"Song this Monarch, we have already understood the necessity of this plunder, but why is this partner must be the Frost Rose League?"

"About this question First of all, we need to understand the current technological research and development progress of the world’s guilds.” Masaga Matsumoto calmly changed the data in his hand, then opened the data book and read it before continuing, “So far, the world’s technical power The strongest guild is undoubtedly the Frost Rose League. I don’t think I need to explain this point?"

The following Japanese guild leaders have nodded, which is due to the strong technical advantages of our guild. They have experienced various types of crushing many times, so this does not need to be explained at all.

After seeing everyone nodded and expressing their understanding, Masaka Matsumoto continued: "Then, since everyone knows that the Frost Rose League is the strongest technical guild, then they will definitely think, since we are going to grab , Then why not rob the most technologically advanced guild? It’s like robbing on the road. Anyway, you’re going to rob. Why don’t you find a rich man in a suit and leather shoes to start? After all the bowls are taken away, how much money can I have? A watch of those rich people is tens of thousands of times the change in this bowl."

Speaking of this, Matsumoto pauses again. For a while, and the people below are nodded to express that they think so. However, Masaga Matsumoto soon began to explain again.

"Although I originally planned the Frost Rose League as the first goal, as the leader of our alliance, if you are willing to follow me, I will be responsible to you. Before I act, I It is necessary to collect intelligence and make a detailed action plan based on the information learned, so as to ensure that everyone’s interests will not be harmed. Although it looks brave to take you to charge blindly, it is actually profiting from your interests. Merit is irresponsible to you. Therefore, after thinking of attacking the Frost Rose League to snatch technical data, I conducted a series of intelligence collection and content analysis on this."

"Then you in the end What caused you to exclude the goal of the Frost Rose League?" someone asked.

Masaga Matsumoto glanced at the other person and said, "This is what I want to tell you next. In fact, we all underestimated the Frost Rose Alliance before. For this action, I specifically I spent money to buy several middle-level players in the Frost Rose League. Of course, in order to ensure that the Frost Rose Alliance does not know the identities of these people, I will not report their identities here. After all, I can buy the Frost Rose Alliance people, they must We can also buy our people, so if some information is not necessary, we should try to control the range of people we know. According to the information I got from them, I found that the internal structure of the Frost Rose League is even better than their external battle strength. The performance is even more advanced. I don’t think you guys would have thought that Frost Rose League actually has an independent scientific research city?"

"Research city? You mean that kind of city is entirely a research unit?" Asked the president of the Japanese guild.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "Yes, not only is the whole city completely a research institution, but the city is actually divided into many districts. These districts are like different scientific research institutes. They conduct targeted research on certain aspects of technology. Moreover, they actually have a complete technical integration department. This department does not conduct technical research and development, but only specializes in the design and development of practical equipment. They will Take the technical success of each department directly, and then find a way to assemble the strongest weapon. At the same time, if there are any technical difficulties in the process of developing new weapons, they will return these problems to the corresponding basic technology research department. The biggest advantage of this World Tree-like system is that the division of labor is clear, allowing the most professional people to do the most professional things."

"Is the Frost Rose League's technical research department so powerful?" Someone interrupted. Asked.

"This is not just a powerful problem, but because they have a complete system that can completely industrialize technology research and development, not like our technical unit is like a small hand workshop. . Our research method is to first have an idea, and then move on to this idea, and to study what problems are encountered, the result is that technicians often need to take into account many aspects of technology at the same time, and a person’s energy is limited and knowledgeable. It’s unlikely to be deep. If you want to be particularly deep in a certain aspect, this person cannot pay attention to too many aspects, otherwise, once the energy is distracted, it will naturally not be able to go deep. However, the research institutes of the Frost Rose League have no such problem. They will All the people are assigned to various specialized research departments, while the knowledgeable researchers are in the integration department. They don’t need to know too much in-depth things, as long as they can put together existing technologies like building blocks to assemble them. Practical equipment will do. The mobile angels that make you hate it actually come from this way."

"But the Frost Rose Alliance has a strong technical strength, aren't we just going to grab it better?" Someone asked loudly. road.

Matsumoto Masaka explained: "I thought so, but the problem is that I discovered after understanding that this scientific research city is indeed very powerful and has a lot of technical information. However, this The city is not a small research institute, nor is it a small and medium-sized city located in a certain location, but a fortified mega-city, and this scientific research city named "new continent" is actually an independent city. Floating island. This island is different from ordinary islands. It is an extremely rare ultra-high-altitude floating island. It is said that the height is at the top of the stratosphere. It is even necessary to activate the city shield to ensure the normal pressure and temperature inside. In other words, we have no way to enter the city from the outside."

"But how did the Frost Rose Alliance get in and out of themselves?"

"The Frost Rose Alliance and the new continent The floating islands are connected by a specialized Transmission Formation. After learning about this method of entry, I tried to get the intelligence personnel to get the frequency of the Transmission Formation link, hoping to make a mandatory connection, but the message sent back by our intelligence personnel was Yes, this Transmission Formation has been specially designed and requires special verification before activation. If the information does not match, the Transmission Formation will activate the space lock. Not only will you be unable to connect, even the fixed-point transmission of the previous Tearing Space will be blocked. Said, unless you can use the special transmission form inside the Frost Rose League that can connect to this floating island, you will definitely not be able to get in."

"Then can't we sneak in quietly, Then occupy this place and break into the floating island?" A Japanese guild leader who is good at fighting said: "Since the access method is limited and only the dedicated Transmission Formation can be connected, then we simply let people take it. The bomb destroys those Transmission Formations, and then leaves one to occupy them. After that, as long as we keep a small number of people to guard this Transmission Formation, it is equivalent to sealing the probability of the research institution of Frost Rose League Rescue. Our people can enter. Research institutions are robbing us of the technology we need at will."

Matsumoto couldn't help but sneered when he heard the other party, and then said: "Do you think Frost Rose is too simple? First of all. Not to mention whether our people can get close to those Transmission Formations, even if it is really as you said, successfully destroying other Transmission Formations, leaving only one and Controlling it does not mean that we can succeed. As I have said before, the new continent floating island is a fortified city. The city itself is a huge defense organization. The Frost Rose League can be said to have set up a large number of defense facilities at all costs on the island, and it is very Exaggeratedly, an independent city-level protective cover is specially configured for each experimental area. That is to say, once an intrusion occurs, this research institution will be completely locked, and we will be restricted to the first area that we reach. Of course, you may think that even so, you can grab the technology in this area, and it's not a loss. However, what I want to tell you is that this is also impossible. The new continent floating island is equipped with a large number of guard troops, and is equipped with a large number of mobile angel troops beyond your imagination. Even, there are many new weapons in this area that you haven't seen before, and the Frost Rose League has never used it. The current intelligence I have mentioned is a cutting-edge combat equipment whose combat capability is too strong to imagine. "

"What is so exaggerated?" "

"Mobile Angel-Sixth-generation machine. Oh, yes, forgot to explain to you. The type of sweeping unit you are currently encountering in the outer circle area of ​​the fulcrum city is equipped with a fourth-generation aircraft, and according to the intelligence personnel we have bought, the fifth-generation aircraft can achieve one-to-six non-injury killings against the fourth-generation aircraft, while the sixth-generation aircraft The battle strength of the aircraft is completely unclear. It is conservatively estimated that there is no pressure in singles against four or five fifth-generation aircraft. Do you think we have any hope of defeating these six-generation machines under such circumstances? "

"A few super mobile angels alone won't let us get nothing, right? "Someone asked unwillingly.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "Of course not only with a few mobile angels, but the problem is that except for the unknown number of sixth-generation and fifth-generation aircraft, this island There is also a large group of mobile angels for Divine Race. You may not have seen this kind of mobile angel for Divine Race, but I can tell you that I have seen it personally and played against them. As long as two or three of these things work together, they can suppress a Divine Race fighter, and more than five can kill them steadily. How do you feel about this mobile angel with battle strength? And these are just mobile angels. There are regular combat troops and a large number of defensive magic arrays, magic traps, and golem guards on this floating island. Oh, by the way, there are also flying battleships and large groups of high-level devil beasts. At the same time, you still need to think of a question, that is, with the previous plan, how many people do you think we can send to the new continent floating island? Dozens or hundreds? Surely there won't be a thousand people, right? "

The people below are completely silent. Thinking of Masaka Matsumoto's words, everyone has completely understood that this kind of thing is useless. The Transmission Formation connection points of the new continent floating island are all in Asin Everyone knows that the Dao Foundation's attack on Isengard is nothing. After all, the Japanese have tried it before, and there is really no hope at all, so everyone didn’t even think about it. The only way they can imagine to enter is Sneak in quietly. Although the success rate of this method is not high, it is not completely hopeless. After all, they have done this before, and they have indeed successfully sneaked in several times. It was only discovered shortly after entering, but no matter what Anyway, they have been in, so this method of infiltration can be considered feasible. However, they also know that the great change is really infiltrated, and the number of people is absolutely impossible. We from the Frost Rose League are again Not a fool, thousands of Japanese players came suddenly, and the idiot knew there was a problem. So, no matter how lucky they are, how stupid the guards of our guild are, how awesome their sneaking skills are, no matter how many people are It is impossible to exceed one thousand, and even one hundred is not guaranteed. After all, one hundred people are not enough. It may not feel like being scattered in the city, but there are still too many people to enter those core areas. Those who are responsible for staying and guarding the Transmission Formation, in fact, there are no more than one hundred people who can actually sneak in and steal the technology. These one hundred people have to deal with tens of thousands of guards, and there are several terrifying ones. The model of mobile angel, isn’t this a joke?

As if it’s not enough to hit, Masaka Matsumoto added: "Even if the previous difficulties are I went in and defeated the guards there. Of course we all know this is impossible. However, we assume that we have done it, but we still can't get those technologies. "

"Why can't I get the technology even after defeating the guard?" "

"It's very simple. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "Because the Frost Rose League is different from us, they have crystal technology. As you may know, not only can it be a communication tool, it can actually function as a computer sometimes. According to the information we have, the Frost Rose Alliance actually has the ability to use crystals to store data. That is to say, their technical data is installed in a single crystal, and these crystals require special equipment to read. . The problem is that we do not have these equipment. Therefore, even if we occupy this floating island, we can at most collect some scattered research records of researchers, and the technical data of the results are stored in special crystal recorders, and these recorders themselves are Installed on a small aircraft that can be separated from the building. Once someone wants to snatch, as long as someone presses a special controller, those recorders full of data will fly away with the aircraft, and our aircraft are equipped with self-destruct devices. Once the aircraft is damaged by external forces, it will The internal record crystal is automatically destroyed, and the Frost Rose Alliance actually has another backup data, so even if all these data are destroyed, they will only lose the research progress of the day. "

"Then what if we go directly to grab the backup data?" "Someone who responded quickly said: "You just said that they lost most of the research progress of the day, which means that they will update the data every day. Then, we can find the location of the backup data as long as we track these people, and then we don't need to go. The new continent has snatched those data, so just go directly to the location of the backup data. "

"I also tried this. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "The backup data is actually more than I thought, there are actually three copies. "

" Isn't it easier to start? "A Japanese guild president said: "Three goals, we only need to catch one." By the way, there is also a loophole in the process of data transfer, which can snatch those who transport data. "

"First, don’t even think about the transportation data, because the person who does this is not a player of the Frost Rose League, but the high level god of Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and the opponent is not Act alone, with guards around. In addition, even if we really have a way to intercept this god, it’s useless, because this thing can also be self-destructed, and there is still that problem-we don’t know anything about Crystal Technology, it’s like a group of primordial people grabbed a U disk, what do you think What's inside? We don't have a reader, and we don't know how to compile it. It's useless to get it. Finally, even if the above problems are solved, it is still useless, because the person who transmits the data every day updates only the research results of the day, and if there is no result, it will not update, which means that we can grab at most one or two technologies. I don't know what the specific technology is. It may be important or it may be completely useless. And once we do it, the Frost Rose Alliance will inevitably strengthen its guard, and it will be basically useless if we do it the second time. "

"Where is the backup data?" "

"I also asked the intelligence personnel to investigate this. It can be determined that there are three copies of the backup data. The first one is in the guild Divine Race of the Frost Rose League, which is the Divine Race of Chaos and Order. The data is integrated with the divine force core of their chaotic and order Divine Race, which means that this divine force core is one of the recorders, and the divine force core of a Divine Race is snatched..."

Although Matsumoto Masaga did not go on, but everyone knows that this kind of thing is totally useless.

"Aren’t there two more? "

"Yes, there are two more. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "One of them is located in a city called the City of Commandments, and our intelligence personnel in this city simply can't get in. In fact, although this city is owned by the Frost Rose League, it is stationed by Divine Races from all over the world. In other words, to sneak into this city requires fighting with all the Divine Race forces in the world. Do you think we go in this kind of place? "

"Why do those Divine Races help the Frost Rose League defend the city?" "Someone asked unconvincedly.

Matsumoto Masaga corrected: "You are wrong. It is not those Divine Races helping the Frost Rose League to defend the castle, but the Frost Rose League helping those Divine Races to guard something. thing. Our intelligence personnel were not able to figure out the specifics. Anyway, those Divine Races share the same things, but they are not convinced by anyone else. So in the end, they simply asked an outsider to manage the Frost Rose League, and then each of them. Divine Race has several guards, so that things are balanced in everyone's mind without any Divine Race. This city of commandments is said to be specially built to store this thing, but the Frost Rose League obviously did not build a city for nothing. They have set up many warehouses and other places in this city, and they put everything they think is important. Over there. In fact, we really can't get the things in there. No, not just us, we should say that no one can get it. "

Everyone understands Masaka Matsumoto’s explanation. After all, it is an area jointly managed by the Divine Race of the whole world. This kind of place is definitely a super hornet's nest. Dangerous thing.

"Isn’t there one last one? "Some people still don't give up.

Masaga Matsumoto said quite helplessly: "Finally, let alone this, we have no hope. "

"Why?" Speak out and listen, maybe we can think of a way. "The man asked unwillingly.

"The last record was backed up at Purple Moon, right inside his gate of the earth. The gate of the earth is actually connected to the private garden of a High God tribe, and Purple Moon had completed a task before. The other party said that a part of the area in the garden was lent to Purple Moon to store things and his summon creatures. However, although the place was lent to Purple Moon, this is still the garden of High God. It is said that there is a divine force imprisonment feature in it. Anyone without permission, including a strong Great Divinity like Great God Tian Zhao, will be completely imprisoned once they enter this area. If anyone of you thinks that you are better than Great God Tian Zhao, who can defeat Purple Moon to open that space forcibly, and can resist the imprisonment inside, I don't mind to arrange it for you. By the way, the recorder in Purple Moon's hands is updated from time to time, so the opening time may not be fixed. If you can track Purple Moon, I have nothing to say. "

"That is to say, the information of the Frost Rose Alliance is absolutely impossible to grab?" "A Japanese guild president asked.

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "I have analyzed all possible methods and locations based on the intelligence in my hand, and the conclusion is-impeccable. . There is simply no way to snatch the research results, and even if the snatch is successful, all you can get are that kind of single technology, and there is still the old problem-how do we read those record crystals we get? "

"But even if the Frost Rose Alliance is not easy to start, there is no need to cooperate with them, right? "A Japanese guild leader who is very anti-Chinese said: "If we join forces with the Russians to attack Isengard and then cooperate in the infiltration operation, we may not be able to succeed, right? "

Masaga Matsumoto nodded and said: "If the Russians act with us, and if they do not hesitate to spend their money, attacking Isinger to attract attention and take the opportunity to sneak in is indeed a certain probability, but the problem is still. The new continent floating island can close the transmission connection in one direction, and they have a space shield that can shield the entire floating island, which means that as long as they are found, they can prevent more people from landing in that floating island. On the island, then the problem returned to the original point. The limited personnel couldn't beat the army there, and even if they grabbed something, they couldn't read it. So before we think of other ways to land on this floating island on a large scale and find a way to read the crystal recorders of the Frost Rose Alliance, the plan to snatch the Frost Rose Alliance's technological achievements has no chance of success. Even if we can get in, the result will be the same. As for the other guilds in the world except for the Frost Rose League, their research results are recorded using paper materials, and at most they are video messages recorded with memory crystals. To put it bluntly, they are still written materials. We only need to find a few translators to read it. Even if the other party uses the password to record, we can also find someone who specializes in breaking the password for help. Therefore, the information of other guilds is likely to be stolen, only the Frost Rose League. The data room can't be grabbed or read. "

After Matsumoto's remarks, the people below all quieted down. The presidents of the Japanese guild all expressed a sense of discouragement, because emotionally, they shared hope To snatch things from our Frost Rose League instead of other guilds.

This sentiment is actually very understandable. If you succeed in snatching someone, then under the premise that the other person is the same rich , Rob someone you don’t know and an enemy of yours, which one do you think makes you more happy?

The Frost Rose League is the eternal pain in the hearts of Japanese players, so robbing us of things is for them In addition to the practical benefits, you can also get psychological happiness. After all, this can be considered revenge.

After calming down for a while, someone finally recovered and began to say: "Since Frost The Rose League cannot be robbed, so why choose Russia among other choices? "

"The question is actually very simple. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "At present, apart from the Frost Rose League, there are only three areas with higher technology. Europe, the United States and Russia.

The technology of European countries is not too advanced. Only one Iron Crusade is not bad, but this guild is an ally of the Frost Rose League, and they are a highly unified country. The whole of Germany is almost iron The Crusaders are a guild, so it is difficult for our people to get in. After all, the appearance of our Japanese is too conspicuous in Europe. Moreover, the reason why I ruled out the most important in Europe is because the opponent's technology is not strong, and it doesn't make much sense to grab it. "

"What about the rest of the United States?" "

"The technology of the United States can be said to be on the same level as that of Russia. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "But there are also problems. The United States is not in a unified state at present. The Gun God’s Holy Lance League is not an absolute leading guild in the United States. There are also several large guilds fighting against them. These guilds have their own technology, and we Can't ransack one by one. Although the defensive ability of American guilds is not as perverted as the Frost Rose League, it is not a supermarket of choice after all! It is still possible for us to grab the first one, but after that, if people raise their vigilance, we will not be able to start. After all, robbing technology is very troublesome. The information cannot be destroyed, and the information must be intact. Therefore, the looting process must be very sudden and one-time. Once the action is started, regardless of success or failure, it is very difficult to think about it a second time later. "

"Are all technologies in Russia centralized?" "Someone asked.

Masaga Matsumoto nodded and said: "There is a very famous player in Russia called Bingfeng Banshee. I believe many of you have heard of this Russian beauty. Name. Her battle strength can compete with Purple Moon in the Extreme Cold zone. Although it is still slightly inferior, at least it has a longer and shorter ability. The guild she holds in her hands is called Banshee’s House, and the guild’s combatants are divided into two parts. The core members are all female players, and only male players are the members of the foreign committee. However, this guild is not actually a fighting guild. Their more important feature is that they are very powerful in scientific research. Although I don’t know how this structure is formed, based on the current intelligence, the guilds in Russia are basically based on the Banshee’s house. To put it simply, Banshee is the actual leader of Russia. All the research forces in Russia are concentrated in the Banshee House Guild directly under her.

If the whole of Russia is understood as a group army, Banshee House is equivalent to the group army command and its direct units, and the other Russian guilds are the army groups under the jurisdiction of the army. And some independent brigade troops.

This kind of command form and structure determines that this center is very centralized, so we may get as much information as possible in one assault operation, and I can expect to get at least half of the information. material. Of course, the premise is the premise of successful breakthrough. Moreover, because this Banshee house is actually a guild similar to the headquarters of the group army, his defensive power is actually not very strong. The Russians don't seem to pay much attention to defense, they prefer offense. Everyone should know this. After all, the Russians had invaded China before. This is one of the manifestations of their offensive strategy. Therefore, the success rate of raid Russian guilds is much higher than that of guilds in other countries. "

"Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, we probably understand what you mean, then we have one more question. If Russia is better to start and has value in starting, then why do we must cooperate with the Frost Rose League? Can't it work with Americans or Koreans? Didn’t Oni Shou Nobunaga also work well with Koreans before? "

"Regarding the question you are talking about, what I want to say is that the only thing that can cooperate with us is the Frost Rose League. "Seeing someone want to interrupt, Masaga Matsumoto quickly said: "Don't talk, listen to me. I also wanted to cooperate with other guilds before, but after analyzing it, it seems that the only suitable ally I can find is only the Frost Rose League. Regarding this reason... let me first tell you why you can't choose the forces you mentioned.

First of all, South Korea is not strong enough. They are not a powerful country in themselves, and they are divided into several parts within themselves. So far, the Frost Rose League still has an ally in South Korea. In other words, cooperating with Korean guilds can only mobilize part of their power at most. South Korea is not strong at first, and if it can't do its best, it's even worse. In terms of other countries, European countries are too far away, and they will not intervene in such things. They have not yet produced results internally, and they have no time to care about external affairs. So they simply won't cooperate with us. Not to mention Africa, South America, and Australia. We simply cannot find a strong enough country, and we can't count on it at all. "

"What about the United States?" "

"The problems in the United States remain the same. Everyone knows the task system promulgated before that can directly give BUFF rewards, and this system determines that all countries are busy deciding their own overlord guild or ruling guild. We are doing this ourselves, everyone. Should have a deep understanding. So, Americans’ minds are simply not here, they need to be busy deciding who is the boss at home, and they have no time to care about outside affairs before then. Moreover, even the Americans really did. After all, they are too far away from Russia. What we need is a large-scale invasion, so as to contain the main force of Russia, and then we can start, and the Americans are not able to send so many people to Russia to fight, so Even if they are willing to participate, it is useless for us.

Excluding the shortcomings of these guilds, everyone will find that in addition to the hatred between us and the Frost Rose League, the Frost Rose League is actually the most suitable choice.

First, the Frost Rose League itself is the ruling guild in China, and their own strength is extremely large, they can fully play the advantage of a large number of people, with the help of a large number of crowded tactics, to cooperate with them. The weak basic battle strength can completely pull the entire Russian players into the war in a short time, making them completely unable to mobilize manpower to go back and forth to defend the base in the rear.

Secondly, the relationship between the Frost Rose League and our Japanese players is not good. This is a well-known thing, so after the Chinese war against Russia, we can completely play the enemy’s enemy as a friend. Run to support Russia. In this way, we can send a large number of people to Russia reasonably and legally without arousing their alertness. After that, we can let the elites of the large army break away, merge with the elite forces of the Frost Rose League, and then rob them together. The headquarters of the Russians.

The third is what I just said. The elite of the Frost Rose League. The biggest advantage of these Frost Rose League. Technological plunder is different from ordinary plunder. What is needed is not a large number of people but an elite. The elite assault force of the Frost Rose League knows that with Purple Moon, there is no place where you can't get in. Therefore, in cooperation with them, the penetration capability is absolutely guaranteed.

Finally, the fourth point. The Frost Rose League is currently the most technologically advanced guild in the world. Therefore, after obtaining the Russian skills, there will be more tips for any guild than the Frost Rose League. That is to say, if you cooperate with the Americans, After success, the Americans will become the second Frost Rose League, and the enemies we will face will become two. The Frost Rose Alliance is already very advanced in technology. Although they can improve their strength after obtaining the skills of the Russians, it can only supplement some omissions for them, in fact, it will not improve too much. On the contrary, after we get the tech

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