The magical machine began to perform special acrobatics in front of us after it appeared. Because its structure is very complex and it uses many active links, the physical focus of this thing is Variable, in addition, because of the asymmetry of the shape, the movement of this thing is irregular, and the result is that it is difficult to judge the posture. Generally, the battles between players have special skills. No matter how flexible the human body is, the mobility is limited after all, so most of the actions of ordinary people can be limited and predictable, and the devil beasts of animals seem to be more flexible than humans. , But that’s just the illusion of fast speed. If you slow down the action, you’ll find that the range of movement of animals in combat is actually not as large as that of humans. So, in fact, we can’t stop the enemy’s attacks mostly because The body's reaction speed can't keep up, not because it can't predict the opponent's actions.

However, this thing in front of me is completely defeated, because this thing is simply an irregular fleas, and its attack seems to be unimaginable. There is simply nothing on this thing that can be called an attack part, because it has an attack part all over it.

The fists and feet that humans rely on for attack, some who have learned special skills will use the knees, elbows, and wrists, but these places are actually not many. Animals have even fewer fighting parts. Claws, tails, and mouths are commonly used to attack the system. Some of them also have wings or horns. Anyway, the attacking parts are fixed. However, in front of this strange machine, the connecting rod in the middle is too thin to be used. Its two symmetrical squares and the heavy hammer on it are almost all attack weapons, which means that there is no need to calculate the attack. Posture, it just hits you. No matter where it hits a person, it can cause harm.

Don’t look at this thing as if it’s just jumping up and hitting people indiscriminately, but the so-called layman watching the lively and insiders watching the doorway, this thing may be rubbish in the eyes of others, but it can be seen in my eyes. Come out its difference.

First of all, this thing really knocked out the real red from the room before. What is really red's specialty? Gravity control! After her last upgrade, her Qianjin Fist Arm has developed into a thousand-ton weapon. The inertia generated by this weapon is absolutely amazing. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Zhenhong collided with the locomotive head-on, she would never fly out. However, that thing actually repelled the real red. Although it was not far away, it was a step back after all. The meaning represented by this is extraordinary.

According to the fact that true red was knocked into the air, I can be sure that this thing is absolutely equipped with a device that can adjust gravity or its own spatial characteristics, no matter which one of them, it will be very A high-end technology.

In addition to this strange technique, there is one more thing. This thing competes with Zhenhong and Masaga Matsumoto. True Red's attack power is very high, and the output is very large. The light Divine Sword in Matsumoto's hands is not ordinary, and it can smash my eternal sword head-on. The attacks of these two people actually did not cause any harm to this thing, which means that if this thing does not have a special energy protection field, it must be of unusual material.

Finally, in addition to the above two important technologies, the self-control ability of this thing is also very strange.

I said before that the bouncing trajectory of this thing is unpredictable. This is a structural problem, not caused by the supervisor’s control. In other words, the intelligence that controls this thing can’t predict it. Bounce landing point. Of course, if there is a high-speed computer, it may be able to keep up with the speed of this thing for real-time dynamic analysis, but the problem is that the artificial intelligence in the game is biased towards the biology department, which is basically weak for this situation. of. So, if the control system of this thing allows it to accurately attack the enemy, it means that it has actually solved the problem of dynamic motion analysis, that is to say, this thing looks weird, but its control core can’t do it. It's even more advanced than our mobile angel.

Of course, the above are all my guesses. If this thing is really the same as I thought, then it will be the most valuable invention we have seen so far. Of course, even if this thing is taken back, we will not make something similar. After all, this shape is really weird, and besides defense, it is actually not very useful in normal combat.

The reason why we can't do anything about this thing is because of its strange ability, but more because this guy is backed by the research data storage center we pay attention to. In other words, we are afraid to use all of our huge might tricks, and can only fight close combat with this thing. In fact, everyone has seen the close combat ability of this thing. It is really too strong.

Because of the current situation, we can only fight against it in what it is good at, so we have to deal with it carefully, so that neither Zhenhong nor Matsumoto can get this thing and are hit Return.

After quickly analyzing the characteristics of this thing in my mind, I did not rush forward recklessly, but directly shouted to the real red beside me: "Attract its attention."

"Huh?" Zhenhong, who originally thought I would rush up, suddenly heard this and her first reaction was to be stunned, and then suddenly reacted and started quickly, and moved towards the thing and threw back.

That thing seems to have its own surveillance system. After seeing Zhenhong rushing up, it immediately took off on the spot, and moved towards Zhenhong again and ran into it. Although Zhenhong can't beat this thing, but her power is there after all, even if it is not an opponent, it will not be much worse, so Zhenhong went up with a heavy punch and one of the squares of the thing still in the air collided with it. Together.

With a muffled sound, the square that was hit by the thing stopped in place, and the red was blocked, but the thing was divided into two parts, although among them One block was hit and stopped, but the other block turned over from behind because of inertia like a nunchaku. moved towards The red head was smashed.

Thanks to his good fighting instinct, Zhen Hong felt the block hitting his head, and quickly raised his left arm to block it. Unfortunately, there was a swing arm and a heavy hammer on the side of the block. As a result, this thing After the main square was blocked, it smashed down from the side, impartially leaning on the red back in the center.

pu' sound, really red spurt a mouthful of blood directly, the whole person flew forward, and at this time, the square bounced back by itself again, but it was just in it At the moment of the jump, a red beam suddenly flew over from the data room, hit the object directly in the air, blasted it off the side, and smashed it into the side wall.

The thing popped out soon after it was blown up, but before it took off again, a big hand fell from the sky and grabbed the thing directly.

My control spirit, Vajra, used two hands to pinch the two squares respectively, and then clenched tightly to prevent it from escaping, although the thing kept jumping and struggling after being caught , But helpless, there is simply no room for resistance.

In fact, after seeing the situation where this thing played against Real Red before, I have already seen the weakness of this thing. Although its attack is very strong, its nature is not the same as true red's power.

True red’s powerful output comes from huge kinetic energy, which means that the weight of the true red fist itself is very heavy. However, the reason why that cube can withstand the real red attack is not because of its weight, but a kind of ability similar to a space anchor.

When Real Red attacks this guy, it can fix any of the two squares that make up its body using the space system spell, and the power to attack it will be transferred to the space barrier. , Unless Zhenhong uses large-scale skills to output the power that can destroy the barriers of space at one time, otherwise, it is absolutely unshakable. And because this thing itself cannot be shaken, the strength of True Red will bounce back and shook herself up. In other words, the reason why True Red will be repelled is not because that thing is greater than her kinetic energy, but because of her own. The power is too great.

After understanding the principle of how this thing can withstand real red attacks, the rest is much simpler. It can withstand gravitational attacks because it can embed itself on the barrier of space, but its own strength is actually not great, so as long as it is controlled when it is not moving, then it is likely to be unable to break free. Because it seems that the speed of the rocket is not very fast as soon as it comes up. The attack of this thing requires acceleration from a distance to generate formidable power. And if it is pinched, its strength to struggle when it cannot accumulate kinetic energy is actually very weak. As for the pendulums on those two squares, that's not even a problem. The two pendulums simply have no power on the premise that they are not moving, and naturally they will not produce any lethality.

After holding this thing, Vajra pulled it to the sides according to my order, oh la la, the bearing in the middle of this thing was pulled off directly, and then the two that Vajra threw down were separated The cubes are jumping on the ground like two vibrating eggs, but they don’t raise at all.

"Fuck me, did you solve it so easily?" Masaka Matsumoto looked at the ground jumping around. The two separated squares that were not lethal were surprised.

Christina said to me: "How can it be simple? President Purple Moon discovered the working principle of this thing at a glance, and then killed it. This is a combination of vision and technology. Moreover, Do you think that the red destruction beam you just launched was casually launched? It's also a matter of timing."

"That said, it's really not simple." Kakuda Ichiro walked over and took a look. Christina and Matsumoto Masaka then asked, "Should we go in and get the information before we talk?"

Of course I don’t have any problems with Nobunaga Onitou. The two boxes were installed, and then they entered the database behind them first.

Because our Frost Rose League has crystal technology from Atlantis, all our data is recorded using crystal technology products. It's like everyone started to reduce the use of paper after having a computer. Now that we have Crystal Technology, why bother to copy on paper? In reality, there are hackers, so for the sake of security, some things are recorded on paper instead of computers, but there are no hackers in the game. Besides, what's the use of hackers? The Crystal Network here has only one central computer, which is the God of War. Moreover, all crystal communicators are just transceivers, without the programming function of a computer, it is naturally impossible to engage in hacking.

The Russians didn’t know the Atlanteans, so they didn’t have our crystal technology, but what surprised us was that the Russians did not use paper to record their technological data, but A device with game characteristics is used.

"Damn, what is this?" Although we have already asked the prisoners who were caught before, this place is the data storage area, but when we enter it, we can really see what is in front of us. We were dumbfounded for a moment when we were doing things.

What appeared in front of us was not the kind of library that we imagined like a super library, but a huge machine, a machine that looked like a Heavenspan Pagoda.

This thing is roughly cylindrical, but there are equilateral triangular lateral supports at the bottom, a bit like the tail of a rocket, but the structure is rarely different. In addition to the rocket-like structure, the surface material of this thing is also very special. It seems to be a crystal-like thing, and there are rays of light of various colors on it in a fairly regular way. Flashing.

When I first saw this thing, my first reaction was that it was a large computer, but when I looked closely, I found that the base of this thing was a little different. A circle of special crystals can be seen on this base, and these crystals emit one after another beam to form a cage-like shielding layer. The crystal-like structure seen before is this energy barrier. The reflection caused by the angle problem. In other words, the huge crystal tower in front of you does not actually exist, it is just an optical effect formed by an energy confinement device.

"What is this? A quantum computer?" Masaga Matsumoto looked at the unreal item in front of him in surprise and asked stupidly.

August Xun said uncertainly: "Why do I feel the breath of undead magic?"

"No, you feel right, this is the undead spell." Christie Na walked over and looked at the barrier, and then said: "This is a variant of the Spirit Locking Formation, and there are some unique designs that I haven't seen before. I can be sure that this thing uses a very special design. It is a newly designed magic array. In terms of functions, I can only see the abilities of restraint and locking, and some of them need to be analyzed to know."

Kakuda Ichiro looked at Christina in surprise and asked Said: "You can see so many things just by looking at it?"

Christina said disdainfully: "When you reach my level, you will understand that these things are in the possession of a wizard like ours. It looks like the text in a book, just read it out directly, without thinking about it."

Although Kakuda Ichiro was ridiculed, he didn't say anything, but asked: " So can you be sure what this thing is?"

"A cage." Christina's answer was super simple.

"Cage?" Ying Yu Shen Chou asked in surprise: "Is this a cage to restrain the soul?"

"I am afraid it is." I walked over and looked at it. The magic array underneath, and then said: "Remember the soul storage tank that our guild uses? It is very similar to this. But the volume of this gadget designed by the Russians is N times larger than ours!" < /p>

"The technology gap is still deliberate?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

Chi Fire Dragon Ji said: "It's probably a technological gap."

Christina said next to: "Not exactly. I just tried to analyze the underlying magic array. The structure of this device is not as backward as imagined. On the contrary, the technology of this thing is quite advanced, even better than our Frost Rose League."

"Better than ours?" I have always thought the same as Masaga Matsumoto before, thinking that Russian players just developed something similar to our guild’s storage tank, and it was so heavy, so I never took it seriously. However, I suddenly learned from Christina that this thing developed by Russian players is even more advanced than what our guild uses. This is a bit scary.

"Are you sure?" I looked at Christina in surprise and confirmed.

Christina shook her head: "Not too sure, but it feels more advanced than ours."

"Why can't I be sure if I feel advanced?" Masaka Matsumoto Asked.

Christina thought for a while and wanted to explain: "Many of the structures on the magic array are more advanced than ours, but some of them are strange. The magic array structure is very complicated, and these complicated structure parts look like patches on the clothes. Imagine a gorgeous Princess skirt with a few dim patches on it, you say the dress is in the end Is it more gorgeous than ordinary clothes or more earthy?"

Hearing Christina's explanation, we can completely understand her so-called uncertainty. In fact, we also heard Christina’s unspoken implication. Christina's meaning is actually very clear, which is to tell us that the thing designed by Russian players should be modified using existing technology.

"This thing was not made by Russian players?" Kakuda Ichiro also heard what Christina meant.

Christina shook her head and said: "Things should indeed be made by Russian players, but they should copy some foreign technology they discovered, and they don’t quite understand the finished product, so they designed it. The structure is messy. It can be determined that the technical sample they obtained should be an incomplete sample. Therefore, they have lost a part of the important structure and can only find a way to make it up, but because they do not have similar technology, they can only find a way to bypass it. The original technology uses additional technology to repair the original magic array structure. The result is just like superfluous. The magic array structure has become extremely complicated. Not only has the operating efficiency dropped a lot, but the manufacturing cost must have also risen a lot. . But it’s really difficult for those Russian players, they can use such a broken sample to copy a set of finished machines, which in itself can be regarded as a level."

"It looks like their evaluation of you. Is it quite high!" Kakuda Ichiro said.

Christina glanced at the corner Tianichiro and said: “It’s not that I have a high opinion of them, but the technology of this thing is indeed very complicated. The ability to repair this magical array at least shows that Russian players are in this respect. The level of technology is quite good. But the structure of this thing seems to be quite incomplete, and many of its functions should have disappeared. The remaining part is a very simple small part, I can barely see it now Restriction and introduction of two abilities."

"Wait and so on." Masaka Matsumoto hurriedly called to stop: "I can understand the restriction. After all, I can feel the energy on this thing. The energy that needs restriction is It's normal, but you said'import'? What can this thing import?"

"I don't know." Christina's answer was super straightforward, and we were all choked up here.

Seeing our strange expressions, Christina can only say again: "I just don’t know! You see me useless! The power of this thing is very strange, the magic structure above should be able to respond The external stimulus thus introduces something into the interior, but it is definitely not a substantial introduction."

"Not a substantial introduction?" August Xun asked: "Is it introducing energy?"


"It shouldn't be either." Christina said: "This thing can indeed introduce energy, but depending on the magic structure and the quality of the crystal stone on it, if it really introduces energy, the intensity of the energy flow will A few days of importing volume is not enough for a Fireball Technique. Therefore, if it is importing energy, the speed is too slow."

"Do you think this thing might be importing data? That's it?" Gold coin suddenly said such a sentence, making us all stunned.

Seeing everyone was stunned, gold coin began to explain: "I think it is possible! You think! The previous captives said that this is the data storage place, and there seems to be nothing except this thing. Other things. So, this thing is mostly used to store data. Then, if it is a data logger, then this thing definitely needs input and output, so this import magic array may be used to import data using energy changes Just like the network communication used on our computer, you can use electrical or optical signals to input data. This thing is probably the use of magic energy as a data carrier to complete the data import."

Just after such an explanation, we immediately shine, because according to gold coin's explanation, this thing in front of us is really an energy form data logger.

Christina suddenly said: "If this thing is an energy version of the data logger, doesn't it mean that all the data in it does not actually exist, and that it only depends on the activity signal of the energy form? "

As soon as we heard Christina's words, we were immediately surprised, because Christina's words translated means-as long as the energy disappears, the data will not exist. The actual function of this thing is like the memory in the computer. When there is power, everything is easy to say. Once the memory is powered off, all the data in it will disappear instantly. The thing in front of me may be the same thing as the memory. It is different from the hard disk using a physical recording method. Even if there is no energy support, the data will not be lost. This kind of energy record will disappear as soon as the energy is exhausted.

It is not difficult to understand this dangerous recording method. On the surface, this recording method seems dangerous, because once the energy is cut off, all the data recorded in it will disappear instantly, which seems to be a very insecure storage method for important research data. But if we think about it from another angle. In battle, what happens if the enemy wants to snatch this energy form technology?

First, because data is energy, and because of the characteristics of energy composition, it is equivalent to being born with encryption capabilities. If you don't use special equipment to read, you can only get a bunch of garbled codes. The cracking may be completed, but the time is almost calculated in years.

Secondly, even if you have a way to crack it. How do you carry this kind of energy form data? Normal people will definitely not carry energy storage tanks with them. Such things are used in a narrow range and are basically used by guilds. How can individual players carry such things with them? Of course, players who construct creature types do bring this thing, but that type of player itself is very rare, and it is even more unlikely to get here.

With this quantitative feature, this data becomes very difficult to steal, and even if it is stolen, it cannot be read. Moreover, there are several important points in it. One is that the destruction of this thing is very simple. As long as the energy supply is cut off after discovering a problem here, all the data here will be lost immediately, and naturally there will be nothing to steal.

In addition to this anti-theft function, the data itself of this energy form is also very concealed, because unless it is someone like us who already knows a little bit of relevant knowledge, most of the ordinary players surround this I don’t know where the data is when I go around a few times.

Also, because this energy data is energy itself, although the enemy is not easy to steal, as a Russian player who understands how it works, it’s much easier to transfer the data, whether it’s an energy pipeline or It is an energy transfer storage device, which can easily take away the data like transferring data on a computer, and can also be copied and deleted at will, and the operation is extremely simple.

Of course, the above are all the benefits of this data format, and finally when it comes to the security of the data itself... It's actually very simple, just use two more backup servers.

Because data is difficult to take away, a larger number of backup servers does not affect security. Even if a data is lost due to a sudden energy disconnection, as long as the energy supply is restored afterwards, the other equipment Just copy the data back, it's simply not a major event.

For this advantage, we thought about it clearly, so we were so panicked, because we have now entered here and it can be said that the Russian players have already known it, and if the opponent cuts off the energy supply now ……

There is a kind of person called Crow’s Mouth, which means that anything bad will happen when you say it, and we don’t know if anyone has a crow brain, because we haven’t had time to say, that unfortunate The thing really happened.

"Damn, the energy response of this thing is declining!" Christina's sudden exclamation made us all stunned, and then we all panicked.

The energy drop means that the external energy supply of this thing has been cut off. Although this thing will not lose all its energy immediately, this thing probably won’t be installed with a back battery or the like, because Cutting off the energy to destroy the data itself is an anti-theft measure. Naturally, you will not prepare a backup energy pool to allow you time to steal information slowly.

Although we are all about to become ants on the hot pot now, it's useless to be anxious if we can't figure out a way. Fortunately, most of us here are high-level personnel who understand a little bit, so we won't be blinded yet. After a few seconds of hesitation, I heard Christina suddenly react, and then ran directly from the huge machine, and then stared at the floor as if looking for something.

Seeing her reaction, of course we know that Christina must have thought of a way, but we don’t know what she is looking for, and we dare not ask, for fear of interrupting her thoughts, we are The same as the cat's paw heart.

Fortunately, Christina is not short-selling now, and she quickly settled her own business, suddenly pointed to a place and shouted to me: "President, hurry up, cut this place. Use big Recruit!"

I also know that the time is urgent, of course, there is no time to explain. Going up directly is to cut the ground directly with a sword, and then Zhenhong walks over and doesn’t care about the actual situation. Opened.

As the ground was opened, a layer of pipes was immediately exposed below. The height of this pipeline layer is only two meters, and it is full of densely packed pipelines, and now many of the pipelines have been cut off by me just now. Some of these pipelines seem to still transport special substances, but they are still emitting blue gel outwards.

"What should I do now?" After seeing the following situation, we focused our attention on Christina.

Christina also lived up to expectations, so she jumped down, then pinched one of the cables that seemed to have the thickness of an arm, and said to Zhenhong: "Clean up all the lines over there. Drop it and make room for us. President, come and help me cut off all the other cables outside this cable. I need this one. Be careful not to break it."

" Is this to power this thing?" We are not idiots, and now we can guess what Christina means.

Matsumoto Masaga and Kakuda Ichiro jumped down together, and cut off all the nearby cables in two strokes, while Akatsuki Kaoru and Sakurayu Shinhina caught us on it and digged. The cable that came out to power the device was routed to the ground a little bit.

"What should I do now?" Cleaned up the messy cables nearby, and finally figured out the line to power this device, we can only look at Christina, because although we know Christie Na is going to provide energy to this thing, but she doesn't know how to input it.

Kristina did not waste time, and directly extended the hand to me: "Do you have an energy converter on your side?"

"What model do you want?" I opened it directly Asked Fenglong Space.

"The kind used by mobile days, no, use battleship. If you have one."

"Battleship use?" I didn't expect that It's big, but fortunately my lazy habit saved us, and it actually made me dig out one in the phoenix and dragon space like a garbage dump.

The Chi Fire Dragon on the other side looked at the huge device and shouted: "You guys are a little faster, this thing is about to turn off!"

In fact, even Chi Fire If Dragon Ji does not call, we also know that the thing is going to work, because the energy barrier that looked like a crystal staring at before now looks like a layer of water vapor foggy, not only the luster is gone, but also it has become Very illusory, it feels like it may disappear at any time. All of this is caused by insufficient energy, and so far, we have been cut off from energy. In fact, it has only passed less than ten seconds.

I didn't answer Chi Fire Dragon Ji's words, my confidant took out the converter. This thing is not so much a converter as a starter. Its function is to output ultra-high voltage magic energy to activate the equipment before the large magic crystal power equipment used by battleship is started. Of course, because the activation needs of various battleships are different, the output of this device is also adjustable.

After seeing the device, Christina connected the output of the thing directly to the cable without saying anything. The gold coin next to her, Yingyu Shennina, and August Xun also went up to help.

That thick cable is not a single wire, and the magic transmission cable is not the same as a wire. The wires can conduct electricity as long as they touch each other, but the magic cable works like an optical fiber and requires special equipment to connect to transmit energy. It is useless to just connect the connectors together.

Because the link of this thing is very complicated, we directly used several people here to go together. Of course, there are actually a lot of people who can do this on our side. Unfortunately, the cable is so thick. After the outer protective ring is removed, it can be torn apart to allow several people to connect different cables together, which does not mean that an infinite number of people can be connected together. Now that there are Christina and the others here, they are already full of people, no matter how many people can squeeze in, they can only watch from one side.

Connecting the magic cable is not as simple as imagined. You need to connect this thing first, then use the magic array, and put a magic array on each of the two interfaces that need to be connected. This kind of magic array is dedicated and needs to be very fine. After all, the thickness of the cable itself is placed there. It is not a simple matter to engrave the magic array on the section.

Here, Christina and August Xun are very busy, sweat on their heads, but we have no way to help, even dare not to wipe the sweat, because they are afraid of affecting their engraving accuracy. .

"Damn it, what else can we do" Ichiro Kakuda asked uncomfortably.

Of course he didn’t ask Christina because he knew Christina was busy. Kakuda Ichiro was asking me and Matsumoto Masaga, but now Matsumoto and I can only watch Christina and they are busy there but can’t do anything. If in the Frost Rose League, if in the Isengard Mobile Fortress, we will not be so anxious, because we will have a special magic cable connector, that thing is like a special sleeve, just disconnect the cable Plug in from both sides to automatically complete the connection. However, even though the Frost Rose Alliance has such equipment, even though there are such maintenance devices everywhere in the Isengard Mobile Fortress, the worst thing is that we don't have this thing with us, so we can only connect it manually now.

In fact, we are very lucky now, because Christina and others who can sculpt such a high-precision magic array are originally very few. We have so many people working together at one time. The guild is simply the same thing as a dream.

"Quick, quick!" Kakuda Ichiro was watching me and Matsumoto Masaka from the side, and he could only cheer in a low voice, feeling that his actions are as funny as urinary urgency. It’s a pity that we are now. I really can't laugh.

About thirty seconds later, the rays of light outside the device in front of me suddenly began to flicker, and the Fire Dragon next to him was immediately surprised and said: "Quick! This thing must be held on. I can't help it!"

"Don't worry!" I walked over and pushed away Chi Fire Dragon Ji, and then called all of my familiars who were good at magic. "You all know the energy suppression array, right?"

Ling nodded said: "I learned it before."

I nodded and said: "Very good, give me this thing outside The full energy dissipation suppression array, and Lingyou and Xiaochun together apply a reverse energy binding force field to this thing."

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