The mechanical Knight is not a complete mechanical creation. The body of this thing is covered by armor, and the inside is not visible, but the limbs can be determined to be absolutely pure mechanical bodies, but his head is not. . The heads of these mechanical Knights are actually physical bodies. During the previous battle, I layered and passed through one of the mechanical Knight’s helmets. There was indeed flesh and blood inside, which means that the mechanical Knight should be a semi-mechanical creature.

Although the warehouse in this place is full of parts for the mechanical Knight and the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, but there are no human heads, which means that they may be able to assemble a large number of mechanical Three-Horned Dragon here. , But it is absolutely impossible to appear mechanical Knight.

Actually, after seeing these parts here and comparing the feeling of fighting with the mechanical Knight and the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon before, I can roughly determine why the mechanical Knight has a human head.

The research institute of Banshee Frozen is obviously having trouble with artificial intelligence. As a result, the mechanical body has been completed, but the intelligence has not been able to keep up. We encountered this situation before when we were developing mobile angels in the guild. At that time, the first-generation magic puppets were almost like babies, falling on the ground, rolling stairs, and hitting walls. All sorts of messy problems almost didn’t let those who did research. The player pulls out his hair. After that, we got the help of Celestial Court, got the Divine Weapon rune, and the researchers worked hard, and developed the limb drive auxiliary array by ourselves. After the combination of the two, we produced the first-generation mobile doll of our guild, but that It’s about being a doorman if something is dead. The intelligence is about equivalent to a level that a three-year-old child can’t reach. Of course, these guys have an advantage compared to children, that is, they are very obedient. You can do whatever you want, without instructions. Then it can stand there until the energy is exhausted and shut down automatically.

The Russians should have encountered similar problems as ours. The mechanical body part is copied from the real technology, and then supplemented by the magic theory in the game. Relatively speaking, it is relatively easy to complete, as long as you have Money has time, and it can always be tricked. However, the smart part is a huge problem. Our guild has a significant advantage in this aspect. First, we directly obtained a bunch of puppet entities for reverse engineering research, and then Celestial Court supported some technical data. Later, I found several other technical NPCs in Divine Grade. The problem Basically, it is almost solved.

In addition, our guild will have an advantage that the Russians do not possess, and that is soul research. The guild from the very beginning is part of the Dark Element, and our old nest Isinger is a magic capital, and it was built with the aid of the Dark God Palace when Isinger was established. Most of the first residents were I migrated from the Mist City. As a result, the undead creatures in Isengard accounted for the majority, and even the proportion of undead creatures with our Frost Rose League was particularly large. Coupled with the relationship between me and the headquarters of Dark God Palace, I got a lot of high level Lich. These guys are great players who play with the soul, and the soul is basically equivalent to the operation system in the game, but it is just normal The operating system is to operate the computer, and the soul is to operate the body-whether it is a flesh and blood body or an Iron Body.

The current mobile angels can reach the point they are today. In the final analysis, it lies in our guild's powerful soul studies. After all, the essence of artificial souls is a weakened version of Lich transformation, so the Russian technology tree Obviously the most important branch is missing, and without these undead technologies, mechanical lifeforms are all delusions.

However, things are dead and people are alive. The Russians who walked into the dead end were also impossible and stood there in a daze. They realized that they had encountered the dead end and they also thought of a workaround. On the one hand, their family invested a lot of money to find ways to strengthen the intelligence level of the self-control core in all aspects, on the other hand, they worked hard on the body itself. If the body of the two feet is not easy to control, then go directly to the four-leg stepping system. After all, the stability of the four legs is significantly higher than that of the two legs. In this way, the balance control part can be simplified a lot, and the coordination of the four legs can even rely on The solution of pure mechanical mode further reduces the demand for intelligence.

Of course, this kind of thing is still the existence of idiot Level 1, so they directly created the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, a fighting creature that does not need a brain, as long as it knows to rush forward. Moreover, the original main battle weapon similar to the mobile angel was downgraded to something like a mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, which further reduces the need for intelligence, and naturally there is no big problem.

As for the mechanical Knight, this is a branch technology that the Russians refuse to abandon the original research and development purpose and continue to strengthen. They couldn't solve the problem of artificial intelligence, so they simply changed their direction and directly turned to human-computer interaction, connecting the human head directly to the mechanical body, thus creating a mechanical puppet-like existence. Of course, it is estimated that some of the undead technology is also used in this, because the existence that can survive with a single head is definitely not a natural creature. Apart from the undead spell, I really can't think of any way to make a human head survive alone.

No matter what technology the Russians use, there are major technical flaws in this thing anyway, at least one thing is certain, that is, the head production that replaces the control core is very low, or even mass production, otherwise why What about the accumulation of so many mechanical Knight parts instead of the mechanical Knight running around?

"Hey Song this Monarch, this time we have developed." Kakuda Ichiro walked to one of the three-horned dragon head parts and said: "Look, we just need to get this thing back. You can study your own combat equipment."

Matsumoto Masaka also pretended to be very happy and said: "Yes, as long as we find the research materials and cooperate with these physical parts, we are very happy. We will be able to master related technologies soon, and these technologies are all related. If we get the same technology, it means that we can produce a lot of associated technologies. In the near future, we will have our own super weapon arsenal."

"God bless me Japan." Kakuda Ichiro yelled excitedly.

"Hey, warrior-sama, we are still here! Please consider our feelings before you celebrate?" Zhen Hong said at Kakuda Ichiro.

Although Kakuda Ichiro is different from Masaga Matsumoto, he is a pure Japanese nationalist, but it may be that he found so many parts and saw the hope of Japan’s development and growth, so he is in a particularly good mood now. , This guy actually ignored Zhen Hong's words, just glanced at her and it was over.

"Really red, pay attention to unity, our mission is not over yet." I said aloud true red.

Matsumoto Masaka also said immediately: "Kakuda Ichiro, pay attention, we are still working together, don't delay our major event because of personal emotions."

"I see. I. I will pay attention." Kakuda Ichiro also knew what was most important now, so he didn't refute but accepted Matsumoto's words.

"Skeet." As I called, the door of the earth opened, and Skeet walked out with the bell sound Knight. I pointed to the surrounding parts and said, "Take them all away."

Scott was nodded, and then immediately yelled for the Qilin warrior behind to come out and help move things.

After seeing them get busy, I said directly to Ling: "Ling, I'll leave this to you, and take everyone to block this place. However, in terms of manpower, we may need to coordinate on both sides."


"I understand."

Because Ling has the same commanding ability as mine, she can also replace me here at any time to summon any of my familiars, but because of the The situation is still uncertain, so I may also need the support of the familiar, so I can't directly divide the familiar into two squads to separate the command, but make flexible scheduling with Ling. Both of us can open the summon channel, and the familiars can switch positions between us at will.

After handing this to Ling completely, Masaga Matsumoto and I went through the second door of this room and moved towards the next room, and after that we found out He actually entered a warehouse area.

The passage we entered is the entrance of the warehouse area, and the corridor here is equivalent to the main road. There are a large number of closed warehouses on both sides of this main road. There are people outside these warehouses. Guard, but because the number of people is not large, it is not enough in front of an elite team like ours. However, although there are not many defensive personnel, we found that there are too many things in this place.

The warehouse is filled with various experimental equipment in a mess. Some warehouses are filled with raw materials and the like, and some warehouses are actually filled with living organisms. Anyway, the reserves in this place are All kinds of strange things, all kinds of messy things are packed in warehouses, completely confused about their purpose.

"Purple Moon, it’s impossible for us to move all these things, right?" Kakuda Ichiro was very happy when I first saw those things, because more things mean we can get More, but with the rapid increase in the types and quantities of things discovered, we have all realized a problem, that is, we don't have enough time to move these things. Even though I have tens of thousands of summon creatures that can be used as porters, we are also impossible to transport so many things.

"I also noticed." After I finished speaking, I said to Matsumoto Masaga: "What about your opinion?"

Matsumoto Masaka looked around and said: "It's still a little bit Categorize it? Important or valuable things are given priority. Don't worry about regular items. Don't move all the things that may be useful for our research. Each kind is enough for us to conduct reverse engineering research. It’s fine, there’s no need to move all of them."

I thought about what Matsumoto Masaka said was indeed the best way, so I directly contacted Ling and told her not to move all the parts. Just take a few dozen pieces, and it’s useless to take more.

According to the new method, the speed of taking things is naturally much faster. Soon Ling and the others withdrew from the place where we found a lot of mechanical Three-Horned Dragon and mechanical Knight parts, and then Ling took my The Familiar blocked the Americans and Russians behind and prevented them from catching up, while still instructing my summon creature to help carry those supplies.

The space inside the gate of the earth is large enough, but the gate of the earth is so big, so the entrance and exit have become the barriers that limit the handling speed, even if we think of a lot of methods, it can only be slightly It speeds up a bit, and it can't be done to vacate it all. Of course, if you move selectively, you can barely keep up with the speed.

The underground passages seem to be arranged linearly. The passages in the team all extend in one direction. Therefore, the Russians and the Gunners are blocked by the bullies. Of course, they have also adopted some other strategies, such as coming through places such as ventilation pipes or emergency pipes, but because those places were not originally designed for people to go, only a small number of people can pass through each time. And with such a high battle strength on our side, a single combat unit entering our side is completely free, and it is often killed before it has time to shoot.

The Russians and the Gunners in the back are anxious, but we are not easy in the front. Masaga Matsumoto, Ichiro Kakuda, Mahong, and Fire Dragon Hime were responsible for killing the guards in the passage in front, and the others couldn’t get off. They needed to find a way to destroy the gates of each warehouse, and then went in and checked the inside. The items were labeled according to the situation, and the transport team commanded by Ling was told which ones needed to be picked up and which ones did not need to be moved.

Because there are so many and complicated things, classification and recognition have become unusually slow. More importantly, they don’t know many things themselves, and occasionally I need to run over to recognize them. After all, I’m the only one here. They know the Appraisal Technique, and they can't understand many things that are too technical. Only Christina and I can identify them.

Although the running is very hard, we finally managed to get all the warehouses here smoothly. The selected items are not too many, but they are all very important or very expensive items. I believe that after After our looting, the Russian research progress will definitely be greatly reduced, and many of the technologies that have been researched may be out of gear.

After passing through this entire warehouse area, we saw a gate, to be precise, a Transmission Gate. This thing is standing at the end of the passage. We saw it a long time ago, but it was closed at first. We thought it was some kind of equipment invented by Russians, but when we got closer, this huge arch The runes inscribed on the above actually light up one by one, and a blue light film gradually appeared in the middle part of the back arch, just like the surface of the water. Only at this time did we realize that this thing is actually a Transmission Gate.

"What should we do now? Can't we get in?" Kakuda Ichiro asked as he looked at the Transmission Gate in front of him.

"Where can I find our technical data if I don't go in?" Looking at the Transmission Gate in front of me, I finally jumped in first.

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