The presidents who were about to scream hoarse finally calmed down, and because of the vent just now, these people were somewhat calmer, so they heard After Matsumoto's words, they simply gave up and continued yelling, but wanted to take a break and listen to Matsumoto's opinions by the way.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Masaka Matsumoto began to say in a very gentle tone: "I know why you reacted so strongly, and I understand your emotions, but if you can calm down and stand If you think about it from my standpoint, you will find that I am actually more profound than yours." At this point, Masaka Matsumoto paused deliberately for a while, while the following presidents of the Japanese guild really started. Seriously thought about what Matsumoto Masaga had said.

Just as Matsumoto himself said, Matsumoto is undoubtedly one of the people who have the most say in the loss of the Frost Rose League to Japanese players. As the first-generation leader in the Sino-Japanese war, Matsumoto Masaka experienced ups and downs that ordinary players could not imagine, and because of this, it is necessary to talk about the hatred of Chinese players and the Frost Rose League. In fact, Masaga Matsumoto is the one who has the most say.

After trying to understand this, the presidents of the Japanese guilds who were still emotional finally really calmed down. Although the human species is relatively bad in terms of physical aspects, it is absolutely super strong in terms of governance in Earth. Therefore, as long as you calm down and think, don't be affected by various hormones in the body and enter an emotional state. Most people are actually It can show extraordinary wisdom. even more how since these people here can become guild leaders, it means that they are at least somewhat more outstanding than the ordinary person. So, after really calming down, their brains finally started to turn, and most people quickly understood. As the person who fought the Frost Rose League the most, Masaka Matsumoto was the first to propose such a proposal, which in itself shows that this proposal must have great operability. Otherwise, it is estimated that Masaka Matsumoto is the first to stand up against it. Congratulate himself.

Since they understood that this plan should be feasible, the chairpersons began to listen to Matsumoto Masaka’s explanation seriously, and Matsumoto Masaka also started his own work at this time. Narrative.

"Before everyone has understood the importance of magic technology to us, I will not repeat it here, but the problem now is that our own technical strength has been significantly behind Russia and the Frost Rose League. Research progress. Although self-reliance to catch up with them is not impossible, but it requires a lot of funds and material support. Of course, we can all get these things, but there is one thing we can't get, and that is time. We are studying, and the Frost Rose League and the Russians are also studying. Although we successfully regained all the main Japanese islands except Fulcrum City in the previous war, many of our offshore islands are actually still under Chinese occupation and Under control, and even if we have a complete Japanese territory, what is the point? How many times the area of ​​China is ours? Although the game has done a certain balance of resource reserves in various countries, it seems that we There are many more resources than in reality, but can our resources be compared with the Chinese? More importantly, the Frost Rose League is not an isolated guild, it is a large world-class guild, which not only controls China has nearly one third resource reserves, and more importantly, they have a large number of resource mines all over the world. If these overseas resource points are understood as colonies, the current Frost Rose League is like the United Kingdom back then, a real The sun never sets on the empire. But what about us? We are trapped in isolated islands and can't even get out of the outer island chain. In this case, how can we fight with them for speed?"

Matsumoto's words let the following Japanese The presidents of the guild were all thinking about it, while some were frowned and began to worry about the future of Japan.

Matsumoto Masaka did not give them too much time to think, because these people's thinking will go pessimistic. As mentioned before, human emotions are controlled by hormones. Once a person falls into a pessimistic mood, he will not recover quickly, because it takes time for the various hormones that cause sadness to circulate and metabolize in the body. Yes, this is why most people’s emotions will not change too quickly. Of course, children's mood changes very quickly, which has a certain relationship with their vigorous metabolism, and it is often difficult for adults to have too much mood swings.

In order to prevent these people from entering pessimistic feelings, Masaga Matsumoto quickly continued: "So, although self-reliance is necessary, we must not rely on our own research power to slowly climb In that case, let’s not talk about the problem of catching up and not catching up. We can’t wait that long at this time. Therefore, plundering technical data and scientific research personnel is a very direct and very effective method. At the same time, it is very effective for us. It has also changed from multiple-choice questions to required-answer questions, because we don’t have enough time and resources to fight with others. All we can rely on is the method of plundering technology from other places. Only in this way can we improve our research speed. , Stride forward, even directly across certain stages, even if we can't catch up with the Frost Rose League for a while, we can at least guarantee that we are at the same technical stage as them and won't be threw away too far."< /p>

After Masaka Matsumoto said this, a Japanese guild leader suddenly raised his hand. When Masaka Matsumoto saw it, he motioned to him to speak. The chairman immediately opened the mouth and said after seeing Masaka Matsumoto nodded: "Chairman Matsumoto, I very much agree with your idea that we must rely on plunder to accelerate technological progress, but I still have some doubts."

"Please say. We need to have opinions, and everyone can work together to come up with the most perfect method."

The president said: "I have two doubts. First, I want to know. Why did you directly rule out softer methods such as buying or cooperating with others for technology exchange. Second, that is that I am very puzzled, even if we can only plunder, why can’t we unite with Russian players to plunder What about the Frost Rose League?"

As soon as the president’s question came out, everyone began to nodded. Obviously, this question is a common problem because everyone did not understand these two points.

Of course, Masaga Matsumoto knew that someone would ask this question. In fact, the think tank of our guild had already predicted this question in advance and made special preparations. Masaka Matsumoto said very calmly: "First of all, I would like to thank Chairman Yuan Tian Koji for the question, because this is also the question I am about to explain to you.

I know that everyone is very confused about this question, so I Let me explain to you. First of all, let me tell you why not adopt a more gentle method.

The so-called gentle method is nothing more than two, one is buying, the other is co-development and then stealing Learn other people’s technology. Let’s talk about this cooperative development first. If we are an organization like the Frost Rose League, we can of course cooperate with others to develop, because we have the most advanced technology in the world, and others will want to cooperate with us. But unfortunately, We are not, and because we have just recovered from the crisis of subjugation, our technical foundation has almost been lost. In this case, we are required to cooperate with others for development, although we may not be rejected directly by others. But do you think people will learn from us almost? Those guilds with technology may appreciate our R&D personnel and investment, and are willing to cooperate with us, but they must also know our purpose and can give us development. It’s something they don’t care about, or something we can’t learn at all, and they will pay special attention to us stealing technology in the cooperation. Of course, we can indeed learn something in the process again, after all, as long as we develop together, No matter how prepared the other party is, it is impossible to cover everything.

But, have you ever lived? What can we learn by relying on such sneaky little moves? Moreover, we don’t have the technology to attract others, just Can rely on free labor and financial support to attract people to cooperate with us. But our funds and personnel are not too many to use up? If we invest excessive personnel and funds in order to learn other people's technology, then On the contrary, it will slow down our own research and development speed. In this case, it is still a question whether what we have learned from others can make up for the lost research progress due to cooperative development. Do you think this kind of scheme has the value of adopting it? "

The presidents of the Japanese guilds below shook their heads together. Obviously they also understand that this method of success rate depends entirely on luck, and even if it succeeds, the effect will not be very good. It is a big investment. A situation where the risk is high and the rate of return is extremely unstable. Even if the Japanese are more gambling, they will never participate in this kind of obviously lost gambling.

Matsumoto Masaka saw everyone shaking their heads and then continued: "Let’s talk about the purchase problem. The so-called purchase does not have to use money, but it can also be exchanged for other things. But, the first point, we Are there any surplus things to exchange now? All the mining areas in Japan were basically destroyed when the Chinese were driven away, and now less than 60% of the production is restored, and the production capacity of these mining areas We have not reached the normal output before, which means that we are now in a state of economic crisis, and everyone is already tightening their belts to live. In this case, we have to exchange things for other people’s technology. How much money or supplies can we squeeze out?"

After asking, Masaka Matsumoto watched the people below react, and waited for a while before continuing: "Okay, quit. In one step, even if we solve the problem of money, who are we going to buy? Those who master the technology are the Peak guild, and the Peak guild means that there is no shortage of money, so although they may like our money, But I don’t care very much. In this case, it’s just a seller’s market, and the price is completely dependent on others, and even if the price is negotiated. Do you think the other party will give us the most cutting-edge technology? Isn’t the technology sold? The important thing is outdated. It’s almost certain. Do you think there is still value to buy under such a situation?"

Several questions of Matsumoto Masakaha have all been asked by the people below. Voice, obviously everyone understands that this kind of scheme is completely unfeasible.

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