The presidents of the Japanese guilds did not overreact to what I said. Of course, Masaga Matsumoto’s stopping eyes played a big role. These people followed us very quietly inside the battleship. Stayed there for a while on the bridge, let them be here mainly or for to shock them, let them understand how strong the technical strength of our guild, so that they can strengthen their desire to obtain more powerful technology for Japan.

In fact, the battleship bridge in front of us is different from any battleship bridge in our guild, because this is a test ship, and its bridge is specifically for the purpose of In order to simulate the real high-tech battleship bridge as much as possible. In order to achieve this effect, a lot of magic arrays and crystal technology are used in this bridge. As a result, the entire bridge does not look like a battleship bridge, but rather like an alien spaceship cockpit, because it almost You can't see the conventional console. All the control systems are linked by magic arrays. You can directly inject energy and press your hands up to control it mentally.

In fact, the things tested on this ship, whether it is the alternative design of the bridge, there are many other things, but the previous accident clearly proves that many ideas are problematic, otherwise it will be our guild. The strength of an ordinary aerial battleship is impossible. It can be beaten by a group of players on the ground. The main reason is that the ship has its own problems, so it doesn't fight so easily. However, this is a test ship anyway, it is only right if there is a problem, it would be strange if it passed all at once.

After the spaceship arrived in the sky above Fulcrum City, the presidents of the Japanese guild and Masaka Matsumoto were all packed into a container by me. They didn’t have any opinions about it. After all, Fulcrum Although the city is not a fully open type city, it is also not the exclusive city of the Frost Rose League. There are still many players from other guilds and even foreign countries. And the purpose here is to use transnational Transmission Formation, and the side of Transmission Formation is more people Isinger transnational Transmission Formation, there is more than just outsiders. It’s no exaggeration to say that within one kilometer of Isengard’s Transnational Transmission Formation, you can definitely find players from 80% of countries. This level of personnel complexity is basically simply not confidential at all, so whenever we guild want When passing any sensitive items here, the container will be used. And because of the convenience of containers, we later simply containerized all the items, which could confuse people and make others wonder what we are transporting.

The container containing Masaka Matsumoto and them was directly hoisted to the transnational Transmission Formation, and then I personally escorted it back to Isengard, and then was carried into Isengard’s business through bumps all the way. It is an exclusive work area, where only players of the Frost Rose Alliance are allowed to enter.

Although there are no foreign players here, even our guild players need to avoid them a bit, so we finally sent them to a guild warehouse to let them out. After we got them out, we directly sent the goods in the warehouse to the exclusive Transmission Formation of the nearby guild headquarters, and then carried out a second transmission, directly to the exclusive Transmission Formation of the conference hall.

When the group of Japanese guild leaders entered the guild conference hall inside Isengard, everyone was crying for air-conditioning, not only because of the luxury here, but more importantly. It's the staff lineup here. There are not many people in this guild, but they are all familiar faces. At least the Japanese guild leaders present recognize that these are all powerful people who have suffered a great loss on the battlefield, especially among them. Rows of chaos and order The gods in Divine Race exist. Although these Japanese guild leaders have not really fought against these gods, they have all seen the video records of these gods. It turns out that these gods are very terrifying existence, although the single battle strength may not be comparable. Me, but in terms of the speed of killing low-level players, these guys may not be much slower than me.

Seeing the stunned Japanese guild presidents, I said directly: "Don’t say that I give you face, these all are the most important leadership of the guild. If you deliberately fool me, I It will let you understand the cost of playing me. So now, please take a seat first."

Although I did not introduce the location, the location here is already obvious. At one end of the table that resembles an oval ring, there is an obviously exaggerated throne. This clearly shows the position of the chairman of me, so no one wants to sit at all, and one side of the table is already full of people. The side is empty, which is clearly reserved for them.

The guild leaders sat down in the row opposite to our guild members, while Masaga Matsumoto sat down on the other end of the table, facing me far away. This position is also special after all. Location, so I have to give Masaga Matsumoto this status a little special existence.

After everyone is seated, I don’t talk nonsense, and I just said: "Okay, now this place is safe enough, tell me what your so-called interests are? Hope not to let me down."

"I actually gave you a hint." Matsumoto Masaka said.

I immediately nodded and said: "Otherwise you think I will get you Japanese people into the core of my guild? But now I need you to tell me what kind of technology it is. "

Matsumoto and I actually don’t have any hints or speculations. The reason for saying this is to make those Japanese guild leaders feel that we are profound mystery. After all, we are right in advance. The lines are good, and without knowing it, the dialogue between me and Masaka Matsumoto heard from the Japanese guild leaders is like a kind of tacit understanding reached temporarily, and this kind of understanding is shown by us. The tacit agreement was reached under their noses, but they didn't notice at all. Do you think this effect is shocking?

The facts are similar to our guesses, and the presidents of the Japanese guilds were indeed surprised by us. They all looked at Matsumoto Masaka in surprise, but Matsumoto Masaka gave them a reassuring look, but unfortunately they didn't explain anything.

Turning his gaze to my side again, Masaka Matsumoto took out three memory crystal balls, and then handed out another book. "Let’s take a look."

I knocked directly on the table twice, and a crystal ball holder rose in the middle of the circular conference table, and then a luminous magic array did not know where it flew from. Came over and landed in front of Masaka Matsumoto, Masaka Matsumoto put the crystal ball up under my sign, and then the magic array flew to the central holder with the crystal ball and fixed the three crystal balls to the holder respectively. Several fixed positions on the top.

After these fixers were fixed, a series of electric arcs flashed out on the surface of the crystal ball, forming a grid on the surface of the crystal ball, and four water crystal pillars suddenly popped up on the top of the Conference Hall, followed by the water crystal pillar. Towards the center of the Conference Hall, which is directly above the conference table where we are, a three-dimensional picture is projected. In the picture, you can clearly see some white people who are carefully drawing two magic arrays on special panels. Connected, and those Japanese guild leaders are a little confused when they see this thing.

They knew that this picture was projected by the crystal ball taken out by Masaka Matsumoto, but they did not understand what the picture represented. Most of the two magic arrays do not know them. Only one or two guild leaders know one of them. This is because they are wizards and have used this magic, but they don’t understand it. What does it mean to put two magic arrays together.

Although they don’t understand, they do, as long as someone on our side can understand it. In fact, of course someone on our side can see it, at least Christina and I can see it. After all, our guild is also a technical guild. As a leader, you don’t need to be skilled, but if you don’t understand anything, it won’t work.

The two magic arrays are actually nothing. What really makes this picture magical is the technology that connects the two magic arrays without magic backlash. This is the most amazing part. . Of course, this picture is not at all the intelligence obtained by Matsumoto Masaga from Russia, because Matsumoto Masaga simply has no intelligence personnel in Russia. Of course, our guild has a lot of intelligence personnel in Russia, but investigating intelligence and video recording are completely different things. It's not so easy to capture this kind of picture by coincidence, so we simply haven't obtained this kind of information.

In fact, the scene in the screen is simply fake. That room was specially arranged according to the situation of the experimental base that our intelligence personnel saw in Russia. The so-called researchers in it are indeed researchers, but these people are not Russian researchers, but we do. Will do. Of course, they are not studying composite magic arrays, but researchers in mechanical engineering. But this is a video after all, as long as you put on a white coat, you don't say the ghost knows what you are researching.

These researchers who have mixed Russian characteristics convened from the new continent research base took advantage of us to shoot such a deceptive video, and of course this video was given to Matsumoto Masaga Yes, the purpose is to let him show it to us now. Of course, the main or for is to show to those Japanese guild leaders, so that the lie that Matsumoto Masaka told me about mastering intelligence can be completely rounded up.

According to the script, we immediately analyzed this thing with excitement, and then we invited the so-called "experts" from the guild. Of course, this is a real expert, but it’s not. Magic array experts, but psychology experts. This is a player in our guild. In reality, he is a professor of psychology at a certain university, and he is also an external expert in several hospitals. Anyway, he is really an awesome man. Because of his in-depth research on human psychology and the character of an old naughty boy even though he seems to be over fifty, if he acts in a play, it would be a lie to the death.

After some explanation and analysis by this "expert", the leadership of our guild immediately increased their interest in this technology, and then the negotiation restarted. At this time, our side has shown a very High interest, and the president of the Japanese guild over there is also very excited. Although they really did not understand the previous picture, when the previous "expert" analyzed these things, they had been listening with their ears upright, so now they also "understand" how much these things are. important. These are of course our expectations, because the "expert" was originally arranged for them to listen to. This thing was originally made by ourselves, so we still need to explain the ass? After talking for a long time, isn't it just to let the Japanese guild leaders understand that what they want to grab is really good, and it is a good thing of invaluable value.

"Well, we have confirmed that this is a very good technology, but what are you doing to show us this?" I looked at Matsumoto Masaka pretending to be serious and asked: "You guys Do you have this kind of technology and intend to sell it to us or what? I don’t think you seem to have mastered this kind of technology."

A Japanese guild president was immediately unconvinced when he heard this. Said: "Why do you think we can't master such a technique?" Although they really don't, this guy still insists on what Matsumoto Masaka said before and can't lose the imposing manner.

I heard the other party’s inquiry only slightly smiled, and then said: "You all heard when our experts analyzed it for us just now? This thing is a composite magic array technology that can make multiple layers The magic arrays that are not related to each other are superimposed and placed without interfering with each other, and they can also generate new abilities. To master this technology, you need a pre-technology, that is, the magic array open-loop technology. We all know that the magic array It is a closed loop, and once the magic array is disconnected, it will lose its function. However, some magic arrays can actually allow a certain open circuit design, because these magic arrays use virtual magic bridges to complete the bridge, so that you can Let the magic array realize the closed-circuit structure of magic level in the state of physical open loop. But unfortunately, you obviously don’t have these pre-technologies, otherwise, you Japanese players will not be able to create a guide arrow demon until now. It’s an array, because this magic array uses a typical magic array open-loop technology."

Although I wanted to refute it, because I didn’t understand it at all, this guy could only be speechless in the end. Anyway, he knew that they really had no way to study that kind of technology.

Matsumoto Masaga interrupted us and said: "In fact, our so-called cooperation is not to sell this kind of technology. Just as you guessed it, we actually don’t have this kind of technology at all, so there is no How to sell it to you."

"Let me just say it. Even if you get this technology by accident, you are absolutely impossible to sell it to us, right?" I asked deliberately.

The Japanese guild leaders on the opposite side are coldly snorted, only Masaka Matsumoto said: "You are right, so that technology is not in our place now, and this technology is actually comparable to many others. The technologies are together, so..."

"You are not going to partner with us to grab, are you?" I deliberately asked loudly, and the presidents of the Japanese guild on the opposite side heard this. The power is also highly concentrated, because my answer is directly related to whether this cooperation can be completed.

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