"Purple Moon, I'm here!" Chi Fire Dragon yelled while rushing up to help me escape from the mechanical Knight. This guy is obviously a pure melee type. , Although I am also good at close combat, in fact I am not a true close combat, so when the enemy is a pure close combat system, I am not suitable for close combat with the enemy. After all, in this case, the advantages of both sides can be fully utilized, and I have no advantage to take advantage of. If the strength gap is relatively large, it doesn't matter, once the strength is close, it will become a hard fight. So the best way for me to encounter this kind of enemy is to fly a kite at a distance.

Although Chi Fire Dragon Ji has a good sense of cooperation, the gun god, the shit-chucking stick, does not forget to make trouble at this time. A shot came, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji stopped abruptly. He swept the heavy sword in his hand, and with a bang, the fire star flashed on the spine of the sword, knocking the bullet out.

Although Chi Fire Dragon Ji succeeded in fending off the bullet, but the mechanical Knight and I had already rolled into the Russian players’ pile of people over there, although the entanglement between me and the mechanical Knight caused the Russians The player also couldn't get in touch, but Chi Fire Dragon Ji couldn't easily pass by.

Saka Matsumoto took a look at this situation and directly took over my command and said: "Bingbing will add status to Purple Moon, Christina, suppress the gun god, gold coin, you go and help Real Red quickly get that machine Three- Horned Dragon. August Xun, Ying Yu Shen Hina helped to block the miscellaneous soldiers outside, Ichiro Kakuda, you and I cover Chi Fire Dragon Ji assault to Purple Moon."

"Understood." Everyone around them together. Answered complied, and then followed the command of Masaga Matsumoto, but at this time, a loud explosion sound suddenly came over our heads. Masaga Matsumoto looked up and then continued to implement the previous plan, and Christina and the others did not stop. Everyone has guessed that this is probably the sound made by Rose and the others outside. We have told Rose before that the feint mission is cancelled and the real storm mode is switched, so the troops above should have already penetrated the interior of Banshee House.

Knowing that reinforcements are coming soon, of course we are confident here, but there is not much panic on the gunman side. There were a lot of dead people on their side, but the number has dropped to only single digits. However, when Masaga Matsumoto and the others got into action, the Space Crack behind the guy carrying Space Crack suddenly extended a distance and became a channel two or three times larger than before. Then I saw a large group of American players jumping out of it.

As these players appeared, the Space Crack immediately retracted back to its previous form and went silent, but now the number of personnel on the gun god and others has not only recovered to the previous number, but even brought A large amount of supply ammunition.

Although the characteristic occupations of Americans have strong offensive power, their shortcomings are also obvious. Their bullets are limited. If the battle cannot be ended quickly, a large amount of ammunition is needed. Therefore, American Musketeers can be said to be a profession with a high output but a bad battery life. But if you carry a space channel like this, it's a different story. Although this thing doesn't seem to be turned on all the time, I add it from time to time, so that the people on their side can simply kill it!

"Follow us." Masaka Matsumoto did not go to the gun god's side, but rushed forward side by side with Kakuda Ichiro. Russian players also know that letting them meet with me will definitely threaten their mechanical Knight, so they desperately blocked our advancement, but Matsumoto Masaga and Kakuda Ichiro, the pioneers of the battle strength, are very good, plus Chi Fire Dragon Ji was just preserving the strength and preparing to help me deal with the mechanical Knight, and he didn't really need someone to protect him, so although the three of them were not advancing fast, they couldn't stop it at all.

Just when the Russian players here were stuck in a continuous stalemate, there was a sudden footstep from the entrance where I almost rushed in, that is, the entrance where the mechanical Knight appeared. Then, Masaga Matsumoto and the others were completely stunned, because they unexpectedly found another mechanical Knight riding a mechanical Three-Horned Dragon at the entrance of the passage.

"Isn't this their special NPC?" Kakuda Ichiro finally discovered the problem.

Matsumoto said hesitantly: "If it weren't for twins, this thing would look like their magical creation!"

"Automatic attack weapons?" Kakuda Ichiro was surprised Asked: "Is it the same thing as the mobile angel?"

"No, the direction of development is different." Matsumoto Masaka said.

Obviously, the mobile angel is a humanoid mechanical body, and it is a high-mobility type, with high speed and high flexibility. But whether it is the mechanical Knight or the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, what it shows is super survivability and super high damage output. The power of true red is well understood by the Japanese player Kakuda Ichiro, but the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon can compete with true red. Although in the end they still did not surpass true red, they are at least one level of existence. This has shown that the power of this thing is quite scary. Such powerful mechanical creations are not the same way as the mobile angels. They go in a direction that is strong and durable. Of course, it seems that the technical difficulty should be lower. After all, this thing reacts a lot slower, and running on the ground with four legs is certainly not as complicated as those mobile angels playing aerobatics in the sky.

After the second mechanical Knight appeared, he didn't observe the same situation as the previous one, but ran over directly moved towards me. This situation shocked Matsumoto and the others. If this thing is done directly with me, it will be troublesome. It is obviously a bit difficult for me to deal with two mechanical Knights alone.

However, these people are also confused when they care. Although I seem to be unable to withdraw my hand by a mechanical Knight, it is entirely because I didn't try my best. Seeing the second machine Knight rushing up, I wouldn't be able to deal with it alone, no matter how stupid.

"Block them!" As I shouted, the space door suddenly opened in front of me, and then Masaka Matsumoto and the others relaxed, because they saw this thing that they suddenly remembered that I really The powerful killing move is not me, but my familiars.

"ao..." The first one to rush out of the training space is not my usual familiar, but steel teeth. This guy's defensive power is just right now. As Vajra Qilin, Steel Tooth's body is almost impervious to sword and spear, and his Divine Soul is also exceptionally stable. In addition to the offensive ability is not very prominent, Steel Tooth is almost invincible in terms of defense.

As soon as the steel tooth appeared, he took the initiative to face the second mechanical Knight’s mechanical Three-Horned Dragon and rushed up, and then slammed into the opponent. With a loud bang, the two planted a big somersault together, and the mechanical Knight on the back of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon was directly on the back of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon because the back of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon suddenly crashed and stopped. Turned it down.

The mechanical Three-Horned Dragon’s legs are relatively short, and its flexibility is not good. After being knocked down, it is very difficult to get up. Although the steel teeth are not particularly flexible, they are Divine. Beast, although it's not a speed specialty, it's not slow either. A steel tooth that turned over and jumped up from the ground took a step forward, bit one of the mechanical Knight's arm and dragged it out. The mechanical Knight waved his other arm and immediately hit the steel tooth's head, but the sound of the impact was like knocking on a steel plate. Both bodies were hard and scary, except for sparks flying in all directions when they attacked each other. Almost no real results can be seen outside.

The tank also ran out of the space door after the second mechanical Knight over there was restrained. Although the area of ​​the bottom of the shaft is not small, the volume of the tank is still a little too large in this place. Once it appears, it occupies a large area, and then directly rushed towards that the fallen machine Three-Horned Dragon rushed up. The guy just got up from the ground and was pushed up by the tank, and then the speed of the tank didn’t slow down and hit the side wall of the vertical well with this guy. There was a loud bang, and the whole vertical well followed. It shook for a while, and even a lot of unknowing parts fell from it.

After the impact, the tank immediately backed out, leaving a large pit on the wall, and the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon turned into a bunch of loose parts connected by wires. In one place.

"Damn, Purple Moon's favorites are really not ordinary." Kakuda Ichiro was surprised to see the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon that was knocked into a part state, before it was really red down. He was surprised once when he was mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, and didn't expect to be surprised again so soon.

The tank didn’t leave after it succeeded. Instead, it turned around and sprayed a large amount of purple liquid on the gun god. The gun god hurried to evade his subordinates when he saw the situation, but there were still a lot of them. The person was sprayed, and then it melted into a thick liquid instantly as if it had encountered a block of snow from a soldering iron.

After the strong acid spray on the tank side, he retracted into the space. Although he slaughter all sides just now, he also suffered a lot of attacks, so he needs to go back and save the battle strength first. But I still have other familiars to use after the tank returns.

Ling finally walked out of the space with my army of familiars, and then following Ling’s command, a large group of familiars rushed towards the Russian players over there, and Ivorite and Brigitte directly surrounded me and helped me deal with the mechanical Knight who was entangled with me. This guy has actually been stabbed many holes by me in our entanglement, but I don’t know if it’s the reason why the things designed by the Russians are so special. This guy is obviously about to be stabbed into a hornet’s nest, but it is still You can continue to fight with me, and there is no other change except that the output power has decreased a bit.

Obviously, the main difference between the Russian mechanical Knight and our mobile angel lies in the control core and power system, but their mechanical design and emergency system are obviously more cash than our mobile angel. It can be said that the two have their own advantages. Of course, our mobile angel is stronger because of the advantages of power conversion and core control, but as long as this mechanical Knight can be mass-produced, it will also be a very terrifying existence.

This mechanical Knight has been battered by me. After Inverite and Brigitte came up, they efficiently removed the two arms of this guy. Without the restraint of this thing, I finally separated from this guy, and then luckily walked over and stepped on the mechanical Knight who was trying to get up and stepped back on the ground, and then opened my mouth and sprayed this guy with a mouthful of dragon flame, and the mechanical Knight did the same. It quickly melted into molten iron at the speed visible to our naked eye.

When we finally got the mechanical Knight, True Red and gold coin over there also disassembled the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon into parts, and the remaining mechanical Knight is from the steel teeth He escaped and tried to come back to rescue another mechanical Knight, but as soon as he rushed over, he encountered Mira’s destructive ray. One of his legs was directly blown away. Then Mira rushed up in the shape of a dragon, and his limbs stepped on this guy three or two times. It tore to pieces.

Compared with my large monster pets, these mechanical Three-Horned Dragons and mechanical Knights are not enough to see, but this does not mean that they are useless, because players who can own dragon pets like me are really as rare As phoenix feathers and unicorn horns are generally scarce, so for most players these things are quite terrifying.

"Everyone, don't fall in love with the battle, and rush forward." After successfully leaving the battle, I resumed my command and let everyone rush forward. A large group of Death God guards appeared behind us and blocked the Russian players and Gunners, while Masaga Matsumoto and us successfully escaped the battle and rushed into the passages where the mechanical Knight walked out.

After we entered the passage, the dead Divine Knight outside was killed. Those Russian players and Gunners are not rubbish, and the Death God guard itself is not high-level, and it would be good if it can block it for a while. Impossible expects them to block the door unless I continue to make up for it in the back. In fact, I don't need them to block the door, just let us enter the passage here first, and now we have entered, it doesn't matter whether they chase in or not. Besides, the aisle is so narrow. Do you think the gun god and the Russian will come in together or line up? Obviously they are impossible, all of them will definitely be deadlocked at the door for a while, no matter who grabs the second right to come in, we have already come in anyway.

After successfully entering the passage, I pushed forward for a long section of the road, almost three kilometers, and then the passage turned into a huge hall-like room. This underground room is just like the large warehouse of our guild. The internal space is quite huge, but there is not much space in this place now, because it is full of various parts, some of which can even be seen. Some part of the Mechanical Three-Horned Dragon or Mechanical Knight. This kind of semifinished product is piled up everywhere here, and it is roughly estimated that there will be at least more than a thousand when assembled.

"It seems that our choice of offensive time is really right!" Masaka Matsumoto said: "If all these things are assembled, we must be the unfortunate one."

"No, we are the first to be unlucky, and then it will be your turn." Christina said.

Just when we were surprised that there were a lot of parts here, August Xun suddenly said, "No, it’s not. I don’t know about the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, but these things alone can’t be installed. That kind of mechanical Knight."

"Why?" Everyone looked towards her in surprise and waited for an explanation.

August Xun at a moderate pace asked rhetorically: "Have you seen your head?"

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