When those Japanese guild leaders read the dynamic description, I also said next to me: "This plan description is actually very simple. It is basically done as you discussed before. , We have modified very few parts. It can be said that your previous plan design is quite perfect. Do you have special military personnel there?"

This thing was originally sent to us after we confirmed it. It's from Masaga Matsumoto, so of course I know the origin of this thing. The reason why I ask now is to help Masakah Matsumoto's popularity. After all, this thing was proposed by Masaka Matsumoto, and those Japanese guild leaders did not know that this thing was given to Masaka Matsumoto. In their opinion, even if it was not designed by Masaka Matsumoto, it was at least by his people. Made it out. Although I am an object of hatred by Japanese players, my strength Japanese players are convinced. Therefore, when I praise this combat plan as an enemy, I feel more proud as a Japanese player. At the same time, they will also be grateful to Matsumoto Masaka who created this sense of pride for them, which means that they have strengthened Matsumoto's position in Japan in a disguised form, making these Japanese guild presidents more convinced of him. In order to support Masaga Matsumoto, we really spared no effort.

A Japanese guild leader said triumphantly after I said this: "This is the plan we discussed with Song this Monarch, not a professional." Although this guy didn't know how this thing came from, he knew that he couldn't lose face in front of us at this time, so he said that deliberately.

Of course, other Japanese guild presidents also know this truth, so they didn't say anything. Matsumoto Masaga naturally didn't say anything.

After he finished speaking, I immediately looked at Masaga Matsumoto pretending to be quite surprised, and then said: "I really can't see it, you still have this ability?"

"One point It's just a small personal hobby." Of course, Masaka Matsumoto admitted unceremoniously. Anyway, his mission in Japan is to pretend to be 13, and the purpose is to make those Japanese players admire him, respect him, and acknowledge him allegiance.

I slightly smiled and changed the subject and said: "Because the personnel on both sides actually did not join forces, we did not design the specific tactical arrangements. After you go back, you can plan your own actions in Japan. For this, our Frost Rose League will not be annoying. Of course, we also have our own plan, and you can leave it alone. However, you must ensure the completion of these all are strategic situations indicated on the plan diagram. How to I don't care about the completion, but the designated stage must achieve the designated effect, otherwise it is likely to affect the subsequent plan. In addition, I must participate in the elite action team of the combined operation. It is estimated that Matsumoto Masaga must follow. Therefore, the specific actions can be negotiated on-site when the time comes with Masaga Matsumoto, do you have no opinion on this?"

Of course, these Japanese guild leaders will not have any opinion on this, because they all know , I will definitely not be in this action team, so this kind of thing can also be said to have nothing to do with them.

After seeing these Japanese guild leaders nodded, I went on to say: "Then, the action plan is initially set in this way, and then the follow-up action plan and a very important detail." I He slapped his hands as he said, and then two more guards came up with two plates.

"These are the communicators prepared by our guild specifically for laymen. They are specially designed for us to command and use when fighting with other guild personnel. This time, though The two sides do not make contact with the main force, but after all, it is cooperation, so the necessary communication is still indispensable. In addition, because of Matsumoto Masaga’s battle strength, you must join me in the elite commando, so when the time the Japanese side Comes may only rely on you to command. In addition to contacting us, these communicators can also allow you to communicate with each other so that you can communicate with each other. Our Frost Rose League is here, after I go out, command The work will be taken care of by Hong Yue Vice-President. You can also talk to her directly through the communicator. If you need help, you can say that Hong Yue Vice-President will help you solve it as much as possible."

" What is the communication distance of this thing?" One of the Japanese guild leaders picked up the earplug-like communicator and asked.

"In fact, the communication distance of a single communicator is only a little more than five kilometers, but you don’t have to worry about this problem, because the entire territory of Japan is covered by our signal base stations, and although the Russian region is not fully covered, But there will definitely be signal coverage in the War Zone area. After all, our own troops have to communicate and support. Therefore, even if you don’t go to the front line, it is okay to bring this thing to command operations in Japan. Of course. I think you I should still go to the front line. After all, at this time, I will be despised to death by my own people."

One of the Japanese guild presidents said immediately: "We are from the Empire of Japan. A warrior is not greedy of life and fear of death. In reality, our warriors can ignore life and death, let alone in the game?"

"That's what I said, don't get excited." I deliberately said. with a smile: "In addition, I will inform you, because according to your plan, you will fight with the Russians in the name of cooperation at first, so we will not be soft on you here. In fact, we will not at all. Notify our personnel about this cooperation. Except for the high level players who participated in the commando team, the ordinary person will not know about this cooperation event during the battle. After the war, we may also deliberately distort the facts and change this time. The cooperation is explained as a coincidence in the actions of both parties. That is, because of an accident, it looks like we both cooperated, but in fact it is just because we all want to deal with the Russians. We will use this as the keynote to explain, and do not ask for concessions. Everyone believes that as long as you can muddy the water, you can choose whatever you want, as long as you don’t give us out. We don’t want people to know that our Frost Rose League is cooperating with you Japanese. This is good for our reputation. Not good."

"Don't worry, we are also afraid that Japanese players will know that we are cooperating with you!" said a Japanese guild leader.

"Then, now that the matter is settled, if you are ready, we will send you back, right?"

Matsumoto Masaka first stood up and said, "That's it. , Let’s go back and communicate with other Japanese guild presidents. Anyway, there is a communicator. If we have any questions, we can contact us. By the way, are you afraid that we can use this communicator to research and analyze your technology?"

"Since you asked, I'll just mention it by the way. This one contains easter eggs. If it is forcibly demolished, there will be a bang. Although the formidable power is not very large, it will be blown into powder by itself. There is definitely no problem. So, don’t bother to dismantle it. Also, you don’t have to pay it back after the cooperation is over. Just throw it away. We will destroy it remotely on the second day after the cooperation."< /p>

Nodded Matsumoto said nothing, and took the Japanese guild presidents out of the conference hall, and when we waited for them to go out, I turned to other people and said, "Okay, now in Japan. It’s done, let’s start layout on our own."

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