"What do you think the Japanese mean?" Banshee, who was really unsure, had to ask the opinions of other Russian guild leaders around him.

One of the presidents of the Russian guild said: “It’s not a day or two that the Japanese and the Chinese are at odds. I don’t think there is anything to guess about this kind of thing, right? They can’t unite with the Chinese. Let’s hit us together?"

"That’s what I said, but I always feel something is wrong." Although the ice-bound Banshee is relatively strong in Russia, she sometimes can’t make up her mind. At this time, you can only solicit opinions from others.

Another Russian guild president said: "I think we can completely ignore this kind of thing."

"It doesn't matter? Is it just that the Japanese won't let it go?" Reply?" Another Russian guild president said: "Whether we agree to them to help or refuse, it is still a reply. If we ignore people at all, those Japanese will definitely hate us. At this time, it is meaningless to offend Japan. People are no good, right?"

"I am not saying that I will not answer them, but that whether we believe it or not, it is actually the same for us." The president of the Russian guild was puzzled by everyone. In his eyes, he consciously explained: "Although the Japanese are saying to help us deal with the Chinese, it doesn't necessarily need to come to us to deal with the Chinese?"

"What do you mean... ??"

"Let them go directly to China, when the time comes, the Chinese are invaded, they must be divided and rescued, and this will solve our troubles. As for the Japanese, what conspiracy For things like that, as long as you don’t let them come to our territory, you don’t have to worry about anything."

"This method is good." The surrounding Russian guild leaders are all excited to say that this method is indeed true. It is the best suggestion, and Bingfeng Banshee also approved this suggestion. After all, she was a little skeptical of the Japanese's motives this time, so this method couldn't be better.

"What? They asked us to go directly to China?" After receiving the reply from the Russian player, the Japanese side fryed the pot directly. Originally, the plan had been arranged, and the troops had been assembled, and we just waited to go to Russia to start the mission. As a result, at this time, the Russians suddenly threw a reply saying that they would not let them go to Russia and that they should land directly on the coast of China. This reply is tantamount to vetoing the plan of the new Black Dragon meeting, because if they can’t go to Russia, their actions will be completely impossible to carry out. What’s more terrible is that the Chinese have already started actions, but they can’t. This also means that as long as the Frost Rose Alliance applies for system arbitration, they must pay a fine, because the two sides signed a joint combat agreement before starting the operation. After all, neither side trusts each other, and no one does not sign an agreement. rest assured. But now the trouble is coming. The agreement has already been signed, and the Chinese have started to act, but their Japanese have been passed directly by the Russians. Isn't this fatal?

Looking at the Japanese guild presidents who were messing around below, Masaga Matsumoto stretched out his hand and pressed it down to signal them to be quiet. These people are now worried that no one has any ideas, and as soon as Matsumoto is about to speak, they immediately calm down.

After the Japanese guild leaders were quiet, Masaka Matsumoto said: "In fact, it is not as bad as everyone thinks. Although the Russians said that we should go to China to make trouble to disperse The strength of the Chinese people, but can we completely reject their suggestions."

"But if we reject their suggestions, isn’t it the same result that we can’t send troops?" A Japanese guild president Asked.

"No, we can send troops." Masaka Matsumoto said: "We still send troops to Russia, and we can also make the Russians find no excuses for shirk."

"This How is it possible?"

"Of course it is possible." Masaka Matsumoto said: "We can have a chop and then go directly to the Russian side. After they get to the Russian side, if they ask, we can speak. Frankly, tell them we have a sea power comparison with the Chinese. There are only a dozen battleships left on our side in Japan, and all of them are transport ships. The Russians know how strong the Frost Rose fleet is. So, if we want to land on the coast of China by boat, that is simply impossible. The only thing we can do is go to Russia and fight the Chinese."

"Yes!" The following Japanese trips After hearing Matsumoto's reason, the chairman of the association cried out in excitement. Matsumoto Masaka’s reason can be said to be impeccable, because the fact is that almost all of the Japanese fleet was destroyed by us, and now the few ships are simply impossible to cover the transportation fleet forcibly landing, so they can’t reach China at all. , Can only go to Russia.

Those Japanese guild leaders were happy that they finally had a solution to this problem, and suddenly someone yelled at didn't expect. "That's not right! Although we can use this reason to prevaricate the Russians and explain why we didn't go to China according to their requirements, but they didn't let us go to Russia! What if it arouses their suspicion?"

< p>This guy here was just stunned as soon as he finished talking about the other Japanese guild leaders. Yes. Although the Russians’ suggestions are not feasible and they can justly refrain from implementing them, the problem is that they didn’t let them go to Russia.

The president of the Japanese guild who found something wrong was about to ask Masaka Matsumoto, but Masaka Matsumoto first said: "In fact, we don’t have to worry about this issue at all. We also have excuses for this matter. It is the Russians who let us go to China to help them fight, which means that they agreed to our help, but their own opinions are not feasible, so we have to come to Russia. Although this reason also has certain loopholes, it will cause Other people’s suspicions, but what if the Russians doubt us? We have no plans to cooperate with them for a long time, as long as they don’t do anything with us at first. When our troops are about to get close to the frontline Chinese and Russian warfare After the Zone zone, we can directly remove the disguise and start fighting with the Russians. So, whether the Russian side suspects it or not, it doesn't make any sense, because we don't need to pretend until they can respond. "

"Song this Monarch is really great, the plan is not one drop of water can leak out. In that case, let's start now. When we get to Russia, we can't help them."< /p>

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