"Fight down?" The captain said immediately after hearing the words of the Japanese guild leader: "Unless they know our course of action in advance and prepare a lot of The air firepower is at the High Level where we must pass, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to knock us down. The main role of the ghost of the abyss is to penetrate behind enemy lines. The performance of this battleship is very powerful. It can not only penetrate at high speed, but also contains itself. The very advanced mirage system can be 80% invisible, and most people can’t see it if they don’t pay attention. In addition, this ship is equipped with a miniaturized protective cover device, so even if it is hit, as long as it does not exceed the load of the protective cover Limits, generally will not have any problems. As for the Russian fleet...there is no need to worry. This is spaceship, unless we want to fight them, otherwise you think the old Russian battleships will catch up with us. Is it?"

Although the captain's words are not polite, the Japanese guild leaders have to admit that what he said is very reasonable. As a spaceship, its own characteristics determine that its moving speed is unmatched by pure surface ships, so in this case, there is simply no need to worry about the attacks of these surface ships. The situation on the ground is similar. This spaceship is too fast. If you don’t know the route and the exact time in advance, it’s too late to intercept after a simple accident, because your magic is not ready yet, and the spaceship is out of your sight. .

After getting the exact explanation, these Japanese guild leaders were relieved a lot, and after they calmed down, the battleship began to slowly move toward the water. Following their previous conversation, spaceship has reached the coastal area of ​​Russia and is now looking for a suitable water outlet.

Because this is a secret operation, it must be ensured that no one can see it, so the location of the water outlet is very important. Fortunately, there is a characteristic of Russia, that is, there are fewer people and more land, especially the Eastern Sea shore, which is basically a large area of ​​no man's land. It is too simple to find a safe water outlet in such a place.

When spaceship was out of the water, many Japanese players who knew the news went to the bridge to look at it. Fortunately, the structure of the Abyss Ghost is special, and the bridge is connected to the main living area. , So the internal space is very large, otherwise it can't stand so many people. Through the transparent part of the outside of the hull, you can clearly see that the dark water at the top began to become brighter and brighter, and then suddenly the water separated, and the battleship suddenly jumped out of the water. As soon as the battleship came out of the water, the battleship noticeably stopped for a while, and the people around felt a sense of weightlessness, which indicated that the power of the ship had been interrupted for a short period of time after it came out of the water. In fact, this situation is caused by the fact that the ship's water and underwater power system is not a set of things. After the water is released, the device must be switched, so there will be an interval of more than two seconds in between. However, the shape of the ship itself is very similar to an airplane, so it has a certain gliding ability. As long as it accelerates to extreme speed before exiting the water, it can easily stay in the air for a few seconds, enough for the aerodynamic engine to start.

The speed of the spaceship's air power system has increased significantly after the startup, and everyone feels that their bodies are tilted backwards, and most of them almost even fall. When the ship was underwater, everyone discovered that its power was quite strong, but only now did they discover that it turned out that this thing was gentle when it was underwater, and now it really bursts out of its full strength. . The terrifying acceleration shows that the thrust-to-weight ratio of this thing is quite amazing. You must know that this is not a fighter jet, but a small and medium flying battleship that can hold hundreds of people. The volume of this thing is actually larger than that of a large civil airliner. A lot. Such an exaggerated thing can fly at this speed, which in itself is quite amazing.

The surprise of the Japanese players here is not over, but they feel that weightlessness is coming from under them again. The spaceship that was originally climbing after coming out of the water suddenly dived, and then entered with a very smooth curve. In the sky above the forest on the shore, it was flying close to the treetops at a height of more than 30 meters above the ground.

The Japanese players on the ship just thought the ship was fast before, but now they can fully feel its real speed, because of the transparent hull outside the spaceship, you can clearly see the trees flying by below. Tips, this kind of front object assaults the senses, the feeling that it will hit at any time even some Japanese players can't help but scream.

"Damn it, why is this thing so exciting?" A Japanese guild leader couldn't help but screamed, but he realized that he was embarrassed after screaming. Can't take it back, can only say something to get rid of the embarrassment.

No one answered what he said, because most people have no way to speak now. Spaceship was just flying against the treetops before. It was level flight at any rate, so although it looked exciting, there was not much turbulence, but after the Japanese guild president finished speaking, spaceship suddenly flew over the forest. Into the mountain.

Before the captain of this ship told them that once they landed, they would fly at a very low altitude, but now they enter the mountains because of the ups and downs of the mountains, so they can only fly along the valley. . The valley is of course impossible to be a straight line, so the spaceship needs to constantly swing around to follow the curvature of the valley, but the people in the boat will suffer. Those drivers are okay, they all have their own seats, and they are all fixed in position, let alone fall off, even if they will not shake, but the Japanese players behind are not good. They don't have seats, so they can only find something nearby to hug them. Thanks to this spaceship, there are a lot of things for them to hold, otherwise the people in it will turn into a bowling ball and roll all over the floor.

Although it has not become a bottle gourd, the Japanese players feel that it is not good at all. They didn't expect this ship to fly so intensely. Because this ship uses a certain aerodynamic shape, in order to turn sharp turns, it will occasionally make a lean turn like an airplane. Spaceship will have a very large G force during this kind of left-right turn. In this case, people need to resist the acceleration of gravity caused by inertia. If the arm strength is slightly weaker, you will not even be able to grasp the fixed objects around you.

Although it was miserable by this spaceship, those Japanese players are less frivolous and more serious than when they came. It was not because they felt that they were about to arrive at the mission site and deliberately asked to calm down, but because they recognized the technological gap between the two countries for the first time. They are now more certain than before. This action is very necessary. As long as they get the technology of the Russians, coupled with their own efforts, they believe that the technology transformation will be completed soon, when the time comes, they may also Can make such a spaceship without watching those Chinese flying around them in a spaceship.

Because of this awareness, those Japanese players are actually much quieter than before. Masaga Matsumoto quietly looked back at the Japanese players behind him, and then smiled faintly. He actually knew that these people would have this kind of reaction. In fact, he decided to use this test ship to transport them and these people for this purpose. Normally, transporting people like them does not need to be so laborious at all, as long as a small battleship can be done. However, in order to let them understand the technological gap between the new Black Dragon and us, they have all received special care, and they are lucky enough to ride a cutting-edge test ship that few players in the guild have ever boarded.

In fact, the performance of this ship is not as good as it looks. how to say. This thing will feel very exciting to sit on, like a roller coaster, even more exaggerated, but the actual value of this thing is actually very small, not only the scope of application is very narrow, and the cost-effectiveness is very low. To put it simply, this thing has no practical value at all except for the verification technology. Fortunately, the Frost Rose Alliance is not short of money, so it is useless and useless.

In the silence of those Japanese players, spaceship finally successfully flew out of the mountain area, and after passing a small plain, it entered another mountain area, but this time the spaceship did not It showed flying stunts again, but after drilling through two mountain passes, it started to slow down, and finally hovered over a huge lake before slowly landing in the shallow waters of the lake.

"Have you reached the place?" Several Japanese guild leaders obviously felt that they were a little bit soft. This is a phenomenon caused by the decline of adrenaline. It was too stimulating when flying before, but the body was unconsciously taut. Now when I relax, I feel like my whole body aches as if I have run for several kilometers.

The captain turned around and said to them: "This is the meeting point, you can just go down. The person who will respond has already arrived, just over there."

Those trips to Japan The president of the guild took a look along the direction of his finger, and he found that there were several people standing there on the edge of the woods not far away. The first one was really red, and those people in the golden light equipment were all too familiar.

The Japanese players wearing them quickly left the spaceship under the leadership of Masaga Matsumoto, and as soon as they got off the spaceship here, the spaceship over there began to ignite, and soon disappeared from the lake. In the distant horizon.

There was a Japanese guild leader who looked at Matsumoto in doubt and asked, "Isn’t it waiting for us to go back?"

Matsumoto’s nodded said: "Going back We don’t use this at the time. We will follow the Chinese allies to withdraw to Isengard, and then return to Japan from Isengard, and we don’t know if there will be any variables in this operation. According to the Frost Rose League’s meaning , If necessary, they may let Isengard Mobile Fortress come and pick us up."

"The Frost Rose League is going to dispatch Isengard Mobile Fortress?" A Japanese guild president was surprised Asked: "Are you sure this news is true?"

Matsumoto Masaka shook his head and said, "This is their plan. The Rose League will certainly not be stingy with that little expense."

The Japanese guild leaders around were nodded. They all know a little bit about the rich and imposing of our Frost Rose League, even though Isinger Mobile Fortress It can be said that it costs money to move, but they all know that this little money is really not a big problem for our Frost Rose League. At least for this operation, it is absolutely possible to use Isinger. Mobile fortress.

In the discussion here, they have reached the edge of the forest on the shore, and Zhenhong and gold coin have also come up.

"You are finally here. How is it? The journey is going well?" Gold coin asked.

Matsumoto Masaka said neither humble nor arrogant: "Yes, it's going well. How about your side? The personnel are there already?"

"Almost, but the main unit is not here. By the way, we need to go and meet first."

"Ok, let's lead the way."

"No." Gold coin took out a huge package directly, and put it on the ground. Turn over and pour out a lot of Transmission Scroll from the inside. "These are dedicated Transmission Scrolls. The acceptance points have been opened over there. Each of you will have one. After tearing it apart, it will automatically reach the meeting point over there."

Those Japanese players didn't expect There was such a good thing, one after another, after taking the scroll, they passed it. In fact, they don't know that the production cost of this Transmission Scroll depends entirely on the transmission distance. The one used this time is actually the lowest one used by the scribes of our guild when they practice their hands. The transmission distance is only one kilometer, and it needs to be used with a receiving device, that is, Transmission Formation. The price of each of these low-level goods is less than two crystal coins, so we have prepared so many for them so generously.

The advantage of using scrolls is that they don’t have to worry about bringing their tails when they meet with us. Everyone reaches the receiving point on the other side smoothly, and waits for them to get off the temporary Transmission Formation. It was discovered that this place was actually a cave.

The area of ​​the cave here is not that big. There are more than 100 people from Japan, plus the more than 180 people from our side, plus one on both sides, it will be more than 300. With so many people in this cave, it can be said that it is full of people. Although it can't be said that people are posting people, there is really not much open space.

Seeing the dense crowds here, many Japanese players are quite surprised, because they didn't expect so many people here. I always thought that our guild had only me and Christina and they were relatively strong. We never expected that there would be so many real elite players in our guild. However, what we see now shows that our guild actually has many backbones.

In fact, those who think that our guild does not have mid-level and high-level players are only low-level Japanese players. Japanese guild leaders know that our guild has a large number of high-level players. The reason why ordinary Japanese players don’t know this is that, on the one hand, the cutting-edge power of our guild is too advanced, and on the other hand, it’s also because these high-level players in our guild rarely appear in Japan. reason. Because we high-end players are enough to suppress the high level players in Japan, and the remaining ordinary Chinese players are enough to deal with most Japanese players with the cooperation of various advanced magic weapons. It is impossible to have mobile angels to help, so we will guild For high level players, there is no need to participate in the battle. In most cases, they are doing missions for guilds or performing some special operations. Anyway, they rarely participate in large-scale wars.

After all these people arrived, we first took away the Transmission Formation, and then someone brought a few stones to let Matsumoto and I stand up. As the representatives of both sides in this operation, the two of us represent the will of both sides.

"Okay, now our personnel are all here. Some of you are from our Frost Rose League, and some are Japanese players. You should be considered enemies before, even among you. Some of you may have played against each other, but I hope you can guarantee the minimum cooperation in this operation. I don’t ask you to block bullets for foreign allies, but at least I hope you can ensure that you can take care of each other’s blind spots. , So that our mission is possible to proceed. And if the mission fails, I don’t need to tell you the consequences, right?"

The players below whispered a bit, but soon quieted down. Masaka Matsumoto opened the mouth and said at this time: "What the President Purple Moon said just now is what I want to say. So, I beg you for the success or failure of this operation. It doesn't matter whether you are a Japanese player or a Chinese player, at least Before the end of this mission, please abandon your identities and temporarily become a whole. Please." Matsumoto said with a bow.

The surrounding Japanese players bowed in response, but the players in our guild were messy. Most of them didn’t move. A few people wanted to bow, but it felt weird. When the people around him didn't move, he straightened his waist that had just been bent a little bit.

This situation is not actually our people look down on Masaka Matsumoto, it is mainly a matter of habit. In China, there is no such habit of bowing at all. It feels like this action is basically unnecessary except for funerals. Moreover, our Frost Rose League is a transnational guild. Among the more than one hundred and eighty players on the scene, at least fifty are white, and seven or eight of them are black. These players are obviously not used to bowing.

Of course, Masaka Matsumoto would not care about this kind of thing. After speaking, he looked towards me and asked: "President Purple Moon, do you want to report the action plan now?"

< p>I was nodded, but did not speak, but came down directly from the stone. Rose stepped onto the stone platform at this time, and loudly said: "The next action plan is probably like this. First of all, the more than 300 people we are present will be divided into two action groups, one of which is the main feint and the other is the real Super elite. The specific division will give you a detailed list for a while, I will first talk about your division of labor. The work of a few elite teams is to sneak and steal, while the work of others is to attack from the outside. When you attack, we You will sneak in by the chaos, and your task is not to attack, but to keep the pressure to make them concentrate on the outer circle area. In addition, you have another task, that is, in case the troops on the front line fail to hold The elite of the Russians let them come back. You must resolutely block them to buy time for us. Therefore, it can be said that the tasks of these feint troops outside are the heaviest, so you must ensure absolute obedience to orders, even if It is for you to die without the slightest hesitation, because your death may help our task. Of course, this is just a metaphor, of course we will not give such orders, just let everyone do well This kind of consciousness."

"..." There was a mess of promises below, which probably meant that they all accepted such orders and would act accordingly.

After seeing all the promises below, Rose moved towards nodded outside and gestured for a while, and then said: "What is being distributed now is the communication headset used by our Frost Rose League. Please pay attention to those who have not used it. Look at me here. This thing is stuffed into your ears like this, and then you can leave it alone. When you speak, this thing can automatically send your voice out, and any commands we have will be communicated. In addition, you are here The voice heard in this communicator is not our voice, but the voice of an artificial soul called the God of War. He is equivalent to the operator. Our command and order will be communicated through him, and what you have to say is just Tell him directly, he will report it to us. If there is anything you don’t understand, please ask as soon as possible and I will answer it for you, or you can directly ask the god of war."

Of course, Japanese players have many questions, but The military advisor itself has the ability to communicate, so these people quickly became familiar with the use of this communicator. After all, the operation of this thing is too simple, as long as you are not an idiot, you can basically figure it out quickly.

After Japanese players became familiar with this communicator, another group of players in our guild began to shuttle in the crowd to distribute items, and Rose explained: "Now when I distribute items to you Fighting supplies. If you bring your own medicines, you can consider comparing them with our medicines, and then arrange them according to your usage habits. The medicines we send to you are divided into three types, the red one is the blood recovery medicine, the blue one is The mana potion, the yellow one is used desperately. The red pill can restore 20% of the blood volume proportionally, but this recovery process takes ten seconds and is not an emergency type, so please pay attention to the rhythm of use. The magic pill is the same. , But the reply is magic. You can choose the ratio of red and blue pills according to your professional characteristics. Anyway, the total number of each person is 20. You decide how to choose. The yellow pills are explosive potions, and all the attributes in one minute after use Doubled, but enter a weak state after one minute, all attributes within 30 seconds are only one-tenth of the normal value, and action is slow, basically losing battle strength. So, unless you feel that you are about to die, or a military god Order you to eat, otherwise, don’t eat it randomly. Of course, this is one for everyone, because you are impossible to use it a second time."

Those Japanese players are quite familiar with this pill. , Because our trade has this kind of takeaway medicine, but the response rate is not so high, and the blood recovery speed is not so fast. It takes only 30 seconds to recover 10% of the blood for the export model, and it takes only 10 seconds to recover 20% of the blood. This difference is too obvious.

"Well, after you get the pills, please put them away first, and then there will be other things for you." Rose said that a Japanese guild leader stood on the rock and continued Said: "What is going to be distributed now is special props. Now I ask the president of the Japanese guild to help me demonstrate. What you see now is..."

It took a few minutes to complete, and during the period, those Japanese players got three items and two other medicines. These items are essential items for our guild players, but they are all suits on the guild side. Just take them back. It can be used, it is not distributed separately like this.

After the things were released, all Japanese players heard the voice of the god of war from the headphones in their ears, and then they began to team up according to the instructions.

According to the plan, most players are assigned to the outside interception team, and Rose’s previous words are not exaggerated at all, their mission is really very important. Because the battle strengths of Christina, Matsumoto, and I are very strong, but the true expert in Russia is not here, so our assault mission is actually not difficult, just because of the speed, and they are afraid that they will destroy the research data, so Only high level personnel must be used. However, the people outside are different. Once Frozen Banshee finds that something is wrong here, he will definitely return with Russian high-level players, or even bring a large group of troops back, and these outside players will need to block these people and Frozen Banshee. This task But it's not easy at all.

"Okay, the people who have assigned the tasks are now separated. Your direct commander, the military god, will tell you that you just have to do what is ordered. I am your commander in chief. All Small Captains are Report to me and I will uniformly direct your actions." Rose began to lead the team out of the cave as she said it, but in fact, the number of people left was only ten people.

In fact, these people basically lose familiar faces. I have one on our side, plus Christina, Real Red, gold coin, Ice Skipping and Bingbing. The reason why Bingbing is here is mainly because auxiliary personnel are needed in this battle, and Rose has to command from outside, so it is not convenient for us to take her in. This way Bingbing’s ability is just right, so we decided to let her participate. This action.

In addition to Matsumoto Masaga, August Kaoru, Sakura Rain God Hina, and Fire Dragon Hime, there is another player named Kakuda Ichiro in Japan. This guy is a Japanese warrior, and the battle strength is said to be pretty good. Anyway, what Matsumoto Masaka said is quite powerful.

Because there are experts on both sides, and there are only ten people in total, so the action plan is much simpler, and you can command on-the-spot changes. Less people means better command.

Actually, according to my original plan, I didn't want that Kakuda Ichiro to join in. The main reason is that if this Kakuda Ichiro is not in the team, then all the rest of us are actually our own. In this way, we can do as one pleases a lot when fighting, but now because of Kakuda Ichiro's existence, we have to be more cautious about our actions. After all, although we and Masaga Matsumoto are a cooperative relationship this time, after all, they are just a temporary alliance formed for the sake of profit, so we can't be too affectionate. In this way, it is really troublesome to pay attention to taking measures when fighting.

However, although Kakuda Ichiro has many disadvantages, it is not enough for this person to not bring it. On the one hand, this Kakuda Ichiro himself is the president of a Japanese guild. His appearance can represent the interests of some peripheral players in Japan. Equivalent to is a witness. On the other hand, because this guy is a real Japanese player, his way of thinking must be for Japanese players. In this way, you can avoid Matsumoto Masaka and the others from neglecting because they are not really working for the welfare of Japanese players. Lose some of the performance that Japanese players should have. Although these details are unremarkable, but your location is different, it is easy to not notice, and these things may expose many problems. So, for the sake of safety, we decided to take Kakuda Ichiro, equivalent to assigning a staff to Matsumoto Masaka, not to advise on combat methods, but to advise on how to benefit Japanese players.

We did not act in a hurry after the personnel were in place, because our infiltration plan requires the main attacking forces outside to start the attack before it can begin. Otherwise, once our first action is discovered, what about the people outside? Strong attacks will reveal our true plan, so this sequence of actions must not be chaotic.

While Rose took the mixed forces of Chinese and Japanese players to perform the feint mission outside, we took out a few more things and handed them to Matsumoto Masaga and Kakuda Ichiro.

In the end, Ichiro Kakuda was quite confused about what we brought out, because he had already posted some things before, but now it makes him feel weird.

Christina explained: "This is the high level medicine used by the elites of us, which is different from the previous ones. Have you seen this golden pill? This is a 50% blood return, and it is It recovers 20% in an instant, and 30% in the next 30 seconds, which is much more enjoyable than the previous one."

After hearing about the attribute of this thing, Ichiro Kakuda immediately looked at the pill in surprise. , And then carefully put it away, but Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun and the others are going to be more casual.

After we finished sending things here, Rose and the others finally completed the line layout, and then with a red magic bomb lifted into the air, the mixed forces of Chinese and Japanese players suddenly emerged from the forest where they were hiding. Rushed out. But the first step for them was a row of cannonballs flying out from behind them. Our guild was fully prepared for this mission, and it took a lot of effort to get this small magic cannon.

In fact, Banshee’s home is the home of the ice-bound Banshee, which is a very difficult city to attack because it is located on a frozen lake and Lake Heart Island below it. Because it is located on the lake, it is surrounded by the ice of Yimapingchuan, and there is no place to hide. This forced us to start charging directly. Of course, if there are only a few of us, we can touch it in, but there is no guarantee that we can go in quietly. Of course, it's different now. The attention of the opponent is attracted by the offensive forces outside, so there is no time to pay attention to the internal situation.

I turned around and said to Masaka Matsumoto and the others after seeing the fire connected over there, "Okay, it's time for us to do it."

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