"The key issue is not to care about whether to fight or not, but that we can’t make progress in the research project of Russian players." I said, "The enemy we really need to face is not Japanese players. There are a few of you here in Japan. We have actually mastered more than half of Japan. The small group of people from Oni Te Nobunaga is just working for him. They are all supported by money, but they are not very big. Influence. Now our real enemy is Russia, so I think instead of worrying about whether to fight with Nobunaga and the others, it’s better to come to the bottom and draw a salary."

"You mean to destroy the Russians. R&D base?" August Xun asked.

"It's almost what it means." I said: "But we need some technology and the guarantee of reporting. The forces of the Frost Rose Alliance alone cannot do this."


Masaga Matsumoto also said: "Russia’s battle strength is too strong, with a large number of people, and unified command. The most important thing is that their equipment is no worse than ours, relying solely on the battle strength of the Frost Rose League. , It will be harder indeed. But I think we can adjust the strategy appropriately."

"Do you mean...?" I looked at Matsumoto Masaga and waited for his explanation.

Shoga Matsumoto hesitated for a while and said, "Actually... I had an idea a long time ago, and this idea even existed when I was the leader of the Black Dragon Society. However, I was actually kidnapped by public opinion at that time. The general trend at the time was a melee between Chinese and Japanese players. Anyone who dared to say anything would be classified as a hostile person immediately, so I simply didn't dare to raise it. Such an idea. I didn’t even dare to even think about it. After only having a preliminary idea, I suppressed this idea myself. Then I failed and became an ordinary person, abandoned by Japanese players. Then I was hit a person when he's down by Nobunaga Guishou. During that time, I had no status and no strength, and it was useless to have any ideas. Until later, the president you found me and replanted me as the leader of Japanese players. At this time, I really thought about this idea. It’s just that you haven’t said it before, so I haven’t dared to mention it. However, I think this method is indeed possible, so I decided to talk to the president. Click."

I nodded and said: "That's it. Even if there is any problem, it can't be executed. At worst, I have never stopped."

Matsumoto Masakayu After giving my assurance, I no longer hesitate, but directly said: "Actually, my idea is very simple. It is to guide the Japanese people to cooperate with the Frost Rose League and change the relationship between the two parties."

"I Damn, boss, are you ill?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji said, she was about to reach out to touch Matsumoto's forehead to see if he was feverish.

Matsumoto slapped the hand of Chi Fire Dragon Hime and said: "Don't make trouble, I'm telling the truth. This is the conclusion I reached after repeated thinking."

"But this is too unreliable, right?" Chi Fire Dragon said: "The battle between Japanese players and Chinese players has been going on for so long. The two sides have long been in the same situation. You want us now. How can this kind of thing be possible if the two parties work together?"

Compared with Fire Dragon, Ji’s completely disbelieved, I actually really think about the probability of this kind of thing Matsumoto said. First of all, don't think about the reaction of the Japanese players, first think about the Chinese players.

I want to say if there is any deep hatred between Chinese players and Japanese players...I don't think it is true.

There is indeed a lot of ethnic hatred between China and Japan. After all, the two ethnic groups have fought many battles, so the relationship between the two parties is definitely not harmonious. However, there is a problem, that is, the most recent war has passed for a long time. Most people actually have no direct experience of the trauma of this kind of war. Everyone’s hatred is basically from old age. It was heard from a generation, or formed by social education, anyway, the direct conflict of interest did not actually happen to this generation. In addition, as a Chinese player, there is a psychological advantage, that is, the previous battle, we won in the end, and Japan was hit hard, which determines that the hatred in the hearts of Chinese players is more often a kind of contempt, rather than Real hatred.

Because this kind of hatred is not a pain to the skin, it can basically be regarded as quite shaky. Coercion, profit and temptation can easily resolve this kind of hatred. To give a simple example, if a Japanese company recruits employees in China and pays three or four times more than other jobs with the same workload, and they just think you are qualified for this position, then you will not like it because Did the Japanese reject this position? Most of the people who say I can refuse are low-age students who have not started looking for a job, and those who are already employed, or about to be employed and those who are looking for a job, I estimate that one out of a hundred can refuse, even if it is a proportion. It's very high.

This is reality, it has nothing to do with integrity. Speaking of which is sometimes a great thing about politics, but for ordinary people, the actual problem is the cost of food and clothing, because it is more direct and allows you to experience it directly.

So, if the real hatred between China and Japan can be resolved so easily, what about the game? Obviously it's not worth mentioning. Although the personnel on both sides will still be hostile to each other, in fact cooperation is not impossible. Just like those Chinese who work in Japanese companies, they can continue to hate Japan while holding the salary of the Japanese boss. This is not a conflict. Many Chinese employees of Japanese companies are actually angry youths, but most of them are just venting their work pressure.

What Matsumoto said just now, I think it should be to allow Chinese players and Japanese players to carry out limited cooperation, such as a certain kind of strategic co-advance and retreat. In this case, there is no need for Chinese and Japanese players to fight side by side on the battlefield. We can completely divide into two fronts and do different things. However, as long as the high-levels of both sides coordinate the action steps, it is completely possible for the Chinese and Japanese players to be in contact with each other. To complete the cooperation under the circumstances. And if it’s just a strategic synchronous action instead of a direct mix and then fight side by side, I think in fact, whether it is a Japanese player or a Chinese player, they will not refuse this arrangement if they have sufficient benefits. Even if it is unhappy, as long as we make arrangements like this, most of them will do it.

In such an analysis, this plan seems to have real probability. Of course, this intermediate process must be very troublesome, because it is almost equivalent to let a group of hungry wolves cooperate with a tiger to hunt. Although both sides know that this way can get more prey, neither the wolf nor the tiger likes and The type of things that others share, and Matsumoto's plan is obviously to do that.

Of course, although this is very difficult, I have to say that the benefits are equally great, otherwise I would not really consider Matsumoto's proposal.

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