In fact, Russia did not ignore the threat from Japan because of lack of smart people. The real reason for all of this lies in its contempt. For Russian players, the threat of Japanese players has always been out of their sight. On the one hand, it is because Japan does not have a complete and unified command system. On the other hand, it is also because Japan itself has been beaten after two Sino-Japanese wars. It has become a ruin. Although Japanese players are still working hard to restore construction, they have been destroyed once after all. It is simply a dream to restore vitality in a short time, so the Russian side from the very beginning did not take the situation in Japan as What's the matter, in their opinion, the Japanese battle strength is one more existence, not too much and not too much, so they simply don't pay much attention to this aspect of things, just want to reply to them casually.

Because of the contempt of the Russian players, Masaka Matsumoto found an opportunity, and as Masaka Matsumoto unified his ideas, the Japanese army immediately took action. They first started from all over the country. Concentrated to a small port city in the northernmost part of Japan, and then boarded the ship and moved towards the nearest Russian port straight away from here.

For this battle, the Japanese players didn’t know the real situation until they got on the ship. They thought they were going to help the Russians deal with us this time, but they didn’t know that their real mission was actually It is to interfere with the actions of the Russian side to support our frontal offensive.

Before the issuance of this action plan, the presidents who participated in the action in Japan actually knew that this plan will not be publicized to all the players below, so they are doing confidentiality work. The level is quite in place, so that the people below who are about to take up the battle still don't know what the specific task is.

While the main force on the Japanese side was on the road, a small number of Japanese players and individual elite NPCs did not board the battleship of the expeditionary fleet, but were required to stay in the port and wait for orders. These people feel very puzzled about this strange order, but they are just puzzled. They don't have any abnormal thoughts. After all, these are elite forces in Japan. They know each other to some extent and see that they are together with themselves. After all those who stayed behind, they probably guessed that this was to concentrate their elite forces for commando use. Anyway, this kind of thing is not once or twice, they have long been used to it. However, this time they guessed the beginning but did not guess the end, because although they were used as a commando this time, it was not the forces of our Frost Rose League that they wanted to attack, but the Russian Institute of Technology, which is The old nest of Banshee House, the frozen Underground Palace.

After waiting in place for more than ten minutes, and the fleet in the distance was completely invisible, Masaga Matsumoto and a group of senior members of the Japanese guild finally appeared at the port arrived slowly. As soon as those who were waiting here saw Masaka Matsumoto, they immediately gathered around and asked a little anxiously: "Chairman Masaka Matsumoto, are we going to gather for a commando?"

" Almost, but the specific situation is a bit special, but I will explain it to you soon. Now please keep quiet and follow me."

Although I am very confused, but since Matsumoto Masaga has already After talking for a while and explaining, they couldn't say anything, they could only follow them to the port. There are not many ships on the Japanese side. The main force of the expedition this time is the players and NPCs. In addition to the war supplies, it can be said that the nearby ports as long as the ships that can go to sea have almost been recruited, so these Everyone thinks that the port should be empty. However, when they followed Masaga Matsumoto and they walked into a closed dock, they were surprised to find that there was a very strange battleship.

"Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, this is..." Someone couldn't help but ask, because the battleship in front of me really didn't look like the Japanese style of shipbuilding. In fact, this thing does not look simply like the style of any country. The transparent material with an enlarged area outside the metal hull of ice blue forms the main structure of the ship. The outside of the oblate hull is bare and you can't see anything, and there is a slightly raised part in the middle of the hull, which is obviously too short if it is a control tower. This thing doesn't look like a ship no matter how it looks, at least it's not a ship running in the water. To say what this thing looks like, everyone's first reaction is definitely a flying saucer. In fact, this thing is more like a small space battleship than a surface ship, but most people at the scene are guessing that it may be a submarine, because speaking from a certain perspective, submarine and space battleship have many things in common.

Although Masaga Matsumoto heard these people’s words, he did not answer. Instead, he walked directly to the side of the ship, and then in the surprised eyes of the players, the protruding part of the ship’s center A light blue aperture suddenly appeared on the side shell, and then the position of the aperture opened out and turned into a door. Although everyone has seen this kind of petal-like door several times, the problem is that before the door is opened, there is simply a seam in the place. This exaggerated precision connection shows that the craftsmanship of this ship is very scary. At least Japanese players are sure that their own guild will never create this thing.

In fact, after the opening of the gate of light, something even more surprised them appeared, because an ice blue springboard protruded from the entrance and connected from this entrance to the slipway at their feet. superior. Nothing they are familiar with can be seen on this springboard at all. In fact, apart from a long hexagonal crystal block with gold rim every two meters above it, only the ice blue energy bridge is left. NS. This energy bridge is not only translucent, but there are also water ripples rippling on it. This picture looks like alien technology rather than something in the game.

"Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, what the hell is this?" someone asked again.

Matsumoto Masaka took the lead to walk towards the bridge, and he turned around and said to the players who were stunned after he was more than one meter away from the shore: "If you want to know, just follow up, you all It’s the elites of my Yamato nation. Can you still be frightened by a small battleship?"

Matsumoto Masaka’s method of aggressive warfare is quite useful. Those people immediately became angry after hearing his words. I walked on the Hikari Bridge, and followed Masaka Matsumoto all the way into the unknown ship over there.

and the others after they all came up, the light bridge flashed and then suddenly went out, then the crystal blocks flew back automatically, the gate was closed again, and then the whole ship suddenly began to sink, and within a few seconds it was completely Submerge in the sea. After sinking to the surface of the water, the ship immediately moved forward, and soon came out of the enclosed dock and sailed forward at high speed while continuing to dive.

Because this ship uses a lot of transparent materials, the Japanese players in the ship can see that the hull has been completely submerged in the water. At this time, they finally understand that this thing is indeed a ship. submarine.

It wasn't until the ship entered the normal sailing stage that some of the Japanese players suddenly reacted and pointed at the wall and exclaimed: "Damn it, this is the ship of the Frost Rose Alliance!"

This voice is undoubtedly equivalent to a thunderbolt, because they are now in the boat, which is equivalent to being in a cage. If they are conspired under such circumstances, even if they are all experts, they will inevitably suffer. As for why it is determined that this is our Frost Rose Alliance ship... This is too simple, just look down at the feet to know, because the ground center of the rotunda that entered after the light bridge came over was painted with special reflective materials. There is a huge frost rose logo. The main reason why I didn’t see this thing before was because it was too big, so many people only saw one part and didn’t pay much attention to it. After calming down now, I realized that this thing is actually our frost rose. Union’s guild logo, and after discovering this mark, they even discovered that all the hatches and passages on the battleship actually had such a logo. At this moment, they were frightened, and they suddenly entered into such an advanced battleship of the Frost Rose League. This is simply walking right into a trap!

"Quiet, quiet, give me quiet." Masaka Matsumoto stood in front of the crowd and shouted loudly. August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Hina also helped to maintain order, and a few It was the guild president who had participated in the meeting, so naturally he also stood up at this time to help suppress those players. Because these people were originally dispatched by Masaga Matsumoto and these chairpersons, they gradually calmed down after seeing them calmly asking them to be quiet.

The Japanese are originally a nation accustomed to discipline, so it is easy to quiet down under the leadership of someone. However, Quiet is quiet, but the tightly gripped weapons in these people's hands show that they are still very nervous.

After the scene was quiet, Masaga Matsumoto said: "First of all, you can put away your weapons. We are not being plotted against by the Chinese. This is completely part of our plan. You don’t need to. I'm afraid, no one will attack you, so don't be so nervous."

"But Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, this is the ship of the Frost Rose Alliance!" Someone loudly shouted.

"Yes, I know this is the ship of the Frost Rose League, because I borrowed it."

"What?" The nest exploded again in an instant.

After some comfort, it was easy for these people to calm down, and then one of the presidents of the Japanese guild stood up and said: "Don’t be nervous, Chairman Masaga Matsumoto and all of us participating in the alliance The president of the guild held a meeting before, and we decided to rob the Russian science and technology laboratory together, and then expand our own laboratory. Everyone knows to what extent the technology of China, the United States, and Russia are now, and we rely solely on The player’s battle strength can only be adapted to ground combat, but without those powerful mobile war machines, how can we set foot on the land of other countries? We can’t always be invaded and fight on our own country’s land, right? Do you want that? Don’t want it? So, we need technology, our own super battleship, and props that can help us reach other countries to launch expansion wars."

"President Luo of Yingda, we know that technology is very important, but What does this have to do with the Chinese? Why do they want to lend us a boat? We must know that we were enemies before!"

"This is the key point." Matsumoto took the topic before talking to those The words of the presidents of the Japanese guild were told to these people again, and of course these people had similar doubts. Of course, Masaka Matsumoto, who had already explained it again, was naturally familiar with the road and gave these people some explanations. And because of the help of those chairmen who already understood his plan this time, it was naturally easier to explain, and soon these people all accepted Matsumoto's plan.

A Japanese player who reacted so quickly said: "In other words, we are now allies with the Chinese. Can I understand that?"

"Yes, and this The ship is the tool for us to implement the cooperation plan. Our large forces have gone to Russia. Their nominal task is to help the Russians resist the Chinese invasion, but in fact, the leaders of the main force will be with the Russians. After contacting them, they pretend to be polite. After the War Zone between China and Russia, they will deliberately create friction, and then lead some of the Japanese players and NPCs who know the knowledge to clashed with the Russians, and the remaining president They will lead the remaining main Japanese forces to join the battle with the Russians on the grounds of helping their own people, so as to break down the Russian defense line from the rear so that the Chinese can open the gap."

"But then once Our people and the Chinese will fight again?"

"No, our people will evacuate when the Chinese are about to rush in. They will leave as long as the Russian defense is disrupted. , The remaining part of the Chinese can do it by themselves. After that, the guild leaders with the main force will have a meeting together, and the conclusion of the meeting is that since the Russians have been offended, then this trip is impossible to help them. I have dealt with the Chinese, but since they have already come, they are obviously a bit unwilling to go straight back. So they will propose a plan to rob on the Russian side, get some practical benefits, and then leave."

"Damn, is this trick a bit too poisonous?"

"What does it matter if poison is not poisonous, as long as we Japanese don't suffer." An informed Japanese guild president Said: "When the time comes, those guild leaders will tell ordinary players that since we have fallen out with the Russians, returning home from the sea will probably be intercepted by the Russian fleet, so they will discuss with the Chinese for the time being. After the armistice for a period of time, everyone dealt with the Russians together, and then the Chinese agreed to let our people return to their homeland through China. Of course, these have been secretly negotiated with the Chinese side. The agreement has been signed, and there is absolutely a guarantee. The Chinese are sure. Will agree to our request according to the plan, and then our main force will become a de facto alliance with the Chinese."

"Then is our task to grab technical information?" someone asked .

"Yes." Masaka Matsumoto replied: "Not only us, but also the elite players of the Frost Rose League. When the time comes, we will join forces and conduct a research on the Russian technology research base. Assault. This ship will be responsible for taking us to the meeting point. I hope you will put the overall situation first and don’t pick things up when you meet our new allies. As long as the technology is available, we will be proud after we develop our own technical weapons. At the time, as for now, everyone still puts the word forbearance first, please put the overall situation as the most important." Matsumoto said that he directly bowed to all the elite Japanese players.

"Yes!" All the Japanese players were also neatly organized and stood at attention in reply.

Seeing that Japanese players have accepted this plan, Masaka Matsumoto said immediately: "Well, we still have more than half an hour of activity time before we arrive at the meeting place. You can move freely. Of course, please pay attention. Don’t provoke those Chinese crew members. And at my request, except for a captain, the ship is NPC, and there is nothing to provoke."

Matsumoto said hello in front. Those Japanese players are also more obedient. Although they have visited various places on the ship, they have never disturbed those crew members who are controlling the spaceship. Seeing their reaction, Masaga Matsumoto is finally relaxed, he is worried that these Japanese players are not convinced. If you have to make trouble, it will be a big trouble.

"The speed of this ship looks pretty good, how come it takes more than half an hour to reach the meeting point?" Several Japanese guild leaders did not follow others to visit the structure of the ship, but kept Staying with Matsumoto Masaga on the bridge. Through the huge portholes, you can clearly see the scene of the retreating surroundings, so those Japanese guild leaders can estimate the speed of the ship, but according to their estimated speed, half an hour is obviously too long. If the ship does not slow down, it can reach the Russian coastline in at most 20 minutes in this way, so they all feel that this time is a bit wrong.

Matsumoto Masakah didn't sell them to them, and said directly: "Let our captain explain to you about this issue." Matsumoto Masaka said and looked towards the captain.

This seemingly reserved captain did not shy away from hearing Matsumoto’s words, and immediately began to explain: “The Abyss Ghost is a amphibious spaceship. We really don’t need it to the Russian coastline. More than half an hour, but the confluence point is not on the coastline, but in the inland area. We will find an unmanned area to leave the water and enter the flight mode after we get close to Russia’s inland area. The mountain and forest terrain is very low-altitude penetration, so the speed is impossible too fast, but you can rest assured that it will not delay your action time."

I heard the captain’s explanation and the Japanese guild leaders one by one. The boss with an open mouth. Although they know that our Frost Rose Alliance has a flying battleship, this is the first time they have heard that submarines can fly.

"Well, may I ask, what should we do if we run into a Russian fleet halfway?" A Japanese guild president asked with some worry: "Also, low altitude penetration What should we do if we encounter a player on the ground and intercept it? We will not be beaten from mid-air?"

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