"Exporting the signal is actually very simple, as long as the energy in this thing can be kept in the current state and transferred to a removable storage device." Christina said.

"Maintaining the energy form requires a special form of energy, and there can be no state changes?" After listening to this, Ichiro Kakuda asked, "But how can these things be guaranteed? You said I don't have anything at all. Understand!"

"I didn’t tell you to listen to it. It’s normal if I don’t understand." Christina turned to me and said, "President, you have those special storage devices with you. Is it?"

Christina's words gave me a moment of surprise, because I was not thinking of anything else, but the biggest secret of our guild-the Power of Faith collector.

Of course, what Christina asked me to take out was not the Power of Faith collector. She was actually talking about the Power of Faith storage tank, because the collectors were all in the underworld and they were also placed in the sculpture. , It takes a lot of effort to take it out. However, I carry the Power of Faith storage tank with me. After all, this thing is very useful for exchanging some particularly important things with Divine Race. However, although Power of Faith is easy to use, the source of this thing is very problematic. It cannot be promoted indiscriminately. Otherwise, the source of Power of Faith in our guild will definitely be cut off by Celestial Court. And Celestial Court itself is already very powerful. If you get the power of faith extraction method from the Western Divine Race, when the time comes, once they start to use the Power of Faith in the underworld on a large scale, then Celestial Court's strength It will be extremely expanded in a short period of time, which is definitely not the result we want to see.

Although we have a lot of exchanges and cooperation with Celestial Court, and the relationship is still harmonious, it is based on the premise of mutual benefit and the strength gap is not too bad. But once Celestial Court's strength expands without limits, and finally becomes a super Hegemon, we can't even count as ants in front of others. At that time, we don't even talk about cooperation or anything. It is impossible at all. Squeeze and slavery will become an eternal melody.

Although the Power of Faith storage tank is slightly better than the extractor, this thing is still a sensitive item, so it cannot be used casually. The most important thing is that the construction of this thing requires the use of Divine Soul, which means that seeing the Power of Faith storage tank means that Divine Race has been killed and deprived of Divine Soul. Using the Power of Faith storage tank in public is basically the same as carrying a backpack made of human heads on the street. You are definitely not much better than stabbing a hornet's nest. Therefore, unless necessary, I will never let people see the Power of Faith storage tanks. Even the Power of Faith storage tanks used in the transaction with Celestial Court are all special. They do not require Divine Soul, but there are a lot of them. Defective dump equipment can only be stored for a short period of time.

"Do you want the original version or dump?" I asked with some worry looking at Christina.

Christina thought about it for a while and said: "Should use the original version, I am worried about data loss for dumping."

"What about the things in there?" Power on me The storage tanks of Faith are full, but there is a lot of Power of Faith inside.

"We don't lack that thing, just dump it." Christina shouted domineeringly.

"Damn, you are a typical impropriety. I don’t know that Chaimi is expensive!" Although I said so, the movements in my hand are not slow at all, and I quickly took the Power in my hand. The storage tank of Faith was taken out and the valve was directly unscrewed.

Ichiro Kakuda doesn’t know what this Power of Faith storage tank is, but seeing me being so careful, I know it’s definitely not something ordinary. I wanted to ask, but I saw Masaka Matsumoto. Shaking his head at him did not speak.

After lighting up a whole jar of Power of Faith, I took the remaining empty bottle directly next to the thing, and then asked: "What should I do now?"

"Go to the outlet," Christina said.

"How do I know which is the output port?"

"Use your magic power to sense, after I count three times, I start to control the output device to slowly output data. You must find that as soon as possible Then connect the collection tank to the discharge port. Do you know how to connect?"

"Use magic to close the array, right?"

"en. "

"Okay, I see, you can start."

Christina started counting down as stated, and then suddenly turned on the data transmission after counting, and this energy storage device called The data is energy, and the beginning of data transmission is to output energy. In my magical induction, I found an obvious energy overflow point almost instantaneously. It took me less than a second to directly rush to the outlet location, and then Ling, who had been prepared for a long time, quickly rushed up to face it. The output port played a magic closed array, and then used the magic control ability to start guiding the internal energy into the Power of Faith storage tank.

"Okay, the transmission begins." I said to Christina.

Christina nodded suddenly began to increase the output, and the Power of Faith storage tank in our hands on the other side also began to vibrate. This situation is because the input energy is too large, causing some instability in the bottle, but this instability does not actually produce a lot of power, so it will be fine if you pay a little attention. What really needs to be watched out is the flow of magical power at the outlet. This is the same as high-voltage electricity. It is quite dangerous when outputting. Thanks to Ling's use of a special magic array to restrict the flow range of magic, otherwise, there must be lightning and thunder near this input port.

The Russian players outside of the situation where we are transferring data here are impossible. They don’t know at all. After cutting off the energy input, they used other methods to confirm the data situation here, and the result was information. It turned out that this device started working again. The Russian players who didn't have much at all couldn't sit still, and they launched crazy assaults here, hoping to get here before we got the data.

Some people may say, knowing that there are high level players like me and Christina here, what can ordinary people rush to here? Could it be possible to repel us? Yes, they really can't beat us, but the problem is that they don't need to beat us either. These people only need to find a way to destroy the equipment, even if they just fire the Fireball Technique at the thing, they can easily complete the task. So, as long as they can rely on it, they are actually very likely to complete the task.

I didn’t take it seriously when I looked at the Russian players madly impacting here, but when the energy transfer on our side had completed one third, my feeling was Suddenly a very bad situation occurred, because I actually sensed the mass deaths of the Death God guards that I released, which was also mixed with the massive losses of the Qilin warrior. Obviously, powerful personnel have appeared on the enemy's side, and they are rushing towards the core area.

"What's the situation outside?" Sensing the sudden increase in loss, I directly called the sickle responsible for monitoring the situation outside.

The sickle hanging upside down on the ceiling was directly replied: "Master, the guy named Bingfeng Banshee is back."

"Who did you say is back?"

"Frozen Banshee is the leader of the Russian."

"Damn, why is she back!"

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