The so-called layout, in fact, there is nothing for us to lay out, because the plan has been completed long ago, so basically all that can be laid out is finished. As for the problem of Combat Unit...The Sino-Russian border has always been on the verge of wiping out guns. Previously, the system started to release the BUFF mission, forcing players from various countries to complete domestic reunification as soon as possible, which led to a slight convergence on the Russian side. However, because the Russian side only transferred high-level personnel to perform tasks, and the grassroots troops have no place to move, so we dare not move around here. There are thousands of large and small guilds across the country, but three to four hundred million regular troops are all stuck on the border. This kind of troop arrangement is really nothing to move.

Of course, there is nothing we can arrange here, but it doesn't mean that Matsumoto and the others do not. Although the plan was sent to Matsumoto Masaka yesterday, but because they need to pass the Japanese guild president first, Matsumoto Masaka and the others cannot arbitrarily mobilize troops even if they know the plan, otherwise it will definitely cause it later. Doubt, so they haven't had any arrangements until now after returning to Japan.

In fact, Masaga Matsumoto and the others returned to Japan very quickly. They did not use the Transmission Formation, but went back directly on the rocket. This rocket is of course the divine arrow system of our guild. To put it bluntly, this thing is an intercontinental cruise missile. It has the range of an intercontinental missile and the flight mode of a cruise missile, but it is not a technological creation, but an alchemy product. Because it will automatically replenish ammunition on time and does not require additional consumption of resources, our guild will also use this thing as a fast transport aircraft in emergency situations. Just fix the transported person on the divine arrow, and then launch it together with the divine arrow. Of course, when setting a goal, you cannot directly set where you want to go. Instead, you should choose an area that passes by the target point, but is farther away with no indelible target as the target. In this way, the divine arrow will fly over the target point, and the people who need to transport only need to jump down here by themselves.

In reality, jumping from the missile up and down is sure to die, but the ability of the player in the game myriad, many people can fly by themselves, of course, there is no such problem. However, Masaga Matsumoto and the others did not jump off, but returned directly with Transmission Formation after the divine arrow system entered Japan, so that no one would know that they came back with the rocket.

After successfully returning to the new Black Dragon meeting, Masaga Matsumoto and the others immediately held a meeting. After all, the Japanese guild leaders here have been waiting for news from them, so everyone did not leave. As soon as they arrived, they introduced the results of the meeting to them in the conference hall.

After learning that the plan has been finalized, the expressions of those Japanese guild leaders also have nothing common with each other. Some people are very excited directly, while some people have weird expressions. Speaking of China-Japan cooperation, after all, it is quite an abnormal situation. In this case, although these Japanese guild leaders know that cooperation means greater benefits, from the heart, I always feel a little bit Uncomfortable, so these people's expressions are so strange, whether they are happy or unhappy when they come.

No matter what they think, these people eventually accepted the action plan anyway, but these people are particularly concerned about the distribution issue. Masaka Matsumoto only said that the two parties had reached an agreement and did not notify the specific content of the agreement, so someone asked about it.

Masaga Matsumoto knew that these things must be said, so he didn't hesitate to talk to them immediately. "According to the results of our consultations, because the number of people dispatched by our Japanese side and the battle strength are weaker than the Frost Rose League, we are sure that the impossible and the Frost Rose League reach the same level in terms of benefit distribution."

Masaga Matsumoto only said what he said here, and the following was immediately messed up. The biggest reason why this group of Japanese guild leaders did not refuse to cooperate lies in these interests. Now suddenly I heard that they took less than us, and of course they stopped doing it immediately.

"Quiet, quiet, can you listen to me first?" Masaka Matsumoto took a lot of effort to silence this group of people again, and then opened the mouth and said: "What are you doing so excited? I haven't finished talking yet. Although we allocate according to the output, the part we can allocate is definitely lower than that of the Frost Rose League. But, in fact, we will not be better than them. There are few things. This is why I at first chose to cooperate with the Frost Rose League, and the reason for this phenomenon is that we are robbing intangible technology, not physical materials. A research result, we Transcripts each from the Frost Rose League, and we still get a complete piece of information, and the technology will not become incomplete because we both took this technology. In other words, although the Frost Rose League contributed It’s more than us, but in fact, we don’t take less of the benefits."

When I heard Masaga Matsumoto’s words, the following Japanese guild leaders immediately felt more relieved, and all of them recovered. After the previous expression, even the Japanese guild leaders who were not sure whether their decision was correct or not began to smile.

Seeing that everyone was relieved a lot, Matsumoto Masaga continued: "Although we will not take less on the technical information, but after all, the Frost Rose Alliance has contributed more, so if we are completely and They split half, and they don’t do it. But don’t worry, I’m not the kind of person who will let people take advantage of it, so I reached an agreement with the Frost Rose. The technical data part is all data branching, and then we Take the copied part, the original version belongs to the Frost Rose League. Of course, this actually reduces the problem of copying errors, and it doesn't make much sense. Therefore, the Frost Rose League has another privilege, that is, in addition to the data In addition to the data, the research results of the entities, that is, the samples and the like, will be distributed in a three-to-two manner, that is, the Frost Rose League will get three pieces, and we will take two pieces, and they have priority. But this Priority selection does not mean that we will choose after they have all finished, but they choose the same thing first, and then it is our turn to choose one round alternately. In a round, they choose three things in total, and we choose two. This way we can ensure that we can also get more valuable things, not all of them pick the leftovers."

The presidents of those Japanese guilds listened to Matsumoto’s explanation. After all, nodded agreed. After all, this distribution method would not suffer much. Besides, the bulk of the technical data is definitely in those records that can be recorded on paper, and there are certainly not too many physical results. So, this is actually a minor issue, so don't worry about it at all.

"We don't have any opinion on the results, so how should we arrange the specific combat tasks?" A Japanese guild leader asked anxiously.

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