Chapter 124 Combat Machinery

After entering from this side of the Transmission Gate, we quickly reached the other side of the Transmission Gate. This shows that the two ends of the Transmission Gate are not far apart.

Although Transmission Gate and Transmission Formation both move in space, both are actually affected by distance. For example, the transnational Transmission Formation of our guild, if it is transmitted from Isengard to the pivot city on the Japanese side, it will be much faster than the transmission to the starting city on the US side. This is the time difference caused by the distance. Of course, this difference ratio is very small. After all, whether it is Transmission Gate or Transmission Formation, the speed is very fast.

The transmission interval of the Transmission Gate just now is almost zero, indicating that the distance between the two ends of the Transmission Gate is definitely not more than 500 kilometers, otherwise the time delay can definitely be felt.

In fact, when we came out from this end of the Transmission Gate, we already knew where we were, because the environment of this place is so unique.

"Damn, how come you got to the North Pole?" Zhen Hong said, looking at the white surroundings.

"Do you have any cold-resistant clothes?" Kakuda Ichiro suddenly asked somewhat sorry. When we looked back at him, we found that this guy was already holding his arms and was about to shrink into a ball.

Although the equipment in the game is better than in reality in terms of heat and cold resistance, the range of environmental temperature changes in the game is also much larger than in reality. In reality, the North Pole is only minus 40 or 50 degrees, but this is not the case in the game. The temperature near the North Pole in the game has reached more than 300 degrees Celsius, which means it is almost reaching absolute zero. At this temperature, even some very good equipment will cause the players inside to start to lose blood and freeze because of the inability to withstand the severe cold.

If this situation is not controlled, it will soon cause fatal damage to the player, so even if he is embarrassed, Kakuda Ichiro has to ask us for help.

Although we sympathize with him very much, the problem is that no one on our side is afraid of the cold, so naturally I can’t remember to wear warm clothes on my body, although there are often There are piles of unused tatters, but unfortunately there is no cold-resistant clothing.

"Don't look at me, I don't have one on my side." They all looked towards me when they saw Christina, I could only shake my head. After all, although my side is called a grocery store, it's not true. It has everything!

Kakuda Ichiro quickly looked towards the other people after hearing I said that there was no such thing, and at this time, the Sakura Rain God Young also happened to take out a long white cloak from his body. This cloak is obviously female at first glance. It looks very beautiful. The white fur looks soft and very flattering. However, as a big man, it seems a bit strange to wear such a thing. But now this situation does not tolerate Kakuda Ichiro's entanglement there. After hurriedly taking over the big cloak and putting it on, Kakuda Ichiro couldn't help showing an expression of enjoyment.

The cloak can not only keep out the cold, but also comes with a constant temperature array, which can slowly restore the frozen state, so Ichiro Kakuda, who is already in a mildly frozen state, feels a lot more comfortable immediately after wearing this thing, but , Before he has time to enjoy it for a long time, we have to start fighting.

The space gate just now was placed in the deepest part of the warehouse, which means that this end of the Transmission Gate is not just the North Pole, but the location of the real secret research institute of Banshee House. It is almost certain that the place is heavily guarded, so when we appeared, we were immediately discovered.

In fact, I suspect that the reason why we meet the enemy so quickly is not because we appeared here and caused them to start intercepting, but because they knew in advance that we were coming after we invaded the Banshee House. , Otherwise, no matter how fast the opponent moves, it is impossible to complete the assembly within one minute.

Some of the troops appearing on the ice sheet this time are things we have seen before, but more have never been seen. Several mechanical knights appeared among the interception forces, but only three of these mechanical knights were riding the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, and the remaining mechanical knights were all standing on the ground. We are quite confused about this situation, because from the previous warehouse, the production of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon is obviously simpler than the production of the mechanical Knight. After all, one is a simplified product with a lower standard, and the other One is high-end products with enhanced technology. It makes no sense that high-level products are mass-produced, but low-end products cannot be mass-produced?

Although I am very puzzled why there are more mechanical Knights here than mechanical Three-Horned Dragons, it is not time to pay attention to this. Our attention is quickly attracted by other guards here.

In addition to the combination of the mechanical Knight and the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon that I have seen before, there is also a mechanical combat unit here. This is a creature that resembles a combination of Pangolin and Ankylosaurus. Its main structure is probably the same as Pangolin. Its short stumpy body is olive-shaped, thicker in the middle, and slightly thinner at both ends. However, this creature is different from the general Pangolin. On its head, there is a horizontal bone plate that resembles the head of a hammerhead shark, and behind this bone plate is more of this bone plate. Then one piece extends to the tip of the tail of this guy, that is to say, the whole body of this thing is covered by a thick bone plate from head to tail, and the bone plates are nested in each other like Pangolin’s shell. Together, it does not affect its actions.

If this creature is a living carbon-based creature, of course the bone plate on this guy should be made of bones, but this thing is actually a mechanical lifeform, just like what we see The mechanical Knight and the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon are the same. The difference is that it has a more sturdier appearance and a larger body. In fact, the body length of this thing is more than 20 meters, except for the tail, the body is more than ten meters. Needless to say, the battle strength of such a big thing will not be too weak.

"What the hell is this?" Looking at the huge crawling mechanical beast in front of him, Zhen Hong couldn't help but ask.

"It is estimated that only the Russians over there know what this is." Christina said.

gold coin suddenly remembered that I seem to have the ability to recognize enemy attributes, so I said: "Boss, go and try the water."

In fact, gold coin When I said that, I was already looking at the attributes of these things. As for why I can see their attributes-just pay attention to the small white dots on the feet of one of the steel rare beasts. That little white dot is actually a dart. Because of the speed of light and the white fur, the dart is simply invisible in this environment. The Aurora Arc itself is a frigid creature, and especially likes the cold environment, so this environment is his home court.

Because the darts passed in advance and touched the big rare beast, so I can see the attribute here, because the star pupil can read all the enemies I touched or my pet touched attribute. Of course, it won’t work if the opponent is too much stronger than me, but someone who seems to be much stronger than me is very rare, and that kind of existence is generally the boss or main fighter in a certain Divine Race.

"No need to remind, I have seen the attribute."

"Have you seen it?"

"Well, these things are called heavy armored organ dragons , The unit attribute is a siege weapon."

"Heavy armored mechanism dragon?" After looking at the heavy armored mechanism dragon over there, Christina thought for a while and said: "The name of this thing is really not just in name only, but also in reality. But you just said that this thing is a siege machine? Isn't that the same thing as our mobile angel?"

"It should be said that it is not exactly the same. "I explained: "The mobile angel is an offensive weapon, but the heavy armored dragon you see is a defensive weapon, or it is more suitable for a moving city wall."

" A city wall that can move?" Masaga Matsumoto suddenly asked in surprise: "Is the defensive power of this thing terrifying?"

"Try it and you will know."

"I don't want to try it now." Masaga Matsumoto said somewhat helplessly, and I also know what he meant, because the heavy armored organ dragons on the opposite side have been rushing towards this side accompanied by a large group of other anti-sanitary items. Come here.

"Everyone disperse, go up and try the water first." I said as I started charging.

Matsumoto Masaga and the others have heard my order, but no one has time to answer now, because they had collided with those enemies when I finished talking.

The one rushing to the forefront is not a heavy armored mechanism dragon or a mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, but something similar to a snowmobile. This thing obviously copied the appearance of our guild's underwater single propeller, but its actual working principle is different. After all, one is an underwater unit and the other is a snow vehicle.

The shape of this thing is a bit like a fish, but there are four tracks driving the body underneath, and two people can sit on it. It runs very fast. However, it seems that this thing is not too flexible to turn, it is simply that it is fast.

These snowmobiles are all riding on Russian players, as well as some NPCs. These guys are all equipped with a very strange weapon. It is something like a glove, but it is very large when worn on the hand. It is obvious that there is a protruding emitter on the back of the hand, and this emitter can continuously emit two beams towards us. One of the beams is blue, and the effect is similar to freezing rays, which may also be freezing rays. The other kind of beam is red, the effect is similar to the destruction ray, but it is definitely not, because the destruction ray is a unique ability of qualityless, similar to the dragon's breath, not everyone can play.

We don't know the battle strength of these players themselves, but the formidable power of these rays is quite large. As long as the blue freezing ray hits the target, it will cause a large area of ​​freezing, so that we are often hindered by unfathomable mystery in the charge. In addition, the red ray is very explosive, and it will explode wherever it hits, so we have to be careful to dodge this thing, even if it is a near miss Somewhere is a small mushroom cloud lifted into the sky with a boom. The only thing that reassures us a little is that the speed of this red ray is not fast, it takes several seconds to happen once, and it seems that this thing consumes a lot of energy, although the transmitter is just a glove, but the glove is connected to a tube. Has been connected to a large backpack behind. To be sure, the backpack must be an energy device, and the energy needed to emit such rays comes from that backpack.

Probably the Russians also know that our battle strength is very strong, so they give full play to their advantages, simply don’t come up and fight us hard, just ride the fast snowmobiles around As we walk in circles, as long as August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Chou try to get close to each other, the other party will quickly run away, and then use kite-flying tactics to constantly attack us from far away, and if we don’t care about them, they will be unscrupulous. Keep emitting that kind of rays.

However, although the Russian players and NPCs played quite wretchedly, the combat units they brought that were obviously man-made objects were exceptionally brave.

Those mechanical Three-Horned Dragon will not be mentioned. The speed of this thing is limited on the snow, and it does not run very fast. As for the mechanical Knight, it is even worse. They can barely walk on the snow. It can be seen that there is no other way to send them out. The Russian side should also be exhausted, otherwise it is impossible to send these mechanical Knights to this environment to stop us. These guys are already heavy, and half of their legs went in with one foot on the snow. In this case, don't talk about speed or anything. They can only say that they can barely move.

However, although those mechanical Knights and Mechanical Three-Horned Dragons are very difficult to deal with whose speed is weakened, they almost lose their battle strength, but the heavy armored dragons that have just appeared have brought us Shocked.

Originally, when those snowmobiles rushed over, those heavy armored mechanical dragons, like the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon and the mechanical Knight, were running on the ground with four legs desperately, but these guys have more legs. It is thick and flat, so it can share the pressure, so it has better adaptability to this kind of snow environment than the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon and the mechanical Knight. However, this is actually not their real power, because when the Russian players riding snowmobiles entered the firing range and began to suppress and shoot us, the heavy armor dragons suddenly began to accelerate.

The speed of these heavy armored organ dragons suddenly increased when they ran, and then they suddenly jumped forward. After the whole body was a few meters high from the ground, the huge body curled up in the air quickly, and then hugged it. Became a regiment. In fact, Pangolin can do this kind of shape. In fact, many creatures in nature adopt this posture. After hugging themselves into a group, they can rely on the shells or spikes on their backs to resist attacks. This is a natural means of self-protection for animals. However, this ability of this heavy armored organ dragon is obviously not instinct. After all, this thing is a personally made item, it has no instinct, and this ability should be regarded as its special ability.

The heavy armored organ dragon hugged in the air directly becomes a huge iron wheel. The ribbed plate on its back now becomes the outer ring of the wheel, and these bones The area of ​​the board is obviously much larger than the soles of their feet, so when these guys fell back on the snow, they basically did not sink much, but bounced on the ground and it began to look like a huge Like the Wind-Fire Wheel moved towards, we rushed over.

The speed at which these guys roll on the snow after being in a group is simply unimaginable. It is conservatively estimated that their speed is at least 300 kilometers per hour. It is not too much to say that it is fast as lightning. Basically, those Russian players have just started to attack us from a distance. These guys have completely thrown off the mechanical Knight and mechanical Three-Horned Dragon behind them and rushed to us.

"Damn, what's the situation!" Looking at the huge, heavy armored dragon like a ferris wheel, our side was simply in chaos. It's not that we people are not strong, but the imposing manner of these things is too scary. Such a terrifying thing has an amazing impact speed, and with the mighty power of the thunder, there is simply no way to resist it positively. Of course, some people will definitely not dodge, such as true red.

Zhenhong directly rushed up to one of the heavy armored organ dragons, and then suddenly jumped up when the opponent was about to hit her, and threw a punch directly in the air. We only heard a loud bang, the huge rolling heavy armored organ dragon suddenly jumped upwards, and then turned over from above the real red, but the real red was gone. In fact, we don't have time to take care of her now, because the number of heavy armored dragons here is more than ours, which means that everyone on our side needs to deal with at least one heavy armored dragon.

"Come on bastard!" Kakuda Ichiro roared and moved towards the heavy armored organ dragon in front of him with a lightning strike, a white light visible from naked eye flashed by, and quickly hit the heavy armor on the opposite side. The bone plate on the back of the mechanism dragon, then...then with a sound, the white light turned a corner and was bounced off, while Kakuda Ichiro was unprepared and was directly overwhelmed by the heavy armor mechanism dragon.

On the other side, Masaka Matsumoto also used a middle-level skill to face the heavy armored dragon in front of him, but the actual effect was not much better. After the heavy armored machine dragon was hit, the attack still bounced off like Kakuda Ichiro's attack. Then the heavy armored machine dragon's rolling speed slowed down a little bit, but it still didn't stop completely, and it directly hit Matsumoto floating in the air. Zhengga will go to get involved under him and directly press over.

August Xun, Ying Yu Shen Hina, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji are all in the same situation. Facing the heavy armored organ dragon that is more than one meter thick, the carapace is completely helpless. The defensive power of this thing is really It's too abnormal, most people simply don't use it.

Christina used her signature skill, Rainbow Jet, but was eventually knocked out. Fortunately, as a mage, Christina at least added protection magic to herself in advance, so there is no How much hurt.

Gold coin is much more embarrassed than Christina, a lot of Flying Swords flew past and were knocked into all directions, without causing any damage to this guy at all, and then just like everyone else. She was also overwhelmed by the huge body of the heavy armored organ dragon.

Bingbing is different from us. She is not an Attack Type personnel, so she directly did not choose to intercept the heavy armored organ dragon. Instead, she was not overwhelmed by a blessing in disguise.

The last one is my contact with the armored dragon, but in fact, I have no good way to face this thing, but I know at least one thing, that is, I can’t meet force with this thing. with force, so I passed this guy’s attack in time, and gave it eternity from the side. It’s a pity that it’s meaningless except for cutting off a two-ton steel block. This thing is its staid side. It's just a horn, and it will drop if you drop it, and it doesn't affect anything.

"Damn! What's the situation?" After the group of heavy armored organ dragons rushed past, they were really red and they crawled out of the ground one after another. I have to say that the ground environment did not bring any advantages to the Russians, but it did bring us some benefits. If it is in other places and is run over by these hundreds of tons of things, even we will be injured somewhat. However, in this place at the North Pole, the ground is covered with snow, and the hardness of the surface part is very low. As a result, the heavy armored organ dragons only crushed them into the snow after they ran over them, without causing them. What a real harm. However, it can already be seen from this point that once these things go to other places, as long as the ground is not soft, they will exert a very terrifying battle strength.

"hey hey hey, don't bring this!" Gold coin, who had just crawled out from under the snow, found that the heavy armored dragon on the opposite side turned around again. She was so scared that she hurriedly climbed out to summon Get out of his mount and jump on it.

Although these heavy armored dragons are fast, and defensive power can basically be said to be invincible for a short time, their size tells us a very important message, that is-they are definitely not Can fly.

In fact, after the first wave of battles suffered a loss, all the people on our side were lifted off. Those who can be here are not idiots, we can already be said to represent the strongest power among the players. Therefore, the combat experience of those of us is very rich. I just wanted to test the power of these things before, but now that I know that I can't fight against them, of course I won't be stupidly trying to fight these guys.

Originally, we thought we could start to crush these guys with long-range attacks after we got up, but in fact, our thoughts were a little too taken for granted.

Yes, the characteristics of these heavy armored organ dragons can almost be said to be obvious at a glance. We easily guessed their characteristics, that is, they can't fly. However, being unable to fly does not mean that there is no anti-air capability.

Just after all of us took off, the heavy armored dragons rolled around on the ground below us and finally found that they could not hit us, and then they rolled directly to the outer circle area, and then the body suddenly unfolded and changed back to the wild beast form and no longer maintained the iron ball state.

After the body was unfolded, these guys immediately looked up and looked towards us in the sky, but it was only our guess, because we have not found the eyes of these guys until now, and we are not even sure that they are Not having eyesight. But these guys obviously have a way to locate us, because even if we fly, they can still accurately lock our position.

After these guys looked up at us, the edges of the plate armor on their backs began to light up the rays of light of ice blue, and the rays of light started all the way from the tip of their tail. The head lights up, and the speed is very fast. It took less than a second from when we found their tails to glow to the last condyle of their heads. It stretched over almost in the blink of an eye. Then, their The mouth under the head opened, and a ball of blue and white spheres shining with dangerous rays of light also appeared in the mouths of these guys.

"I rely on, pay attention to defense!" I flew in front of Bingbing, she is the weakest defense here, can not let her withstand direct attacks. After blocking her, I immediately opened my protective position and blocked my front with a dragon shield, and in the next second, the light balls in the dragon's mouth of those heavy armor mechanisms shot out one after another.

The speed of these spheres of light is very fast. Although they are not flying at the speed of light, they are at least several times the speed of sound, so that the blazing Fire Dragon, who was planning to rely on the speed advantage to dodge, was hit by the volley. .

The light orbs emitted by those heavy armored dragons are not only fast, but also have very large formidable power. All of us here have suffered a lot, and the results I personally felt are similar. The temporarily opened protective position was easily penetrated. After that, a huge force came from my shield. Although I was stubbornly resisted and did not shook the shield flying, the huge energy release still caused me a considerable amount of damage. . It can be said that even the frontal attack of the magic crystal cannon does not have such a large formidable power.

"What are you kidding? The attack power of these things is too high?" Zhen Hong exclaimed after blocking the attack.

"I said earlier, these things are siege weapons, and the defensive power is amazing, and the attack power is not weak."

"Then what should we do? I can't touch these at all. Iron king!" said gold coin.

Christina looked at this time and said: "President, I think we should consider other methods. Those mechanical Knights and mechanical Three-Horned Dragon have moved over, although these guys It seems slow, but since the heavy armored machine dragon has this long-range air-to-air capability, there is no guarantee that these mechanical Knights and mechanical Three-Horned Dragons will not. If they all have similar abilities, we will be surrounded in the air. , It’s like becoming a living target!"

I frowned and looked at the mechanical Knight and the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon over there, and it turned out to be not far below us, it seemed The situation is quite unfavorable for us. I really didn’t expect that Russians would have such a powerful Mechanical Beast as a heavy armored dragon. Thanks to this thing, it has not appeared in the battle on the Sino-Russian border before, otherwise the loss will be immeasurable.

"We don't care about the heavy armored dragons below. Go directly to the castle over there. They are slow and can't catch up with us." I directly ordered.

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