Actually, the speed of the heavy armored dragon is not really slow, but even if they can roll on the ground in a group, the speed of these guys is still not as fast as those of us. Of the flying unit. Moreover, the heavy armored organ dragon has a major flaw, that is, it is too large.

The length of these heavy armored dragons is more than 20 meters, the width of the bone plate on the back is about four meters and five meters, and the height of the wheel-like structure formed after curling up is about eight meters. In other words, if this guy wants to move normally, he needs a channel with a width of at least five meters and a height close to nine meters to make him move. If the path standard is lower than this data, then it can only be stuck. Outside, or destroy the passage directly. Moreover, this data is only the spatial data that barely guarantees that the heavy armored dragon can move. If you want to fully utilize the battle strength, it is better to need a more open environment.

In fact, it is not difficult to see from this data that the Heavy Armor Dragon is a mobile weapon designed entirely for field battles. It can also be used as a tank in urban street battles. Equivalent to is mobile. Attacking the fortress, and if they are expected to deal with a single individual, it is tantamount to having a tank catch up with a specific soldier on the city streets. Although it sounds like a tank is much better than a soldier at first, this soldier can shuttle back and forth between the streets and alleys, climbing stairs and jumping windows is not a problem, but the tank is more awkward, many places can not get through, encounter some such as large Buildings and the like will also be blocked, requiring detours. Of course, if it is in an enemy city, the problem is easier to handle. At worst will knock down the buildings together. Buildings that can’t be hit can be destroyed with attack weapons. But the problem is that if it is a defensive war, the fighting environment will be its own city. In this case, how can the heavy armored dragon let go of its hands and feet to demolish the house? So, this thing is not suitable for street fighting at all.

People like us are not unable to deal with these heavy armored organ dragons, but we can't complete them in a short time, and our task actually requires time. On the one hand, the battle situation on the front line has been impossible, which means that Russia’s main force may turn around at any time. On the other hand, the defense forces here and the gunmen’s gang are also rushing here, and now they all rely on Ling belts. My Familiar uses the advantage of the terrain to stop them. Of course, the more important reason to stop them is that the Russians and the Spear God themselves are not all the same, so they are pushing forward while still attacking each other. This leads to If the battle strength cannot be concentrated, it will naturally not be able to exert the maximum assault force.

In fact, even if the previous reinforcements do not come to make trouble, our mission can not be delayed at all, because the Russian researchers are not fools, how can they stay in place and wait for us to catch them? They may not react immediately when they are just invaded, after all, this side is considered the ultimate fortress of the Russians. In such an environment, their safety is quite guaranteed. So they are impossible to start running as soon as the wind blows. However, although they will not choose to escape immediately when they are attacked, as we continue to move forward, will they still stand there stupidly? Obviously impossible.

In fact, if there is no problem with my guess, the other party should already be evacuation work now. The only way I can think of in this situation is to intercept them before they complete their evacuation, and the sooner we arrive, the more things we can stop.

After receiving the order from my side, Christina and the others immediately began to raise the height, and then moved towards the castle not far away and flew over. In fact, we had already seen the castle over there when we first came out of the Transmission Gate, but there were a large group of enemies in front of us. Of course, we gave priority to observing the nearby enemies before considering the distant ones.

As soon as we flew up here, the Russians below were obviously anxious. Many people are speeding up with this snowmobile. Those heavy armored mechanical dragons, mechanical Knights, and mechanical Three-Horned Dragons are also desperately following us to catch up with us, but it is a pity that these guys simply can’t fly. , The speed is naturally totally incomparable with us.

With this speed advantage, we easily flew in front of those guys to the castle over there.

I have to say that the castle of Banshee House, which was built specifically as a research institute, is really artistic. In fact, this castle seems to be all made of ice, and in places like the North Pole, the ice cubes are really good, and these things can be used as steel plates in the Arctic Circle. Surprisingly, the bonding is also super convenient. Just pile the ice cubes together and pour a basin of boiling water on it.

This time, Banshee House not only chose ice to build the castle, but more importantly, the shape of the castle is also very special. Generally speaking, for the sake of battle strength, it is better to build a castle that is silly, big and thick. Of course, this is one of the characteristics of Maozi. However, considering that the guild of Banshee House is characterized by a large number of female players, it is acceptable for the buildings to be slightly more beautiful. It's just... what's the matter with the Water Crystal Palace like the Swan Castle?

Although the castle in front of you does not occupy a large area, it is very tall. The castle composed of a large number of spires looks slender and long, and this structure is very unstable at first glance. , There is no defensive power at all. For this kind of architectural style, our guild will at most consider building near certain tourist attractions, because that kind of city is just a kind of transit station. Equivalent to railway station is the same as the airplane Yang, but it is only used for the player's travel. . This kind of city generally does not have much strategic value, so there is no need to build a castle like a bunker for safety, but the city in front of it should have been a fortress, but it has been built into a work of art, and it is still the most vulnerable Kind of. This is really unimaginable.

Although I don’t know what is wrong with the ice-bound Banshee and built such a castle, at least she still knows that defensive weapons should be arranged here, so as soon as we approached the castle, we immediately welcomed Intensive anti-aircraft firepower came.

To be honest, the air-to-air firepower density of this place is a bit beyond our expectations, because most of the guilds in the generally speaking game do not have the ability to fly in the air on a large scale, or you can say that, except for our Frost The Rose League, most guilds do not have the ability to dominate the air. Most guild battles are still ground warfare, and the number of air units is pitiful. Even if there is no air supremacy, the opponent’s air force can at best only play a role of reconnaissance or interference. Like us, we can use the air force to conduct great decisive battles. Is definitely a very rare type.

But then, the problem arises. Since everyone does not have a strong air force except for our Frost Rose League, what does the Frozen Banshee do with so many anti-air weapons on this castle? Is it just because they treat us as imaginary enemies from the very beginning?

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