No matter what is wrong with the ice-bound Banshee, so many anti-aircraft weapons are installed here, anyway, these things are causing us considerable trouble now.

Banshee’s home is not equipped with anti-aircraft guns or anti-aircraft missiles in the general sense. In fact, there are no real anti-aircraft missiles in the game. There are anti-aircraft guns, but they are not the same as in reality. The anti-aircraft gun used in the game is actually a kind of magic cannon, which emits a kind of energy rays, so it looks like a laser cannon, but it is actually a magic weapon. As for the missile this thing, because of the problem that the Guiding Arrow Demon array cannot be burned, no one is using missiles except for our Frost Rose Alliance. And even our Frost Rose League did not say anything about air defense missiles. The liquefied magic crystal steam missiles we use should actually be classified as individual rockets with tracking capabilities, because its turning radius is actually very large and it is not true. Very agile, so it's OK to deal with ground targets, and it's obviously a bit unreliable against the air.

In fact, in addition to magic ray-type anti-aircraft guns, the most commonly used anti-aircraft weapons are bows and arrows. The magic arrows used by players or NPCarcher in the game are actually very formidable power, fast, long range, and very accurate, especially the hit rate brought by the guided arrow skills can greatly increase the deterrent power of the bow and arrow, thus making Bows and arrows have become a fairly wide range of anti-aircraft weapons. Of course, this is only to say that in general combat situations, if you encounter a large aerial target, such as Isengard's mobile fortress, the bow and arrow are obviously useless. However, it is still an old problem. At present, there are basically no large aircraft in other guilds except our Frost Rose League, so the demand for such high formidable power air weapons is not very strong.

The air-to-air weapons used by the Banshee House in the frozen Banshee are quite different from the commonly used air-to-air weapons. First of all, this is a rapid-fire weapon, which is very different from the traditional anti-aircraft gun. Secondly, the ammunition used by this weapon is even equipped with a proximity fuze, which will automatically detonate as long as it gets close to us, thereby increasing the range of damage.

The original rapid-fire weapon is already quite difficult to hide, this thing will also self-destruct, which is even more terrible. Although most of us fly well, we have to shuttle through this dense barrage, and we have to carry all kinds of fragments, which is simply deadly!

"Damn! Is this horrible place specially designed for us?" Real Red rushed down for a while with a dense bullet screen. As a result, there was a jingle on her body, and she was alive with dense bullets. The rain came back. Thanks to her high defense, it would be enough just now.

Christina looked at the flashing protective shield next to her and said: "The opponent’s vitality is too dense. Although the aiming accuracy is not high, these sub-munitions will automatically explode after approaching us and fly out. There are too many shrapnels to evade at all. We can only find a way to get a shield to rush down."

"Or I will come?" Zhen Hong asked.

Matsumoto Masaga glanced at the people next to him, and then said: "President Purple Moon, it seems that this kind of task is only done by you or really red. Our defensive power is not enough. !"

Kakuda Ichiro also knows that at this time the top leader will definitely suffer, but everyone is now a cooperative relationship, so he also cheeked and said: "Yes, President Purple Moon, this time only I can rely on you, our defensive power can't stop their bombing!"

Actually, I was simply not hesitating about this because of the profit and loss. At that time, we were half-and-half with the Japanese, but in the end it was all ours. Japanese players definitely don't know this, but I know, so I don't care about the small gains and losses in the mission. What really makes me hesitate is the security issue after this continues.

The Banshee House has installed such a large number of anti-aircraft weapons here, which shows that they have made special arrangements for the assault force of our Frost Rose League. When this is defensive, the assault will become extremely difficult, and maybe it will become all in vain. I am now hesitating whether I need to continue. Judging from the current situation, the status of this operation has far exceeded our previous expectations, that is, a large number of unplanned variables have emerged. In this case, whether to continue the task is indeed a difficult choice for me.

Although I hesitated, I finally made a decision and the action must continue. The previous investment was too great, and the significance of this action is not simple. Obtaining Russian technology is only one of the benefits. The biggest gain of this operation is actually the first Sino-Japanese cooperation in the true sense. As long as there is a precedent for anything in this world, it will be much easier to do afterwards. If this cooperation is successful, then if we want to deal with which country in the future, players can use the interest as an excuse to cooperate with Masaga Matsumoto. Japanese players follow us, and the Japanese players see the actual benefits in this operation. , The next time it will be easy to accept cooperation again, and after two more cooperations, there can be three or four times. Therefore, in addition to economic benefits, the more important thing lies in political benefits.

All the entanglements of interest determine that we cannot shrink from this time. It was so easy to plan this Sino-Japanese cooperation. Once the first cooperation between the two parties fails, it will be even more difficult to think about a second time in the future. Therefore, this action is very important.

How can I give up when it is actually a last resort? So, after hesitating for two seconds, I ordered: "Go to the back, try to get closer, I will open the first defensive wall for you."

"President..." Really red seems to be Want to rush to be a meat shield.

"Don't say it, I'll come."

Since I am so determined, Zhenhong has to go to the back obediently, but in fact, I don’t plan to be myself. In front of Rending, because I still have a lot of familiars to use. After everyone gathered, Jingjing appeared in front of me, and then slammed the Holy Shield in his hand. "Holy Shield——Strong Wall."

A huge light shield appeared in an instant, and Jingjing moved the shield to our up ahead, aimed at the position of the castle, and then everyone followed Jingjing. Jing's back pushed her down and dashed.

After our side gathered in a group, the air defense weapons below were naturally all concentrated, but when they were preparing to gather fire to kill us, we who were charging trembled. Suddenly One is divided into three to five, and four sets of identical silhouettes appear in our original silhouette all around.

"Phantom?" The Russian player who commanded air combat was also taken aback, and then reacted and ordered the use of reconnaissance skills for identification, but what they did not expect was that their skills had not yet arrived. After using it, the silhouette of the five teams in the sky swayed again, and then each split into four Avatars. Then these Avatar teams spread out, spreading in the air while splitting continuously, and it became covering in the blink of an eye. The heavens, shielding the sun’s welcoming army, but the reconnaissance skills of the players below have been thrown away for a long time without seeing a silhouette.

The so-called reconnaissance technique can be performed on a specific area, and all the illusions that have been swept will only be recognized as true or false, and will not disappear, so the Russian reconnaissance operations seem to be A piece of airspace was inspected, but all they found were illusions, but we really didn’t know where to go.

This situation made the Russian players stunned for a while, and then someone suddenly reacted, but it was a pity that it was too late for them to react. Just when this group of people thought that our main body might be touched from other directions in an invisible way, their castle gate was directly sunken inward with a loud bang, which was obviously a huge blow. .

As the attack appeared, the red silhouette began to emerge in front of the gate, and our group of people also appeared one after another.

Actually, the five Avatars that the Russian players saw before are all fake. The illusion we used to confuse the Russian players comes from the illusion skills of Emménis, and the skills of Emménis are not. Quantity limit, that is to say, even if we create illusions, there is no need for five to five. The reason why we split each time by one to five is just to create a kind of inertial thinking for Russian players to make them think We can only change in this way and think in accordance with the ideas we set.

In fact, when creating the illusion for the first time, Eminis used not only the illusion, but two skills, in addition to the illusion and invisibility. While invisible to us, five illusions were created around us, and then we began to descend linearly, separating from the illusions. While those illusions continue to increase in number in the air, they form a tendency to encircle each other, and make a gesture of wanting to use the quantitative advantage to confuse the other party. At this time, we in the invisible state have already rushed against the ground by flying at ultra-low altitude. The castle gate. Ever since, when those Russian players discovered something was wrong, we were actually at the gate.

True Red punched the gate into a large dent and then immediately played a set of combo punches on the door one after another, and with each punch of True Red fell, that There will be obvious deformations of jack gates with a thickness of one meter, and this deformation is getting more and more serious. When Zhen Hong hit her last punch, the big gate finally could no longer withstand such a huge impact, and flew backward with a bang. Zhenhong actually forcibly smashed the jack gate from the track and deformed it to fall out.

Seeing that we smashed the door open, the heavy armored organ dragons tumbling behind all speeded up, but it was useless no matter how fast it was. This castle is different from ordinary cities. Although it is recognized as a former by the system, it is actually a very large building. The internal space is not very large. Although there are channels for the entry and exit of certain heavy units, they are only for the same way, not for them to fight inside. Therefore, even if those heavy armored organ dragons rushed up, they could only stare outside. Unless they plan to tear down their city by themselves, they can't fight here at all.

I didn't take care of the heavy armored dragons behind us, we all walked towards the inside of the castle after Real Red broke through the gate.

Behind the gate of the castle is a super huge hall. The space of this hall is enough for the heavy armored dragons outside to fight us inside. However, even if the space is large enough, they can I dare not fight here, because although this place is large enough, it is inside the building after all. If our attack fails, it will hurt the building itself. Once this place is destroyed, the Russians will lose more than just a castle. .

After entering the lobby, we looked around. Although the building made of ice seems to be crystal clear and near-transparent, it is actually impossible to see the opposite of the wall through the wall. The refractive index of ice is actually not very stable, so light will inevitably be refracted. Naturally, it cannot be transparent like glass. You can only see if there is anything moving behind the ice layer, but you can’t see the specific situation. .

There are many doors on the left and right sides of this hall, but the blockade of this place is very tight. We have never got the information here before, so naturally we don't know the situation of this place.

"What should we do now? What should we do separately?" Masaka Matsumoto looked at me and asked.

I thought for a while and said: "Separate, but can't be separated completely."

"How to divide?" Kakuda Ichiro asked.

"The team is divided into several groups, with two people in each group. One person from our side and one person from your side form a two-person team. In this way, we can ensure that each combat team has a certain battle. strength, on the other hand, it can also ensure that both parties will not hide anything privately, so that everyone can rest assured. What do you guys say?"

Of course I said this to Kakuda Ichiro, after all, this place is strictly Except for him, everyone else is my subordinate.

As a real Japanese player, Ichiro Kakuda naturally agreed with me when he heard what I said, so he said: "Okay, just do it, but how do you group it?"

"We are all high-level personnel. Just pay a little attention to the matching. You don’t need to be too particular about it. Masaga Matsumoto and Bingbing are the weakest here. You are the strongest in Japan. It can guarantee her safety."

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "Leave it to me, don’t worry, she won’t be surprised."

Bingbing is very obedient. Standing directly next to Masaga Matsumoto, he was a team.

Looking at the rest of the people, I simply said: "August Xun, you are with gold coin. Really red, you are with Ying Yu Shen Hina. Chi Fire Dragon Ji will be with Christina's group. Kakuda Ichiro, you and me."

"Why should I be with you?" Kakuda Ichiro asked in surprise. He originally thought he would be in a group with a certain girl. After all, one of the five members of the Frost Rose League is mine. There is an 80% chance of encountering a girl, but he actually grouped with me, which made him somewhat unacceptable. . In fact, not being with a girl is not the main reason why Kakuda Ichiro can’t accept it. What really makes him feel awkward is that the probability of my appearance in Japan is too high, and they are all negative roles, so I suddenly wanted to team up with me to let him It feels awkward. Before there were too many people, it was naturally even more uncomfortable to become a duo.

I actually guessed some of Kakuda Ichiro’s thoughts, but I have to divide it like this. Bingbing is too weak and impossible with Kakuda Ichiro. After all, Kakuda Ichiro is the weakest one on Matsumoto Masaka's side. Even if I have a problem with my head, it is impossible to form the weakest two into a team, right? Moreover, another problem is that Kakuda Ichiro is actually a real Japanese player, and he is the only character here who needs us to be careful. And whether it is Christina or gold coin, we are not the kind of lying and deceiving people. type. As for Zhenhong and Bingbing, let alone these two, they are completely rectal. One is a female character, and the other is a pure water character. If such a person is alone with Kakuda Ichiro, it will definitely be exposed, but Compared with someone like me who can talk nonsense with open eyes, it's a little worse, right?

Usually, I fool people without doing anything. Kakuda Ichiro followed me, and he could definitely play around with him easily and ensure that there would be no problems.

Although Kakuda Ichiro wanted to change his personal partner very much, I just gave a look to Matsumoto Masaga and stepped up to criticize and educate Kakuda Ichiro. In the end, Kakuda Ichiro had no choice but to accept it. My distribution became my partner.

In fact, if the mental obstacles are eliminated, Kakuda Ichiro will find that it is actually a very happy thing to partner with me, because I am a god teammate, and I am absolutely not pitted.

"Okay, the team distribution is complete, everyone disperses, and finds any situation to use the communicator to contact. If you encounter obstacles that can't be solved, it is called reinforcement."

"Understood."< /p>

"Don't worry, we are not novices."

Everyone separated immediately after they finished speaking, and rushed in after choosing a path, and then began to search around.

Kakuda Ichiro and I entered a passage on the right. There was no guard in the hall we entered just now, and all the passages here are closed. However, when we walked to the passage of our choice, we found that the gate was full of enemies.

"Damn, this is the case with other channels or we won the prize?" Looking at the black silhouette behind the channel, although it is not real, it is quite spectacular.

"It looks like it would be unlucky to follow you." Kakuda Ichiro muttered.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm the super lucky person of Lucky 7, how can I be so unlucky as you said?" I said, I walked to the front of the passage and kicked it up.

Compared with the outside gate, the inside gate is obviously not so thick. As soon as I stepped up, a crack appeared directly on the door. Although it was not broken, it can be seen that the door is actually not very strong.

Kakuda Ichiro saw that I had already started smashing the door and didn’t say anything. He took out the weapon and stood beside me preparing to fight, but I kicked it again, and the crack in the door turned into After the spider web pattern, when I was about to smash the door open with three lows, the door in front of me actually shattered by itself.

The sudden collapse of the gate did not cause the guards on the opposite side to panic. In fact, the gate was broken by themselves. Seeing that I had already made the door like this, the person on the opposite side knew that the door couldn't stand it anymore, so they just smashed the door and rushed over to make a surprise attack.

The enemy behind this gate is not a Russian player, but a kind of high level NPC. These guys are called Aurora warrior, which is a very rare high level unit. In fact, apart from the two defects of unstable number of signs and high price, this unit can be said to have almost no defects.

Aurora warrior itself is a kind of combat unit between reloaded warrior and normal warrior. The armor on their body looks like a full set of plate armor, but in fact, the thickness of this plate armor is not stable. The thickness of some key positions even exceeds that of heavy infantry, reaching the level of overweight Knight, but the thickness of other parts is very average. The biggest advantage of this uniquely designed armor is that it takes into account both defense and weight, reducing weight while maximizing defensive power, thereby improving the wearer's agility.

In addition to their special equipment, these guys have special abilities. In fact, the Aurora warrior is more similar to the Demon Sword. It is a melee unit that uses magic, but almost all of the magic they use is concentrated in the direction of the ice attribute, so the Aurora warrior is a very strong regional unit. .

There are basically only three types of cold attribute spells of these guys: suppression, field control, and support.

Suppression skills are some long-range attack skills. The characteristics of these skills are that their attack power is not high, but they come with a series of nasty abilities that can prevent you from remotely attacking them, thereby forcing you Fight them close.

The field control skills are simple, that is, some skills with moderate attack power and certain effects such as deceleration and defense reduction. These skills are magic matching with the Aurora warrior in close combat, which can limit the opponent's attack power to the greatest extent and increase their output.

The ability of the last auxiliary class is basically a pure auxiliary without attack power. On the one hand, it has a partial field control effect, and on the other hand, it also has the ability to self-heal. After all, the cold ice attribute is the advanced spell of Water Element, and many of the Water Element spells are of the healing system, so the Aurora warrior's healing technique is also normal.

Because of the dual role of skills and equipment, these Aurora warriors are characterized by high attack and defense plus agility beyond the general level, and they also show beyond the general magic level. The combination of these is terrifying. battle strength.

In the face of this type of unit, logarithmic guilds are a headache, but this type of Aurora warrior has a problem, that is, they are different from ordinary NPCs, and their recruitment locations are unstable, so they are impossible. Lots of solicitation, and there is no way to monopolize. In fact, even our guild has several Aurora warriors, otherwise I wouldn't be so familiar with this unit.

As soon as the group of Aurora warriors appeared, they threw a bunch of ice attribute spells. Kakuda Ichiro’s first reaction was to avoid them first, but at the same time that Kakuda Ichiro avoided, the plague was huge. His body appeared in the hall, and a mouthful of dragon flame that was already ready to explode directly sprayed into the passage, not only covering all the ice spells that were flying over, but also covering the aurora warrior in the passage. It was also burned clean, and even the passage was severely melted, and the upper and lower passages could even be seen in some places.

Ichiro Kakuda watched the plague withdraw his huge head slowly disappearing into the space door, staring at me blankly, and then he said, "You usually fight like this." "

I nodded and said: "The enemies are so densely gathered, it would be a waste not to spray dragon flames?"

Kakuda Ichiro reluctantly followed me and walked into the passage . Because of the low temperature here, the channel that had just melted instantly froze again, but the shape of the ground and walls have changed a lot. Fortunately, the aurora warrior in the front blocked most of the dragon flames, and the back channel was only the front one. There are obvious signs of melting in the section of the road, and most of the latter are still relatively intact.

You can feel more at ease when you walk without an enemy’s passage. In addition, the walls are semi-transparent and there is no way to hide people behind, so we don’t worry about encountering any resistance, so we just trot forward.

After passing through the long passage, I turned a corner, and then I saw a staircase after walking not far, but this staircase is up and down. Kakuda Ichiro immediately looked towards me, meaning Of course it is for me to decide whether to go up or down.

For the passage of this staircase, I didn't even think about it, so I decided to go up, not because I knew the layout here, but because I wanted to get a rapid-fire cannon on the roof. We have already felt the formidable power of the empty weapon just now. This thing is much stronger than our guild’s anti-aircraft weapons, so I want to get some back and study it, maybe we can get our guild’s own. Rapid fire weapons. At present, the large weapons in the game generally have a slow rate of fire. A weapon that can produce 15 medicine pill in one minute can basically be regarded as a rapid-fire weapon, but in reality, this rate of fire is not counted at all. What, as long as the hand brake is a little bit, any pistol can hit this speed. After all, fifteen rounds of one minute ammunition means one round in four seconds. This speed is really not fast.

Although Kakuda Ichiro didn't know why I decided to go up so quickly, he didn't say anything. I was in command when everyone acted together before. Now, even though it has become a squad operation, I am still the commander-in-chief, so Kakuda Ichiro decided to listen to me.

Going up the stairs, we met resistance again after a short walk. However, the Russian defense force is not known if they are all used up. The resistance here is sporadic resistance, and I was solved by Kakuda Ichiro before I had time to make a move.

After walking a short distance on the upper floor, after turning a series of corridors, we finally found a more valuable room. It's not that there are any good things in this room, but because this place is actually a room similar to a surveillance room. We previously killed three Aurora warriors and more than 20 Russian players in this place in one go. Of course, there are some other NPCs. Anyway, there are more than 100 combatants in this room. After we dealt with these people, we discovered that there were more than 30 non-combat NPCs and some non-combat players.

When combatants were fighting with us, these players were destroying equipment, but these people are non-combat players, so the destructive power is really ordinary, and these monitoring equipment are actually Magic equipment is not something as fragile as those monitors in reality, so these people were tired and half dead and didn't destroy a few pieces of equipment.

In fact, I think their behavior is completely meaningless, because we simply don’t like these things. These so-called monitoring devices are actually earthen monitors made by players using certain props in the game. Although they can also function as monitors, they are actually very limited and easy to be disturbed. There is not much practical value yet. Of course we dismissed this thing, but after seeing these things, I was still excited, because I found that every monitoring device here is equipped with a structure diagram, which clearly indicates the monitoring station. What's wrong with the castle, and with the monitor screen, we can directly see which rooms have what we need.

Kakuda Ichiro at first didn't realize the use of these things, but he instinctively went up and prevented the sabotage actions of the Russian players. After killing these Russian players, I began to check the location of important rooms in the castle against those location maps. In fact, not only can you know the location of the Chinese medicine room through these structural drawings, you can also learn about the structure of the entire castle by the way. After roughly determining the situation of these rooms, we completely destroyed these surveillance equipment, and then started moving towards the nearest useful room we saw before and ran over.

The previous aimless search was not as fast as the current purposeful search. We soon found a pretty good room on the third floor, but there was a lot of space in it. good stuff.

In fact, this room is not a technical database, but a storage place for valuable items. Of course, this precious item does not refer to the precious jewels, but refers to the kind of items with exaggerated prices among the special materials that need to be used in the research.

Because they are all very expensive materials, they are specially concentrated in this place similar to a vault, but this vault is actually equipped with a thicker armor plate than a normal room. Before eternity, all the armors were paper, and as a result, we simply entered and took away everything.

After searching this room, we did not delay on the upper floors, but went directly to the front rooftop, and then saw the true appearance of the anti-aircraft gun that attacked us before.

In fact, the shape of the anti-aircraft gun they invented by Banshee really surprised me, because it looked like a near-anti-aircraft gun.

The unit price of the near-anti-cannon is known. It is a very powerful rapid-fire weapon, and it is generally launched with a multi-barrel weapon system. This multi-barrel weapon system is easy to fire because of its high rate of fire. A barrage is formed, which can effectively intercept and tell flying objects. However, there is a problem with rapid-fire multi-barreled weapons, that is, the structure is relatively complicated, and it is generally not too easy to make. Many guilds in the game have thought of imitating the rotating machine guns in reality, but the things that they made in the end proved to be of little practical value and were abandoned.

This is the first time an anti-aircraft gun that can intercept high-speed objects in the air has appeared in the real sense. It is a big breakthrough in the game.

While Kakuda Ichiro and I were watching this thing, we suddenly heard the voice of Masaga Matsumoto coming from the headphones, and it sounded very anxious.

"Anyone? Come and help!"

"What's the situation?" The red voice appeared first.

Christina asked directly: "Location."

"It's one floor below the second passage on the left side of the hall. You come in from where we came before and go through the stairs. Just come down." Matsumoto Masaka said.

"I'm August Xun, I'm already on the road." August Xun shouted on the channel.

"Sakura Rain God Young is on the way."

"Fire Dragon Hime is also on the way."

Kakuda Ichiro glanced at me, and then Turned around and rushed to the door, but I stepped forward and took his arm a step faster than he moved, then held down the communicator and said, "Hold on for fifteen seconds."

I didn’t care after I said it. Kakuda Ichiro’s puzzled gaze directly magnified Eternity, and then turned it into a double saw-like structure. I let Kakuda Ichiro help me pass under the anti-aircraft gun and cut the entire anti-aircraft gun.

After I got this thing done, I directly packed the anti-aircraft gun and threw it into the door of the earth, and then ran to the other side of the passage with Kakuda Ichiro, who was still confused about the intention. In fact, seven or eight seconds have passed by this time.

Although Kakuda Ichiro wanted to know what I was going to do, because I was ahead, he also knew that it would take more time to ask now, so he simply chose to believe me for the time being. Although I felt hated when I was an enemy, Ichiro Kakuda walked with me all the way to understand it. As a comrade-in-arms, I was actually very reliable.

I and Ichiro Kakuda originally walked on the right side of the castle, but now they ran to the left, but Masaga Matsumoto and the others are on the basement floor, but we are on the top floor.

As soon as we arrived at this position, Matsumoto Masaka screamed: "Damn, I can't stand it!"

"What the hell did you meet?" Christie Na's voice came out.

Bingbing’s panting voice replied: "A lot of monsters!"

"Of course I know it is a monster. The question is what monster you met!" Christina asked.

"I don't know, it's a disgusting and strange creature anyway!" Bingbing replied.

Kakuda Ichiro was obviously more anxious when he heard the voice over there, but I stopped, looked down at the ice under my feet, and then reached out and snapped my fingers. A fire suddenly appeared in front of me, and then there was high-speed rotation and getting bigger and bigger, and finally suddenly turned into a human form and landed on the ground in front of us.

It was Xiaofeng who appeared, but Kakuda Ichiro didn't know her. I have too many familiars. Although Japanese players have studied me in depth, they don’t say that everyone knows all of my familiars.

As soon as Xiaofeng appeared, the surrounding temperature began to rise rapidly, and it became a puddle right under our feet, and Kakuda Ichiro was surprised to find that we were sinking at this time.

I said before that the entire castle is made of ice. Only some special rooms are reinforced with metal, so we can easily reach other locations by melting the ice. As for now...Since Masaga Matsumoto and the others are directly below us, it is even simpler. As long as you heat up your side, after the ice under your feet melts, we will fall down layer by layer, and then it will be very easy. You can go directly to the location of Masaga Matsumoto.

In fact, Xiaofeng’s heating process is a gradual process. It took almost five seconds to melt through the ice surface for the first time. The Second Layer only takes three seconds, and the Third Layer takes one second. The Fourth Layer has almost no feeli

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