by fewer people, and it would be a waste to put it there. Selling it to you can actually revitalize the funds, so why not do it?"

"You can think about it," said Kakuda Ichiro. After that, he asked casually: "How much is it?"

"A price of 8.5 million crystal coins."

"pu...Why don't you grab it?"

"Divine Item is already very cheap at this price, are you still too expensive?"

"But this price is a bit too high!"

< p>"Things are rare and expensive. Don't just want to be too expensive." I feel confident anyway. Divine Item this thing is originally a priceless thing, and besides, it is still a weapon that meets its attribute requirements. The price is definitely not high. In fact, if it weren't for Ichiro Kakuda's future, I would simply not sell him this weapon. Although Japanese swords are indeed not used by many people in our guild, this is not something that needs to be dealt with, so Ichiro Kakuda can get this is definitely walked the lucky dog ​​excrement.

Ichiro Kakuda stretched out his hand to stop my movement as I was about to put away the knife. "Wait, I didn't say no."

"Is that right. This is something that may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. If you don’t have something, people want to return it. I can’t get it."

When I heard my words, Ichiro Kakuda said in embarrassment, "What, I don’t have so much cash in my hand, can I pay in installments?"

" Damn, what do you think I am doing? Pay in installments? I didn't want to come out. Don't pull it down." I said and went to grab the knife again.

Ichiro Kakuda quickly hid the long knife back when he saw my action, and then shouted: "Pay in full and pay in full. I will borrow the money, and I will borrow it from Masaga Matsumoto."

"That's OK, I will take back the things temporarily, and then ask me after you borrow the money." I said turned over the palm and the knife came into my hand. Kakuda Ichiro looked at his empty hands and could only do it . This thing is still from our Frost Rose League, and there is a seal on it. As long as it is not removed, I can summon this thing to my side like summon, so no matter how Kakuda Ichiro grabs it, it is useless.

The helpless Kakuda Ichiro can only go to Matsumoto Masaka first, and then he can follow my weapon. Fortunately, Matsumoto Masaka is now in the vicinity with two mobile angels against Divine Race. A Siberian Divine Race, because of the great movement, it was quickly discovered.

Seeing Masaka Matsumoto fighting over there, Ichiro Kakuda immediately seemed to go to help, but it took two steps to remember that his main weapon passed away, and now it’s simply impossible to rush up. Fight! In desperation, he could only hold an auxiliary weapon next to Masaka Matsumoto to lay hands, and if he was cold, he would cause a little trouble for the Siberian Divine Race.

The Siberian Divine Race is not as powerful as the one captured by the three of them in August. It is already surrounded by perils in the face of Masaka Matsumoto and two mobile angels against Divine Race. , Kakuda Ichiro’s addition quickly produced the effect of the last straw, completely overturning the Siberian Divine Race.

After killing this Siberian Divine Race, Kakuda Ichiro quickly grabbed Matsumoto Masaka, and then said somewhat embarrassingly: "That...Matsu this Monarch, discuss something with you."


"What are you doing? Just talk about it, what are you doing?" Masaka Matsumoto looked at Kakuda Ichiro in surprise, but he almost didn't stop laughing in his heart. In fact, I just used the communicator and Masaka Matsumoto to pass the qi, but Masaka Matsumoto pretended not to know. It is said that Masaka Matsumoto lent this money to Ichiro Kakuda, but in fact it was borrowed by us. However, considering the relationship between us and the Japanese players, the cooperation process is negligible. Once the cooperation is over, Kakuda Ichiro will probably not repay the money. Therefore, this borrower can only be Matsumoto Masaka, not us, because Kakuda Ichiro doesn’t repay our money, no one will say anything to him, but if he doesn’t pay Matsumoto Masaka’s money, then the Japanese player will not give him a good face. .

Looking at Matsumoto Masaga like this, Kakuda Ichiro also knew that sooner or later he was going to say it, so he could only say sorry: "That... actually my previous weapon was damaged in the battle, so... …"

Matsumoto didn’t ask at all when he heard this, he took out a long knife from his body and handed it over in a very generous manner, saying: "What do I do? Yeah. Hey, let’s use my spare weapon first."

"no no no, I didn’t mean that." I don’t know Masaka Matsumoto’s explanation was deliberate by Kakuda Ichiro, who had smashed it. Said: "I just found that there is a good war knife on the Frost Rose League..."

"Hey, are you trying to grab something from the Frost Rose League?" Masaga Matsumoto opened Kakuda Ichiro again I played a joke, pretending to be really surprised and said: "Don't forget that we are still working together. Now we will suffer double punishment for the Frost Rose League!"

" Of course I know that I have to suffer double punishment, but, ah, you fainted." Kakuda Ichiro patted his mouth and said again: "I mean I want to buy it, and President Purple Moon has agreed. Now."

"Then you can buy it. Come and ask me what I am doing?" Matsumoto Masaga continued to pretend to be innocent.

"I think! But the ten Divine Item items cost 8.5 million crystal coins. Where can I get so much money?"

Masho Matsumoto After listening to He, he pretended to nod his head and said: "Although 8.5 million crystal coins are a lot, it is a Divine Item after all, and it is the sword you need most. As long as the attribute is not bad, the price is quite fair. "

"The attribute is not bad." Kakuda Ichiro said with some excitement: "The attribute of that thing should be considered medium in Divine Item, and more importantly, this The attributes of the knife are in perfect harmony with my abilities, and the casting person is a Master, the weight and center of gravity are just right, and it is perfect in terms of the feel."

"If it is really so good, 8.5 million crystal coins are even more cost-effective." Masaka Matsumoto said: "You know that the ghost Nobunaga just bought a small katana from the international market some time ago, right? An ordinary Divine Item, Attribute is basically the bottom of the Divine Item. The price was 9 million crystal coins. Although the actual transaction price was only 8 million, you know the difference between a small katana and a sword. You know better than me. A good Divine Item-level katana can sell for 8 million crystal coins. How does your war knife attribute suit you? Ten million crystal coins are definitely worth it!"

"Yes!" Kakuda Ichiro Excitedly said: "So I just shaved my face to borrow money from you!"

"Are you waiting for me here?" Masaka Matsumoto pretended to be fooled. A very surprised look, and then the conversation turned: "However, it is better to get this thing into our own hands than to stay in the Frost Rose League, which makes people feel at ease. Obviously. I can lend you the money. But you can't pay a penny, right? I won't be able to make up that much money here for a while!"

"no no no. "Ichiro Kakuda hurriedly said: "I can now take out 1.7 million crystal coins. After returning to China, I can also take out 3.5 million crystal coins, which is a total of 5.2 million crystal coins. I need you to help me collect it. Three million three million crystal coins, and I can only return you 1.3 million crystal coins within a few days. The remaining two million may take a long time to pay you back slowly. "

"As long as you don't deliberately default, I don't mind if the time is longer." Masaka Matsumoto said and frowned again: "Unfortunately, I only have two hundred thousand. Crystal coins! What about the remaining part? "

"What? Why are you so little on your body? "Ichiro Kakuda became anxious as soon as he heard it.

Masiga Matsumoto saw Kakuda Ichiro hurriedly and said: "Don't worry, I'll help you get together." I just transferred all the money to the guild's account recently, and others should have it. "Speaking of Matsumoto Masaka, he found August Xuan and the others and asked them one by one. August Xuan and Ying Yu Shen Hina, who had been instructed by me long ago, put together hundreds of thousands of crystal coins, plus one for less than one hundred. Wan, even if you add Matsumoto Masaka’s, it’s still not enough. But when Kakuda Ichiro thought it was out of play this time, Chi Fire Dragon Hime suddenly said, “Borrowing money? I like it best. "I said to Kakuta Ichiro: "I still have nearly 10 million crystal coins, enough for you to use, but I am different from them. My family is the Chamber of Commerce Aristocratic Family. You are impossible for nothing. of. "

"I pay interest. "

"That line, I will help you pay for what you lack. You have to pay off the arrears within one year. The interest is 13%. If you agree, I will pay now. If you don't agree, forget it. "

At this time, even if the interest is 20%, Ichiro Kakuda has to borrow it. Ichiro Kakuda, who reluctantly accepted the unequal treaty, eventually borrowed the remaining part from Chi Fire Dragon Hime, even The 3.5 million crystal coins that can be repaid after going back have paid an extra 100,000 crystal coins interest, which is almost blacker than loan sharks. But now in this case, Kakuda Ichiro can only pinch his nose to recognize it.

"Oh... people are house slaves and car slaves. I am completely turned into a knife slave now! "Looking at the Divine Item sword that I bought with crystal coins that haven't been warmed up in his hand, Ichiro Kakuda's heart was tangled.

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