"Wow, the quality of your Frost Rose League is too bad, right?" Kakuda Ichiro heard that Isinger Mobile Fortress was broken, his first reaction was to mock stand up.

Masaga Matsumoto slapped him from behind and said: "I can fall from that height without falling apart. Isengard’s mobile fortress is already quite strong. Okay, now I’m Delayed time, we hurried to the rescue. If Isinger Mobile Fortress has any homeopathy, we will have to bear half of the cost!"

Matsumoto's previous words were not heard by Kakuda Ichiro, but in the end, The sentence completely activated this guy's emotions, because it was a vital interest.

"Damn, forgot, we have to pay half for this thing!" Kakuda Ichiro howled: "Hurry up, everyone, go back and help."

"But There is a war on it!" said August Xun.

"What happened to the war?" Kakuda Ichiro said: "Do they dare to stop us?"

"It is not a question of daring, but of course." Christina Said: "The Gunners and the people in Russia are not sure whether we can explode, but as long as it is possible, they will not give up, so once they discover our existence, both sides will immediately set us Is the first goal."

"That means we are now acting with a halo of hatred?"


Kakuda Ichiro I looked at the surrounding battlefield, and then suddenly said: "You said that if we made a seabed giant beast and pretended to be the same, would we not be hunted down?"

"seabed giant beast?" When I heard Kakuda Ichiro's words, the first thing I thought of was not those rare beasts in the fighting ocean, but a kind of scene creature-giant tube insect.

The giant tube bug this thing has a large amount of memory in the game, but the area is relatively concentrated. They only live under the deep ocean with a certain depth. These guys will secrete a special substance in the seabed during the larval stage to cast something like a huge pipe, and then hide in it. This tube is equivalent to the shell of a snail to the giant tube worm, and is a defensive item. However, in addition to this defensive item, the giant tube worm also has a special ability. They will synthesize gas in their bodies, forming a compressed air bag. When they loosen the tentacles rooted in the seabed, they will quickly float to the surface of the sea because of the gas in the body. In this process, the volume of the giant tube worm will continue to increase to combat the problem of blood boiling caused by changes in water pressure. If hostile creatures want to chase giant tube worms, they must have the similar ability to resist rapid changes in water pressure, but most creatures actually do not have this ability, so giant tube worms can escape by this method.

Kakuda Ichiro’s method is to find a monster to block us, and then let us leave. In fact, the best way is not to get a fast beast, but to take the initiative to find a giant tube worm and let it We eat.

Giant tube worms generally do not move when they are seabed, but their tentacles can be extended and contracted, so their attack range is quite large. If something approaches, they will grab it and stuff it into the mouth at the bottom of the pipe. In this process, the giant tube worm will use its hard teeth to bite and grind the food, but because the giant tube worm itself is not strong, so with our strength, as long as we don’t mind losing a little health, we can actually carry it. Kind of biting process. And as long as we are swallowed by the giant tube worm, we find a way to attack these guys to fix their tentacles, when the time comes, when the time comes, the giant tube worm will retract the tentacles when the pain is felt, and once there is no fixation of the tentacles, these guys will lose Control to float automatically. When the time comes, we can hide in the mouths of these guys and follow them to the surface to safely pass the War Zone.

In fact, you really want to speak of which, and it’s not impossible to force through this battlefield, but in this case it is inevitable that you will fight and be pursued, so in contrast, it is still this kind of disguise The method is simpler and more efficient.

"Don't say it, it's really a good idea." As I said, I said directly to Kadoichiro and the others: "Quickly, look for giant tube insects nearby."

"You don't mean to...?" Really red guessed what I thought.

"That thing is super disgusting!" Chi Fire Dragon Ji said.

"I can't manage that much now." I said and looked around. Not to mention, this place is really there, and there are a lot of them.

This thing of giant tube worms like to live in groups, so we quickly found a large area in the vicinity. Although Chi Fire Dragon Ji was reluctant, but finally reluctantly took the initiative to feed the giant tube worm under our persuasion. As for the job of letting these guys loose their tentacles, it was handed over to my summon creature. Although the summon creature suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, the ghost worm's loss was not large. Let these guys bite the giant tube worm's tentacles, and the other party will naturally loosen the tentacles because of the pain, and then we just have to float up with these guys.

Using this method we left the battlefield smoothly. Both the Russians and the Americans thought that the giant tube worms had risen because of the shock wave caused by their battle, but what they didn't expect was that we would leave this place in the body of these giant tube worms.

As I gradually rose to the surface, everyone killed the giant tube worms that they were hiding from the inside under my notice, and then got out. There is also a thick layer of ice. Without the flames of Xiaofeng and Ivorite, we can only figure out a solution by ourselves. Fortunately, Christina was present and directly burned all the way up with the Pillar of Flame, and quickly made a big hole enough for everyone to pass through, and then we reached the ice layer smoothly.

"Damn, it's freezing to death!" Kakuda Ichiro immediately started to shiver, who had just emerged from the ice cave below. Although the temperature of the seawater under the ice is not high, everyone knows that the temperature of the ice-water mixture is zero degrees, so the seawater under the ice is actually only zero degrees, not particularly cold. However, the air above the ice surface has a terrifying low temperature that is close to absolute zero. We suddenly went from an environment close to zero to an environment close to absolute zero. This temperature difference is not generally large, especially because there are eight levels in this place. 9 gusts of wind, and all of us are water conditions.

Compared to our warriors, the sisters of the law system are a lot easier, because they use magic shields to isolate the air around them, so it’s like staying in a house. The insulating effect of the magic shield, the impact of low temperature on them has become minimal.

Zhen Hong raised an arm and made a fist. With a click, all the frozen ice shells on his arm were broken and scattered. Satisfied that he looked at the regained agile palm, Zhen Hong turned to me and asked: "Should we use Transmission Scroll now or what should we do? This is the North Pole. Is it too far to fly back to Russia?"

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