"Your proposal allows players from China and Japan to cooperate on the surface with a limited amount of cooperation. In this way, it is better to control than our secret guidance. But..."

"But what?" Masaga Matsumoto looked at me nervously and asked.

"But to do this, your work here may be very troublesome. Because the Chinese players seem to be defeating the side, there must be resistance, but as long as the benefits are large enough, It's not that everyone can't cooperate. But the Japanese side..."

"No, our side is even more okay." August Kaoru said before Matsumoto Masaka.

Christina and I both looked towards August Xuan with a little surprise, and August Xuan also immediately explained: "Although I became a member of the Frost Rose League very early, but after all, I I’m a Japanese. I was born in Japan and grew up in Japan, so I know more about Japanese people than you.” Speaking of this, August Kazuo paused for a while, and then continued: “Although Japanese culture is influenced by Chinese culture and Western culture, The impact of culture is very serious, but we did not fully accept foreign culture, but transformed it into our own culture. Japanese players have their own set of strategies to behave in the world. First of all, the first point is that we Japanese never hold grudges. If we are beaten, it means that we are inferior to others. Instead of being bullied because of hating each other, we should simply accept each other’s ideas and culture, and then learn from them, and surpass them. When we become stronger, we will have the strength to compete with each other. It’s a challenge. At that time, we will fight back in a spurt of energy. This is our Japanese point of view. Of course, what I’m talking about is national characteristics, not personal characteristics. After all, every country has impulsive and calm people, but It’s just a matter of proportion.

Secondly, we Japanese respect powerhouse. Although President Purple Moon has a very bad reputation in Japan, you are considered Archfiend, but in fact, many people hate it on the same side. At the same time, I admire you very much. This kind of thinking determines that if it is possible to reconcile with you, the resistance of Japanese players will not be as great as imagined."

"Listen to you. It seems to be really reasonable. "Although Christina and I are not Japanese, we still know some of the national characteristics of Japan. This country is very good at learning other people's advanced theories or techniques, and they are indeed very friendly to the country that defeated them every time they are beaten, and there is no resistance at all. This is also the reason why many Chinese people like to say that the Japanese are servile, because every time they are beaten, they will always follow each other as pawns. This is how Japan served the United States after World War II. Any contradiction or friction in the United States is that Japan rushes to the front to help the Americans and find China unhappy. Therefore, this national characteristic of the Japanese is very obvious. As for respecting powerhouse, this and the first are actually two aspects of the same performance. It is precisely because they do not hold grudges that they respect the people who defeated them. On the other hand, because they respect those who are stronger than themselves, they will not hate each other. This is completely a two-sided matter.

According to the description of August Xunde, if we want to promote the cooperation between the two countries, it is not the Japanese players that need to be convinced, but the Chinese players, because Japanese players do not hate us at all. The biggest reason they are enemies with us is that we have always had conflicts of interest with them, and the national warfare system has been deliberately guiding the melee between countries, so the conflict between the players of the two countries is not caused by pure hatred, at least This is not the case for Japanese players.

"If you don’t need to persuade, then our problem should not be big. The domestic battle strength is basically concentrated in the hands of a few major guilds. Most of the leaders of the association are looking at the horse head of our Frost Rose League, and they are some more sensible people. They see the general interests of the situation more clearly than anyone, and will not blindly give up because of the so-called national hatred. However, I dare not pack up for this kind of thing. I have to talk to those people on the spot. The specific situation needs to be dealt with in detail."

"In Japan, I can also Summon some guild leaders to analyze the strong relationship. Although some people may resist emotions again, I think most people will follow me in the end."

Yingyu Shencu added: "In fact, we It’s not entirely a bad thing if someone here doesn’t follow us. If they always follow us, it’s like a group of eating and drinking merrily gangs of scoundrels. It looks like a large group, and they may not be sent at the critical moment. Useful. We can just use this opportunity to do internal integration, weed out some guys who follow us, increase the cohesion of the organization, and finally form a close alliance with the new Black Dragon Club as the core, instead of something like This is the situation now."

We all agreed with Yingyu Shenyou after saying this. The situation in Japan now seems to be developing well, but it is actually quite bad.

Before, after Masaka Matsumoto fell from power, Nobunaga Onitou came to the top, and our Frost Rose Alliance spotted the Japanese players led by Nobunaga Onitou after being repeatedly hit hard and began to distrust Nobunaga Onitou. , Waited for us to re-support Masaga Matsumoto, and achieved certain success. However, at that time, because Oni Te Nobunaga was only distrusted by Japanese players and was not completely abandoned by Japanese players, we did not dare to do too much when supporting Matsumoto Masaka, at least not as directly as before. Super guild. After all, when there are multiple choices, no one will willingly obey your management.

Because of the situation in Japan at that time, we can only let Masaka Matsumoto begin to expand in the form of a guild alliance, that is to say, those who joined Masaga Matsumoto’s command are some complete guilds. , They just chose to follow Matsumoto Masaga because of the positive and positive role played by Matsumoto's current leadership. In terms of organizational form, they have no affiliation with Matsumoto Masaga at all, and it should be said that they are more of a cooperative relationship.

As our Japanese strategy gradually unfolded, the forces controlled by the Frost Rose League gradually withdrew from the Japanese region, and Masaga Matsumoto accumulated a lot of popularity in Japan through this "recovery operation", and he himself The establishment of the new Black Dragon Club is indeed supported by a group of truly fanatical Japanese players. Some of these people joined the new Black Dragon Association, and some became affiliated guilds of the new Black Dragon Association. Anyway, they just followed Matsumoto Masaka. However, these people are only a minority after all, and most Japanese players are actually still in a state of being controlled by a large number of scattered guild leaders.

Strictly speaking, the composition of the group headed by Masaga Matsumoto at this time is closer to the composition of the US government, which is a state similar to federalism. These guilds that follow Masaka Matsumoto are equivalent to a state that is one by one, and their alliance is the Union Zhou State family. Masaka Matsumoto here is more like a form of speaker and president in the parliament, and those The presidents of the guild that followed him are simply the representatives of the states in the parliament.

In this case, because we and Masaka Matsumoto have been singing double reeds, the performance of the forces led by Masaga Matsumoto has always been better than those led by Nobunaga Onitaka. Many, after all, Nobunaga's record is actually played out, and they are not our opponents of the Frost Rose League, it is strange that the record is good. On the contrary, Matsumoto's record is actually imaginary. The record conversion between them and us is just a form of left-handed right hand. On the surface, it seems that Japanese players got something from our Frost Rose League. , But because these things were transferred to Matsumoto Masaga’s command, the actual High Level is still in our hands, but the benefit is transferred from the hand named Frost Rose League to the new Black Dragon Club. Only in hand.

Our show-like battle result is of course much more beautiful than the actual battle result of Nobunaga Onitou. Therefore, Masaga Matsumoto's position in their "big council" has been improving during this period.

However, no matter how the status rises, the chairperson will always be the chairperson. Unless there is a coup, Masaka Matsumoto will never become a great dictator. His orders are in line with the interests of those Japanese players who are following them, so these talents will follow him, but even if we have the Frost Rose League and Matsumoto Masaka to sing the double reed, this kind of left-handed right-hand thing is impossible to continue to do. . Therefore, if we can't let Matsumoto Masaka change his position in Japan, truly gather a group of people and become his real subordinates, then as long as Matsumoto Masaka encounters any serious setbacks, his alliance will immediately fall apart.

Because of this, we realized that Yingyu Shenyou said very reasonable.

Now let the Japanese players let go of the unhappiness in their hearts, and then cooperate with our Chinese players to deal with the Russians together. This kind of thing can be said from the very beginning is a bit of sailing against the current. Because of emotional resistance and uncertain interests, it is foreseeable that once Matsumoto Masaka really makes such a request, then many of these guilds who follow him will definitely choose to leave Matsumoto Masaka. control. After all, they only got together because of profit. Once they felt that they could not get profit, they would lose money. They would naturally give up support for Matsumoto Masaka to find their own interests. As for what Matsumoto Masaka would lose, they simply don't care. The ugly sentence is: "I don’t care if you die or not, as long as I don’t lose."

Of course, such people are impossible, so if Matsumoto really wants to announce this time Plan and discuss it, so in the end there must be a group of people who insist on following Masaga Matsumoto. These people do not necessarily really want to follow Matsumoto Masaka’s path to the dark, but it may be due to the psychology of gamblers, or it may be due to a certain conscience in personal qualities. Anyway, these people will temporarily believe Masaga Matsumoto, and followed him on adventures. Once this adventure is successful and huge benefits are obtained, then these people will quickly become true loyalty of Matsumoto Masaga. As for those who were not willing to cooperate before... After Matsumoto Masaka’s success, these people Most of them will be shameless and re-enclose them like flies, but at this time Matsumoto Masaga can make drastic adjustments to these guilds just and honorable. If you don't want benefits, get out. If you want to follow us, just accept the adaptation. This arrangement is very tough, but with the momentum of a big victory, the voice of opposition will be very weak, because these guilds are not alone in their president. Although the members of the guild are usually represented by the president, who says that the people who are represented will not make their own voices? In such a general trend, who would dare to confront Masaka Matsumoto, their members are probably the first to jump out and struggle with them.

So, the idea of ​​Yingyu Shenchu ​​is actually very useful, and thinking of this in advance can just make some targeted arrangements.

It happens that where we are now there is a communication hub. Although this thing is not online normally, it is not impossible to start it temporarily. We directly used this hub as a communicator to connect with the army god on Isengard's side, and then asked the army god to gather Rose, Hong Yue, and all the high level leaders and think tanks in the guild.

Although the people on our side are scattered more severely, but fortunately everyone is within the coverage of the communication, all directly opened the audio conference, most people can directly video communication, a few are inconvenient to return to the city Just listen to the sound.

After everyone got together, I told you all about Matsumoto Masaka’s proposal and the ideas put forward by Sakurayu Shinhina, and as soon as I said this, it was immediately on the channel. Fry the pan.

"Let Chinese and Japanese players cooperate? This goal is a bit ambitious!" Hong Yue obviously does not believe that this kind of plan can succeed.

Of course there are many people who have the same attitude as Hong Yue, but our guild until now emphasizes high quality, so everyone does not have frigid irony and scorching satire. Even if people didn't believe it, they also expressed their opinions and various doubts.

In fact, if this kind of thing is approved by everyone as soon as I say it, then it’s not normal. Being able to raise an objection at least shows that the leadership of our guild is really working hard to think about the future of the guild, and it is not a group of echo bugs who can only shoot flattery.

Although most people are not optimistic about this plan, or simply oppose this behavior, but not everyone opposes it, and what makes me most happy is that the guild has the highest status Several people didn't speak.

After a little bit of Level 1 leaders have finished their opinions, our highest level leaders begin to truly express their meaning, and the other leaders below are conscious Began to listen carefully to their speeches.

"This kind of thing is not impossible to do, but it is too difficult, I think the realization may be minimal." Ying opened the mouth and said: "Hong Yue also said before, this goal is a bit ambitious, if it is I have no objection to a long-term plan. It takes a few months to plan slowly, and I think we can do it. But suddenly we are going to act together. At this time, let’s not say that everyone is following us, even if only It’s a bit too hasty to mobilize before the war."

"I think it is because of the rush that there is a probability of being realized." It is Su Mi who is the representative of the think tank of the guild. , Although Su Mei is not a big person, what she said is quite weighty in the guild. Seeing everyone’s attention, Su Mi followed, “In fact, it’s useless to say too complicated things. Let’s keep it simple. Needless to say, the Purple Moon big brother’s status in everyone’s mind, everyone knows it. Obviously, our members have a very high level of trust in the Purple Moon big brother. It can be said that if the Purple Moon big brother asks everyone to commit suicide collectively, everyone will immediately commit suicide, and then come back and come back to ask why. This is that The advantage brought by the strong appeal of the Purple Moon big brother."

Sumi was suddenly interrupted by gold coin when she said this. "I understand. Just because everyone will blindly believe in the president, no matter how unreliable our orders are, our members will choose to follow the orders first, and then ask the reason. After all, the president previously announced The order has never been wrong, so everyone will immediately believe in the president’s decision, even if there are doubts, it will be temporarily suppressed."

Somi nodded followed: "So, this kind of quick action is instead The most successful. As long as the Chinese and Japanese players act suddenly this time, raid the Russian research institute, and then get the information out, it is equivalent to saying that the benefits are obtained. Once these benefits are obtained, it is easy to explain to the members. That’s a lot. After all, the real benefits have been put into my own home. This is more powerful than any explanation."

"I still think there is a problem." Asura purple clothed said, "I admit, about the bank. As for the part of meeting players, what you said is very reasonable, and I believe that as long as the items are in hand, members simply don’t need to explain, they will naturally understand the reasons when they see the benefits. However, your plan is for Chinese and Japanese players to join forces. , It’s not that the Frost Rose League and the new Black Dragon will join forces, so it’s okay for our own people to mobilize. Do other guilds follow us? In addition, even if we really mobilize those guilds, and the Japanese side Matsumoto Masaru He also successfully mobilized Japanese players to cooperate with us. In this case, I think it’s not a big problem to grab those technologies, but how do we divide the technologies after we get them? If they are all mastered by us, it means that the Japanese side is completely doing nothing. Gong, in this way, Matsumoto Masaka’s integration plan is impossible to talk about. On the contrary, Matsumoto Masaka’s integration plan may be completely stinky. As an important chess piece that we have finally cultivated, Matsumoto Masaka is lost just for this point of technology. Isn’t it the act of losing the watermelon and picking sesame seeds? But on the other hand, if the technology is copied and sent to Japan, what should we do if the technology has spread? These things have just been explained by the president, and among which is included is quite dangerous. Composite magic array superposition technology. It can be said that this is the basic science in magic, any breakthrough in this technology will mean a big step forward in the entire magic field. This dangerous technology leaks, is it possible to cause harm Will it not exceed the benefits we have gained? I hope that those who support this plan can explain how these two problems can be solved."

"I support this plan." Rose, who has not spoken, suddenly said . "This plan is actually very feasible. We won't talk about the guild here. So Mi just analyzed it thoroughly. As for the problem of the laymen... This is actually simply not a problem."

< p>"Please explain."

"It's very simple. There are many Chinese players, but the elite forces are actually very concentrated, and even if we are going to grab the technology, it is impossible to let all Chinese players come together. The ones that really need to act are still the elite forces, and as the core of the elite forces in China, after our Frost Rose League is directly dispatched, all that is needed is the remaining Northern Alliance and several other major guilds to send their main elites. That’s it. As for regular troops... Defending the homeland also requires manpower, so they simply don’t need to move.

Let’s talk about the methods of mobilizing these elite players. These elite players must be at their disposal. The president, and we only need to talk about these presidents. Those who can become presidents will certainly not be the kind of idiots, and they must know how to weigh the interests. Therefore, I think these presidents are better. Persuasive. The problem of letting them mobilize manpower to fight with us is not a big problem. Of course, those members will probably not understand, but there is no need to let them know the details of this kind of thing."

"As an operative, don't let them know how to fight?" Asura purple clothed asked.

Rose explained: "As long as there is an order from their president, and telling them that this time is to cooperate with our Frost Rose League, they will naturally follow us with the reputation of our Frost Rose League. .Wait on the Russian side, you can make them take charge of tasks such as peripheral containment, which is to reduce the chance of them meeting with Japanese players. In this case, their ideas are actually meaningless, because they will never encounter them at all. Japanese players don’t even know that we are conducting joint operations with Japanese players."

Asura purple clothed nodded said: "This problem is explained clearly, so what about the proliferation of technology?"

"Let me explain this question." I took the topic directly and said: "This technology simply won't spread, and the reason is very simple. Technical information, this thing, is not like equipment or materials, it is not materialized. Material, so there is no need to distribute. Even if we distribute the technical data to Japan, would Japanese players ask Masaka Matsumoto to copy the data and send a copy? Obviously impossible. These research data are theoretical things, The direct help to the players is almost zero. These things are only useful in the hands of those technicians. But, who are the technicians in Japan? Simply put, there are only two parts. One part is Nobunaga oni. The other part is the people of Masaga Matsumoto.

Those technical staff of Masaga Matsumoto are bluntly we helped them organize them, and Masaga Matsumoto can just and honorable issue confidential orders. These technologies People will not be idiotic enough to use these important resources out to show off, so if things finally reach Matsumoto Masaka’s technical department, there will be no problem. Because Matsumoto Masaka’s people are actually ours. People, when you arrive at Masaga Matsumoto, it means you are here with us. It doesn't make much difference."

"What if Nobunaga wants it?" Big pot rice suddenly asked.

"Then just reject him." I said straightforwardly: "The current relationship between Oni Te Nobunaga and Matsumoto Masaka is not so harmonious. Seriously, sometimes I think they The hatred is greater than between us, so Masaka Matsumoto can just and honorable reject Nobunaga Onishou. After all, the things were taken back by Masaka Matsumoto. Nobunaga Onishou must be impossible at first, just follow Masaga Matsumoto. Let’s go grabbing together. After all, we are going to cooperate with us this time. Nobunaga oni is impossible to cooperate with us, so they will definitely not participate in this operation. Then, they did not contribute, but they have to share the benefits together. Nobunaga Oni's rejection is a reasonable thing, and no one thinks that there is anything wrong at all. Even I think Nobunaga Onihand will not come to ask for this technique at all. It is not that he does not want it, but that he knows it. There won’t be any results except being slapped in the face."

"So what if the chairpersons who are acting with Masaka Matsumoto want it?"

"I have said before After that, in addition to our clarification of the Sino-Japanese cooperation behavior, this action is also the screening and integration of interest groups with the new Black Dragon Association as the core. After this action, even if they do not Immediately merge into a super guild, at least it will maintain a close state of integration. Japanese players were previously managed by the Black Dragon guild during the first Matsumoto Masaka era. There were no Japanese guilds at that time. Own research institution, because Black Dragon will gather all the researchers to strengthen the research strength and avoid unnecessary consumption caused by repeated research. This arrangement seemed to be a very good idea at the time, but the problem also followed After coming to power, Nobunaga Onitaka failed to understand the importance of this scientific research system as soon as possible. As a reckless man, he did not pay attention to these things at all, which led to the collapse of this institution. However, the previous habit has been developed. Basically, the guilds in Japan do not have their own research institutions. Even if the research institutions of the Black Dragon Association were disintegrated, these small guilds had their own research institutes, but what can be learned from this state of fighting each other? This is really a problem. So, in general, most of the research institutions in Japan are actually not sound, and the two research institutes that are really capable of research are only those two research institutes controlled by Matsumoto Masaga and Oniji Nobunaga. That's it. As I said before, Nobunaga Onitou can't get the technical data, so the thing can only be at Masaga Matsumoto. In other words, we seem to have copied the technical data to Japan. But it was actually given to Masaga Matsumoto. Let’s support our own branch, is there any problem with this?"

Everyone laughed when I said that, because I said that the new Black Dragon will be Our branch guild of the Frost Rose League. Of course, this kind of thing is talked about in the senior meeting of our guild. After all, the relationship between the new Black Dragon and Masaka Matsumoto and our Frost Rose League is still high even within our Frost Rose League. For confidential matters, the people in the guild who knew about this matter, except for those directly involved in the matter, might also be these people in the meeting.

After I finished the explanation here, Asura purple clothed thought for a while and said: "If this is the case, I agree with the previous proposal. You can try this action."

Asura purple clothed's statement, other people have also changed their attitudes, after all, I have explained it very clearly. The action plan is feasible, and the benefits will be great after completion, and it will not cause any negative effects. The most important thing is that our relationship with Japan will ease slightly. In this case, if there is a need in the future, we can completely cooperate with this level again, and even if we no longer cooperate on the surface, with this precedent, let Matsumoto Masaka and others secretly control the Japanese player help It will be much easier for us to play the front stop, even if certain actions seem to be beneficial to us at Frost Rose League, the skepticism and resistance of Japanese players will be much reduced. This is the hidden benefit of this operation.

"Since there is no objection from the guild, can we immediately start implementing this plan?" Masaka Matsumoto and the others have been listening to our discussion, although they did not speak. But of course they heard our decision. Now that we have all agreed, he is of course excited to say that he wants to act immediately.

Of course I can understand the excitement of Masaga Matsumoto, but this kind of thing really can't be acted so hastily. "Sumi, can you give an action plan as soon as possible?"

"The problem is not big. There is a military god to write a simple outline, and we can improve it."

"Military God."

"It's ready." Military God directly displayed the information in the picture of the communication hub in front of us. As a computer, the military god can process data much faster than humans.

In fact, the information given by the military god is not that huge. This operation involves the cooperation of two countries, and the Japanese operation itself cannot be commanded as precisely as our guild, after all, they do not have communicator technology. Therefore, the Japanese plan is very simple. They are all general phase goals and the like. The specific course of action needs to be determined by the on-site commander when the time comes. As for our guild’s plan, although there are a lot of content, there are not many steps, because our side is actually as the main force to push it all the way, which means that there are not too many pre-determined action plans in the battle. . After all, there are too many variables in the battle, which cannot be predicted in advance. The action plan can only set a rough framework.

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