"What are you?" Kakuda Ichiro suddenly heard Christina say such a sentence and they would not react for a while.

"She meant that we are all professional robbers." Zhenhong said.

"Are you professional robbers?" Kakuda Ichiro looked at us in amazement and didn't realize the specific meaning of this sentence. Although he understood the literal meaning, he didn't understand why Christina said it.

Shoga Matsumoto said with a smile: "It does make sense. Ichiro Kakuda don’t worry about it. Compared to us, Purple Moon has indeed done a lot of robbery, so this They are indeed professional."

"Okay, this is the end of the joke. Now we are ready to act. After a while, we will first find the technical information we need based on the information provided by the tongue. If there is no If it is discovered, take the technical information first. As for the finished product, you can take as much as possible. In addition, no matter what happens, try to suppress destructive power during the battle, and don't use the scope of the huge might attack. Those scientific researchers are important resources. Let us look back. Half-point, don't hurt."

"What if the opponent resists?" Kakuda Ichiro asked.

Fire Dragon Ji directly knocked him from behind. "You idiot! How much harm can that kind of person do to us even if they resist?"

"It's not necessarily true." Christina said something fair. "Purple Moon, although the opponent's researchers may not have too strong battle strength, they may have powerful war machines in their hands, so..."

"Then treat them differently, depending on the situation. Consider, if we can suppress, we will try our best to capture, if not, we will directly kill. We also did not expect to be able to take away all of the other's researchers and technical information in one pot. It is a major victory to take away half of it. It would be strange if we can get all of them. ."

"In this case, we will understand. So shall we start to act now?"

"Okay, now we shall keep silent, and try not to speak unless necessary." I said He immediately raised his head and looked at the hole above his head, and then jumped up, grabbing a pipe next to the hole with one hand and hung it on it. With the other hand, I lifted the metal mesh of the hole, and then I turned over and got in.

This hole is not used for people to walk. Its original function should be a common channel function, which is to facilitate other pipelines to pass back and forth from here, but I don’t know why it’s here now. There is only one pipe, so there is a lot of space left for people to drill through.

After passing through this pipe opening, you can see the study area above, but we did not directly enter this area, but continued upward along the passage, climbing all the way to the top frame of the study area. There is a tic-tac-toe for fixing the lighting device. As long as you pay a little attention, people below can’t see the situation above it. After all, the bottom of the tic-tac-toe is all lights. We are on this thing, and we are naturally at In the shadow behind the strongest area of ​​the light, the people below cannot see us.

After going up here quietly, we began to move quickly along these metal steel beams towards the data storage area. This process is actually relatively simple, because people below cannot see the steel beams. We, and the width of the steel beam itself is nearly a foot. Although it is not wide, it is not so easy to fall. Therefore, we almost always trot all the way forward, occasionally jumping directly into some disconnected areas. Just like a group of monkeys leaping back and forth on the steel beam, not only is the speed fast, but there is absolutely no sound.

As I ran, I suddenly stretched out my hand to compare backwards. Masaga Matsumoto and the others moved quickly to find a place to land, then hugged the vertical steel beams beside them and stopped. Masaka Matsumoto came over and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter?"

I stretched my finger forward, and Masaka Matsumoto looked at my finger and found that it was not far in front. There is an Unknown Creature hanging on the steel beam.

The shape of this thing is quite strange. The whole body structure looks similar to that of a four-legged beast, but the whole body is wearing steel armor. Only a few areas can see the exposed muscle tissue to confirm this. It's a living creature, not a combat machine.

This thing seems to be sleeping at this time, and this guy’s sleeping appearance is quite bad, just like those lazy cats hanging on a steel beam and sleeping like a corpse, if it weren’t that huge His lungs bulged and contracted and moved there. We almost thought it was a rare beast that was killed and hung up here.

"What the hell is this?" Looking at the strange shape of the thing, even Masaka Matsumoto frowned. Although most areas of this thing are covered with steel armor, the parts that are occasionally exposed are very scary. The skin structure of crimson's muscle tissue is invisible, and it feels like an ordinary animal has been skinned. You can directly see the red muscle fibers tangled together, giving a bloody and violent beauty.

In fact, this thing does not look very disgusting. Although there is no skin, most of the body is covered by metal, and only the red muscles are exposed, so it is not particularly unacceptable. , On the contrary, it is evil and dangerous because of this strange shape, which is surprisingly cool.

In fact, if you look closely, you will find that this thing is not just a beast in armor, because there are many abnormalities on its body. First of all, there is no window for eyes on the helmet of this thing. , Which means that this thing is either originally blind, or it is deliberately blinded by someone.

In addition to this strange place, there are some pipes with cooling rings on this thing, connecting the limbs with a backpack on its back. Also, there are six transparent jars on the back of this thing, each of which contains a green, unidentified liquid, and from time to time there will be some bubbles like bubbles.

The overall feeling of this thing is that of a semi-mechanical and semi-biological, and the part that belongs to a creature is not a normal creature, but a modified creature.

Of course we don’t want to provoke such a strange creature. It’s not that we can’t beat it, but because of lack of intelligence, we are worried that fighting with this thing will disturb the people below. Once our actions are exposed, then we will The robbery plan may lose a lot of data. After all, the Russians are not stupid. Once discovered that they have been invaded, they will of course change from protecting research data to destroying data, so we had better sneak in quietly.

"Go around?" Christina did not know when she had reached me and whispered suggested.

"No." I pointed directly to the bottom and said: "The data storage room is under it. If we want to go down, we have to pass there."

"Damn it, this Why didn't things look for such a place to sleep?" Kakuda Ichiro said unwillingly.

August Xun said: "I suspect that the thing was originally the guard here, and it was put there to be responsible for guarding the group."

"It's mostly like this. Otherwise. The Russian It shouldn't be to let a semi-biological, semi-mechanical monster sleep here." Just after finishing speaking, I looked towards me and asked: "Boss, don't you have a pet that can use petrified eyes? Directly. Just turn it into a sculpture. No matter how strong it is, it’s useless."

"But I don’t know what the level of that thing is. Don’t be too high and the petrochemical speed is not fast enough to be alerted by it."

" What to do? This is the enemy’s territory. As long as the thing is behind the voice, we will have trouble."

"Or try Hypnosis Technique?" Matsumoto Masaka thought of Ling's Hypnosis Technique or not bad.

"Are you sure that the thing uses a biological brain to manipulate a mechanical body instead of a mechanical body to control living tissue?" Christina asked.

Just like my own Dragon Clan body in reality and the B-series bio-robots that I will make, sometimes it is simply difficult to distinguish between biologically controlled machinery and mechanically controlled creatures. Our Dragon Clan's body is actually exactly the same as a biological robot, both of which wrap a mechanical skeleton with living tissue to form a movable body. However, the cranial cavity of biological robots is equipped with electronic computers, which use intelligent programs to control the actions of the body, so they are machines rather than humans. Although our Dragon Clan’s body is the same as those biological robots, our cranial cavity is equipped with an electronic brain, and the electronic part of the electronic brain is only subordinate to our biological brain, just like a portable personal terminal. There is no autonomy, so we are living creatures rather than robots.

The situation of the creature in front of us is likely to be similar to ours and those biological robots, but I don’t know whether it is similar to our Dragon Clan or a biological robot. Is there an artificial soul or a living brain in his head?

Although these two can control the body, if Ling needs to be hypnotized, then this is very important. Although the artificial soul is also the mind center that controls the movement of the body, the artificial soul body is not affected by hypnosis and most of the spiritual magic except mental shock, but if the brain of this thing is filled with a living biological brain, Then it will be affected by soul spell and can be controlled.

Before figuring out whether this thing is a living creature or a pure man-made machine, let Ling go to the hypnotist to take a considerable risk, because once the hypnosis fails, our whereabouts will be exposed. .

"Do we have any other way?" Kakuda Ichiro asked.

"Or try to use space magic to send the opponent away directly?" Gold coin asked.

"I tried it. There is a space barrier in this place, and the ability to teleport is sealed." Christina said.

"Why don't you try to siege directly?" True Red suggested: "With our strength, if several people shoot at the same time, it will be a sneak attack. I believe that even if the main god of the clan comes, it will only drink hate. The result on the spot, right?"

"I'm not worried about killing this thing, I'm just worried about its Final Struggle!" After I finished speaking, I suddenly thought of a good idea. "Right. Why forgot this!"

"What did you think of?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

I didn’t answer Matsumoto’s words. Instead, I directly took out a transparent sphere slightly larger than a tennis ball. Not only did Matsumoto see this thing before, but also was hit by this thing. In the past. In fact, this thing in my hand has been considered by players to be one of the three most shameless equipment on my body on those websites that specialize in me.

This crystal bubble is just the size of a grip regardless of whether you hold it in your hand, but as long as you throw it out, you can directly wrap the target object in. Whether you are only as big as a mosquito or like a mountain, it only You can't run away if you are targeted. The completely unreasonable attributes of this thing include: absolute hit and absolute blockade, which means that as long as I want to throw someone with this thing, then you will definitely be hit, no matter how you run it, it will be useless. , Unstoppable and no escape, it is completely unsolvable. As for absolute blockade, although this is slightly better than absolute hit, it can be automatically unlocked after a certain level of attack with a knife, but before reaching the limit, this thing will completely seal you inside, no matter you It is useless to work hard, as long as it can't reach the upper limit of damage it can bear, it can only stay in it obediently.

Faced with this perverted attribute, many high-level players who fought against me hated it. Although they were sealed in, they could not be attacked by outsiders, but in the battle, their companions were desperate. Suddenly being knocked into this thing and unable to get out can only watch other people fighting, it feels absolutely terrible.

Although I hate this thing very much, after seeing this thing, Kakuda Ichiro understood what I was going to do. Although the thing on the opposite side is very strong, it is impossible to destroy the crystal bubble package in one blow, which means that it will definitely not be able to complete the alarm in the first experiment.

After thinking about it, I immediately took the crystal bubble and approached the monster carefully, but the other party was still asleep at this time, with no intention of waking up at all.

At this time, the straight-line distance between me and the monster is only more than three meters. There is a blank area between us. I stand on the steel beam on this side, and it lies on the opposite side. On that steel beam. It can be said that there is absolutely no problem in hitting it at this distance, but the premise is that I can safely throw out the thing in my hand.

Just when I aimed at the thing and retracted my arm back and prepared to throw it out hard, the tail of the thing that had been underneath my body without being noticed suddenly pulled out from under my body. , And then moved towards me like lightning and swung over suddenly.

The tail of this thing is basically not like the tail of a living creature, but is completely a metal whip. The middle part of the whip is full of ring-shaped metal blocks, which look like animal vertebrae. At the tip of this guy’s tail is a diamond-shaped hammer with barbs and blades. It’s not a good thing at first glance. .

The guy's lightning-sweeping tail hit me directly on the wrist just after he moved. Not only did he push me out of the steel beam, but also the crystal bubble in my hand. It was knocked out, and it was simply too late to throw it out.

Although my body was pushed out because of that guy’s attack and lost my center of gravity, I didn’t panic. I didn’t wave my hands desperately to try to stand up again, but my legs slammed under the steel beam. The man leaped backwards and jumped out an somersault and landed steadily on the steel beam behind.

The sudden change on this side was almost completed in a few tenths of a second, so that Matsumoto Masaka over there didn't have time to make any actions and we stopped each. I am kneeling and squatting on a steel beam and looking at the monster over there, and the monster has completely stood up from the steel beam and is staring at me glare like a tiger watching his prey On the other hand, occasionally he would turn his head to Masaga Matsumoto and the others. Obviously, all of our personnel have been discovered.

Although this situation can be described as very bad, we dare not move, because although the monster is now up, it has not launched any further attacks and has not issued an alarm, so we are not at all Dare to stimulate it, lest this guy directly angry roar, then we will be really unlucky.

Although we didn't stimulate it, it's not a way to stay in such a stalemate, so after a few tenths of a second, I suddenly started to move. With both feet on the steel beam, the whole person flew forward suddenly, and Peng Sound spread its wings in the air, and rushed straight toward the opposite monster like a peregrine falcon.

Although the thing has no eyes, it obviously has other sensor tubes. At least this thing knows where I am and what I’m doing. When I jumped out, it suddenly kicked the steel underneath. Liang Zong jumped up, and then I was surprised that this thing actually has wings, and it is also a metal feather structure like me, which means that the flexibility of this thing will be very terrifying.

We finally ran into each other on the steel beam where I stood before. That thing directly pressed my shoulders with the front claws, and I was covered with the eternal claws. It is already on top of the steel armor on both sides of his chest, even a few millimeters have been penetrated. However, because my hands are not as long as the front legs of this guy, even though the blade claw touched its breastplate, there was no way to move forward.

The monster was obviously quite proud after he held down my shoulder, he opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and moved towards my head and bit it down, as if he wanted to end the fight as soon as possible , But, at the moment its big mouth was about to bite my head, I suddenly smiled, and when my fingers moved, the claws that had been on this guy's breastplate suddenly went out. Played a bit.

My claw is actually much longer than most people see, because it uses a compressed space inside, so the actual length of the claw is actually longer than the receiver on my arm guard It's even longer. However, because the claw is too long, it is not easy to manipulate, so I usually only let it pop out half of its length. This length looks more normal, and it is also the most comfortable in battle. However, sometimes the hidden half claws can play a special role. For example, now, the monster thinks that he is blocking my attack, but I don't know that my claws actually didn't pop out at all.

There is eternity covering the outside, and the claws are eternal at this time. It can be said that there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, and it penetrates the guy’s breastplate directly without feeling any resistance. In the chest of that thing.

Suddenly, six bladed claws were pierced into the chest. This kind of pain cannot be completely ignored even by this modified creature, so the thing immediately gave up its intention to bite me, but wanted to scream. However, I have been waiting for it. Just when this guy opened his mouth to scream, I pulled the claws back with both hands, directly turning the small hole in this guy's chest into a long incision in Six Paths, and my colleague's arms suddenly pushed the guy from the inside out. Both claws opened his claws while he was unable to exert any strength due to the pain, and then his head slammed forward and hit the guy's throat with a hammer.

Don’t think it’s a simple thing to use my head against it, because my helmet has a curved blade extending from the front of the eyebrows all the way back to the top of the head. This thing is like a handle After removing the handle of the Japanese sword, the blade is attached to my forehead forward, and the blade curved backwards can face the entire blade face forward and above, so that as long as my head hits something, it will be a blood hole. This is not running. Things.

Although the guy’s throat is protected by a layered armor, the blade on my helmet is not ordinary. In the end, a blood hole was opened in the guy’s neck, and because The sudden impact caused the guy's scream to be directly suppressed.

I succeeded in two consecutive hits. I was planning to win and pursue. Who knew that a huge force came from behind and jammed both sides of my waist, and then suddenly contracted towards the center. At that moment, I felt My abdomen was almost squeezed into a ball, and my stomach was squeezed, and I felt like I wanted to vomit everything in my stomach. However, this feeling lasted for less than 0.1 second and was replaced by a feeling of weightlessness. The thing that clamped my waist suddenly flicked back and threw me straight away from the monster. After turning three somersaults in the air, I spotted the opportunity and placed one hand on a vertical steel beam. Hook, the whole person revolved around the steel beam for 1/4/2021 and then suddenly let go, his body flew out laterally, his feet kicked on a vertical beam on the side, followed by the opposite direction. Pulling a pipe on the top of his head with both hands, his body swayed forward along the inertia, and then an somersault in the air, and the other pipe with his feet fell gently on a steel beam. Since then, I have stabilized my body, but the pain and blood drops on my waist indicate that I was injured just now.

The monster on the opposite side did not rush up to make up the knife. In fact, it is actually a bit worse than me now. After all, six large openings have been opened on both sides of the chest. If the average animal is estimated to have died , It’s already awesome to be able to counterattack, and it would be too exaggerated if it’s okay.

Despite the serious injury, this thing really deserves to be a modified creature. After licking a few times on his chest, the wound immediately stopped bleeding and began to heal. This kind of terrifying healing speed is exactly the rhythm of Immortal Body. Fortunately, it must be licked with saliva, otherwise this thing is really difficult to deal with.

After a few strokes, the thing immediately moved towards me and rushed towards me, and it was only five seconds since I almost threw the crystal bubble. The fighting rhythm at this moment made Kakuda Ichiro and Matsumoto feel like they couldn't get in at all. The speed was too fast.

Now that we suddenly stopped here, Ichiro Kakuda and Masaga Matsumoto finally found an opportunity. The whole person kicked on the steel beam, Kakuda Ichiro jumped up suddenly, and the katana in his hand hit the monster's neck and chopped it down. It just so happens that his current position is on the side of the monster. If this blade goes down, as long as the thing doesn't move, it can definitely cut off that guy's head. But it is a pity that the fighting intuition of this thing is so terrifying, and I feel the threat from the side that he is planted directly from the steel beam on which he is standing.

Seeing that the thing fell forward from the steel beams, Ichiro Kakuda thought this thing was going to run, and immediately adjusted its position and wanted to fall from the gap between the steel beams to catch up with the monster and continue to finish just now The jump cut, but what surprised us all was that the thing used a strategy, it didn't actually jump. Although its body went down, its tail still hovered on the steel beam. As a result, the monster that was planted forward turned a big loop and swung up from behind the steel beam, and it didn't even stop, but Immediately after swinging up, he jumped down from the front and opened his mouth and bit at Kakuda Ichiro.

The target ran from the front to behind him in a blink of an eye. Kakuda Ichiro was aware of the danger and hurriedly turned around in the air, but at this time the monster had already arrived in front of him, and he had nowhere to take advantage of the air and simply couldn’t play anything. Fancy, can only watch the monster and bite it down.

Just when Kakuda Ichiro thought he was going to die, the monster suddenly stopped as if being held by something, and he himself continued to fall, but he fell. When it was less than three meters, suddenly a white thread flew to connect to his arm, and followed the white thread to shrink back suddenly, pulling Kakuda Ichiro back.

Ichiro Kakuda, who stood on the steel beam again, looked at the huge thunder spider beside him and realized that he was saved by me, and then when he looked at the monster over there, he was already in a circle with me again. .

Actually, although the battle strength of this thing in front of us is very strong, it is not enough to suppress me, but we cannot let the people below discover our existence, and this place is not flat, but tic-tac-toe. The roof frame composed of steel beams is not easy to use in fighting on this thing, and secondly it is difficult to maintain balance. Therefore, the battle strength cannot be fully exerted during the battle. Facing this guy with four legs and a big tail, human beings The body is completely at a disadvantage.

I hugged the monster’s neck from behind, my hands wrapped around its throat desperately contracting inward, and the thing realized the danger, and jumped on the steel beam desperately trying to take me When I got it down, I suddenly jumped up in the air and turned around, intending to hit the steel beam with my back and scrape me off. Unfortunately, my reaction was not overwhelming. The sickle over there spurted spider silk directly, grabbed the guy's tail and forcibly pulled him back.

Matsumoto Masaka and Chi Fire Dragon Hime jumped over to want a helper, but unfortunately they couldn't hold it, so I fell directly with the thing.

Because of the traction of the spider silk, we did not directly land, but swayed and became in the midair state. The sickle on the eight legs desperately resisted the nearby steel beam and was almost dragged by us. . The weight of me and that thing are not light. The inertia of falling from such a high place plus our own weight, this strength is not small at all. Thanks to the sickle strength, it is not bad, and it is barely holding us, otherwise If you hit the research area below, don't think about anything, it's definitely the result of exposure.

Despite holding us, the current situation is actually very dangerous, because we are actually directly above an experimental area, less than three meters away from the top of the researcher below. At such a distance, as long as the other person looks up, you can see the two of us hanging upside down, and we are still struggling and twisting desperately. If this is seen, it must be the same result as falling.

But after withstanding the initial inertia, the sickle immediately began to pull us up a little bit, and the monster gradually started to stop struggling because I couldn’t breathe under my hard contraction. Although he was not dead, he didn't have much resistance anymore. It was just that his claws were kicking meaninglessly there. In fact, the strength was not great.

I saw that we were all pulled up, Masaka Matsumoto and the others were already relaxed, but when we were about to be pulled on the steel beam, the monster’s mouth suddenly slipped out. Mucus, then moved towards the ground dripped down. This frightened us half to death. We could only watch the mucus fall to the ground in a daze, and then fell to the ground behind a researcher.

The guy heard the sound and glanced back suspiciously, but soon found the mucus on the ground, but to our surprise, the guy did not scream after squatting down and looking at it. Instead he raised his head and shouted: "Joseph, I swear that if you let your disgusting pet sleep on our heads again, I will cut it into slices! Look, if this saliva drips on our test product, it will take What should I do?"

After that guy finished shouting, a researcher in the next room immediately yelled at this side. The two of you came and went across a wall and yelled at each other for a while. Under the scolding of a high-level person, we quieted down again, but at this time we were already on the verge of collapse, not tired, but nervous.

I’m sorry that this thing usually drips while sleeping here, otherwise it would be troublesome just now. But what do you say? Danger often comes when you think it has already left. Just when we were relaxed and thought it was safe, an accident happened suddenly below.

A researcher was walking with a test article, and suddenly stepped on a transparent sphere under his feet, and if any of us saw it, he would find that this is not me Was the crystal bubble that was knocked out by the monster just about to be thrown out?

Yes, in fact this is my crystal bubble. I was going to use this thing to talk about the monster seal, and then get that guy out to a place where no one was left to kill quietly, but when I was about to start, I was suddenly attacked by the monster. The crystal bubble fell, and because I was in a tense battle with the monster, I completely ignored the crystal bubble that fell.

The crystal bubble that landed did not directly hit anyone, but after a few bounces on the ground, it rolled under a table. Then when we were fighting, the crystal bubble was It has not been found there. However, this mobile seabed city is not fixed, and of course it does not move normally, but it is running away, so it is inevitable that there will be some shaking. Although this kind of shaking is very weak, it still has obvious effects on spherical objects like crystal bubbles. It was always low on the table side before, so the crystal bubble did not move when it rolled over there, but because the city tilted a little bit again during the movement, the table side became higher, and then the crystal bubble It began to slowly roll out from under the table.

Unfortunately, the researcher turned around to get something, but stepped on it.

Because the crystal bubble was accidentally dropped by me just now, it did not specify a target, it will not automatically follow and pursue, but after all, it went out of my hand, so it is actually out of In the state of unlocking the insurance, it is equivalent to the mine that removes the insurance. Just touch it...


The sound of crystal bubble activation It's not like an explosion. It's a sound that is not too loud, but it is quite obvious, so everyone around them noticed the sound, and then turned their heads together, only to see that their companion was sealed in a diameter at this time. The nearly two-meter crystal bubble rolled forward on the top and bottom of the head.

"Huh? Chekov, are you...?"

"Is this your new invention?" A researcher looked at the crystal bubble and asked suspiciously. Obviously, people like them often come up with some strange inventions, so that this kind of strange phenomenon is not one or two times, and everyone is a little used to it.

After this person asked, the guy who was wrapped up immediately shouted in it: "Ghostly I invented it! Are you sure this is not what you made to fix me?"

< p>The guy next to said with a laugh: "Although I really want to trick you this way, it's a pity that I didn't prepare this. And this thing doesn't seem that simple." He said. I poke the film on the outside of the crystal bubble. Although this thing looks like a soap bubble, it is actually amazingly flexible and super tenacious, so it can't be opened casually.

The guy who hadn’t had any reaction at all, his face turned wrong immediately after poking this thing. He immediately ran back to the shelf next to him and took out a strange instrument and stuck it on the crystal bubble. , And then after seeing the above reading, he immediately exclaimed: "Damn! This thing is a quasi Divine Item!"

"What? What? Impossible, right? Who of us can develop such a high-end thing here? Huh?" Another researcher took a look at it, and then exclaimed in surprise, "Damn, it's really true! What's the situation? Who invented this thing? Why don't you take it and ask for credit? "

The researcher who first discovered the error reacted at this time and exclaimed: "Impossible, no one would be so brainless. This thing should not have been invented by us."

< p>The guy in the crystal bubble is frowned: "If it wasn't invented by us, it would be foreign. But our own guards are all equipped with the standard equipment here, right? That means..."

Several people glanced at each other suddenly, and then suddenly shouted together: "Enemy attack! Someone invaded!"

In fact, we were still on the steel beam when the crystal bubble was activated. Gasping up, no one noticed that someone below found our traces, but we still heard the sudden shout. Kakuda Ichiro stretched out his head in surprise and looked down, then looked back at me with a weird expression. I glanced at him with a slightly puzzled look, then stretched my head and looked at it myself, and then I found the person wrapped in the huge crystal bubble below. In an instant, there were 10,000 Divine Beasts flying by. .

"Damn, what kind of unfolding is this?"

"Don't worry about unfolding! Now can't wait, get to work!" Christina asked.

I am also nodded and said: "No matter, I am ready to act." He stood up and threw the monster that had been strangled to death into the gate of the earth, followed by ho

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