We are probably the first to engage in robbery to worry about our own enemies.

Speaking of which Russian players’ battle strength is considered to be very strong, not only the personal strength is good, but the number of people is also considerable, and more importantly, their guild structure is quite good, although it cannot be said to be a complete system , But at least the internal consumption is very small. Moreover, Russia's technical equipment is also quite powerful, it can be said that it is only slightly behind our Frost Rose League.

Normally with such a strong strength, Russian players’ defensive ability is not to worry about, but the key lies in the fact that the Americans are too accurate in their time, and we actually rushed to transfer the Russians. This period of time before the start of the real robbery. This blank period is a very critical time for us and for the Russians, but the problem is that the Americans just launched an attack at this time, making us quite passive.

The corpse on the ground has already explained that the battle location must be in the vicinity. We slowed down a little bit at random, but we didn’t dare to slow down much. We were afraid that something unexpected would make the Americans first. Picking the fruit, then we are really making wedding dresses for others.

We found the body less than 20 meters forward at the corner where the body was found, and this time it was much more spectacular than before. There were at least thirty corpses lying in the corridor that was not too long, and there was no place for their feet on the ground.

The death of these corpses is very miserable. Most people have different heads. The corpses were cut into pieces all over the floor, so the exact number of people is difficult to calculate, and as before, these corpses are actually All of them are American, and the bodies of Russian players cannot be seen.

Stepping on the slimy corpse fragments and walking through this passage, a small transportation hub appeared in front of him. This is a vertical passage, and the repair is just like a missile well. The entire channel is cylindrical, and you can't see it from top to bottom, and the diameter of this channel is at least 500 meters. From here, everything on the opposite side is not quite clear. Of course, this is mainly not because of the distance, but because the passage is filled with a lot of smoke and dust, and it looks like it is burning somewhere below.

I rushed to the edge of the vertical well and looked down. Inside this vertical well, there is a circular passage every few meters. There are multiple stairs connecting the two adjacent passages. You can go up and down freely along these stairs, and we also found a similar elevator track in the passage. It’s just that the elevator is not on this floor.

True Red stretched his head and glanced at the situation below, and then asked: "Up or down?"

"The important things are in the depths, of course it is down. "After I finished speaking, I jumped out of the railing first, and Masaka Matsumoto and that Kakuda Ichiro jumped down immediately. When others saw that we had all jumped out, they naturally had to jump down.

It’s actually very easy to know if anyone is nearby, just listen carefully. This place is very quiet because all the people ran out, and the only place where sound can be heard is under the vertical well, so we can definitely find the place of engagement as long as we go down.

In fact, my guess has always been very accurate. We finally saw the bottom of the passage after a vertical drop of nearly a kilometer from here. At this time, the surrounding movement was already very large, even From time to time, I can still see some flashes. Obviously, the War Zone is in the vicinity.

Although I have wings, in order to speed up, I can use wings to assist in glide. Until I see the ground, I open my wings and slow down. It's just the point where it won't be hurt.

At the bottom of the vertical well, two groups of people are fighting each other. Almost one and the third of the group are musketeers. Obviously they are American players. The rest of the group is more mixed. . And there are things that we have never seen before.

Because I was too anxious, I didn't have a good position when I came down, and hit the middle of the two groups with a bang, and this one shocked everyone on both sides. The musketeers are okay, after all, the distance is far, and the Russians on the opposite side have all retreated a lot.

"Purple Moon!" As the black wings spread on the ground slowly and retracted, I stood up from the ground while keeping a kneeling posture, and where I stood was It was obviously sunken down by a large piece, but the ground was also solid, and such a big impact did not collapse, it was just deformed.

The players on both sides are not unfamiliar with me, or there are not many people who don’t know me, especially in this kind of front-line guild. After all, everyone is an international force and always needs to deal with of.

The people on both sides just saw me clearly, and there was another boom next to didn’t expect, and a dazzling white man also smashed to the ground, and then there was less than a second interval. The red silhouette followed the ground, and then a group of people crackled down like dumplings.

Because of our random entry, the personnel on both sides were taken aback, especially the Russian players on the opposite side. It was already very hard to resist the Americans. It was definitely worse for a group of new invaders to run out at such a critical moment as didn't expect.

"Why are you here?" After our staff all landed on the ground, one of the American players on the opposite side immediately walked out, and this person is not someone else, but the one I least want to see now People-gun god.

"It seems that we should ask you this sentence, right?" I looked towards Gunshen with bad eyes and asked.

The gun god was visibly stunned, then frowned and said, "You did it during the outside invasion?"

"Don't tell me you don't know." I glanced at the gun. In the direction behind the gods, there is a strange player standing in front of a shining Space Crack. I also know this player. I don’t know what his name is, but I know he is a national weapon of the United States. One of them is that the race is a constructed creature, and the equipment on his body is a set of magical power armor. In addition, his own race is actually similar to a robot, so this guy is basically a robot with the identity of a player. Of course, what I care more about now is the Space Crack behind him. This thing does not seem to be fixed, because as the previous national device holder moves, this thing is also moving. In other words, this Space Crack can be moved, and it will automatically follow specific actions.

After seeing the look in my eyes, the gunman knew what I was looking at, but he did not explain, nor did he intend to explain. As for my question, he replied straightforwardly: "We just happen to Decided to launch a surprise attack at this time. As for the collision with you, it is purely coincidental. Believing or not is up to you."

"It seems pointless to discuss these now, right?" Zhenhong walked over directly. The two fists slammed into each other in front of him and made a loud noise. "Whether you deliberately picked this time to pick up the bargain or accidentally ran into it, but since we ran into it, then it's impossible."

Although Zhenhong speaks directly, but the truth is no problem. The gun god on the opposite side also knew that there was not much room to turn around now, so he was also very straightforward. He waved his hand forward without even answering, and then the person behind him immediately raised his gun and aimed it at us.

We had some conversations, and the Russian players on the opposite side could roughly understand it. Both of us are here to invade them. It is as if two robbers who were planning to rob the bank happened to pick the same bank at the same time. Although the two groups of robbers did not deal with each other, they were absolutely impossible. Become a partner with the bank.

Now that the situation is clear, there is no need to hesitate. With the sound of American gunfire, the battle resumed instantly, but the battle was more chaotic than before. After all, it is now a three-way battle, and no one can figure out who is fighting.

Fighting at first, I was staring at the gun god, because this guy is the person who has the highest single-handed damage among all the people here, and the total damage output may be higher than him. However, the attack of the gun god is concentrated, so the single damage may be higher, and our side is not all melee type, so we need to beware of this guy playing black hands.

Facts have proved that my worries are completely correct, because the gun god this guy locked the target on Bingbing as soon as he came up. Gunslinger is no stranger to Bingbing, because our Isengard Orchestra has toured in the United States. The number of magic musicians is very small, and even fewer can form a group.

Because he knows who Bingbing is, the gun god is very anxious to kill her. After all, it is common sense to prioritize cleaning the opponent's auxiliary personnel in battle.

I knew it was going to be bad as soon as I saw the gun god raise the gun, so I rushed to Bingbing and propped up the shield to help Bingbing hard against this, but what made me didn’t expect was that it was on me. When I was preparing to respond to the attack, a red voice reminding me to be careful came from the side. As soon as I turned my head, I saw a Russian player swinging a huge ice hammer and hitting it.

In this case, of course I can’t remain indifferent. I turned the shield directly at this guy, and then I heard a loud noise. I just felt my arm numb and my whole person was shaken off. Going out, and at this moment, the gun god's spear rang.

The Russian player’s attack just now did not intentionally cooperate with the gunman, but the gunman is very good at seizing the opportunity, so when I was knocked into the air by that person, the gun was cut off, and I In this case, there is simply no way to intercept the attack.

Just when the gun god's bullets had flown out of the barrel, a white silhouette suddenly rushed in front of Bingbing, and then set up a shield to block it there. He only heard a crisp sound, followed by a booming explosion, and Matsumoto Masaka was directly lifted out, and by the way, Bingbing was knocked down together. However, although both of them fell miserably, they did not die at all, it was just a little blood. It was a blessing to survive the attack of the gun god.

This kind of good opportunity unexpectedly failed to kill Bingbing, and the gun god frowned depressed, but now he can't make up the gun. I can only run away in a hurry, because Christina’s magic has already started, and the dense magic missiles blasted the fragments from where she just stood, and several American players who didn’t react fast enough were directly exploded into pieces of meat in the sky. .

I got up from the ground without the slightest hesitation. I jumped up and rushed to the guy who almost killed Bingbing just now. When the other party saw me coming over, he immediately raised the big hammer and swung it over. I was directly at When I was running, I rolled on the spot, and with a whimper on my head, the sledgehammer wiped the armor on my back and slashed past.

After passing through the attack range of the big hammer, I jumped up directly, and the claws in my hands popped out. I stepped on the guy’s knee and pulled up to the same height as him in an instant. Pour down into his body from both sides of his neck. The claws covering the eternity are extremely sharp, and the opponent's armor has not played any interception effect at all, and is directly penetrated. The blood rushed in the six huge blood holes, and I used the blade claws as support, and the waist lifted the legs and kicked on his chest. It followed my strength and fell straight back, and by the way knocked down a Russian NPC in the back.

The guy with the hammer just now is believed to be the leader or the like here. I can see from the fact that he can smash it with a hammer. I can see that this guy’s power attribute is called monster, and he is tall. It is also completely beyond the human category. But these are useless. Now he has fallen to the ground and turned into a corpse, blood is still bleeding from his neck.

I just killed the guy here and prepared to find the next target, Masaka Matsumoto suddenly shouted: "Leave it to us here, you go grab the information."

I took a look. The situation here, then nodded rushed up. Kakuda Ichiro suddenly shouted at Masaka Matsumoto in a low voice, "Isn't it good to let Purple Moon go alone?"

Masaga Matsumoto was taken aback for a while, and then realized that it was indeed not good. If we follow the ostensible relationship between our two sides, then we should show considerable distrust. Therefore, it is obviously impossible for me to go in and get the information by myself. The Japanese side usually needs a person to supervise it. I chose to take Kakuda Ichiro at the beginning because I was afraid that such negligence would fall behind. Now it seems that the original plan was very correct. After Ichiro Kakuda's reminder, he turned his head and shouted to Chi Fire Dragon Hime: "Chi Fire Dragon Hime, go and help Purple Moon."

"Understand." Chi Fire Dragon Hime said and turned around. I was about to run after me, but when I took a step, I suddenly braked, and a fire star burst out on the ground in front of me. If it weren't for her reaction, she had been shot.

The gun god on the opposite side was quite annoyed and sighed. He broke his own record today, and he failed two sneak attacks in a row. With his hit rate, this situation is really rare. But he also knows that we are all experts here, and it is normal to miss a hit. If someone like us can also shoot one at a time, then he is the number one player in the world.

In fact, apart from today's hit rate problem, the gun god is still very confused about how Matsumoto Masaka got mixed with us. Now Masaga Matsumoto and the others are obviously in the same group with us, but judging from the information obtained by the gun god, the Japanese and us should be mortal enemies. It is a bit unimaginable to fight side by side in this way.

The Fire Dragon who was blocked for a while, Ji failed to get rid of the Russian player who had entangled him before, so he could only continue to fight, and at this time, Zhenhong just solved his enemy and turned directly. Shouted: "I'll help the boss." Then he ran after me directly.

In fact, I haven’t run far, because my intention is obviously to break through this place and go to the research center behind, so the Russians are desperately intercepting me. I was originally caught by Masaka Matsumoto and the gun. The battle strength attracted by gods and them all concentrated on me, making me unable to rush through for a while.

"Damn, these guys are terrible!" I shouted directly behind me: "Christina, help me clear the way."

"Get out of the way." Christina's The answer was super swift, and the moment I stepped aside, countless magic missiles smashed down like a torrential rain, turning the opponents of the Russian players on their backs. Taking advantage of this opportunity, I immediately passed by the cross-country crowd, but before I ran to the gate, I saw an amazing guy suddenly jumped out of the passageway.

In fact, it was not one person who came out, but two creatures. This is a Knight, but it is completely different from Knight under normal circumstances.

First of all, this Knight's body is very strange. Although it is a human form, there is no problem, but his body has a semi-mechanical and semi-biological form. His body and limbs are obviously mechanical creations, but his head is a standard human head. Moreover, this guy is carrying two small transparent jars on his back. The jars contain a green color. The liquid, and there are a lot of bubbles in it tumbling, it looks quite weird.

In addition to the strange body, the mount under this guy is also very strange. At first glance, this thing looks like a Three-Horned Dragon, but it is not as big as a real Three-Horned Dragon, and is probably slightly larger than a rhino. Of course, this volume is actually not small. However, this is not the point. The point is that this creature like the Three-Horned Dragon is actually a mechanical body just like that Knight's limbs, and you can clearly see the gear structure on its body and some hydraulic rods. Anyway, this thing is not a carbon-based organism.

The combination of mechanical Knight and mechanical dinosaurs, such a strange combination, to be honest, we had never thought of it before, but now not only have we seen it, it still appears together.

The robotic dinosaur is not small, but the Knight is also very tall. Although this guy is riding on the back of a dinosaur, I can still clearly see that this guy is at least two meters tall, standing in front of us is definitely a giant.

After these two appeared, they looked around the situation on the battlefield immediately, and then moved towards me without the slightest hesitation, and the Three-Horned Dragon unexpectedly moved towards me during the charge. The head lowered, and the three sharp horns above it actually emitted a dazzling blue light. The horn of this thing is obviously an energy blade.

I'm not a fool, how can I fight this thing? This thing is obviously a mechanical creation. Thinking about the power of the mobile angels in our guild, you know that the power of this thing is definitely not too small, and the more important point is that this thing is not a devil beast at first sight. It does not belong to the player, so its offensive and defensive indicators will definitely not be calculated in the manner of the player or NPC. If my guess is correct, the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon is probably calculated according to the siege equipment like the mobile angel. That is to say, this thing will far surpass players and NPCs in terms of power, defense, and offensive power.

Seeing the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon rushing over, I directly speeded up to greet me, but before the collision, I suddenly opened my wings and flew with the help of the impact speed. The mechanical Knight riding on the back of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon saw me jump and immediately waved the axe gun that was at least three meters long in my hand. This is not a simple thing at first glance, but I have wings. The air can also be disguised. With a sudden row of wings, my body was raised again, and the mechanical Knight’s axe gun swung into the air, and I stepped on the side of the axe gun with my foot. The whole weapon suddenly sank down, and I used force to move forward. I didn't bend down to attack, and directly used my knees to make intimate contact with this guy's face.

The mechanical Knight's head suddenly leaned back when I was about to hit him, and a layer of metal armor instantly flipped out from behind his neck and wrapped his head, and my knees The joints hit the armor by a single inch, making a loud noise.

Although it didn’t directly hit his body, my huge impact caused this guy to lean backwards from the back of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, but the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon did not stop. Directly rushed through the passage that Masaga Matsumoto and the others took the initiative to open moved towards the gun god and their positions rushed over.

Obviously, this mechanical Three-Horned Dragon either has a bad brain or can’t stop once it launches a charge. Anyway, this guy walked across the entire battlefield so bluntly and moved towards Gun God. NS.

I originally saw this thing moved towards when I rushed over, the gun god was still taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, but now I can’t feel happy anymore. A group of musketeers turned their guns at the Three-Horned Dragon, which rushed over like a locomotive, to set fire. However, as I guessed before, this thing is completely a tank, and it is an overweight type. Just like the German mouse tanks during World War II, the armor of this thing is completely an over-standard product. The gun gods and their fire collection only produced a burst of jingle in exchange for a burst of rockets, and that guy’s The impact speed was not affected at all, it was just tickling him when they attacked.

As soon as the gun god saw that the attack was invalid, it was messy. The densely arranged gun team quickly dispersed, and then tried to launch an attack from another direction, but at this time I had no time to point the gun. God they are taking pleasure in other people's misfortune, because I am not easy myself.

The mechanical Knight was knocked down by me, but although this guy has a human-like head, his head should not be completely physical, because this guy basically has no carbon-based creatures. weakness. Ordinarily, a humanoid being knocked down like this will definitely have a short period of instinct surpassing subjective consciousness due to problems such as loss of balance, which means that the body will automatically lose battle strength in order to maintain balance. However, this guy didn't even pause at all, it felt as if he wasn't the one who was hit. In that kind of overturned situation, he suddenly extended the hand and grabbed my ankle at the moment his body fell backward.

To be honest, I want to be surprised when the ankle was pulled, because the moment we passed by was actually very short. This guy could actually catch this when he was knocked off the horse. I grabbed my ankle at intervals of a few tenths of a second. This kind of judgment is really scary.

After I was caught, I naturally couldn’t run away. I could only be pulled to the ground by that guy, but I also reacted very quickly. The force of falling was resolved by supporting the ground with both hands, and then the whole person I turned over on the ground and twisted my body, and then started directly like sit-ups. When I turned over, my hands were automatically combined into the shape of a head mallet, and I moved towards that guy’s face door again. Go down.

In this situation, when the lower part is attacked, most people will instinctively choose to avoid the attack first. However, this guy really couldn't see any biological instincts. He didn't directly avoid the attack, but flicked his wrist and grabbed my ankle and threw me up moved towards the ground beside him and smashed it down.

The ground in this place is entirely made of steel plates. When I first came down, the ground was not penetrated by an impact of that size, which shows how strong this thing is. If this is slapped on the ground, Zhen will also be confused.

"Help!" As I shouted, Zhen Hong had rushed to our side and slammed a punch at the knee joint of the mechanical Knight. The guy raised his leg when he saw Real Red's attack and wanted to kick Real Red. As a result, the fists and feet of the two hit together, and only a loud noise was heard. The mechanical Knight’s leg instantly changed from kicking forward to backward. Kicked, the whole person lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground, but I took advantage of his loss of balance and twisted my waist and swung my arms. The eternity in my hand turned into a sword shape and cut it on that guy's wrist. However, what surprised me was that Eternal didn't cut off this guy's entire wrist. He just cut in one-fifth and got stuck. However, although it was not completely cut off, this one should have injured the internal structure of his arm. His finger was obviously loosened, and I took the opportunity to break free and patted the wings against the ground and flew out.

True Red made a successful punch, and when the guy fell forward, he immediately made an uppercut. Before the guy had time to make intimate contact with the ground, his head first touched the true red fist. NS. It's almost like playing golf. The red fist is the club, the guy's head is the golf ball, and his neck and body are the props that support the golf ball. With only a decent sound, the guy's head was directly hit by Zhen Hong and flew out. After hitting the wall, he bounced off the opposite wall and rolled to the ground.

Zhenhong punched the guy’s head and started looking for the next target, but just as her eyes left the guy in front of her, she suddenly felt that her hands were caught, and followed The whole person was suddenly lifted off the ground and smashed to the ground quickly.

A loud explosion sound, Zhenhong's whole body was inserted into the hard steel ground like a rice seedling plant. The upper part of the waist was completely under the ground, and only two legs were kicking outside.

"Fuck me!" They were shocked when they saw the horrible red gold coin. Masaka Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda also immediately fended off the entangled enemies in front of them and rushed over to help. We are all allies before we get something. If we die, it means the team's battle strength drops. Of course, we can't just sit idly by at this time.

Although Masaga Matsumoto and Ichiro Kakuda want to help, it’s a pity that this is not the only mechanical Knight. The Russian players and the NPC fighters who are messing with guns on the plane are already quite chaotic. , Want to support others easier said than done? Matsumoto Masaga and Kakuda Ichiro were intercepted by two Russian players as soon as they ran away, but the headless mechanical Knight over there did not take the opportunity to give the real red a fatal blow, but turned and moved towards his head. Past.

Just after the mechanical Knight walked away, there was a sudden sound of metal distortion on the ground where Zhen Hong had inserted one end, and then he saw that Zhen Hong had forcibly removed an arm from the pit. Pulled out, and then another hand. With the two palms supporting the edge of the hole, she pulled herself upside down and pulled out from the ground.

"Your grandfather, what the hell is this? You can move without a head!" After the real red came out, there was a scream, and then looked back and saw that mechanical Knight was picking up his head and putting it on his neck. . The other party pressed his head to his neck, then turned it twice, and then released his palm. After moving the head by himself, there was obviously no problem, so he immediately moved towards Zhenhong and walked over. "Damn, is this a monster? It's okay?"

"That was originally a monster!" Ying Yu Shen Hina said as she rushed past Zhen Hong, and took the initiative to face the mechanical Knight. She went up, but when she was halfway there, she saw the mechanical Knight over there suddenly moved the axe gun in her hand and threw it towards her. Although Ying Yu Shen Chou ducked her head, but the mechanical Knight over there took this opportunity to drew a giant sword full of jagged teeth from behind.

This sword is actually not that big for this mechanical Knight. According to his size, it should be a kind of sword between the two-handed sword and the large slasher. However, this thing has a characteristic, that is, its blade is section by section, and there are many luminous bodies on it, it looks like the giant sword is equipped with a lot of LED lights inside.

Waving this giant sword with rays of light shining with blue rays of light, the mechanical Knight moved directly towards Ying Yu Shen Yu rushed over, but Ying Yu Shen Yu suddenly turned around and ran because of her I saw the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon rushing up behind the mechanical Knight.

The mechanical Three-Horned Dragon rushed frantically on the gun god and the others, stabbed two American players to death with horns, then killed another and trampled the other to death, and then went around directly. The circle ran back again. Obviously this thing is not that it can't turn, but it doesn't want to turn.

After it rushed to Mechanical Knight’s side, it didn’t stop. Instead, it accelerated and charged forward. The mechanical Knight reached out as if he had known he had come, and flipped up with his hand and pressed the guy’s back. The heavy sword was lifted flat with one hand by him and moved towards Ying Yu, the young god swiftly approached.

"I'm blocking the lower part, and the upper part is handed over to you." Zhen Hong roared, and then rushed forward, with both hands facing the horns of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon and rushed Go up. The mechanical Three-Horned Dragon didn't dodge when seeing Real Red. Instead, it lowered its head and accelerated, trying to stab Real Red as before. However, at the moment they collided, Zhen Hong actually grabbed his two horns. Although the whole person was pushed back, but he resisted firmly without being stabbed by the horns, and followed Zhen Hong's strength. , The guy's forward speed was getting slower and slower, and finally he was forced to stop.

The surrounding Russian players, gun gods and their people all looked at the real red side dumbfoundedly. Just now, it was quite shocking. At least they all know the power of this mechanical Three-Horned Dragon. , And Zhenhong can withstand this guy with both hands, this power is even more frightening.

For the first time since appearing, the mechanical Knight appeared in a state of stunnedness, but after a little hesitation, he recovered, and immediately raised the giant sword in his hand and was about to smash it down, but how could we let him As wished. As soon as this guy’s giant sword was raised, I suddenly rushed up from the side, then hugged this guy’s neck from behind, and then a backflip took this guy from the back of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon. Flying down, his giant sword also flew out.

After I brought the mechanical Knight to the ground, the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon immediately let out a dull roar like a rolling thunder, and then his eyes were red, and two flames burst out of his nostrils. . Of course, this is not the offensive flame of Long Yan, but the flame of the tail flame produced by the equivalent to exhaust system. However, after this roar, the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon stepped away and moved forward against the real red. Although it was very slow, it really pushed the real red.

"Do you think you would do it?" Real red is also angry roar, and then golden flames burst up all over his body, and then a dragon roar sings out. Real red suddenly exerts force and twists to the side. , Accompanied by the horrified cry of the mechanical Three-Horned Dragon, Zhen Hong actually knocked this guy to the ground, and then there was a crisp sound, Zhen Hong actually broke one of this guy’s horns .

Chi Fire Dragon Ji swallowed hard and said: "I find that true red is the biggest rare beast!"

"Don't talk nonsense, go and help Purple Moon. "Matsumoto Masaka said, and then helped Chi Fire Dragon Hime to carry the nearby Russian players, and Chi Fire Dragon Hime immediately rushed to my side, because the mechanical Knight and I were already rolling on the ground. NS.

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