Generally speaking, the auxiliary creature given to me by the system is not bad. Although it does not have the ability to directly participate in the battle, it is not a big problem in normal use.

After I explained all the things in the guild, I let Zhenhong and Rose work on their own. However, I did not let Christina go, but ran with her. Fulcrum City.

Before sending it over, Christina and I did some disguise. Instead of using phantom spells, we directly found two robes with hoods. The biggest advantage of this black robe is that it can prevent others from seeing any of your features, because the clothes are too wide and the hood has no support. You can naturally droop down the brim to cover your face, while the ultra-long robe can be dragged forever. When you reach the ground, the upper sleeves are also longer than the arm length. As long as you shrink your arm a little bit, no part will be exposed. It may seem strange to have such a thing, but as long as others don’t come up and blatantly lift your hat, then it’s impossible to know who you are, even if you use the detection spell. After all, this is not the Illusion Technique but Occluder.

After leaving Fulcrum City in such a weird costume, Christina and I quickly sneaked into a nearby mountain forest, and then followed a long-explored passage in the mountain forest into an underground leveler. point.

The total area of ​​the environment map in the game is actually much larger than that of the real world. Although there are many NPCs and monsters added in the game, the actual number of creatures has risen a lot. However, because the game map is much larger than in reality, in fact, everyone in the game will not feel how crowded this world is. The reason why this game map is larger than in reality is mainly because the world in "Zero" is layered. In addition to the surface world, there are numerous copies, underwater maps, and underground maps.

Japan has a large population and a small land area, so the population density is very high. In order to reasonably adjust the density of people in Japan, the map of the Japanese region in the game may be the most widely distributed and largest number of Underground World in the world.

When underground passages can be seen everywhere in Japan, as long as you pay a little attention, basically every large leveling area has some specific underground leveling points. Therefore, it is very simple to find an Underground World in Japan.

The reason why Christina and I want to enter the underground map is not because we want to train here, but because we are going to meet Masaga Matsumoto and the others, and the swaggering past from the ground is obviously impossible Therefore, we can only choose to approach Masaga Matsumoto from below the ground. Of course, we are impossible to directly enter the place where Matsumoto Masakah and them are. We must contact them outside the city after they have also left the city, so that it is possible to ensure safety.

Christina and I entered this long-explored tunnel and quickly moved toward the depths of the tunnel. Similar to the leveling area on the surface, the leveling area in the tunnel is also divided into a high level monster area and an ordinary monster area, and this distinction method is divided by depth. The leveling area on the surface means that the deeper you enter the leveling area, the higher the level of the monster, and the same is true for the underground leveling area. The more you advance to the depths of the tunnel, the higher the level of the monster. Under this circumstance, Christina and I continued to deepen inside, and the surrounding monsters began to continuously upgrade their levels, and soon we entered the depth of a monster that is generally around two thousand.

At this depth, all the monsters we encounter are quite high level monsters, which greatly limits our advancing speed, but this kind of map also helps us solve the problem of being stalked. The problem is that because no one can shuttle in the monster area at this level, especially in the tunnel environment, the road is narrow. If you don’t want to return to the same way after encountering a monster, you can only rush and want to touch it quietly by the monster... It may not be impossible, but it is never that easy.

We started to summon the trailblazers after a certain distance in such a monster area, and then proceeded horizontally through the passage. The advantage of passing through the wall in this way is that the enemy can't chase, because we will collapse the area we have passed so that the enemy can't catch up.

After digging a certain distance, we entered a new passage. This passage is actually a mission area with the passage we entered before, but the direction is different. Another reason why we choose this mission area to get rid of chasing troops is that there are many exits in this place. We only need to get rid of chasing troops in a certain area in the middle, and then others will not expect to find us again, because of underground passages. The environment in China determines that it is difficult to leave traces such as footprints in this place, and because there are too many exits, once the road is turned off, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to find it.

The most important thing to move forward in such a place is to grasp the direction, because there is nothing in the underground environment to be a reference for you. In this kind of place, you will be confused if the passage turns just a few turns. East, South, West, North, and Underground World maps in the game are often magnetic anomalous areas. Compass and other things are all displayed in such places. Therefore, it is very simple for a person with a bad sense of direction to get lost in Underground World, and as long as we drill in this place, we will soon be able to stun the chasing soldiers.

It took us a full hour to pass through the underground passage of nine curves and eighteen bends, and after an hour, two ordinary players were at least 50 kilometers away from the passageway we entered from another place. Another exit came out. These two people are wearing rare suits and equipment. Although everyone knows that suits are good things, the problem is that this thing is too difficult to find. Everyone usually gets a piece of equipment, and when these things are in your hands Some of them should be eliminated according to the attributes, and the rest can be used. We also hope that they are just a complete set. Those few books are equivalent to dreaming. Therefore, most players’ equipment is actually messy. Fortunately, the designers of "Zero" have made some appearance optimizations. Although different sets of equipment can be clearly seen at a glance when they are worn together, at least this is not messy. It will be too ugly, at best it is not very coordinated.

However, the equipment styles of the two players are unified, and there are also unconventional interfaces, and many parts have uniform marks like LOGO. All this shows that this is a suit. The suit has more suit and attribute this thing than the general scattered equipment, so most suits can be said to be good equipment, at least when the level is not too bad, players would rather prefer lower-level suits. High level spare parts will be required.

Although the suits on these two men are not particularly exaggerated, they look very beautiful, and the appearance is very elegant. They belong to the kind of well-designed design. They should be good equipment for the high level, especially It is the weapon of two people, with a layer of rays of light on it, indicating that it is at least Holy Spirit-level equipment.

Although the equipment of the two people is not that gorgeous, they are all pretty good things after all, so the rate of turning around is still quite high along the way. Of course, the more important reason is that the female player of these two players looks like a big beauty, so it attracts the attention of other male players. As for the male player... this guy’s occupation is a Japanese warrior, and one of the most commonly used equipment of a Japanese warrior is a grimace mask, so this guy’s appearance is simply not visible. However, judging from the long silver white hair spreading out behind the helmet and part of the outline of the face exposed, this guy should be a handsome guy.

Just after the two players walked out from the exit, a few Japanese players also gathered not far away. One of them looked anxious and faced the others. The individual asked: "Do you find it here."

One of the Japanese players replied: "No. We are all ordinary players. There are no notable targets."

< p>The questioner stomped his feet and said: "Damn it, they ran away again."

"Why did you say they ran away?" The other one The Japanese player said: "Purple Moon and that Christina just stayed in there for an hour, maybe they haven't come out yet! Besides, can you be sure that the two must be them?"

"Idiot !" The Japanese player who asked the question was very angrily cursed: "Our spies squatted on Isengard's side for three days and three nights. They watched Purple Moon and they entered the Transmission Formation, and our side The people also saw the two men in robes mentioned in the report. They can be sure that they are Purple Moon and Christina. They must have some plans to come to Japan. But we actually lost them, you guys. How do we explain to the boss?" After the man finished speaking, he realized that the person who was speaking did not answer him. When he looked up, he found that the guy was looking at a certain direction and was wandering, and when he followed his gaze When I looked over, I just saw the two players in suits walking past them. The player in a daze seems to be looking at the female player of the two. After understanding the situation, the talking Japanese player broke out immediately. He went up angrily and slapped the guy on the head, and then cursed, "When are you still thinking about seeing beautiful women? Ask someone to go in the hole and look for them. Don't come back if you can't get them."

"But there are so many side roads in this tunnel, we can't check it even if we send everyone in!"

"Don't talk nonsense with me, I just give it if you ask you to find it I'll find it, and if you are disobedient, I'll take your skin off." This guy turned around angrily after speaking, and the people over there were the people covered in dirt who called their own people and simply assigned a task. Go into the cave over there to find someone.

Just after these guys entered the cave, the two players who walked past them couldn't help but laugh suddenly after entering a secluded road.

"hahahaha, those idiots laughed to death!" The female player among the two players turned out to be Christina's voice, but Christina was a standard Aryan, with a standard blond and blue eyes. The skin is also very white, which is the characteristic of Europeans. However, although the beauty in front of me is as beautiful as Christina, she is a standard Asian, which is completely indifferent to Christina's own image.

"Don't laugh, the appearance of the two of us has changed so much that they can recognize ghosts." At this time, the Japanese warrior next to me said.

Actually, the two people here are me and Christina, and the reason why the change will be so big is mainly because we used some small tricks to deceive the Japanese players.

The reason why Christina came to make a big change is because she activated her elemental queen's innate talent skill-mimicry. Elemental spirits themselves are energy creatures with no form. If no special settings are made, their appearance should actually be a sphere. The reason why the elemental elves we usually see look like little beauties with wings is entirely because they like this shape so much that they deliberately mimicked it like this. If you restore your own shape, these girls are simply spheres.

Kristina has all the abilities of the elemental spirits after gaining the status of Elemental Empress, including mimicry, but Christina is not an assassin, she rarely performs tasks that require secret infiltration. As a fort and a multi-functional cannon, Christina is always heaven shaking, earth shattering wherever she appears, so she rarely uses this kind of auxiliary ability to transform the shape. However, because I don't use it very much at ordinary times, when Christina suddenly uses it, it will appear to be so effective, because no one can think that Christina can be transformed into an Asian appearance. This peculiar ability made the Japanese players completely look in the wrong direction. What they were looking for was a European. As a result, even if the guy with sex mimi stared at Christina for a long time, he almost slobbered out, but he actually I was simply admiring beautiful women. He didn't expect that the beautiful woman he had seen all the way was actually the target they were looking for.

Of course, just changing foreign trade is not enough to fool everyone. After all, Christina's equipment is also quite famous, so Christina took the time to change the equipment when she was in the tunnel. Now this set of things on her body is also a mage outfit, but it is very different from her own original set, because her original set is a Divine Item suit, and now this one is a Holy Spirit suit, and it is Asian style, and The original European-style equipment is quite different. Therefore, when an Asian beauty appears in a Japanese gaming area wearing a set of Asian-style equipment, everyone will immediately think that she is a local girl, and no one will think that she will be European.

Compared to Christina, I don’t have that convenient ability. Although I have two numbers to switch, I can switch the Purple Moon form to the Silver Moon form, but because the Silver Moon form is completely beautiful, I don't want to change it easily. However, even if I don’t change my number, I still have a way for people to not recognize me.

Compared to Christina, who is a level of strategic nuclear weapons, I often need to sneak in because I often run outside. This determines that I need a variety of disguise. In order to deal with this situation, I approached the Forging Master in the guild in advance to help me design a very special set of equipment.

This set of equipment is actually a set of heavy armor suits for warriors with very good attributes. However, although it is a standard warrior suit, it has the equipment characteristics of the Japanese special professional Japanese warrior, that is, as long as I don't expose myself, others can't tell that I am actually a warrior and not a Japanese warrior. As for the hair extending from the helmet... Wigs are not difficult to design, right?

In fact, the silver hair is not attached to my head, but attached to the helmet. When I put on the helmet, I just need to put all my own hair into the helmet, and the helmet The pre-installed wig below will make people feel as if my hair is dangling out of it. Although this design is very simple, it is just as simple as many magic tricks. Before they understand it, most people will be easily fooled.

The biggest advantage of this strange design is that it uses all kinds of misleading to make the gap between my image and the original image widen to the limit. In this case, normal people will not guess I am actually Purple Moon. After all, no Japanese player can imagine that I will have a Japanese profession. After all, that armor is too deceptive.

Under such a disguise, we easily confuse the past from the crowd, so that simply no one wants us to be the strongest battle strength of the Frost Rose League that the Japanese players hate.

After successfully leaving the leveling area, we directly used the Transmission Formation on the Japanese side to transmit to a city near Masaga Matsumoto and their area, and then the personnel on both sides entered one place from two directions. A leveling area controlled by the new Black Dragon Club.

This leveling area is a leveling area specifically occupied by Masaga Matsumoto and their new Black Dragon. Because of its large area and high monster quality, it is used as a special leveling area for key personnel training. Every entrance of this leveling area is guarded by players of the new Black Dragon Club, and Masaka Matsumoto and the others do not completely occupy the entire leveling area, but will be closed for a period of time when their personnel need training. The advantage of this method is that it will not arouse too much resistance, and Matsumoto Masaka and others have a reasonable explanation for this, such as researching secret skills or something.

Now this leveling area is not in a locked state, so Christina and I entered from the leveling area entrance here without any obstacles, and Matsumoto and the others don’t have to worry about anything. NS.

After entering the leveling area, both of us started to move towards a certain area according to the established route, and then soon we met in a high level leveling area. This place is already very deep, ordinary players can never enter, and because Matsumoto Masaka greeted the new Black Dragon players outside before entering this side, all subsequent personnel will be intercepted. , So even if it still has a tail, it can't keep up.

"Will...long...?" When they saw me and Christina, Masaga Matsumoto was obviously taken aback.

Christina and I deliberately smiled and didn't speak, while Masaga Matsumoto and Kazutsukaru and others leaned forward in surprise. In fact, they can be sure that this is Christina and I, and the reason is that they have communicator headsets in their ears, and now both sides are in positioning and navigation mode, so they can be sure that there is no wrong person, but, look Up to our present image, Masaga Matsumoto, they really can't react a little.

Sakura rain god young stared at Christina for a long time before suddenly said: "Are you Christina elder sister?"

Kristina couldn't help but pu chi laughed. "Hahahaha, your expressions are really funny."

"It's you guys!" Chi Fire Dragon also suddenly relaxed at this time, because although the appearance has changed a lot, we have not Change your voice so you can hear it as soon as you speak. "How did you two become like this?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji asked excitedly.

Christina smiled and explained her transformation principle to them, but I made it simpler, just take the helmet off.

Seeing the wig attached to my helmet, Masaka Matsumoto couldn’t help but said, “Damn, your design is really...really...I don’t know what to say. That’s right, Why did you change your job to a Japanese specialty job?"

"How did you know that I changed my job to a specialty job?" I asked back.

Masaga Matsumoto was still a little stunned. August Xun responded much faster and asked directly: "This is not a Japanese warrior suit?"

I nodded with a smile and said: "This is specially designed by me. The appearance can be fake and real, but in essence this is a set of heavy plate armor, and it is a standard warrior suit."

"I rely on, your idea is also very awesome, that is Simply changing the set of equipment can actually become like this, too powerful." Chi Fire Dragon Ji exclaimed.

"Okay, okay, let's be quiet." I motioned to Matsumoto Masaga and the others to calm down, and then said: "Now let’s talk about business. You show off your equipment."

When it comes to business, Masaga Matsumoto immediately gets serious. "Okay, let's talk about business, but before that we need to change positions. This place is not a good place to talk."

Actually, Matsumoto's words are very reasonable. This is just the meeting we met. The place is not where we chat. The sound in this channel will be concentratedly transmitted, so the sound will be transmitted over a very long distance. Although the echo will interfere with each other after multiple bounces, it can still be heard by people with special hearing aids. So, this kind of place is not a good place to talk. In addition, this is a high level monster area after all, what should we do if a group of BOSS suddenly pops up when we speak well?

The way to get out of here is very simple, just use directional teleportation directly, but not to teleport to somewhere else, but to set up a special new Black Dragon club base in a nearby city. There is a secret room in this place, which is very suitable for conversation. As for the location of our teleportation... this is actually a public teleportation point, but it will only be disclosed internally to the new Black Dragon. The reason why Christina and I can’t send it directly is that the two of us are not members of the new Black Dragon club, so there is no way to come, but as long as one of them is with us, it’s okay, because Transmission Formation will only recognize A person’s identity, as long as one person meets the requirements, others can follow along with the transmission.

When a group of us appeared at the teleportation point in the city of the new Black Dragon Club, the surrounding Japanese players immediately bowed to us, because Matsumoto Masaga and they are the bosses after all, so Receive special respect. When Matsumoto and the others took us away, these talents returned to normal and did their own things, and no one asked about the origins of me and Christina. After all, we came with Matsumoto, and Matsumoto is the boss here. Investigating the boss's actions is not a good thing. If it is light, it is nosy. If it is heavy, it is suspected of being a spy.

After following Masaka Matsumoto and the others to the secret room, we discovered that there are actually a few players in our guild that we sent to Masaka Matsumoto. Of course, these were our Frost before. People from the Rose League, but now they have changed their identity to the new Black Dragon Club. They are all sent by me to Matsumoto Masaga to help, so they must have an identity that is easy to move. Their identities in the Frost Rose League have long since been cancelled, and now they are members of the new Black Dragon Club from the system's point of view.

The main job of these players in the new Black Dragon Club is to operate the communication hub in front of us. Since the last time Masaga Matsumoto and their communication hub were taken away by Nobunaga and the others, we have realized that this thing can’t just be equipped with one communication hub.

The last time they raided Masaga Matsumoto's city because of Nobunaga Onitou, they accidentally robbed the communications hub, and the communications hub at that time was the only one communications hub in the entire Japanese region. . The function of this thing in the communication network of our guild is a bit similar to the program-controlled exchange in the telephone, and the difference between the communication hub and the program-controlled exchange is that there may be many exchanges, but the number of communication hubs is very small. There is only one in Japan. Department.

Because this communications hub is the only one in Japan, our communications network in Japan was paralyzed in an instant after being taken by Nobunaga Onitou. Although everyone's communicator is good, but because the transfer device does not exist, everyone's communicator is like a cell phone that has left the transmission tower. It is simply a display.

However, what happened last time also reminded us in disguise, so it may not be a good thing. We learned a lesson from this and began to equip each region with dual communication hubs. When a communication hub is attacked or other problems cause it to be unable to work, another communication hub can immediately begin to intervene in the communication network.

The exchange method we use is not to let the two communication hubs work together, but to let one of them always be online to take on the task, and as long as it does not cause problems, the other communication hub will not online. However, although this backup communication hub will not go online, it monitors the entire communication network at all times. Once network No. 1 is found to be paralyzed or intruded, the backup machine will immediately activate all functions and start to go online. At this time, When it goes online, all online communication devices will immediately change their working frequency bands to enter the second network, and this second network will shield the No. 1 communication hub and the terminal being invaded. In other words, no matter what form of intrusion our communication network is, we can instantly repair communication failures and ensure network security. Of course, the probability of two sets of equipment having problems together is not without, but compared to one set, after all, it is always better to have a backup solution.

The one we see now is the backup machine, and the main communication hub is actually under the headquarters building of the new Black Dragon Club. this can be considered a kind of black under the lamp in disguise. Many Japanese players may not think of it if they want to die. Our Frost Rose League's intelligence transfer station is actually under their headquarters building, and it is still maintained by the people of the new Black Dragon Club.

Those players who are responsible for operating the equipment saw me and Christina appearing here. They looked towards Masaka Matsumoto. Their eyes were asking Masaka Matsumoto who we are. After all, these players They were all from the Frost Rose League. They knew how important this communication hub was and how impressed their identity was. However, suddenly seeing Masaka Matsumoto and the others bring in two people they didn't know, they were naturally very nervous. If it weren't for Masaga Matsumoto and the others until now, they were proactive, these people would almost think that Masaga Matsumoto and the others had rebelled.

"hahahaha, look, it scares people again, isn't it?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji said with a smile.

I was also laughed, and then took off the helmet, and the players in the guild who had just been facing the enemy immediately relaxed, and then turned into an excited expression. "President? Why are you here?"

"I have something to discuss with Masaga Matsumoto. Isn't it safer for you?"

A few people said nodded I understand, and after chatting with us, I returned to my work. After all, although their machine is not online, it has been monitoring the network, so it can't be left alone.

After the greetings with the members of the guild, I entered the room with Masaga Matsumoto and the others. There are still several rooms in this computer room, all of which have special uses. The room we entered was not originally a Conference Hall, but a small warehouse, but it was temporarily used as a Conference Hall.

After we entered, Masaka Matsumoto closed the door, and then nodded to signal that August Xun could start. After seeing Masaga Nodded Matsumoto, August Kazuo immediately walked to a box piled up in the corner of the wall, and then took out a crystal ball from it, and then took out an excitation device.

This crystal ball is not unfamiliar to us. After all, this thing is the memory crystal, the camera in the game. Almost every player has used this stuff, the only difference is that no one would use such a large one. The record storage capacity of this thing of memory crystals is related to their volume, but this is not a problem of proportionality, but a problem of geometric progression.

When the volume of the memory crystal increases, its ability to record information increases by the square of the rate of volume increase, that is to say, the information recorded in a one cubic meter of memory crystal The measurement is far beyond the amount of data recorded in two and a half cubic memory crystals.

The memory crystal just taken out by August Xun is already larger than a basketball. Memory crystals of this level are actually quite rare, although there are still several larger ones in our guild. Yes, but they are all special items, and this size is really rare.

After putting this memory crystal on the activation device, August Xun manipulated it a bit, and then the activation device immediately activated the memory crystal, and the memory crystal was quickly projected toward the front wall a beam of light, and then displayed a picture on the wall.

This scene surprised us again, because memory crystals generally speaking directly record 3D images. Don't look at the memory crystal, which is not as high-tech as the real camera, but the actual function of this thing is actually more than that of the camera. The screen recorded by this thing is simply not flat, but a 360-degree omni-directional image, and you can move around the screen during the screening. If it is a movie or TV, although it can also create a 3D effect, the 3D only makes you look three-dimensional, it is not really 3D, because you see it from any direction. It's the same picture. But the image projected by the memory crystal is different. The projected image is similar to the real scene. You can move around it, and then you can see the memory image from multiple directions. For example, use the memory crystal to remember the next person. If it’s a video camera or a camera, then no matter how you flip the photo or play the screen, what you see is only one direction of the person in the picture, but if it’s a memory crystal recording a frame, you just have to surround it This person's projection can be seen in all directions after turning around.

However, although the memory crystal can record a full three-dimensional simulation scene, it is not necessary. In other words, the memory crystal can actually record a flat screen like a camera. This recording method seems to be much inferior to the stereoscopic picture, but there is a benefit that this method does not have, that is, it can save space.

The amount of information that needs to be recorded in the three-dimensional picture is too large, so the memory crystal cannot remember too many things, but if it is replaced with a flat surface, it will be different. This recording method can be extended by a dozen Times the recording time, you can record more information.

Now this memory crystal is very large, which means that its capacity is quite terrifying, but even for this level of memory crystal, Masaga Matsumoto and the others actually used two-dimensional images to record information. Explain that the amount of data to be recorded is very large. As far as I know, there is actually only one kind of information recorded in this way, and that is...research materials.

As I said before, our Frost Rose League has several memory crystals larger than this one, and apart from one of the memory crystals is the recorder of Babel Tower, the rest are Are used to store the research data of our industry. After all, the library alone can only say that it has preserved all our research data. However, during the research process, we occasionally need to check the previous research records. However, the speed of searching the library is obviously too slow, so the memory crystal has become a very Reasonable solution. Of course, the cost of this reasonable method is not cheap, and we Frost Rose League rich and imposing dare to do this. Other guilds estimate that they will not use memory crystals if they have such a need.

Sure enough, the screen that August Xun opened did not project any special recorded information, but a wall of experimental data. Thanks to somehow I still dabble in these things, so I can probably see that this is the construction of some magic arrays and some research explanations on the basic principles of magic. Of course, because this is a research record rather than a conclusion, the content is very messy. However, with the continuous scrolling of the picture, I gradually discovered the research direction of this thing.

"Is this a kind of research on the grafting structure of magic array method?" I looked at Matsumoto Masaga in surprise and asked.

Masaga Matsumoto was more surprised than me when I heard

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