"There is a question about whether the Frost Rose Alliance will accept this proposal. It might be because our intelligence personnel have just obtained a very important piece of information, but due to the need for confidentiality, I cannot tell you the content of this piece of information. What I can tell you is that if we act now, it is very likely that we will get several pieces of information. This is a major technological achievement with cross-age significance, so I am so anxious to invite you to come here to discuss this matter. After all, this time I am going to cooperate with the Frost Rose League, so I anticipate that there will be some resistance, so I am Discuss with you in advance. However, as me, of course I hope to promote cost-effective cooperation. After all, after my analysis, the benefits and risks of this operation are completely unequal. The risk is very small and the rate of return is very high. So I I don’t want to miss this opportunity.

If you don’t object, then I will immediately meet with Purple Moon to discuss this matter, and based on my knowledge of the Frost Rose League or Purple Moon, most of him Will accept our proposal. I am at least 75% sure."

"Why are you so sure?" a Japanese guild president asked.

Masaga Matsumoto looked up at each other and said: "The person who knows you best is actually your enemy. I have been fighting with Frost Rose and Purple Moon for so long, so naturally I know Frost Rose and Purple very well. Moon’s style of behavior. Purple Moon can be said to be an absolute rationalist. As long as it has nothing to do with dignity and integrity, Purple Moon simply doesn’t care about something insignificant, but he takes a lot of interest in general. That is to say, Purple Moon is the kind of person who knows how to appropriately give up some small benefits in exchange for greater benefits. This kind of person is actually a natural businessman, as long as they feel profitable, they don’t account for some side branches. It’s the last issue. So, whether it’s working with us or with the Americans, it’s not a problem for Purple Moon, as long as it’s profitable. As for the Frost Rose League, the organization’s style of action is also quite similar. The internationalization of this may have something to do with the fact that they are a multi-national player-mixed guild. Therefore, the Frost Rose League is very active in the face of interests, and will not directly reject us just because we are Japanese.

In addition, I forgot to explain to you a little bit. The reason why I want to cooperate with the Frost Rose League is because of the commerciality and formality of the Frost Rose League. They are right to cooperate with others. The performance is very regular. After the cooperation model is set in advance, they will strictly follow the agreement, and there will be no post-mortem or deliberately cheating allies. In contrast, whether it is American or Russian, it is predatory. It’s too strong. If we cooperate with them, we might be able to do our best but not get anything. I think everyone should have a deep understanding of this."

Matsumoto Masaga’s words are as follows The people at the same time went silent together, because they really understood what Matsumoto Masakah said. In reality, Japan has been pitted by the Americans more than once. Whatever things are done together in the name of cooperation, each time it is the Japanese charging forward, but the Americans take the advantage afterwards and leave. As for the benefit of Japan... "Who is Japan? Allies? Why don't we know?" the Americans replied.

Because I have suffered too many losses in this regard, I think about the credibility of our Frost Rose League. Even after fighting with us for so long, the presidents of these Japanese guilds have to say, The credibility of the Frost Rose League is indeed very reliable. At least following us will not lose everything.

"Then Masaga-kun Matsumoto, we have fully understood what you mean, can we start voting now?" a Japanese guild president asked.

Matsumoto Masaka saw that there was really nothing to say, so he nodded and said: "Then vote. The old rules are still the same."

Matsumoto Masaga and they adopted The voting method is a bit similar to an electronic voting machine, but this is a magic array system. There are two magic arrays in front of the president of every Japanese guild. These two magic arrays are respectively connected to a corresponding magic array on the roof of the conference hall. Just input magic power into the magic array in front of you, and the little magic array on top of your head will glow. Therefore, the presidents only need to select the magic array that represents the solution they support and enter the magic power. After that, just count the magic array of the opinions above their heads to know the specific number of votes. Of course, if you want to abstain, you can, as long as you don't start either side.

This set of things does not have an automatic counter, so you need to manually count the number of magic arrays, but obviously there is no need to count the number this time, because in the end, except for one objection and no specific number of abstentions , The rest are all votes in favor, this ratio is already considered as an absolute majority, so Masaka Matsumoto said without hesitation: "Since the overwhelming majority people support this proposal, then I will go to Purple Moon to talk about it. But before the specific results come out, please must keep this matter confidential. Once the Russians know that we are cooperating with the Chinese, it will be difficult for us to use the excuse of helping the Russians to fight the Frost Rose League to safely send troops to Russia. "

The presidents of the guilds nodded one after another. Then Masaga Matsumoto gave a brief explanation and announced that the meeting was temporarily adjourned, and told the presidents not to rush off the assembly line for the time being, because he talked to me This matter will certainly not take too long, so it is very likely that a meeting will be held immediately to discuss future action plans. After everyone promised to wait online, Matsumoto officially ended the meeting and left.

Although many Japanese guild leaders knew about this incident, because of the need to shield such information from Russian intelligence personnel, Masaga Matsumoto still couldn’t just and honorable go to me. . Of course, because I have known this meeting a long time ago, in fact we are just doing it for others.

Matsumoto Masaka first found an NPC to deliver the letter, and then successfully registered with our joint personnel on the street. Finally, after a brief talk with our joint personnel, those joint personnel immediately I pretended to contact our headquarters. After a few minutes, the other party told Matsumoto Masaka and his entourage an address and asked them to wait there. Someone will pick them up and meet us. .

Although I said that this time I was talking about cooperation, and I have already talked to the presidents of the Japanese guilds, but in order to clear the relationship, Matsumoto did not intend to be alone. Come talk to me. Of course, there is nothing to talk about between us. Even the task itself was negotiated and thrown to Matsumoto Masaka for execution. What else can we talk about? What we really need is not for me to talk to Masaga Matsumoto, but for the presidents of the Japanese guild to listen, so that Masaka Matsumoto can be taken out of this matter, at least not to make them doubt Masaka Matsumoto. The relationship between us.

After getting the exact location information, Masaga Matsumoto and the others quickly rushed to that location, which is actually located in a very dangerous leveling area in Japan. Of course, this kind of place is most suitable for things like secret meetings, because any place like this is dangerous, and danger means that most people don't want to come in, and they can't come in at all. Those who can go to such a place must be people with a certain degree of strength, and there are not many capable people themselves, so such areas are usually sparsely populated, and it would be better to do something shameful.

Matsumoto Masaga this time was originally to convince everyone that he did nothing to apologize to Japan, so of course he brought as many witnesses as possible. The people who finally decided to negotiate with Matsumoto Masaga were defined as twelve people, plus Matsumoto himself, a total of 13 people. Except for Masaga Matsumoto himself, the remaining twelve are all real Japanese players. Prior to this, these people had no good impressions of our Frost Rose League. Of course, they were chosen not because these people have no good feelings for us, but because they are all the presidents of large guilds. The twelve of them control Matsumoto Masaga’s half of the alliance except for the new Black Dragon Association. strength. Therefore, as long as the twelve people think there is no problem, even if the others think there is a problem, it is not a problem.

"Is it here?" When these twelve people arrived at the designated place with Matsumoto Masaka, they simply didn't see anyone from our guild waiting here, so the first reaction was to be fooled. After all, the relationship between the two sides is really not friendly at all. No matter what we do to them, it is really not too much as an enemy.

Of course, Masaka Matsumoto knows that we will not cheat others, but he can’t show any calmness at this time, instead he should be more nervous, so Masaka Matsumoto pretended to be very confused and said : "The location should be right! I just followed the map coordinates. Unless they said it was not this map, otherwise it is impossible to get the wrong place, it should be right here."

" But why haven't the people of the Frost Rose League arrived yet?" asked another guild leader.

"Could it be that we came too early?" asked another president.

Masaga Matsumoto looked at the time and said: "It is indeed early. But it is only a few minutes earlier. It is said that this kind of meeting should be punctual. No matter what, let's wait for a while. Let’s talk about it! Anyway, it’s here, what can we do even if we get tricked? I can’t go back now, right?"

"I knew I shouldn’t cooperate with the Chinese. We are giving I’m not happy to find it myself.” After all, they are all Japanese guild leaders who hold great opinions on us. Now they found out that they might have been tricked and immediately expressed extreme dissatisfaction. Some people have even begun to blame Masamoto Matsumoto. He would actually come up with this shit-like plan.

Of course Matsumoto’s side won’t let anyone slander him, but he can’t be too solemnly vowed, so he can only argue with reason: "The appointed time has not arrived yet, and there is no certainty. I was fooled. What do you mean by blaming me now? Don’t forget that this is not a direct order from me. I also asked for your opinions. Didn’t you stand up against it at that time?"


"Shh, don't be born." One of the Japanese guild leaders who was not involved in the quarrel interrupted the quarrel and asked: "Have you heard What sound?"

Since he asked, everyone naturally began to pay attention to it, and because they suddenly stopped talking, the surrounding sounds naturally became clearer after the noise disappeared. As expected, one of the players quickly discovered the problem. "Wait, there seems to be some sound, a... a very strange sound."

"I seem to have heard this sound somewhere." A player said.

"Yes, I also feel like I have heard it somewhere." A player said, but everyone reacted the same. I felt that after hearing it, no one could suddenly remember what it was.

Although everyone is very confused, the sound does exist, and it is obviously getting closer and closer here. After all, the sound that was only faintly audible before is now quite obvious. However, while everyone was still guessing, a large group of birds flew up suddenly behind a small hill not far away, which was actually accompanied by some medium-high level devil beasts. This discovery allowed the Japanese guild leaders here to focus their sights on that side, and after everyone’s sights were completely concentrated, a huge ship bow appeared slowly behind the top of the mountain, and With the appearance of this ship's bow, the back part began to come out from behind the mountain faster and faster.

When I first saw this ship's bow, many Japanese guild leaders thought it was an ordinary battleship, but they quickly realized that the battleship that can come from the sky is no more ordinary. It is also a flying battleship, and this thing is definitely not an ordinary ship for Japanese players. After all, as long as it can fly, it will not be an ordinary battleship.

In fact, the battleship in front of me not only can fly, but is also quite big. The main reason that it could be blocked by a small mountain before was caused by distance and angle. Just as a small moon can block the sun's brilliance during a solar eclipse, as long as it is in the right position, even a one-yuan coin is enough to block your entire line of sight. Therefore, the battleship blocked by the mountain is not necessarily smaller than the mountain bag. In fact, this battleship is not only larger than the mountain, but also several times larger. If this mountain is formed into the shape of a battleship, it is estimated that it will be less than one-fifth of the battleship. Such a huge battleship was approached at an ultra-low altitude by wiping the treetops. When such a big thing wants to fly, the anti-gravity field that lifts it is naturally extremely terrifyingly strong, and under the interference of such a neutral position, the surrounding ground is constantly shaking with the movement of the thing, and it feels like It was as if standing on a rocking exercise machine, and the whole person couldn't help shaking with the ground.

"Damn it, is the Frost Rose Alliance trying to give us offense?" Someone finally reacted. It was said that it was a negotiation. As a result, such a big battleship came. Is it to negotiate or to show off martial power?

"No matter what it is, at least someone is here." Masaka Matsumoto said after saying: "Remember, everything is for the benefit, and you will endure it as much as possible. Although you can't weaken the imposing manner, but also Don’t irritate the Chinese too much. We are not here to fight with them. To cooperate, we must first suppress our own rebellious emotions, otherwise we won’t want to negotiate anything."

"We know." One of them. The president of the Japanese guild said: "But what if the Chinese take the initiative to provoke?"

"Endure." Matsumoto Masaka's answer is super simple, but the simple two words let that The presidents of several Japanese guilds all became quiet. In fact, it is useless if they are not quiet, because as the distance gets closer to the surrounding noise, the noise starts to grow louder and louder. I don’t know if the battleship was deliberate or how it was done. The sound of the thruster was so loud that people could hear the deafening noise more than one kilometer away, and the sound was still expanding as the distance got closer. Now Matsumoto and the others can't understand what the other party is saying even if they are shouting at each other. Fortunately, this situation did not last long. It started to descend after the thing successfully flew to the vicinity of Masaga Matsumoto and the others, and after the thing successfully landed in The earth shook and the mountain quivered The noisy voice also began to quickly change its tone and drop, and as the volume decreased, everyone remembered where they had heard it.

Airport. Everyone suddenly remembered that this sound was actually very much like the sound of an airplane engine. Of course, it was not a jet fighter, but the sound of a turbofan engine installed on a large passenger plane.

As that thing was completely shut down, the president of a Japanese guild suddenly said: "If this scene is seen, our reputation will be completely hopeless!"

Without waiting for Masaka Matsumoto to speak, another badge said: "How is it possible? Don’t forget that we had a meeting before we came out. There are more than one hundred guild leaders to help us prove it, and you are still worried about explaining Not clear?"

"That's true. But I still feel weird. If the Frost Rose Alliance refuses to accept our agreement this time, it will be a big loss. You don't know it is to persuade you. How determined have I come by myself!" The Japanese guild president suddenly said after speaking, "Huh? What is this going to do? Is that thing going to attack us?"

The reason why the president I would say this because the top of the battleship on the opposite side actually opened two rows of honeycomb launchers like rocket launchers, but this thing is definitely not a rocket launcher, because the rocket launcher impossible has such a large caliber. The launch tubes on this thing are all six-diamond-shaped, and the nozzle of each launch tube is enough to fit a mini car. If the nozzle of this size is a rocket launcher, it is simply used by the city. After all, this kind of A volley of caliber almost disappears a city. Of course, these Japanese guild leaders are not stupid. They certainly know that this impossible is a rocket launcher, because the cost-effectiveness ratio is unreasonable. This thing is not impossible to make, and it is not that absolutely does not have. It is more valuable to have the ability to build this thing than to spend money on something else. Besides, there are so many large-caliber rockets mounted on the spaceship. In case of a martyrdom after being hit, wouldn't it be unpleasant for myself to find it?

The facts are similar to what these Japanese guild leaders guessed. After the armor plates on the top were deployed, those things rose quickly, and then turned to the sides of the battleship, and then you saw them. Those things started to fire like real rocket launchers at the starting point of the flame hair next to each other. The speed was very fast. The interval between each two launching ports was only a few tenths of a second, and a total of sixteen launchers were launched together. , The scene can be said to be quite spectacular.

Those things thrown out by the launcher are big and look short and stubby. The trajectory they fly out is the same as that of a mortar, almost at an angle of seventy degrees. After flying up for a short distance, it began to descend, and soon landed over the nearby forest. However, just when the presidents of the Japanese guild thought that these things were going to be smashed in the woods, those things suddenly disintegrated in the air. The huge metal device suddenly exploded in the air, and the presidents of the Japanese guild suddenly realized that after the metal can was exploded, the mobile angel appeared in it. They were so familiar with this thing. .

"What is the Frost Rose Alliance doing?"

"I don't know, maybe it is setting up defense." Matsumoto Masaka said: "We are worried that Japanese players will misunderstand us, Purple Isn’t Moon worried that Chinese players will misunderstand him?"

The Japanese guild presidents nodded said: "It makes sense. If the Chinese knew that their leader Purple Moon was with us Discuss things, no matter what is being discussed, at least Purple Moon needs a lot of effort to make people understand what he is doing, so in order to save some trouble, it is better to block the news now so that people don’t know that we have met."

Matsumoto Masaka heard that someone had automatically made up a reasonable explanation, so he stopped talking, but looked at the aerial battleship over there waiting for our action.

We have no intention of wasting time here. The fewer people who know this kind of thing, the better. Of course, we don’t want unrelated people to know about it, so the speed of action must be fast. After the deployment of the mobile angel troops was completed, those people discovered that a considerable hatch was suddenly opened on the side of the battleship, and then they saw a huge giant dragon coming out of it, which was actually taller than those nearby. The super giant tree is more than twice as tall, and the tall trees more than ten meters high in front of him look like dwarf shrubs.

After the dragon appeared, he first looked left and right, and then suddenly stretched its wings abruptly and slapped it hard. The huge body instantly rose into the air, and then it turned over and flew towards another direction. And until the dragon flew away, everyone discovered that there were a few small dots in the sky approaching quickly, but because the attention was focused on the giant dragon before, they didn't know when these small dots appeared.

"It should be Purple Moon, right?" asked a Japanese guild leader next to Masaka Matsumoto.

Matsumoto Masaka shook his head and said: "It's too far, I can't see clearly, but Purple Moon should be inside. I know who it is with the glittering golden light next to me."

"Except for the really red girl. Who else has such a girly outfit?" A Japanese guild guild said with sourness. His tone was just like a deep grieving woman, who can't eat grapes and say grapes. acid.

In fact, she can’t be blamed for the really red outfit pouch. After all, the outfit style is not something you can choose. You can't just wear it because the outfit is so beautiful, right? Besides, this set of real red is a national device, and the national device is the equipment with its own national characteristics. In most stages of the Chinese feudal era, yellow has always been the color that symbolizes dignity and Supreme. Just look at the clothes worn by ancient emperors. In China, yellow color or gold is considered the most noble color, and even awarded There are special laws restricting ordinary persons not to wear and use yellow things.

The national device itself is the same thing as the national flag, which has the nature of a pointer. Therefore, it is logical to use the most important color of the country. And the final result of this setting is that Zhenhong was forced to become a golden saint, wearing a golden armor. As long as the sun is slightly better, the person standing opposite will not even dare to look at Zhenhong directly to avoid flashing his eyes. With such exaggerated equipment, it's no wonder that the Japanese guild leader would be jealous. It is estimated that if he had such a set of things, he wouldn't be able to say the same thing.

In the process of communicating with several Japanese guild leaders, the silhouette has approached them very quickly. Although they haven't landed yet, they can already see the appearance of the people.

A total of more than ten people came from the spaceship side. Among them, the first one was riding a black horse-shaped mount with the soles of fire on the soles of the fire. You can recognize me at a glance, and most of the remaining few people They all flew here by themselves. One of them was really red that was discovered far away. Among the others, one was a rose, and the other was Hong Yue. The rest were high level in the guild. The players, it's just that the Japanese guild leaders on the opposite side only know a few of them, and few people know them all. After all, our guild is a world guild, and high-level personnel need to be stationed in different regions. Therefore, only part of the strength of our guild appears in Japan, and it is normal for these people to recognize it.

"Does the Frost Rose Alliance really value us?" Masaka Matsumoto said deliberately. Although the presidents of the Japanese guild did not say anything, they were very happy in their hearts, because we If the people here are too ordinary, it means that we don’t care about the strength of Japan. On the other hand, if we have so many high-level people, it means that they are valued, which means that their strength is not bad, at least worth it. Our Frost Rose League takes it seriously.

Soon the people on our side finally reached the sky above them and circled them again. Then Ye Ying suddenly took the lead and dived down, and after landing, he dashed forward again. It was only when I was about to hit Matsumoto Masaga that I pulled the rein violently, and Yakage immediately stood up, and his two front hooves waved in front of Matsumoto Masaka, but they didn’t really kick him, and Matsumoto Masaka. He also stood still and looked quite awkward, but the guys who followed him were not good enough. Several of them were even scared to back up a few steps, but they realized that they were ashamed after they really backed off. . The move I just made was clearly to dismiss my horse, and Matsumoto's standing still in this way would have taken the pressure from me, and even played a certain counterattack role, giving them a certain advantage in the imposing manner in their negotiations. But these people hiding behind them obviously weakened everyone's imposing manner, so after these people stepped back, they immediately took a step forward, but it was a pity that it was too late to come back at this time. Some things cannot be made up once they happen.

"Is this how you greet others?" Masaka Matsumoto stood there, ignoring Yekage's hooves, and asked in a rather cold voice.

Such words with a touch of irony are obviously quite irritating. If I were the enemy of Masaka Matsumoto, I would have collapsed at this time, but we are not, but on the surface I Still trying to pretend to be posed by Matsumoto Masaga, he deliberately pretended to be speechless and paused for a while before controlling Yekage to lower his front hoofs and turn over and jump off Yekage.

"You invited us out to talk about things. It seems inappropriate to satirize us like this?" Standing in front of Matsumoto Masaka, I said in a tranquil voice.

Matsumoto Masaga was also quite calm and said: "It's not a polite behavior to use a mount to pretend to be kicking others to scare people, right?"

The Japanese guild presidents thought that Matsumoto Masaka had made them endure a bit too weak. Who knew that Matsumoto Masaka was so tough after they really met, and he said that he would not let me a pin against an awl, this But it was quite unexpected to these people, but they didn't hate it at all, on the contrary, they were a little excited.

After counterattacking me appropriately, Masaka Matsumoto finally interrupted this boring argument between us and started talking about business. "Everyone is an adult, so let's put aside those childish things for the time being and discuss how to grow up together?"

"I won't come if I don't plan to listen."


"Since we have reached a consensus on this point, then I will go straight ahead. We came here this time mainly to discuss cooperation with you."

" Cooperation?" I deliberately raised my voice by an octave. It was obvious that my voice was changed because of surprise. "Are you kidding me? I want our Frost Rose League and your new Black Dragon to cooperate? Why don't you let the two temples of light and dark discuss the merger?"

"Don't be too busy to deny , You know the contradictions between China and Japan and I also know them, but I don’t think this is an obstacle preventing our cooperation. As long as the benefits are sufficient, nothing can’t be traded, isn’t it?"

"Theory I agree with your point of view, but sometimes I will refuse some seemingly profitable purchases, such as things that involve you Japanese."

"It depends on the type of business. The reason for your refusal is just that those things are dispensable to you, so you chose to reject us without affecting the development of the Frost Rose League. However, if it is for some very big interests and just happens to be Is it useful to you?"

I paused for a while and then said: "To be honest, I am curious why you are so sure that the benefits you say are useful to us, but well, I admit that you are impressed. I'm here." As I said, I stood aside and stretched out my hand to make a request.

Masaga Matsumoto asked without knowing it, "What are you doing?"

"You don't really intend to talk to us here, are you?" I said, "Since you To say that there is a very big benefit, it means that this thing is definitely not small. In other words, we are sure that it is impossible to talk about the whole content in two or two sentences, but unfortunately we encountered a little trouble on the way here, so there is no way. If you stay here for a long time, you can either make a new appointment with us, or go back to find a safe place to talk with us slowly. Which one do you want to choose?"

Matsumoto did not answer directly. Instead, he looked back at the other Japanese guild leaders around him. After those people exchanged glances, one of them said to Matsumoto Masaka: "Go with them. It's great that we all hang up once, I I think President Purple Moon won’t lie to us about this kind of thing, right?"

I smiled this nodded, but didn’t explain anything, while Masaga Matsumoto hesitated for a few seconds and seemed to make a decision. Determined and said: "You die, we will go with you."

After getting the consent of Matsumoto Masaka, I immediately shouted at the rough communicator: "Okay, come and pick us up, let's leave. Here."


Following my order, the battleship on the opposite side suddenly uttered a deafening whistle, and the dull sound echoed over the forest. After a long period of time, everyone who heard it felt that their heart was affected by the heavy flute sound.

As the whistle ended, the huge spaceship rose slowly. The Japanese guild leaders knew that this thing could fly. After all, it just flew over, but what's the matter with this sound? When I came here, it was so shocked that people's brains almost flowed out. This is only a little longer? Has it become a silent spaceship?

"Your spaceship...?" Masaka Matsumoto asked this not because of collusion, in fact, he was really strange. The anti-gravity device used by the spaceship of our guild basically has no working noise. The sound when the spaceship moves is entirely due to the vibration of the surrounding debris caused by the gravity disorder in the local area caused by the anti-gravity field. When the spaceship rises to a high altitude, there will be no such sound, but as long as the spaceship is close to the ground, there will be a continuous rumbling sound, which is actually caused by ground vibration. However, the movement when the spaceship just arrived was obviously not caused by the vibration. The vibration of a real spaceship during flight is not only not such a sound, but the movement is not so loud.

Of course I know about Matsumoto's question. After all, I was annoyed by this voice for a long time. "In fact, there was a problem with our spaceship just now, which caused the noise. I just checked it while it stopped. It should be a troubleshooting."

I didn’t explain it in detail. After all, there are still many Japanese guild leaders, but I don’t explain it mainly because they don’t understand. In fact, it was not an applause just now, but an injury. On the way here, our spaceship was very unfortunately involved in a traffic accident. Two unlucky Japanese flying together actually ran into our spaceship while riding a wyvern. At that time, our spaceship flew slowly at low altitude and activated the mirage system, which looked like a huge block of pure and transparent ice, and it was easy to ignore the past when not paying attention. The two hapless guys obviously ignored this goal because they were too engaged in chatting. As a result, the naturally short-sighted wyvern ran into our spaceship under the command of the distracted master.

Originally, this collision accident would not have any impact on our spaceship. After all, this is an aerial battleship. The defensive power is quite terrifying. What happens if the impossible is hit. Unfortunately, the location where these two ran into is not so good, just in a crowded area. It was because

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