In fact, this sword array of gold coin is simply a water turbine, which generates centrifugal force through the rotation of the serrated cutter wheel combined by Flying Sword and pumps the water in the center of the sword array to the sword outside of array. During this process, vacuum pressure will be generated in the center of the sword array, forcing the external water flow to be forcibly sucked from the opening of the sword array, thus forming a vortex-like water flow to suck all the external things into the sword array.

Those strange fishes are moving fast in the water, but with the full power of the sword array, the speed of the water also starts to increase rapidly. We feel better behind the sword array, but in front of the sword array It has completely turned into a huge black hole, the sea in front of it is madly pouring into the sword array, and those fishes are driven by the current to gather towards the center of the sword array, although they instinctively feel the danger here is desperate. Resist this kind of suction, but unfortunately their resistance is too small to be able to resist this strong suction, and they will inevitably be sucked into the sword array in the end.

The water flow in the sword array will be accelerated by the rotating sword array to rotate inside the shock absorber, and the resulting centrifugal force will force the water flow to leave the center of the sword array and be threw away. Go, and before leaving the sword array, these water currents must pass through the outer wall of the sword array composed of Flying Swords, and here is actually a knife wall composed of densely packed blades. Of course, the water can easily pass through. , But those fish will not work. The school of fish caught in the center of the sword array will soon be thrown onto the outer wall of the sword array along with the current, and then inevitably come into contact with the flying swords, and then be mashed into flesh by countless swirling sword blades. To pass through the gap of the sword array.

Originally, when this sword array was just completed, we thought this thing was quite spectacular, but after the fish were really stirred in, we discovered that this thing shouldn’t be called spectacular, but rather disgusting. right. After the fish are smashed, they become a large dark red blood and water mixture, and then these things will be pushed back along with the water flow, that is, they are all blown to our side, and we just can’t hide. Because other directions are not safe, we can only let these disgusting fragments give us all to baptism again.

Fortunately, because under water, we all isolate ourselves from the outside world. Those wearing armor closed their masks, while those without armor activated their protective shields. Anyway, no one was really soaked in the water, so although it feels a bit disgusting, there is nothing unacceptable. As long as you don’t think about it, feel It’s actually okay. After all, you can neither smell nor feel the tactile sensation here, so you don’t have to worry about it.

After crushing those strange fishes, gold coin did not immediately close its sword array, but maintained it for a while, letting the clear water wash away all the pollutants around us before closing it. The sword array. Those Flying Swords dispersed in the air automatically, and then flew back to the gold coin's sword pouch one after another.

Collect the sword bag, gold coin turned around and said to us: "It's done, shall we move on?"

"Didn't expect you still have some ability." Really red He patted gold coin on the shoulder and said.

"What are you kidding? Am I a bit of ability?" Gold coin retorted jokingly, "I have ability. Let's take your time. How about it? Dare?"

Zhen Hong smiled and said: "I don't have a rich husband like you, but I rely on my ability to eat. I don't have as much spare money as you. "

"Excuse me, I dare not dare."

"Who said I dare not, well, let's take a gamble."

" This is what you said, everyone testifies." Gold coin pointed to the surroundings and said.

Bingbing said with a smile: "Then we notaries can follow us to get some light?"

"That is to be done." gold coin said with a smile.

"The atmosphere on your side is still real and harmonious!" Masaka Matsumoto suddenly interjected.

Christina said with a smile: "A good friend of the guild, what are you doing so serious? Oh, yes, is there no such relationship with your new Black Dragon club? Don’t tell me about yours. Bian Chengtian did the same thing as the army!"

Matsumoto stopped talking when he heard this. Kakuda Ichiro next to him also went silent for a while, because the Japanese side did not really do it. It's the same as a big barracks, but I have to say that sometimes it really looks a little bit like.

Next, in our chat, everyone easily approached the bottom of Lake Heart Island. Without the interference of those strange fish, we can say that we have arrived here without any hindrance. The next thing to do is to find the entrance, and then sneak in. The underwater part of this Banshee house should have several entrances and exits, because although this water area is a lake, it is not completely enclosed. If the surface ice can be broken, the boats in this lake can actually drive directly into the Arctic Ocean. Moreover, even if deicing is not carried out, there are several underground waterways in this place that connect to the ocean elsewhere, so if it is a submarine, it is actually very easy to get in and out of this lake.

Since the lake can be connected to the Sea Territory, so that submarines can be used unimpeded, Banshee House will naturally not waste such conditions, so they have set up a fairly large submarine base here, and the entrance is Under water.

The last time I came, I didn’t go to the submarine base, but I saw this place at the time, so this time I brought everyone here directly, but to my surprise, we Actually, I found a small entrance and exit dedicated to personnel directly here. However, compared with the underwater facilities of our guild, this entrance of Banshee House is much older.

Because our guild has the technology of Atlantis, there is waterproof barrier technology. With this thing, our underwater entrances can be made into a very simple straight-through structure, which is considered as a waterproof barrier. It can effectively separate pure water from people who need to go in and out, so just go through it directly. But the Russians obviously do not have similar technology, so they cannot use such a waterproof door, and can only use the most direct watertight room to block the entrance and exit. When someone needs to enter the base from the outside, you need to close the inner waterproof door first, and then and the others enter the sealed cabin before closing the outer hatch, and then use high-pressure gas to drain and press the seawater back in the cabin. The water area outside the cabin, after which the connection between the cabin and the outside water area is completely closed and the inner gate is opened, and people can enter the base. When it comes out, of course, you only need to reverse the operation. Although this method is relatively simple to control, it takes up to two minutes to drain or fill water once in and out, so this thing is actually quite slow. In contrast, our waterproof door is much more convenient.

Although we saw such a gate, we cannot use such a device to enter this time, because when this thing is activated, there will be a lot of movement, even if the other party does not have special personnel to guard here, we enter and exit It is still possible to expose our situation. Besides, this kind of entrances and exits need to be operated by someone outside for safety, so no one is staring at me for this thing anyway.

If we cannot go to the main entrance, we can only consider some other crooked ways. Fortunately, I have a lot of equipment. First, I fixed a waterproof door on a rock in the vicinity, and then digging a hole from the center of the door back into the rock formation below Lake Heart Island. Because the big hole dug out is a waterproof energy barrier, so when the channel is dug out, no outside water will be poured in, so that it can be guaranteed that the channel will not be filled with water. Although we can also go forward in a tunnel full of water, the problem is that our purpose is to enter Banshee House, and if we do not guarantee that there is no water in the tunnel, then once we get through the underground city part of the other party, the outside The water will pour into the other party’s city quickly, when the time comes, do you think people don’t know that we’re here? Because of this situation, it is necessary to ensure dryness in the channel.

After successfully entering the dry environment from the water environment, we began to maintain absolute silence, carefully following the trailblazers and advancing towards the Underground City along the way, and this process did not take a few minutes in total. . The Blazers approached the outer circle area of ​​Underground City very quickly. The reason they knew it had arrived is because the Blazers hit a steel plate during the excavation. The opponent’s city actually added all-steel armor outside, which is quite strange, because normally metal products are easily corroded under the ground, so even if they have armor plates, they are rarely used as underground structures. Exterior wall. Even if you really want to use metal armor for the outer wall, this underground building usually has a layer of concrete-like material outside to act as the first isolation. After that, it must be equipped with a lime waterproof layer, and then return it. There needs to be a layer of stone and the like before metal armor can be considered.

However, the design of the Banshee House in front of them is so strange that they actually placed the steel plate directly on the outermost layer.

"Why is the steel plate buried here?" Looking at the complete steel plate on the cross section that has been stripped before him, Ichiro Kakuda asked in confusion, and at the same time he also extended the hand that he wanted to put on the steel plate. Knock it and see, but I squeezed his hand before it fell down.

"What are you going to do?"

Kakuda Ichiro looked at me with a complicated expression, then returned to normal, and then said: "Of course I took a look, look at this What is the thickness of the thing."

"This thing can't be touched."

"Why?" Kakuda Ichiro obviously didn't understand the reason why I couldn't touch it.

Matsumoto Masaka next to him walked up and gently pressed the steel plate with his hand, and then whispered: "The real function of this thing is not defense, but early warning."

"Warning "Ichiro Kakuda obviously doesn't understand why there is such a strange function.

Matsumoto Masaka then explained: "These steel plates are equivalent to the collection end of the stethoscope that the doctor puts on your body. The steel plate itself is similar to the vibrating membrane. The back of the steel plate is not other defensive materials. If I'm right, the steel plate should be hollow after the steel plate. There are probably many support columns behind the steel plate, and the echo is deliberately reserved to expand the vibration, so they only need to arrange some sound collectors in these places. Know whether the outer armor has been invaded. Once we break through this layer of steel, we must make a noise, and this is tantamount to ringing the alarm bell for the enemy."

" Wouldn't we be completely unable to move when we came?" Kakuda Ichiro said, "As long as we destroy the steel plate, there will be movement. When the time comes, won’t it be exposed?"

"no no no, We don’t need to be so careful. What we have to do is not make any movement or touch the steel plate at all."

Kakuda Ichiro is not a fool, and he understood after thinking about it, and then asked in a low voice: "Then who of you can unscrew this layer silently?"

"I'll do this." Christina walked over directly, and then reached out a finger and pointed it on the steel plate. And the position on the steel plate that was spotted by Christina immediately began to emit a large amount of white foam, and the steel plate also began to soften and dissolve quickly. It felt as if Christina’s finger was an electric soldering iron, and the steel plates were snow. The same block.

Before the steel plate was melted through, I started the squad channel and said: “From now on, everyone will use the team channel for communication, and no direct speech is allowed. Try not to make it in the cavity behind this. The voice comes to prevent being defended by the enemy."

Everyone answered in the squad channel and understood what I meant, and then everyone waited for Christina to open the way there.

It didn't take long to melt through the steel plate. The key is to make a passage through which we can go through it. Originally, Christina still had many ways to get through this steel plate, even if it specified the use of corrosion magic, there were still many ways, but the key problem is that the general corrosive spell actually makes some noise. Because the corrosion rate is too fast, a chick sound will be made when using strong acid magic on the metal surface, and this kind of sound is obviously very easy to be found in such a quiet place.

For the sake of safety, Christina could only choose a rather quiet magic, but unfortunately the speed of this thing is really not flattering.

After finally opening a big hole large enough for us to go through, we finally confirmed our previous guess. There is indeed a cavity behind the steel plate, but the structure is much more complicated than we thought.

In fact, what we saw after opening the steel plate was not a huge underground space, but two tapered rooms on the left and right. There is a metal boundary line about one third to the left of the hole opened by Christina, and there is a space on each side of this boundary line. The side of this space facing us is a regular hexagon, and then as it extends to the distance, the hexagon begins to gradually shrink and eventually gather into one point, forming a flat vertebral space.

Although the overall look is not easy to understand, if you put this room out alone, you can find that its shape is actually like the kind of simple loudspeaker rolled out of iron. The structure of this thing is actually not complicated, but with so many such structures attached to the gap between the city and the underground structure outside the city, the amount of work is quite amazing.

Although I am not a student of architecture, after seeing the structure of these two small rooms, I immediately guessed why Banshee House designed such a structure.

First of all, these rooms do have a similar function as the recommended amplifier, but it is not a loudspeaker, but a sound collector. No matter you roll up any object with a certain degree of hardness into a trumpet shape and aim the small mouth at your ears, this thing can increase your hearing range to a certain extent. The room in front of you is actually an amplified sound collector, which relies on its own resonance structure to collect sound waves, then gathers them to the bottom of the cone structure, and then directly connects to the control center through a small tube.

One of the benefits of this design is that it can increase the sensitivity of the sonic inscription, and after resonance amplification, even small sounds can be heard. And the second benefit is more obvious, that is, it can be positioned. Originally, we thought that the space behind the steel plate should be an integral connected structure. In this case, the other party could only hear whether someone broke into the area behind the steel plate, but could not determine the source of the sound. But it's different now. These individual cone-shaped rooms will only transmit the sound of their own location, while the sounds of other locations are inaudible. In this way, as long as the other party numbers the sound collector pipes when building these things, you can easily find the specific source location of the sound, so as to accurately locate the enemy's invasion point.

This design can be said to be quite brilliant, and the biggest advantage of this thing is that it is fully passive, does not require additional equipment, does not consume energy, will not be disturbed, and more importantly, it is difficult be found.

It can be said that this thing is definitely the nightmare of sneak attack intruders, because almost no one can pass through this kind of place completely silently, unless of course, like us, you can guess in advance that this place is behind the monitoring range , So as to control noise in advance.

The second function of these small cone-shaped rooms is reinforcement.

Because of the stability of the vertebral structure itself, this kind of small rooms next to each other can actually play the role of supporting beams, and because each room has the same shape, They can share pressure through structural strength. In other words, the strength of this thing exceeds the strength of its own material, because it can disperse the pressure to a large extent. On the surface, it looks as if it is under pressure that exceeds the limit of the material. In fact, for the internal material, the pressure at each position has not reached the limit.

There is a third advantage of this structure, which is to completely isolate the internal and external spaces. Because of the existence of these small enclosed rooms, the outer wall of the Underground City and the outer structure we have penetrated earlier are equivalent to be filled with a lot of fixed particle structures, and this structure acts like a foam. It can thoroughly heat, sound and isolate various radiations.

This excellent design shows that the Russians are quite advanced in engineering and technology. At least the Underground City structure of the Banshee House is quite exaggerated. Although we had safely broken through a layer of steel plate, we were even more amazed after seeing the internal structure.

After Christina melted the steel plate in front of us, she turned around and added a light spirit technique to each of us, which prevents us from making loud footsteps due to our own weight. Christina herself quickly moved to the tip of the vertebral structure and continued to melt the steel plate in this place.

After carefully opening a large hole in one of the cones, we entered the cone room in the second layer structure behind, but there is no sound collector feature here. Of course, we still need to keep quiet, because the big hole opened before is actually connected to the rooms outside with the sound collector function.

At the bottom of the vertebral room here, Christina lifted the steel plate in front with her hand, then closed her eyes and sensed it before turning to me and using the team channel to say: "President, There may be some trouble here."

"What's the matter?" I leaned over and asked, and Kakuda Ichiro and Matsumoto also surrounded them quickly.

Christina pointed directly at the wall and said: "Let go of your magical induction to feel the situation behind this wall."

After hearing Christina's words, we all felt quickly. I looked at the situation on the wall, but what we felt was to startled us, because behind this wall is actually a densely packed magic circuit.

The so-called magic circuit is actually the same thing as a wire. Of course, when I say the same, I mean the same in nature. In fact, there is still a big difference between magic wire and electric wire. The transmission of the two is different, and the material itself is also different. What they are the same is that they are all a kind of wire and a medium for transferring energy. The only difference is that the nature of the transferred energy is different.

Normally, a guild that can make magic lines must have a formation diagram teacher, and the complexity of the magic line depends on the level of the formation diagram teacher. The magic circuit networks that our guild currently only do are basically no different from large-scale integrated circuits, and their function is to concentrate more magic on a smaller area with higher output intensity. .

However, the magic lines behind this wall are not for this. In fact, the magic lines on this wall are actually alarms. They are buried in the wall. If you can’t sense the flow of magic power, if you directly destroy the wall, these magic lines will be broken by the way, and then as long as the magic line is broken, The other party will know that someone has come in. Moreover, because this kind of magic circuit itself uses the continuous transmission of energy to alarm, even an energy body like Nether Soul cannot bypass this circuit, because once the energy body passes through this circuit, it will cause interference. The reaction to this phenomenon is also very obvious, at least enough to let the other party know that something is coming in.

Someone might say that now that we know the existence of the magic circuit, isn’t it all right? That's right, if it is a simple magic circuit, knowing their existence and not destroying it, then there is no big problem. But the problem now is that the structure of these things is too complicated, and various lines continue to use messy linking methods to create a three-dimensional maze-like structure, which makes us unable to determine the specific direction of the line and the strength of the magic. Even if these lines are discovered in advance, we can’t simply rely on inserting magic signals to interfere with the operation of these things, because we simply don’t know how to insert the signals, after all, we can’t even figure out the relationship between the upper and lower levels of the lines. In this case, messy wiring is not a good idea.

Faced with such a complicated structure, even a magician like Christina frowned, while pure warrior-type players like Kakuda Ichiro and True Red were quite relaxed. Anyway, it is incomprehensible to them, no matter how complicated it is, it is the same.

Although Kakuda Ichiro and Mahong do not understand, there are still many people here who can understand, and because they can understand, we frown and think together. After all, we have to go there. To destroy this wall, and to destroy this wall without being discovered by others, you can only find a way to jumper these cables. However, before jumping these connections, we need to find their transmission structure, that is, know what the route map is like, but the complex three-dimensional structure of this thing is definitely not that simple and can be analyzed clearly. And as long as any line is in the wrong order, an alarm will be triggered.

"This thing is too complicated!" Matsumoto Masaka said.

Fire Dragon Ji also rubbed his eyes and said: "No, my eyes are all gone. This thing is not something I can touch!"

Sakura Rain God and August Xun also shook his head and stepped aside, and they were completely unable to start with this thing just like everyone else. The route is too complicated. If you rely on manual analysis, you need draft paper for written calculations, otherwise it is difficult to figure out the specific direction of the route map. What's more terrible is that the structure of these things is too dense, and there are no signs or anything on them, so as long as you get a little distracted, you won't be able to figure out where you were looking before. Once this happens, it means that your previous calculations are all in vain.

"Are you kidding? Isn't this thing good?" Gold coin rubbed his eyes and squatted down after insisting on it for a few minutes. It really couldn't analyze it.

Compared to them, I am a little better. Because I am Dragon Clan, there is an electronic chip in my brain, so I can visually image this route map in my brain like a computer, and then use the simplest knowledge similar to junior high school physics to talk about this route. The map is directly simplified into a standard route map, and then just find the upper and lower nodes and restore to the corresponding position on the primordial route map.

In fact, this kind of work mainly requires one person to analyze a lot of information simultaneously, and in the process, there is no way to rely on external equipment to record the previous calculations, which causes everyone to calculate the back and forget the front. , The result is repeated calculations and no results.

Obviously, the people who designed this thing deliberately designed such a structure, and their purpose is to confuse people so that you have no way to discover the structure of this thing, and there is no way to crack it.

It took me five minutes to find all the safe nodes on this thing, so I directly said to Christina who was still calculating: "Don't forget, I have found a safe line."

"Quickly say, where is it." Christina did not immediately ask me how to calculate it like ordinary people. On the one hand, it was because of her trust in me, and on the other hand, because she was smart enough to know this The thing is calculated against plot against, and you will forget it if you don't pay attention, so I dare not interrupt my thinking, but directly let me tell her where she is.

"You get out of the way, I am too slow to speak, I can't cooperate, let my demon come on."

Christina heard me without the slightest hesitation and let it go. , And Ling appeared in front of us simultaneously. Everyone present, including Ichiro Kakuda, knew Ling. After all, this was my favorite with the most appearances.

Because there is a spiritual link, I don’t need language when communicating with Ling. I can directly pass the thought to the past, so I can send all the calculation results instantly without converting it into a language model to describe This picture.

Ling’s magic control is definitely not worse than Christina’s, so after getting the detailed blueprint I calculated, he immediately shot out a dangling magical array in the air with bare hands like lightning. This kind of void drawing ability is itself a top magician's ability, and ordinary mages simply can't play it. After drawing the magic array directly in the air, Ling quickly clicked on it, fixed the magic probe on the magic array, and then connected all the magic points. Of course, these links are not purely one-to-one, nor are they all connected together, but are connected according to the route map I calculated before, because magic lines also have parallel and series connections, and compared to circuit diagrams, magic lines There is also a connection type called reverse connection, which is a more complex type of connection. Therefore, the specific jumpers need to be connected according to my blueprint.

Ling’s speed is so fast that it only took a few seconds to complete the linking work of all the connecting lines. After that, she added a black one to the center of the floating magic array. Photosphere. The foremost position of this ball of light is exactly on the same plane as the tips of the magic probes, which means that when the magic array moves towards the magic line on the wall, the key point is when the probe penetrates into the line. At the moment of the node, the black magic ball in the center will also destroy the jumped part of the line in the center.

The reason for this arrangement is to prevent the other party’s detection equipment from being impressed. It can be found that there are additional lines in parallel in the line. After all, some magic arrays of our guild have similar functions, so it cannot be ruled out that Russians also have similar technical probabilities.

After putting all these things in place, Ling was very decisive and relaxed behind the magic array. The magic array immediately flew forward and instantly covered the wall. At the same time, the wall A big hole was swallowed by black's magical ball of light in the center.

"Is it successful or unsuccessful?" Looking at the current situation, Kakuda Ichiro asked with some uncertainty.

Fire Dragon Ji said next to him: "I did not understand at all like you."

Christina explained at this time: "It should be a success, because the magic line is still During operation, there is no change. If the alarm was activated just now, the magic flow in the line here will always change a little. Of course, it is not ruled out that the structure of this magic array is too large, which can cause automatic filtering. The probability of removing clutter."

Kakuda Ichiro obviously did not understand what Christina was saying, but this did not prevent him from figuring out that we could pass.

After roughly determined that this thing should have no major problems, we began to carefully drill through the hole in the wall.

After the magic array made by Ling just penetrated the wall, the black ball of light in the center disappeared, and now there is only one hole left there. After we passed through, we found ourselves in a corridor, but this corridor was strange. It seemed to surround the whole city like a ring road, and it was very wide. We suspect that this is probably the same thing as the outer ring kilometer of an ordinary city. After all, the first few defenses are exaggerated enough, and it doesn't make much sense to continue to set more levels in the back.

"Are we here?" Looking at the empty passage, Kakuda Ichiro asked uncertainly.

In fact, we are not quite sure whether we have come in, because the Underground City of Banshee House seems to have made a lot of adjustments after I visited last time, at least this ring road before me I have never seen it before. In fact, this ring road is not only very wide, but also divided into several layers, and they are not separated by walls, but use a structure similar to an overpass. Standing at our current position, we can directly see the adjacent passages on the upper and lower floors, but I don’t know why there are no people or materials passing through these passages, and it feels like entering a ghost town.

"Why does it feel a bit wrong here?" Matsumoto Masaka finally found the problem.

I frowned and looked around, and then suddenly I noticed a big burnt hole in a wall not far away. The big hole doesn't look like it was left over during the construction process, but it looks like it was caused by an attack or explosion.

"How does this place feel as if someone has been attacked?" After I found the burnt mark, other people also saw it. After all, the distance is not very far, and the mark is obvious. The cyan-gray color wall has a large black area, and the surrounding lights are fairly bright, so it is naturally visible to individuals.

"If it weren't for the contact with the people outside, I thought it was because the feint troops above didn't follow the plan and came ahead of us!" Zhen Hong said.

"Perhaps it is really tempting to come in ahead of us." Christina said: "I sensed a lot of active magic elements in the air, which is a trace of the large-scale use of magic that just happened. "

"Is someone really ahead?" I looked towards Christina in surprise and asked: "Can you sense something else?"

"No, this message feels like It's been a long time ago." Christina said.

"Then there seems to be only one way to know the truth." Masaka Matsumoto said: "Shall we go in and have a look? It's useless to wait here anyway."

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