After getting the plan, Masaga Matsumoto and the others began to think excitedly about how to discuss this matter with the presidents of the Japanese guilds. Of course, the Frost Rose League is here. The guild’s think tank still helped a lot by helping Masaka Matsumoto guess many possible situations in advance and devise a response plan.

After studying until the evening, when Matsumoto's mission content was roughly figured out, Matsumoto and the others began to formally act. They called all the guild leaders over when the number of people online during prime time in the evening was the largest. . Of course, the impossible meeting place is in our communication hub, which is a secret unit.

Matsumoto and the others also know that they are managing a large-scale Zhou State-like organization, so they have already prepared a super-large Conference Hall. In fact, this Conference Hall was built completely in accordance with the parliamentary model. After all, it was originally a place for everyone to share the spoils and balance the benefits.

In the past, Masaka Matsumoto would greet these presidents for a meeting every time there was any action, but in the past, whenever he greeted the presidents of these Japanese guilds for a meeting, the person who went to inform would tell them roughly. The president of the Japanese guild is going to talk about the issue this time. Even if it is a secret mission, he must at least tell them whether he wants to divide the spoils or go to war together or discuss defense issues. In short, there will be a conference tone. However, this time the situation is very weird. The presidents of these Japanese guilds all had question marks on the way here, because the people who went to inform them didn’t say anything, so it’s important for Masaga Matsumoto to convene everyone to discuss. matter. Even if the presidents of the Japanese guilds asked about the specifics, those who went to inform would just say that they didn’t know, so the presidents of these Japanese guilds are all confused now and don’t know what Matsumoto Masaga’s bottle gourd is. What kind of medicine are you selling?

Originally, the presidents of these Japanese guilds were already very confused on the way here, and this was even more so after Matsumoto Masaka agreed on the meeting place. These people are the important figures in the big alliance managed by Masaga Matsumoto. Of course, they know each other, and each president must have several presidents who have a better relationship. When they got close together, they would inevitably start asking each other about the meeting, but it was okay not to ask. After asking, they discovered that no one knew what they were going to do this time.

After some discussion of these people everyone talking at once, it is inevitable that some conjectures began to appear, some guessed good and some bad guesses, but this kind of discussion is not constructive and purely gossip It's just the plot.

With all kinds of doubts and suspicions, the presidents of these Japanese guilds finally walked into the meeting hall and sat down, and Masaga Matsumoto was not the first to appear in the convention center this time, uncharacteristically. . In the past, in order to express the difference between himself and the dictatorial desire of Nobunaga Onitou, Masaga Matsumoto has been trying to show a very approachable temperament, that is, the legendary cold to the enemy is as cold as the winter, and to himself. The type that people are as warm as spring.

In order to achieve this kind of image, Masaka Matsumoto will always be the first to be there every time he convenes a meeting. On the one hand, he appears not to be arrogant, and on the other hand, he can use this time and Some presidents discuss things individually or in small groups. This kind of small-scale discussion before the meeting can often deepen the personal relationship between the two parties, because the other party will feel that you and him separately discuss some issues before the formal meeting as a sign of closeness. It can be said that these small details of Masaga Matsumoto have been done very well. After all, he is different from Nobunaga Onitou. As an important and special chess piece we inserted in Japan, Masaga Matsumoto’s behavior has a dedicated staff. To give guidance.

Because Masaga Matsumoto will arrive this way early every time, it is very strange that he suddenly does not appear in the venue this time, which also deepens the doubts of the presidents of these Japanese guilds. But doubts turned into doubts, and they didn't express any excessive expressions other than talking louder.

In fact, this time Matsumoto Masaka did not qualify here on purpose. He knew that because he did not inform these people of the purpose of coming here in advance, so once he appeared here, those people saw him He will definitely ask about this later, but he can't discuss this kind of thing before everyone is here, so all he can do is not to enter the arena first, and the others will come before they are all there.

Because Masaka Matsumoto previously notified that this is an emergency, the people who came here were very quick, and all the people who were present in about twenty minutes were all there. It wasn't until the last person was seated that Masaga Matsumoto appeared slowly at the entrance of the venue, and the three of them were Augustsuki Kazuo behind him.

When Matsumoto Masaka appeared in the venue, the surrounding people immediately calmed down. From this, it can be seen that Matsumoto’s current status in this alliance is actually quite high. , Otherwise his appearance would not have such a big reaction.

After the meeting was quiet, Matsumoto Masaka began to walk to his seat and said to the surroundings: "I’m sorry everyone, because the content of this meeting is very urgent, so I haven’t The content of the meeting has been completely sorted and someone will be notified to you. This is why I came late and why I didn’t tell you about the specific events in advance."

"Then President Masaga Matsumoto, you can now Did you say it?" a Japanese guild leader asked aloud.

"Of course, this is what we need to discuss." Masaka Matsumoto, who had walked to the position, did not sit down, but put down the things in his hands and walked to the center of the podium. On the previous page, this position is the position of the host, and usually Matsumoto Masaka is also the host. After all, as the most important person in this league, he needs to express the most things in the meeting, so he needs a position that can cover the audience well. "Now that you are all here, then we will start today's temporary meeting. First, before I introduce our meeting content, we first need to listen to some background information." Matsumoto Masaga said looking towards Ying Yu Shen Hina. Reach out.

Sakura rain god young nodded quickly walked to the podium where Masaka Matsumoto was standing. This position can cover the audience with a very small sound through a special echo structure, so that everyone can hear it. The voice of people talking. After Ying Yu Shen Chi stood up, he immediately unfolded the stack of documents in his hand, and then began to explain.

Actually, Ying Yu Shen Chi is not talking about intelligence or the like, but technical analysis. As mentioned before, due to historical problems left over from the past in Japan, almost all guilds do not have their own research institutions. This situation has caused the presidents of each guild to have a little knowledge of these technologies. They can use it, but they don’t understand the technology at all. After all, they don’t have their own technical team and no one can explain these problems to them. For people who don’t study these things, these magic techniques are too complicated. Some.

These are the most basic magic technology information that Ying Yu Shen Hina is explaining now. Of course, it is not for the presidents of these Japanese guilds to understand these technologies, but to make them understand the progress of these technologies directly. It affects the level of their equipment and the development of weapons of war. In short, it is necessary to let them understand the importance of technology.

In fact, many Japanese guild leaders disagree with this interpretation. This is not because they don’t pay attention to technology, on the contrary, it’s because they understand the effect of technology on battle strength, so they don’t take it seriously, because they know that these technologies are very important. Things that don't make any sense. However, since Matsumoto Masaka arranged the Ying Yu Shen Yu to explain it again, they did not rush to interrupt, but listened carefully to the Ying Yu Shen Yu's commentary. After all, Ying Yu Shen Yu didn't say too much, and even if the time was very long. Long, they have to wait patiently. It is not a wise choice for them to offend Masaka Matsumoto for such a small thing.

Just after the presidents of these Japanese guilds listened to the explanation of Sakura Rain, Masaga Matsumoto quickly continued and said: "Now I think everyone understands how much our technology is. Is important. Therefore, our new Black Dragon Club has established its own research institute and has been committed to developing our own technology in Japan. At this point, I need to mention the technical team of Oni Shou Nobunaga. Everyone should know, Oni Nobunaga also has a set of technology systems, and they are slightly more advanced than what we have. However, these technologies were not developed by them themselves, but from their ally-Russian players."

< p>"Matsumoto Masaga-kun, we all know about this, so you can just talk about business." Someone boldly suggested.

Masaga Matsumoto thought about nodded, and then said: "Since everyone is clear, then I will just say it. Onizu Nobunaga has obtained many Russian players’ techniques before, and used these techniques It did have a certain impact on the Frost Rose League and Purple Moon. But, have we got any benefits from it now? No, there is nothing. The techniques used by Nobunaga Onishu every time are very powerful, but they are all short-lived. This kind of technology exerts amazing formidable power every time, but there is a common problem every time, that is, the successor is weak.

Why is a powerful weapon unable to succeed? Because Those things are not produced by themselves. Everyone knows the overall strength of the Frost Rose League, and Purple Moon’s fixed-point penetration ability is even more incomprehensible. In this case, no matter how you store supplies, it’s actually not. It’s safe. But what if we can produce it ourselves?"

Matsumoto Masakah did not directly say the result, but asked rhetorically. Those Japanese guild leaders are not fools, on the contrary, All of them were shocked. These people immediately understood Matsumoto's overtones after listening to Matsumoto's words.

"Could it be said that Masaga-kun Matsumoto is asking us to pool money to buy the technology of Onishou Nobunaga? Or do you want to take action on Onishou Nobunaga to steal his technology?" Someone shouted Asked.

As soon as the voice fell over there, Masaka Matsumoto immediately said: "First of all, let me emphasize again. We are united for the development of the Japanese Empire, not for the civil war to persecute our own people. Although the path of Nobunaga Onishu and ours is different, as long as they are not in front of us, we should not take the initiative to trouble them. Please remember this."

Matsumoto Masaga’s words can be said to be magnificent, and all he speaks are principles. After all, Matsumoto’s image in Japan is like this. He is a positive hero, not a villain.

After talking about the main principles, Masaka Matsumoto immediately began to talk about the topic again. "Although buying technology is not a violation of our spirit of not taking the initiative to do something to our own people, it is a pity that Nobunaga Onishe actually simply did not master these technologies. Although Nobunaga Onishe and Russia cooperate closely, but I think you all know that the Chinese have a saying that people who are not a race must have different hearts. Everyone knows what the Russian people are. They are all demons who cannibalize people without spitting out bones. They will sincerely help. Guishou Nobunaga? Obviously not. All they need is for Guishou Nobunaga to help them experiment with weapon effectiveness, which has helped them to hold the battle strength of the Frost Rose League and cause some trouble for Purple Moon. So, they left it to Nobunaga's weapons are finished products. As for technology, Nobunaga is simply a hairy. So, no matter whether you buy it or grab it, Nobunaga is not, and it is impossible to become us. The goal."

At this point, it was actually very obvious, and the president of the Japan Guild immediately called out. "Song this Monarch, don't you want us to grab the skills of the Russians, right?"

As soon as the guy's words were spoken, it was immediately messed up. The leaders of the Japanese guild all know Russia’s battle strength. After all, the Russians have invaded the mainland of China, and this feat Japanese players did not succeed after thinking about it for a long time. Every time they failed. Although the Russians were eventually driven out, their army has been in for a while after all, which is more successful than the Japanese side.

Because they understand the terrifying of Russia, the presidents of these Japanese guilds do not believe that Masaka Matsumoto really wants them to attack the Russian guild to snatch technology. After all, this is almost equal to a full-scale war with Russia. NS. The strength of Japan was originally inferior to that of Russia. What's more terrible is that Nobunaga and Masaga Matsumoto are divided into two independent camps. With a part of the wall-riding faction, Japan's power is actually better than a dish of loose sand. In this case, if you want to attack Russia and successfully grab something, it's basically the same as a fantasy story.

Just after the presidents of these Japanese guilds asked them, I thought Masaka Matsumoto would explain something, but he didn’t expect Masaka Matsumoto to admit it directly. "Yes, I just want everyone to join me in grabbing Russian technology. As long as those technologies are in our hands, we can develop a large number of our own technical products. Our blacksmiths can engrave more rune on your equipment. , Add a few attributes, or increase the original attribute numbers. Our designers can make more mighty guild weapons, or even battleships. Maybe we can also come up with our own flying battleship and stand back Among the ranks of first-class countries."

"Song this Monarch, we don’t understand how great the benefits are. We want to say that it is simply impossible for us to win this war. No matter how good the technology is. Strong, even if you get those technologies, you can become the first guild in the world, but we can’t win. What's the point of all this?"

After the guild leader said something like this The presidents of those Japanese guilds thought that Masaka Matsumoto would begin to explain or forcefully justify it. However, Masaka Matsumoto seemed to be trying to stimulate them today, so he admitted again.

"Yes, we really can't beat Russian players, but what if we have foreign aid?"

"Foreign aid?" A Japanese guild president asked: "You Who are you referring to? There seems to be no way to find any foreign aid in the range I can imagine."

"Yes, there is indeed no foreign aid in the range that you can see. , But, in places you can’t imagine, there is a possible foreign aid, and it is extremely powerful. It will definitely allow us to get those technical foreign aid."

"I said Masamoto Matsumoto He-kun, can you stop our appetite? What kind of foreign aid are you talking about? We really can’t think of it!"

When Matsumoto talked about this, he first glanced at August Kaun and Sakura below. Rain God Hina and the others, then raised their heads loudly and said: "Yes, I know a foreign aid. Although they were in the same position as us before, who said that the enemy can't use it?"

"Enemy ?" Someone keenly grasped the key words.

"Yes. Our enemy, a terrifying enemy." Matsumoto Masaka said.

Almost needless to say this time, the presidents of those Japanese guilds all reacted. A guy asked without believing in evil, "Chairman Masaga Matsumoto, are you talking about the Frost Rose League?"

"Yes, I'm talking about the Frost Rose League. It's Purple. Moon, it’s all Chinese guilds."

The whole venue was exploded in an instant. Everyone started yelling fiercely, but because everyone was yelling, what was the result? I can't hear you anymore. But no one stopped, everyone was screaming desperately. Some people even added amplification magic to themselves, while the people next to them quickly added one to themselves after they found out. As for those who can’t speak amplification magic. The person who forcibly slipped into the coverage of other people's amplification magic, and then continued to yell.

It's not that these people are not calm, it's that this thing is a bit too exciting for them. Asking a group of Japanese players to discuss cooperation with our Frost Rose League is basically asking a group of sheep: "Should we go and develop a pasture on the other side of the mountain in partnership with the wolves?" You said these sheep heard such questions. What will happen?

After talking, Masaka Matsumoto stopped there and said nothing, even his expression did not change. The current situation has been anticipated by our think tank, so Masaga Matsumoto can be said to have been prepared.

After more than ten minutes, the tired crowd finally calmed down, and Matsumoto Masaka didn’t say again until this time: "Are you all tired? If everyone is tired, then Take a break and listen to me."

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