"You don’t have to worry about combat missions at all. We have made a full allocation. Our Japanese side only needs to implement the interference combat plan according to the original plan. In addition, according to the Frost Rose League’s Opinion, in the final assault team, our Japanese side also needs to dispatch high level battle strength, so as to ensure that everyone’s output is basically the same, but the plan for this part is not the main plan, so I don’t think there is much to discuss. After that. I will select people from your guilds to join the commando. Those who are selected will get an additional financial reward, and this fund is from the common assets of our federation. Doesn't you have any opinion on this? "

"No comments."

"Then the plan is for now, the specific troop arrangements will be sent to you later, as long as you gather troops as soon as possible. Okay, if so Let’s end the meeting if nothing happens."

"Wait a minute." A Japanese guild president suddenly stood up and asked: "But you haven't said when we will start to act?"< /p>

"This part is not under my control." Masaka Matsumoto said: "According to the plan, we need the Chinese to get started with the Russians before we have reason to request the Russian side for defense, so we What needs to be done is to assemble the troops as soon as possible to prepare for action, and the others don’t need to be concerned."

"But what should we do if the Frost Rose Alliance action plan is delayed? Should we gather our troops and wait here? Is it?"

"I don’t think I need to worry about this. The action speed of the Frost Rose Alliance is amazingly fast, so what you need to worry about is that people have started the fight and we haven’t assembled yet. Troops, as for the situation where we assembled a good team and waited here... I think that is absolutely impossible."

"I hope so." The presidents of the Japanese guilds Obviously, we are not too relieved of the efficiency of our guild, but since Matsumoto has said so, these people have no reason to oppose anything, and have stood up and left the conference hall.

The league guilds around the new Black Dragon Club in Japan started to lay out their teams, but on Isinger’s side, we ran away and were interested in our own affairs. It’s up. It takes time for Japan to gather troops. It’s useless for us to go early. It’s better to wait for a while, lest our feints on our side turn into a real stalemate, and it’s not worth the loss.

"This is the crystal nucleus we brought back?" In the research institute of the new continent, we finally saw the kind of crystal nucleus brought back from the mission, but it was totally different from what we brought back. The same, what was originally a solid and crystal-like thing, has now turned into two bottles of liquid.

Neither of these two are particularly complicated storage devices. They are just ordinary jars. One is larger and the other is smaller. They are filled with colored liquids like jelly, and the colors are not the same. .

The researcher in charge of this project said: "This is the crystal nucleus you brought back. Of course, the shape has changed a little, and the color is also incorrect. About this, mainly because we added Some other ingredients go in to make it a more stable state, so there will be changes in color and traits, but this does not affect the use, as long as we find a suitable fusion and do not let it fuse together with these crystal nuclei. "

"But can our fusion really be of any type?" asked gold coin.

The researcher nodded and said: "Although it can’t be said that anything is OK, but basically there is no big problem. This thing has the ability to fuse most objects, as long as it has an attribute Mixing the substance with this solution can produce the corresponding ability, and if the fused solution is not saturated, it can continue to fuse more attributes."

"Then how do you know if it is saturated? "

"This is very simple. Just add the substances with attributes continuously. If they can't be absorbed in the end, it means saturation. So the order of fusion needs to be paid attention to. The important attributes are added first. So as not to suddenly become saturated and unable to add important attributes."

"It sounds good, but can we use these things now?" Christina asked.

Researcher Na Ming shook his head and said: "This is not working for the time being, because it needs to absorb a certain amount of attributes first, but I don't know what kind of attributes you plan to integrate, so we haven't started yet."

"Let’s do it then." I said, "First divide this solution, store the three specialized solutions separately, and then separate the remaining eleven. First, all the fusion solutions The player is determined, and then decides what to integrate according to the needs of the user. After all, this thing still needs to be used on a single player. Everyone’s needs for attributes are definitely different, so we don’t need to determine attributes first. The content can be determined according to personal needs."

"This plan is good, but how to divide these three special solutions?" Gold coin asked.

Christina is also frowned: "Yes! These three special solutions have been fused with a part of Law Power. They belong to a special type. When we were doing the task, there were five people. How should we divide the three? "

True Hong immediately became a little unhappy when he heard Christina’s words: "The president must have a share of it. As for the rest of us, we can decide internally. Choose a solution with rules. People can take out a part of the guild contribution points to compensate, and those who don’t take the solution will take more contribution points. Isn’t that okay?"

"I have no opinion." Gold coin said.

Christina thought for a while and said: "Then I want a solution with rules. As for how you choose, I don't care. You can decide how many guild contribution points are deducted."

True Red said directly after listening: "I don't want the law solution, just give me an ordinary one."

Gold coin thought about it and asked: "Boss, there is Rose Chief Manager. Do you want it? I don’t want it if she wants it, and give it to me if she doesn’t want it?"

I thought about it and thought it would be better to discuss this kind of thing with Rose, so I contacted it. On Rose's side, Rose refused decisively. The reason she doesn’t want it is very simple. The reason is that she doesn’t often participate in wars, so she doesn’t need too strong attributes. Besides, there are those attributes brought by BUFF sculptures. She can copy my attributes and become the second me at any time. For her, the battle strength is already severely exceeded, and there is no need to continue to strengthen it.

I thought about it and felt that what Rose said was reasonable, so in the joy of gold coin, the last part of the fusion liquid with Law Power was given to gold coin. So far, the three bottles of special solutions are considered to be in charge. They are me, gold coin and Christina. Rose and Zhenhong gave up. Zhenhong asked for a bottle of fusion fluid that did not incorporate any attributes, while Rose gave up even this ordinary fusion fluid.

After determining the distribution of the special fusion agent, we did not take this thing away. After all, some processing needs to be done before forging the equipment, so it is useless to take it away. Of course, before starting the forging, you need to go to Hephaestus to discuss how Fusion Attribute is more awesome. For this reason, not only did we find Hephaestus, in fact, we are Divine Divine. Race has been visited again.

Our chaos and order Divine Race is different from the general Divine Race. This is a newly established Divine Race, where the source of the gods can be said to be myriad and everything, and these days Southern The gods of the North Sea know some unique knowledge of craftsmanship, so it is necessary for us to visit these people to unite their opinions before fusion.

It took us a whole day to inquire about this information with Divine Race of Chaos and Order. Thanks to the communicator of our guild, we can find someone to compare. Otherwise, it may not be done in three or five days. After everyone had consulted, we went to the guild’s scientific research staff. They also had some magical and technical suggestions for reference. In the end, the information we got was unified and based on their respective attributes. Some screening. The attributes that everyone needs to add are actually different, but in the end, there are two attributes that were mentioned by many people. In the end, we determined that this should be a universal attribute with great practical value, so we decided to add this directly to all the blending agents. Two kinds of attributes, the remaining part let everyone choose.

These two attributes are considered to be the most in need of addition: soul and energy manipulation.

The soul attribute is actually equivalent to Artifact Spirit, but instead of upgrading the equipment attribute to slowly evolve itself to produce the Artifact Spirit, it directly adds a ready-made soul to make it directly into the equipment with Artifact Spirit. . Originally, it was a very complicated thing to make the equipment produce Artifact Spirit, but because of this fusion agent, all this became quite simple, as long as the fusion agent first fused a complete Spirit Physique.

For Spirit Physique, the fusion fluid itself does not need to select a special type of soul, but because the equipment to be fused later has an attribute trend, the Spirit Physique is of course the best soul of the corresponding type.

Christina is a mage, so what she needs is a soul who is good at energy control, so she finally decided to get her a Lich to serve as the Artifact Spirit, because Lich itself is a legal system, and only It is only after the death of a high-level mage that it is possible to transform into Lich, so it is certain that Lich must be a spell expert no matter what type it is, so it is the most suitable choice to equip Christina with a Lich.

For gold coin, because she uses Chinese Flying Sword, and the main attack method is sword array, so foreign souls will definitely not work. In the end, our decision is to find a way to understand Formation or Sword. Immortal Spirit of Art. Of course, this thing is more difficult to deal with. It may need to use our relationship with Celestial Court. If it doesn't work, we can go to Demon to discuss directly kidnapping a Divine Immortal. Anyway, our relationship with Celestial Court is not really very good.

Finally, my side is a little troublesome. Because I am a Dark Element, the soul I need is the more evil type, so as to ensure the maximum use of the equipment attributes. After all, the dragon soul suit on my body is modified by Hades. This thing is basically An enhanced version of the sacred clothes, you can get a normal soul fusion for such things, of course it is impossible to drive them. Moreover, because my equipment itself is very complicated and has many abilities, it is better for this soul to be able to multi-task.

After considering so many factors, Hades finally gave me a more reasonable suggestion. "I think you should just go to Radamantes and ask him to help you compress an undead evil spirit."

"Immortality evil spirit?"

"Actually, too. It’s not really immortal.” Hades explained: “The evil spirit of immortality is actually using many evil souls to compress and fuse them into one soul, and finally use some small means to wipe out the character of this soul. If the soul is lost, the remaining part will become a super huge composite soul. Because these souls are not an individual, they can be distracted and used, and because the soul is compressed after the fusion, the strength of the soul will definitely increase greatly. Your dragon soul suit itself is quite powerful equipment, and there is no powerful enough soul that can’t be driven at all. In fact, I think you can even find some dragon souls to fuse, so the effect may be better."

"Dragon Soul?" I was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered that maybe I could actually get it, and it was not a normal dragon soul, but a dragon Lich.

Dragon Lich is the Lich that the dragon soul becomes, and its strength is absolutely unimaginable. An ordinary Lich is transformed from a person's soul. You can imagine how fragile the soul of an ordinary person is? Even if the guy who became Lich was definitely a high level mage before his death, even if they were a mage, their souls would be very weak without transformation. However, these weak human souls can evolve into Demi-God-like existences as long as they are transformed into Lich. From this, you can imagine how terrifying the transformed souls of Lich are. However, even if the giant dragon's soul does not do any treatment after death, its strength is already quite terrifying, and it can even directly become a ghost dragon or a ghost dragon or a ghost dragon. In fact, Spirit Dragon and Ghost Dragon are not Lich, they are just dead dragons that have become ghosts. If it is a human being, Spirit Physique at this level is probably not enough for people to see themselves or think of small things with their minds. However, after Dragon Clan's death, he can directly become a ghost dragon and a ghost dragon with an explosive battle strength. This undoubtedly shows that Dragon Clan's soul is very powerful. Once the giant dragon's soul undergoes Lich transformation, it will be even more serious. These guys can directly evolve to a level of Divine Race after the transformation is completed, and it is not a normal Divine Race, but the kind of powerful Divine Race.

Such a powerful dragon Lich, if it is used as the master soul of the undead evil spirits, it will definitely make the undead evil spirits become extremely powerful afterwards. Moreover, I have another advantage of using this evil spirit, that is, my dragon soul suit is originally a Dragon Clan thing, so if I use the dragon soul to drive it, it will be more handy, and it will further strengthen the battle strength invisibly.

Of course, these are just the best ideas, and it is still a question whether they can be achieved. Christina’s Lich is good, gold coin’s Immortal Spirit takes a little effort, and the dragon Lich I need is in trouble. Not only is the dragon Lich too strong, but the most terrible thing is that there are few things! Dragon Clan was originally not a high-yield nation, the population has always been flawed, and most of the giant dragons that died will choose to return to the Ancestral Dragon world. It was a place similar to the special heaven for Dragon Clan. Anyway, the dragon soul would never come back. The remaining dragon souls can be said to be non-existent, and most of these dragon souls are unwilling to become Lich, because Lich is an undead creature, and even if Dragon Clan becomes a ghost dragon, it is still Dragon Clan. A member of Dragon Clan can be recognized by Dragon Clan, but once it becomes Dragon Lich, it is equivalent to changing from Dragon Clan to Undead Race. This is an unacceptable thing for Dragon Clan itself, so so far As far as I know, Dragon Clan has almost no Dragon Transformation Lich. Of course, it almost means not all of it. Among them, there are some special existences, but... that kind of existence is basically a deviant and extremely tough stubble. After all, Dragon Clan doesn’t like undead, so if If there is a dragon Lich in the clan, Dragon Clan will clean up the door by himself. If he can run away alive, it means that this guy is so strong that Dragon Clan's expert can't handle it. Basically, none of the existence of this level is easy to deal with.

Although this kind of thing sounds troublesome, but we are not that absolutely does not have the ability to handle this thing. In short, we should file for the record first, and then it will not be too late to deal with it when we have time.

Unification and information has been delayed for a day, and the preparation work in Japan is basically finished, and at this time we also started to officially launch the action.

On the Sino-Russian border, several Russian players are gathering together to kill monsters. They are not leveling here, but are performing surveillance tasks, which are equivalent to being a border warrior. The difference is that regular border guards are generally divided into two types: patrol and sentry, but now these Russians have combined the common characteristics of the two to come up with a mobile sentry. On the one hand, they are fixed in a certain section and will not leave like a sentry, but on the other hand, they are not standing there at all, but they are constantly moving in the surrounding area while cleaning up all the mobs nearby. Monitor the situation along the border. The biggest advantage of this kind of guard post is that it does not delay leveling. Although it is not as fast as going to a special leveling field to level up, you can stand on guard by the way, which can be regarded as one move, two gains, so many players can accept this arrangement. If you really let players stand there in motionless guards, it is estimated that few people will really stand there in a daze, after all, people enter the game not to be in a daze.

Originally, these Russian players thought that today would be the same peaceful day as before. After all, the two previous Sino-Russian wars were the first Russian invasion of us, and now because of the BUFF mission. As a result, all the high-levels in Russia have gone back to do their tasks, and now they have entered a calm state, and naturally there will be no fighting. Of course, there will still be frictions on the border line, but that kind of battle is actually similar to the PK between players, and there is nothing worth noting at all.

Several players who thought it would be another peaceful day are attacking a high level monster that is unique to the border line. Seeing that this thing is about to be killed, suddenly from a distance. An ice arrow with hoarfrost flew through the ear hole of the monster, and then half of the arrow appeared from the other ear, and the monster died on the spot.

The monster that played well was robbed. What's worse is that the direction the arrow flies is actually on the Chinese border, which means that this is the arrow shot by the Chinese player. Of course, a few Russian players stopped doing it. A few people immediately fumbled over here, trying to find the archer for a small-scale PK. Anyway, it's not one or two times for the two sides to do this.

Unfortunately, today they are destined to be disappointed, because they were stunned after passing through the bushes in front of them, because the bushes waiting for them is not a standard battle squad. , But... a semi-circular encircling circle, and this encircling circle is all composed of archer.

These archers are divided into two rows, the front row is one-knee kneels, and the back row is standing, forming a two-layer dense firepower net, and the worst thing is that these people’s bows are already fully pulled Open state. Just when the few people were still there, one of the archers here waved forward, and the surrounding archers were instructed to release the bowstrings at the same time, and then the Russian players over there were frightened. Seeing a circle of arrows flying in, they all turned into hedgehogs in an instant.

Originally, after these people were shot to death, they thought it was their own bad luck to run into organized retaliation by Chinese players. But when they came out of the resurrection point, they were surprised to find that there were large groups of players in charge of guarding that appeared in large groups, and the surrounding resurrection points were still shining constantly. Obviously, there were not one or two dead people this time. It is a very exaggerated amount.

Of course, some of these people reacted quickly to realize the problem, so someone immediately reported the situation up here, but unfortunately, the difference between reporting and not reporting at this time is actually not that big.

After the first row of sentries was killed on the border, the archers immediately put their bows and arrows away and stood aside, and then saw a large group of cavalry rushing out from behind them directly across the border and rushing into Russia. The territory on the side, and drove straight in, dashing forward all the way.

After entering Russia, these cavalry did not look for the main force in Russia, but took the initiative to bypass several positions where the other side had heavy troops and interspersed all the way backwards, waiting for the high-level personnel on the Russian side to realize what happened. When something happened, someone had already reported seeing the vanguard of our guild more than 200 kilometers away from the border.

"What are you kidding?" A Russian guild president said in disbelief: "Did the Chinese people have water in their heads? Why don't you rush to use the attribute and attack us at this time?" "

"But we really saw the Chinese troops." The player who came to report said anxiously.

"Really, I want to know if I really go out and take a look." The Vice-President in the room said he was going to watch the door, but unfortunately his fingers hadn't touched yet. With the door handle, the door opened by itself, and it didn't open normally. Instead, it flew out along with the door frame, directly smashing the Vice-President out.

Suddenly, the Russian guild leader in the room was surprised to see the bullet craters outside the door and the burning door frame completely lost reaction ability, but he didn’t have much time to be in a daze. After the gate was blasted open, a red ray suddenly swept across the building and evaporated him along with the building.

If that guy hears the report immediately and can charge ahead and take a look, he will find that there are eight aerial battleships, one big, seven small, and eight aerial battleships are rapidly approaching the sky over their city, and the attack just now is Caused by the cannons on the battleship. The fact that the guy was killed was not because our aerial battleship was beheading, it was purely an accident. No matter how great our intelligence personnel are, they can only investigate the approximate military deployment of others. Impossible always report the location of the other party’s guild leader. After all, few players in the game sit in the office and do not move. Most guild leaders are guild leaders. They all belong to the kind of people who can't stay idle, so the beheading operation is not so easy to do. The defeat of the two Vice-Presidents was purely out of bad luck, and they were caught by the indiscriminate firepower of the aerial battleship.

In fact, it seems that this situation does not only happen here. Similar situations have also appeared in the sky above several other more important cities in Russia. These aerial battleships did not come directly from the border, but came from high above. Many battleships among them have already set off a day ago, but because they must always move in the clouds, the speed is very slow. However, although a lot of time was wasted, it has now proved to be worthwhile.

When the Russian players invaded us, they used a flood-like attack method, that is, the invading army is advancing like a flood, and we do not have the habit of the Russians. You don't need to be a fool to have air superiority, so we directly used leapfrog tactics to fire them all over.

The aerial battleship is divided into 30 attack squads. Each squad has three to eighteen aerial battleships. Their mission is to attack the more important Russian cities without asking people in the cities. How much lethality is produced, but it can cause certain damage to the function of the city. Once the enemy reacts from the surprise attack, these aerial battleships will immediately leave the battle and begin to move. The biggest advantage of these aerial battleships is that they are fast, and there are not many people who can catch up with them, and the few players who can keep up with the movement speed of the aerial battleship can't handle the defense forces we have on the battleship.

The advantage of using this method is to completely harass the Russian side, so that they can’t figure out where our attacks are focused. At the same time, because they are everywhere, they will definitely receive a lot of reports of attacks, and these Snowflakes like reports will make high-level players on the Russian side think the situation is very serious, so they can concentrate a large amount of troops they can mobilize to stop our invasion.

Of course, we can’t predict the counterattack strategy of Russian players, but no matter how they are arranged, they always need to deploy personnel to focus on it, and it’s enough to know this, because our fundamental purpose is It is for them to transfer all the people away, so that we can infiltrate their core cities to steal technology.

The facts are almost the same as we expected. Russia soon saw reports of attacks like snow flakes, and then the Russian command level including the ice-bound Banshee began to act in order to transfer personnel from their respective guilds. The front line is assembled.

"What do you think of the current situation?" Bingfeng Banshee asked, looking at the leaders of the Russian guilds around him.

"The Chinese obviously wanted to make a surprise attack while we were busy completing the BUFF mission. On the one hand, they could retaliate for our previous invasion, and on the other hand, they could interfere with the completion of our mission. Not to mention that the Chinese plan really hit us."

"Damn, why is it this time!" A more impulsive Russian guild leader slammed his fist on the table. superior. "The task we just saw is about to be completed, but now we have to give it up. It's really..."

"The Chinese just pinched this time to do it, so don't complain anymore." Bing Feng Banshee directly screamed and suppressed the presidents of the Russian guilds, and then continued: "What we need to consider now is how to prevent the Chinese from further invading. From the previous report, the main force of this attack is The Frost Rose League, and their tactics have always been special. This time they used the leapfrog tactics and they blossomed everywhere."

"Then what shall we do?" A Russian guild The president asked: "Should we spread our forces to defend or concentrate our forces to pull out these enemies a little bit?"

Frozen Banshee only pondered for a few seconds before speaking: "We cannot disperse our forces. In terms of the number of people, there are more Chinese than we are. Therefore, we have an advantage if we concentrate our forces. If we are dispersed, we will only be defeated by them. Although this is Russian land, we have geographical advantages, but The air mobility of the Frost Rose League and the battle strength brought by their technical weapons are very high, so we cannot disperse our forces. In addition, our important cities in Russia are on the European side, and cities close to China are actually It is some small and medium-sized cities, there is no need to care too much. If they want to destroy, let them destroy it. Anyway, it can be rebuilt in minutes."

"But we can't ignore it!"


"No, we have to take care of it, but not all the cities are taken care of together." The ice-bound Banshee said, pointing to the map spread out on the table in front of him and said: "Remember this place?"

The presidents of the Russian guilds stretched out their heads and looked at them together, and then said in surprise: "This is not the one..."

The president of the Russian guilds hasn’t finished speaking. Interrupted by the ice-bound Banshee. "Yes, that's the secret passage. If you walk from here, you can pass through a small section of Mongolian land and then enter the Chinese area. We can send a troop from here, and then sneak attack the inner city of China, when The time comes Chinese people have only two choices. Either draw front-line troops and go back to the rescue site, or compare the speed of demolishing houses with us. Our cities are not important cities, but Chinese cities are some important cities, and Their organization is just an alliance structure, not a complete guild. The guilds that have been attacked in their own guild city will definitely go back to rescue, which can further mess up their strategic arrangement."

< p> "High, it is really high." A Russian guild president quickly patted the flattery.

Banshee was only slightly smiled on this, and then said: "This is just a trick to distract the Chinese people, but it can't solve the fundamental problem. Therefore, our main force still needs to be assembled, and then go Face the Chinese troops. They will not look at the casualties of their own troops, so as long as we fight hard enough, they will have to gather the troops and take the initiative to fight with us. In this way, we are equivalent to rescuing those cities. Compared to dispersing our forces to put out fires, this method is obviously better for our battle strength. We must know that the Chinese command system is very powerful. They can still be effectively commanded even after the troops are dispersed. After our team disperses You will lose control, so compared to decentralized action, we can only play our advantage if we gather together."

"Then we only need to attack, attack, and attack again?" A Russian traveler The president asked.

Frozen Banshee nodded and said: "Isn't this what we are best at?"

"It makes sense." The president of a Russian guild nodded and said: "We Just listen to the words of Frozen Banshee, everyone organized the army to assemble quickly, and strive to block the Chinese fighting pace in the Asian zone, and not allow them to advance the line of troops to the European zone."

"But those of the Frost Rose League What about the aerial battleship?" asked a Russian guild president.

Frozen Banshee hesitated for a while when he heard the aerial battleship, and then said: "Leave them alone for now. These battleships are too mobile. If we chase them, they will only be played by kite tactics. Death, so we can’t take the initiative to find trouble with those flying battleships, we must let them come to us. To do this, we need to keep attacking their main force, and keep them losing strength, only to hurt them. , They will mobilize other forces to fight with us."

"It seems that this is the only way to go!" Some Russian guild leaders are obviously still not sure whether the plan to freeze Banshee is It is feasible, but in this case, they really have no other good way. They can only choose to believe in the words of the ice-bound Banshee.

The speed of action on Russia’s side is fairly fast. Only about two hours have passed since we started the invasion. The first Russian attack force has already appeared on our ground. The front of the troops. Of course, this has something to do with Russia's domestic warfare. After all, it’s your own country. You can move in jumps using Transmission Formation, so you can gather your troops at any position to intercept our troops.

The location currently chosen by Russians is a relatively large city in eastern Russia. Although this is not the largest city here, nor the most economically developed city, this city has three very important characteristics. First, the city happened to be stuck between two mountain passes. If our troops can't fly, they can only pass through here, or choose to detour for more than 300 kilometers and pass through another mountain pass.

Secondly, this city is a Fortress City, and its defensive power is not comparable to that of ordinary cities. Although its defensive power is not the same as Isinger's existence, it is a city of fortress flowers after all, and this is their support for establishing a defense line.

Third, there is a connecting passage under the city that lead

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