"Why are there three sets that are different?"

"On this question, in fact, it should be said that three sets have been integrated with the fusion, so they are different "Hephaestus said.

As soon as I heard Hephaestus’ words, I immediately thought of what the Mother Earth said before. Now that I think about it, these three sets of different materials are because they absorbed part of the Mother Earth Law. Power will make it different from ordinary equipment.

"If this is the case, let's check the condition of these equipment when we are free, but before that, let's finalize our cooperation with the Japanese."

Soon Matsumoto Masaka and the Japanese guild leaders were called back, and as soon as these people came back, Matsumoto Masaka immediately asked: "Purple Moon President, I want you to call us I should have discussed the results when I came back?"

I nodded and said: "Of course. Regarding your cooperation intention..." I deliberately made a long tone, and then said: "We accepted. "

As soon as I said this, the Japanese guild leaders over there were all relaxed. Although they actually had some contradictions in their hearts, they suddenly heard me say that they accepted their suggestions. Or instinctively relaxed, maybe from the subconscious, they still feel that it is the right choice to cooperate with us.

Matsumoto Masaka did not act like the Japanese guild presidents as if they felt relieved, but always looked very calm. This kind of performance was only seen by the Japanese guild presidents. Suddenly realized that there was some lost self-control in my performance, so these people quickly got up and turned into a serious look.

After seeing that the people on his side had calmed down, Masaka Matsumoto spoke to me: "First of all, thank you for accepting our proposal from the perspective of interest. However, this matter is very important. It’s complicated, so we don’t just need to reach an intention to cooperate. We need to further discuss the specific cooperation methods in the future. I don’t think you have any comments on this point?"

I nodded and said: "This is Of course, it’s just that this kind of plan can’t be worked out in a short while, so we need to wait a little longer. Our guild’s think tank is studying the information you give. As for tactical arrangements, you may need to wait. It takes an hour or two to do it."

"Does the team take that long?" asked a Japanese guild leader.

Rose immediately said: "If you find it boring to wait here, you can choose to go to the functional building activities of the guild first, or I can arrange for someone to take you to visit Isinger Environment. Of course, some departments don’t look at it, you know."

Masaka Matsumoto thought for a while and said: "I heard that Isengard has the best city facilities in the world. , So I want to experience it."

"Of course there is no problem, I can go with you." I said directly and politely.

"Then deference is no substitute for obedience."

"Then your choice?" Rose looked towards the remaining Japanese guild leaders asked.

These people were originally the presidents of Japanese guilds. They were naturally a little nervous when they came to a place like Isengard. After all, for them, this place is the nest of the enemy. Therefore, in this case, if they are asked to visit, they always feel a little nervous, especially if they are separated from Matsumoto Masaka, it will make them feel more uneasy, so these people almost immediately chose to join Matsumoto. Zhenghe went to experience Isinger's functional facilities.

Since these people have the same itinerary, it is naturally much easier on our side. I took them directly to experience the tour, while Rose and the others stayed and worked with the think tank to study the arrangement of the action plan.

Because neither the president of the Japanese guild nor Masaka Matsumoto himself can show up in Isengard, we did not go to these functional building areas, but used the Transmission Formation inside the guild, and In order to conceal their identity, we gave each of these people a robe. Under the request that I lead the way, the players in the bank naturally dare not throw Probe Skills on them. The advantage of using the dedicated Transmission Formation of the bank is that there will be no lay players, so we went smoothly. Entered the interior of the functional building. As for the use of those buildings for a while, there is no need to worry, because almost all functional buildings of the guild have dedicated private rooms, so we don’t have to worry about confidentiality.

The first place that Masaga Matsumoto and the others asked to experience was the training ground of the guild, which is the challenge training center. In this place, you can challenge the set simulated enemy, and the type of this simulated enemy is myriad. Of course, the specific types of enemies do not come with the building, but need the building owner, that is, our guilds will catch it by ourselves. We have to catch a certain living creature and put it in this challenge field. After that, the challenge training center will automatically scan the combat data of this creature, and then everyone in the field can challenge unlimited times. This creature too. However, if it is a creature that we haven't caught, then there won't be any here, and naturally there is no way to challenge it. However, the number of various monsters collected by our guild is very large, so in this training ground you can actually find most of the common types of monsters, even some rare special monsters are available here, but there is no guarantee that every There are all kinds of them.

The implementation of this challenge training center really allows everyone to challenge not only monsters, but also simulation challenges between personnel. This kind of simulation challenge is divided into two forms, one is a simulant, that is, a player comes here to be scanned like a monster, and then everyone can challenge the simulated image of the player here. The simulated player will have all the strengths of the original player, but the simulator is not the player himself after all, so there may be some differences between the battle method and the player himself. Of course, if you are pursuing realism, you can also do daoist challenges, just like an arena, where two players really go to the training center to fight against each other. This form is a bit similar to an arena, but the difference is that the Challenge Training Center does not have a real PK mode and can only be used for training games, that is, all data will be automatically restored after the battle, including consumables such as medicines and scrolls used in the battle. Things like that will be restored, and there will be no death penalty. Anyway, there is absolutely no loss.

In addition to challenging monsters and other players, this challenge training center can also challenge yourself. This challenge mode is to let the system simulate itself to fight against itself. This simulated self has exactly the same attributes and equipment data as the player itself, and the system will simulate your own fighting style. Although there will still be a little bit different from the real yourself, the difference will not be too great. Big, which means that this simulator will even have some of your behavior habits, and it feels as if you are fighting another self.

This kind of self-challenge can be said to be the most difficult part of all challenges, but it is also the most effective way to improve yourself, because you can fight with yourself in addition to studying new tactics and fighting skills. , You can also check your weak spots and defects by the way, so that you can better improve these shortcomings and problems.

Matsumoto Masaga brought this group of people here is not what we planned before. It can be said that Matsumoto Masaga's temporary intention, but there is nothing at worst in this place. In fact, Masaga Matsumoto came here to relive the feeling of challenging himself. During the time when he was secretly trained by our guild, Masaga Matsumoto did not miss training here.

In the beginning, those Japanese guild leaders were quite dissatisfied with our challenge center, because they thought it was just a revised version of the arena, but we briefly explained this place. After the characteristics of this place, these people finally put away their arrogance, and began to seriously study the magic of this place. However, after these guys studied for less than five minutes, they all chose to challenge me without exception. Of course, I can't accept the challenge of so many people at the same time, so they are all my simulators.

As the president of this guild, of course, I left my scan data here. As a result, all the Japanese guild leaders chose to challenge me.

In fact, just thinking about it can understand why these people challenge me. Although my battle strength is speaking of which is well known, this knowledge is actually just hearing or seeing some battle scene records. They simply don't know what my actual battle strength is. Therefore, these people want to take this opportunity to experience this feeling personally. After all, if they really fight outside, I will definitely kill them, and they don't want to die for this kind of thing. Therefore, they will certainly not miss it if they can lose the experience here.

Because of my particularity, my character here is set as a very special existence, and there are several existences like me. They are all the most powerful players in the guild. . The biggest difference between this special setting and ordinary simulators is that our simulators will not use their full strength as soon as they come up, but can be set according to the needs of the user. You can set one of three modes: real mode, challenge mode and training mode as your battle method.

When the player participating in the challenge chooses the real mode, this my simulator will simulate my behavior based on my battle data in the game, which is to make the simulator's behavior as close as possible Myself.

The challenge mode is actually a normal mode, that is, it does not follow my behavior habits, but uses the difficulty and method of system calculation to control. In this mode, the combat level of the simulator will be more balanced, and the difficulty is slightly lower than that of the real mode.

The training mode is different from the previous two. This is a simulation training. In this mode, the challenge simulator will not actively attack at the beginning, but will only passively defend. As time goes by, the simulator's battle method will change from full defense mode to more and more offensive, and in the process, the simulator's battle strength will gradually unlock. In the beginning, you may not use big moves, but once the battle between you and the simulator lasts for an hour and has not ended, then the simulator will fully enter the big move full-on mode, and will play the object of the simulator simulation. Full strength. The biggest advantage of this gradual increase in strength is that you can train combatants' combat skills, because if the opponents are too weak, they will not be able to improve their combat strength, and the opponents who are too strong will be completely different because of the big gap. Can't learn anything, so this kind of pair that will slowly improve the strength is the best target for training.

After seeing the challenge mode here, the group of Japanese guild leaders discovered that there is still my information, and then they all chose me as the target, but the mode they chose It's not the same. Because there are detailed explanations behind the options, they all know the meaning of the type they chose, so the twelve Japanese guild leaders each chose the type they like.

Among them, eight Japanese guild leaders chose the training mode, while three of the remaining four chose the real mode and one chose the challenge mode.

The twelve of them chose basically the same speed, which means that they started fighting almost at the same time, but the time when these people came out was different.

The guy who chose the challenge mode was the most unlucky. He was brought up within ten seconds of the start. That speed is really fast enough. If it weren't because he himself was the one who started relatively late, I suspect that someone might not have started the game when he came out.

In fact, it’s normal for this guy to come out first, because in challenge mode, my simulator will use all of my attributes and skills to fight under the control of the system, which means that as soon as he comes up, Fire at full force. In this case, of course, the Japanese guild leader has no power to fight back, and it is quite normal to be thrown out in ten seconds.

The three guys who chose the real mode are slightly better than the one who chose the challenge mode. Two of them came out after 30 seconds, and one persisted. More than forty seconds. The reason why they last longer in the real mode is not because I controlled by the system is more powerful than myself controlled by myself, but because of my fighting style. I usually don’t use all the battle strength to output as soon as I come up in a battle. Instead, I will first observe the opponent’s battle mode and approximate battle strength level and other information. After the information is collected, I will only use the main body to do it. In battle, I will consider the summon mode only when I find that the enemy is not easy to solve, or when it is necessary to deal with multiple targets and one person is too busy. This kind of battle method is my habit, and the system will learn my behavior habits in real mode, so in real mode, I will not start to output as soon as I come up, and the result will of course be slower than the crazy attack type when I come up. a little.

Of course, the eight people who chose the training mode came out at the end. In fact, in this mode, no matter what enemy you are challenging, the time will not be shorter than one minute, because the initial one-minute simulation target will never attack, even if you stand in front of the opponent without moving, the opponent will only Will put on a defensive posture, will not hurt you. This is the characteristic of training mode.

However, my Sims started attacking after one minute. The first attack was a defensive counterattack after being attacked, and the frequency was very low, and the attack power was deliberately suppressed. At a low level, after all, this is training. Once you come up, you can output with all your strength to kill the opponent, so there is no training effect.

In this progressive mode, the first one of these people to hang up lasted for 13 points, and the reason for his death in it was because of a mistake and did not block my simulation. A small sneak attack by people.

After this player came out, he waited for nearly ten minutes before another one was kicked out, and another one came out in less than thirty seconds after this guy. The interval after that was very tight, and all the remaining personnel were kicked out within 3 minutes.

"wa ha ha ha, this thing is really exciting." The last Japanese guild guild who was thrown out was still yelling in excitement, and the others didn’t choose except those four. Except for the guys in training mode, everyone else is very excited, because they have all experienced the effects of training mode. However, the excitement of these people quickly turned into frustration, because they suddenly thought that the more effective this thing is, the stronger the strengthening effect on our Frost Rose League players will be, and this is equivalent to bringing China and Japan together. The strength gap between players has widened. So, the effect of this thing is nothing to be happy about for them.

Although we are very jealous that we have this kind of training venue, they can only envy it. To build this kind of site, the city level must be upgraded, but the problem is that all cities in Japan have been occupied by us, and the change of hands means that the level has dropped. So the city level in Japan is actually not high. . In this case, the number of city buildings that can be selected is very limited, and it is naturally impossible to build such a training ground.

In fact, there is no city as high as Isengard in the world at present, and the reason why Isengard's level is so high is mainly because of Isengard Mobile Fortress.

Isinger is a city, which is recognized by the system. However, Isengard is actually divided into several parts, from top to bottom: Isengard Mobile Fortress, Isengard Twin Cities Sky City, Isengard Twin Cities Ground City, Isengard Land Heart city.

Among these four parts, Isengard’s core city has the highest level of confidentiality. In fact, this part is very far from Isengard’s main body. It goes deep into the mantle and continues It absorbs the Fire Element in the lava as a source of power to supplement the energy needs of itself and other parts of Isinger.

This Geocentric City Lord is responsible for some special research projects and detention places for certain dangerous creatures. Therefore, it is not open to the public. You can only rely on special elevators for entry and exit, and there is a space blocker inside. Rely on Spatial Teleportation to get in and out.

By the way, Isinger Underground City is not equal to Isinger Underground City. Isinger’s Underground City is actually the underground part of Isinger’s ground city. Although this part is buried in the soil, it is close to the ground city, and it is a part of the ground city itself and is not independent. In fact, there is almost no other link between Geocentric City and Isengard's main body except for the slender elevator passage.

Isinger Ground City, this is the only city in Isinger that allows laymen to move freely. Of course, what is actually open is part of this part, not all of it.

Isinger Sky City is the part that stands upside down on the top of Isinger's Ground City. This part feels like the reflection of Isinger's Ground City. It’s the first time anyone who doesn’t know sees it. It feels as if there is a mirror covering the entire city on top of Isengard's ground city. The shapes of these two cities are almost the same, and the front and back are reversed, it looks like a reflection in the water, so the two together are called Isinger Twin Cities, but in the system, they are actually the city of Isinger. Part of it is not two independent cities.

The last and most important part is Isinger Mobile Fortress.

This part of Isengard Mobile Fortress should actually be said to be Isengard’s old town, but it has been transformed into an air fortress because of technological transformation. This part is actually part of Isengard's main body, but because it is mobile and also carries heavy weapons, it often goes to other places to perform various cleaning tasks. In fact, when Isengard Mobile Fortress participated in the battle, there was almost no place we could not attack. After all, the firepower of Isengard Mobile Fortress was too fierce. If it weren't for the scary energy consumption of moving, Isengard Mobile Fortress would surely show off the martial power of the world like the American aircraft carrier battle group.

I just said that the main reason why Isengard's city level is so high is that Isengard mobile fortress.

The improvement of city level is the same as the upgrade of players. It depends on the city EXP, and the experience of the city can be obtained from many aspects, but the most important part is the construction plus Points, guild bonuses and combat experience.

This part of construction bonus points does not specifically refer to building buildings in the city to gain experience, but refers to all creative bonus points. For example, if you carry out commercial activities in the city, and the capital flow brought about by such commercial activities will generate EXP. In fact, commercial cities are mainly upgraded by this. After all, commercial cities like Paris do not even have cities. If you rely on battle and experience, it is estimated that the city will be destroyed before the level is upgraded. After all, the commercial city The buildings are crispy, and they will rot at the first touch.

What? You ask why Isengard’s city is so strong? The answer is that because Isengard is Fortress City, the building structure will be different from the general commercial city. Otherwise, why do you think our urban construction costs are 20% more expensive than others? This extra money is for additional consumption for reinforcement.

In addition to the EXP generated by the construction of buildings and commercial activities, the floating population and permanent population in the city will also bring EXP. Every time the floating population enters and exits the city, it will bring a certain amount of EXP to the city, while those who have a fixed settlement in the city will add a certain amount of EXP each time they enter and leave the city. This setting is not entirely aimed at players, and NPCs are the same. This is one of the main reasons why everyone desperately opens up their cities in a combat game like "Zero". Isn't it just to increase the flow of people and earn more EXP? ?

These are the so-called bonus points for construction. But this is just a rough idea, not all, because there are actually many things that add points to construction, for example, if there is a research institute in this city, what technical results will come. This city will also get extra points, and if there are people in the fixed population in the city, this can be considered extra points for urban construction. There are actually a lot of fragmented projects like this, but they do not account for a large proportion, so I won’t elaborate on them.

In addition to construction bonus points, another major item of the city EXP is guild bonus points.

Isinger is the city of our Frost Rose League, so whenever there is any data change in our Frost Rose League, it will have a certain impact on the city EXP. For example, if the level of the guild increases, all the cities of the guild will increase EXP accordingly, and this number is calculated based on the size of the city. Big cities will get more EXP than small cities. In addition, the scientific and technological research mentioned earlier also has EXP bonus points, and it is a double bonus point. For example, if our guild’s researchers developed a technology in Isinger, then Isinger will first get a certain EXP for the extra points for urban construction, and then, because of our guild’s research on this technology, Get an EXP. In other words, these two EXPs were added to Chengdu because of that research.

In addition to technology and guild level, guild bonus points also include population bonus points, map bonus points, and resource bonus points. Everyone of our guild members will provide a fixed city EXP, so at this point, the more people the guild, the more cost-effective it is. In addition, every square kilometer of the map area controlled by the guild will increase the EXP of all the cities that the guild belongs to. Of course, the guild’s own experience will also improve. Also, if the guild masters the mining of minerals, it will be based on the system pricing and conversion experience. This is not to say that you want to sell the minerals. The system doesn't care how you handle these minerals. As long as you mine them out, EXP will be automatically settled according to the system's pricing. Of course, this is also a two-way experience, which will also increase the EXP of the guild and the EXP of the city where the guild belongs. Moreover, another condition is that if there is a mining area controlled by the bank within the city's sphere of influence, a certain amount of city EXP will be automatically given to the city every day based on the total reserves of the mining area.

These are the main ways for other guild cities to obtain EXP, and the remaining one is combat experience.

In fact, as long as the battle takes place within the city's sphere of influence, of course I am talking about the battle between the city owner and other guild personnel. If it is an unrelated battle, it is useless. In other words, as long as we are from the Frost Rose League, attacking laymen in the area near Isengard, or killing monsters, Isengard can get the city EXP. Of course, this must not be an attack by one's own side. In fact, being invaded is also the same. If someone attacks Isinger, we will not only get the city EXP in the battle if we resist. Finally, if the city is successfully defended after the battle, a certain amount of EXP will be given at one time according to the total strength of the invaders.

The difference between the way to obtain EXP in this battle and the previous two is that the amount of EXP obtained is very large, and the speed is very fast, but because the city itself is a fixed object, usually you don’t have it. The way to let the city take the initiative to provoke the enemy. In other words, although urban warfare can quickly increase the city level, of course I am talking about the situation of defending. If you are occupied by the enemy, don't say anything. Although the city's EXP has improved rapidly in this battle, you can't find people everywhere to invade yourself, right? Let’s not talk about the risk of a city being captured. Even if you don’t worry about this, it’s still a problem that the enemy can’t attack your city. After all, someone else’s invasion of your city will have certain predictable benefits, such as yours. The city is located on the main traffic road or something, anyway, it seems to be a profitable type.

So, although city offensive and defensive warfare can greatly increase the level of the city, because you cannot determine the enemy’s behavior, this matter is very unreliable, and once the city misses and is occupied by the enemy, not only will it not increase EXP and EXP will also be lost. Therefore, although it is a quick way to improve the city's experience through war, not many cities actually do this, and this itself is not so easy to control.

In fact, I think many people have already guessed why Isinger's city level is so high. The reason is that Isengard Mobile Fortress will move.

Other people's cities are fixed, they can only passively wait for the enemy to attack. Even if you take the initiative to harass others and then attract others to attack your own city, it is not so easy. People are not stupid. It is understandable to be fooled by one or two times. How can you always be fooled? Besides, siege warfare can be regarded as a major event. Which guild should not carefully consider the comparison of enemy and enemy battle strength, as well as the odds of winning and the subsequent rate of return? In this way, the probability of occurrence of urban offensive and defensive warfare is actually very low. As for letting guild players kill monsters around the city... this method is even less reliable. After all, in addition to the just-built monster siege, there will be a monster vacuum area around the city, and in this area Foreign Even if monsters appear on the Domain side, they are all low-level monsters. Don't expect to see BOSS or large groups of high-level monsters around the city. So, apart from the PK between players of the guild outside of the city where the guild belongs and the laymen of the guild, there is almost no EXP to take. And the PK behavior of players and laymen in the guild can not happen frequently. After all, if your city wants to engage in economy, you need others to come to your city. If people from your guild always bully laymen around the city, who will come to you? Therefore, not only can we not increase this type of experience income, we must also limit the occurrence of this situation.

However, the above problems are all other people’s problems. In our case, at least in Isengard, they do not exist at all, and the reason is that Isengard mobile fortress can run everywhere.

Everyone knows that siege wars take city experience quickly, but others can’t take the initiative to trigger siege wars, but we can create siege wars very easily, because others don’t come to attack us, we can let Isinger Mobile Fortress took the initiative to attack others. system The calculation method of EXP in combat cities is based on the calculation of battles occurring in the surrounding area of ​​the city. It does not mean that you must take the initiative to attack your city. Of course, for other cities, this is necessary, because other cities will not move, and the city cannot attack them unless others attack. And Isinger Mobile Fortress just doesn't have such a problem. It can drive directly to the enemy's city against the city wall of others, and then all battles between the two cities are regarded as siege wars.

In addition, because Isengard mobile fortress can move, it can also act with our large forces, and follow us with experience during ordinary guild battles.

For the most direct example, before Masaga Matsumoto was the real leader of Japanese players, we used Isinger Mobile Fortress to attack Japan. At that time, we even let Isinger Mobile Fortress land directly on the ground, and then rely on the giant crawler system under the city to drive on the ground like a tank. At that time, because we set the target to Tokyo, Japan, all Japanese players came to intercept us, and our people only had to wait for Isinger Mobile Fortress to move with Isinger Mobile Fortress. This Whenever someone comes to fight, our Isengard mobile fortress will get EXP. In other words, Isinger is getting EXP.

This kind of experience acquisition method, which is exactly the same as cheating, is the main reason why Isengard’s city level is so high. Just because of the action in Japan, our city level was all at once. Upgraded more than 20 levels. We must know that the total level of the main city of most guilds is less than Level 20. We have risen by more than 20 levels in that single war. Can this number be scary?

In fact, after Isinger’s mobile fortress’s multiple deployments have brought us a lot of city EXP, the final effect of all of this is that Isinger’s city level has risen to a very exaggerated level. As the city’s level increases, many powerful and special buildings have gradually opened up.

These special types of urban buildings often have a very powerful role, but it is not just money to build them. You must first raise the guild level. When the guild level is reached, you can pick up the guild construction task. After the task is completed, you can get the construction blueprint. In fact, this blueprint is not a very construction blueprint, but something similar to a building permit. With it, you can build this kind of building, but you can design it as you like, and you don’t need to refer to this blueprint. In fact, there is no design drawing on that blueprint.

After getting the blueprint, although the guild can already build this kind of building, you still need a qualified city, because all such guild buildings with special system attributes are all There are construction conditions. Just as the weapons used by players often require the player's power or level to be allowed to be equipped, the guild construction industry requires you to reach the level of the city, or the area of ​​the city before it can be built. There are even some buildings that require the city to be a specific type of city. For example, there is a guild building called an underwater altar, which requires the city to be a port city.

Because the Isinger Mobile Fortress allowed us to raise Isinger’s level to such a terrifying level, the Japanese guild leaders, although jealous, have nothing to do, because they Know that this situation is not reproducible. Of course, if they also have the ability to make a flying city and ensure that it will not be destroyed, then they can also consider it.

In fact, the Japanese guild leaders still have a litt

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