Although I could not figure out the situation inside, Masaka Matsumoto was thrown out. At least it means that there is someone guarding it. In this case, we must not sit idly by .

"Really red."

"Understood." True red rushed up first, and then directly heard a burst of metal collision in the data storage area over there. The sound, and the sound is not crisp, but rather dull. The ability to make such a sound indicates that the weight of the two pieces of metal hitting is very heavy, otherwise the sound should be very crisp, but the sound now is so low.

Just after the impact sounded three times in a row, we saw that True Red suddenly flew out of the data storage area, but compared with Matsumoto Masaka, True Red at least maintained itself His body is balanced so that he won’t be able to crawl out with two rolling belts.

True Red, who landed steadily, looked up towards the data storage area over there. Just about to rush in again, he found the silhouette of him passing by, and then noticed that it was me.

Originally, I was going to go inside to see what the stuff was, but I was able to throw out both Zhenhong and Matsumoto Masaka. The power of this thing is really scary. However, before I had time to get in, the assailant ran out first.

I noticed that the guy had come out, I immediately braked, and then backed up. In any case, you need to confirm the characteristics of this thing before you can start. It is not a good idea to rush forward without knowing anything. Even more how this thing has shown quite strong battle strength before.

After returning to True Red, that thing completely rushed out of the data storage area, and the appearance of this thing was completely exposed to us.

The thing that throws Zhenhong and Masaka Matsumoto out is not a Russian player, nor an NPC, but a machine.

In fact, I have no way to define this thing now, because its shape is really a bit weird. The main part of this thing is two cubes about one cubic meter, but the connection between the two cubes is not connected by a fixed structure, but a series of metal brackets. These metal brackets are all active links. There are many hydraulic rods and other things on them, and some pipes are also connected. I don't know what they are doing.

There is a tower above each of the two cubes that looks like a tower crane. Of course, this thing is not as tall as a tower crane. After all, the base is only one cubic meter, and it is impossible to support the superstructure that is too large. In fact, although the things on these two squares look like tower cranes, they are of the type of toy tower cranes. The height is only two meters, and the boom is only about one meter in height. However, the two tower crane toys are equipped with a large iron ball under the boom, and there is a metal wire connection between the iron ball and the boom.

I have actually seen this device for installing iron balls and metal cables on a tower crane, because this thing is just a demolition machine. Just hang a huge iron ball under the boom of any crane, and then the crane can shake the iron ball and use its strong inertia to hit the building to be demolished. This thing is actually very simple and very convenient to use, but the setting of this thing is rather weird. Although the iron ball under that thing does not look small, it is relative to this toy crane. Those two iron balls were actually just the size of a basketball, and because the lines on them were too short, they wouldn't be able to attack others even if they were thrown away. Besides, what about even a hit? Although the impact force of such a large iron ball is not small, in terms of the physical fitness of the personnel in the game, it is quite simple to resist this force. So, the attack power of this thing can be said to be quite problematic. Besides, the pedestal under that thing is actually two huge squares, it doesn't look like it can move fast.

When this weird thing came out of the room, the others and I were stunned, because it didn’t look like it could fight, and I couldn’t even tell it was a what. This is nothing more than a pile of scrap iron randomly put together by the performance artist. It may be ranked or something in the exhibition of recycled scrap art, but it can appear directly on the battlefield... It is strange to think about it.

"Hey, you were hit by this thing just now?" I stared at the thing in front and asked the real red Dao beside me aloud.

True Red stared at the thing nervously and said: "Don't doubt, I didn't expect this thing to be so powerful at first. But the truth is that it is very difficult to deal with."

"Why is it not good to deal with it? Can this thing make any attacks?"

"This...I can't say it, anyway, it is very powerful and very difficult to defeat."

For True Red, there is no difference between the answer and no answer. I can only helplessly treat it as nonsense. I look up at the thing. I plan to test the battle strength of this thing with my own hands. After all, this thing is blocking there. It always needs to be solved first, otherwise we won't be able to get the information inside!

Although the abstract sculpture-like metal item in front of me is very grotesque, it actually moved at the moment I charge ahead. It flew out from inside before, so I don't know how this thing moved, but now I see it.

When the thing moves, it first uses the block on one side as a support point, and then erects the other side and throws it out. Then due to inertia, the block that was thrown out will be dragged off the ground. Support point, so this thing will move forward.

The original method of relying on inertia to jump forward is actually very predictable. As long as you master the mass, movement speed and wind resistance of this thing, you can accurately calculate the flight trajectory of this thing. Moreover, we only need to roughly judge the movement state of this thing now, and there is no need for too precise data at all.

However, in fact, we simply cannot predict the flight path of this thing, because the sides of the two metal blocks are equipped with booms and metal balls. Originally, two cubes were flying in the air by inertial rotation, which is equivalent to a dumbbell. The weight on both sides will drive the body to flip and move forward. This trajectory is stable and predictable. However, because there is a boom on the side of the block, and there is a heavy ball under the boom, and the heavy ball and the boom are not fixedly connected, this leads to the problem of this thing. The center of gravity is not fixed at all, and its movement is messy. As long as it flies, you cannot be sure where it will land.

Seeing this, I finally understand a little bit why Zhenhong and Masaga Matsumoto have suffered.

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