Because the outer ring area of ​​Banshee House has almost become a no-man’s land, we don’t know what happened. Anyway, we know that there must have just been a battle in this place, because As we advanced inward, the battle marks left on the walls and on the ground became denser.

True Red looked at a small black hole on the ground frowned and said, "Boss, why do I think this thing looks like a bullet hole?"

Fire Dragon Ji walked over extend the hand refers to the hole inserted in the ground and touched it, and then said: "What is an image? This is simply."

"Bullet holes?" Matsumoto Masaka said: "The whole world uses muskets. Only Americans are the only ones who came first?"

"There was no such information before!" said August Xun.

"We didn't receive information doesn't mean that they would not come." Matsumoto Masaka said.

"What should I do now?" Zhenhong asked me.

"Speed ​​up, it seems that the battle is not over yet, we hurried over, maybe we can catch up."

Everyone didn’t say much, and immediately started to Advance forward. In fact, those of us are very nervous now, because the original plan appeared unplanned, and in this case our previous actions are very likely to become useless. After knowing this fact, our mood will naturally not get better, and now the only possible way to save our mission is to find the combat area as soon as possible and see where we are.

As everyone moved forward, I opened the communicator by the way and contacted the rose who was commanding outside, and then gave a general overview of the situation inside. Rose immediately asked after hearing what I said, "Should we change the fake attack to a real attack now?"

"Of course, I told you that it was for this."

"Understood, we will increase our attack, but I feel that the situation is very bad. The resistance of Banshee House is far below my expectations, if it were not for the frontline to contain too many Russian players , Then there must be a very serious problem in their city."

"I hope it’s the former." After I finished speaking, I asked Masaga Matsumoto to speed up, and now I don’t care about any secret guards or institutions. Things like that, the situation here has obviously changed. If we continue to quietly move forward in the same way as before, we will definitely not be able to keep up with the previous group of intruders. So there is no need to worry about what is exposed now. Instead of worrying about being discovered, it is not about worrying about things being taken away by previous intruders in advance.

Because our advancing speed accelerated, we soon found more and more intensive fighting marks, and the first time we found a corpse after running for so long. At the turn of an aisle we saw a broken body. This is not a Russian player, because he still holds a musket in his hand, and the Russians don’t have a musketeer. However, the injury on this guy's body does not seem to be caused by the player, because even if the player's attack power is high, the enemy's corpse will not be torn apart, but the lower body of the corpse in front of you is still intact, but the upper body is especially the ribcage part. But it was torn and pulpy, and the contents inside were sprayed all over the wall, which was obviously caused by things like wild beasts. In addition, the guy's left hand was completely broken and the cut was smooth, indicating that the attacker had very sharp claws or teeth.

"It seems that he is really an American. I don't know if I will meet the gun god." Matsumoto Masaka said.

"I hope not!" I am not afraid of the gunman. With so many experts on our side, he will definitely be able to beat him. The key is that I am worried about the gunman, if the Russians over there are If you can't stand it, it will be troublesome!

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