"Are you sure you can imitate it?" After thinking for a long time, Nobunaga Onishu suddenly came up with such a sentence, but it turned out that Masaka Matsumoto didn't know how to answer.

"Why are you entangled with this?"

"It’s not that I’m entangled with this, but this is very important." Nobunaga Guishou said suddenly, "If you can imitate the Frost Rose League The liquefied magic crystal steam missile, that means we may be able to use this to make some articles."

"Use this?" Masaga Matsumoto looked at Nobunaga Onitou in surprise. He just explained to Nobunaga Guishou that it is not unbelievable that the group of people on the opposite side possessed the liquefied magic crystal steam missiles, but what made him didn’t expect was Nobunaga Guishou’s thinking and jumped to liquefaction without knowing what to do. The magic crystal steam missile went up, and this guy actually planned to use this thing to plot against us.

"To be honest, I really doubt your proposal, but as long as it can cause trouble for the Frost Rose League, I am willing to do it." Masaga Matsumoto deliberately expressed The way he said: "Then that's it about this matter. Now let's see how long the gun god can support over there."

The battle strength of the gun god is indeed fair. Not bad, but it is a pity that facing an entire well-trained special combat squad at the same time is obviously beyond the scope of his ability, especially the weapons of both sides did not actually reflect the gap that is sufficient to reverse the situation.

The gun of the gun god is indeed very difficult to deal with, but the formidable power of this thing can only be killed by one shot, and the weapon used by this battle squad can actually be against the gun god Achieve a similar effect. Although the weapons used by these people cannot solve the gun god with a single shot, the formidable power of these weapons is enough to make the gun god lose the battle strength after being shot, and lose the battle strength without support. This kind of profession is very bad. Fortunately, he is the president of a guild, so he has a lot of supplies such as medicine, otherwise he will definitely not be able to survive one minute under the crossfire of these people. However, this situation will obviously not last long, because the medicine carried by the gun god is always limited, and it is impossible for him to use it without restriction.

When the gun god was surrounded by perils, during the mission, we finally successfully dug a tunnel and got into the storm circle. Fortunately, this thing is like a wall. The high-speed rotation airflow and the broken ice just form an annular band less than five meters thick, but the inside is completely calm, without any. A little gust of wind, it can even be said to be a bright sun and a gentle breeze, we even feel that the temperature has risen to above zero.

"What's going on in this place? Hidden land of peace and prosperity?" Gold coin asked in surprise after entering the storm circle.

"This is not hidden land of peace and prosperity, but someone's garden." Christina looked towards somewhere in front of her as she spoke, and our eyes quickly focused on the past.

The inner edge of the storm circle is still relatively warm, but a huge lake appears further inside. The water in this lake is obviously hot because it is emitting warm water vapor, but we are not focusing on this lake, but an island in the center of the lake.

To tell the truth, these things look a bit abnormal, or even unreasonable. The ice continent itself is a continent made up of ice floes. It cannot even be regarded as a continent in the true sense. It is just like the Arctic Ocean in reality. The so-called continent is just a huge piece of ice floes.

On such a continent, the lake this thing simply should not exist, because it is not a real piece of land, and the temperature here absolutely does not allow the existence of lakes. Besides, even if there is a lake in this place, it should not be a warm water lake. You must know that hot springs are all caused by geothermal, but where to find geothermal in such a place? Here is the ice layer. Even if the ice layer is smashed, it will first touch the sea water, and then go down very deep and deep before it touches the sea bed. Even if there is a volcanic crater under the sea bed, how does this temperature separate the sea water? And the ice layer?

Even if the above are not considered, we still have a very real problem to consider, and that is...Where is his grandfather? Didn't we follow the mission to find the high-energy crystal mining area? Why did you come here? This thing simply shouldn't appear, okay?

"What shall we do now?" Zhenhong asked.

While walking forward, Rose said, "What else can I do except go up and see? You can't go back again, right?"

"It seems that this can only be done." Christina nodded followed along, and gold coin and Zhenhong had to follow along. As for me, of course I followed when the rose started to move forward.

The lake in front looked not too far away from us, and it was quite strenuous to walk. After finally reaching the shore, we can finally be sure that this is indeed a hot spring lake.

"It looks pretty good." Zhenhong said that she wanted to squat down to test the water temperature, but I just grabbed her when she squatted down. Zhen Hong looked back towards me in confusion and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Don't touch the water."

"Why?" Zhen Hong asked while standing. Woke up. She just wanted to know the reason, not doubting my judgment.

I looked right and left very seriously, and then said: "The breath of the undead. I feel the breath of a lot of the undead, and there are all the undead under the water."

"The undead. Is this the hot spring for the dead?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

The so-called hot spring of the dead is not a special setting, but a legend on this ice-bound continent in this mission space. We heard such a legend by the way when we were inquiring about the mission at the port, but we didn't take it seriously at the time. After all, because the game "Zero" is too realistic, there will be a lot of things like background information. The purpose of these things is to make the game closer to reality, but it has no practical meaning for the player's task itself.

However, we obviously misplaced that piece of information. That is simply not background information, but a task reminder.

"It looks like we need to handle this thing carefully." Rose said that she had already picked up her staff, and Christina and the others began to be on guard.

We are so careful not because we are timid, but because the hot spring of the dead is not a good place. According to the legend, the hot spring of the dead was originally a mysterious movable hot spring, and this hot spring has been randomly moving on this continent before. However, the original hot spring of the dead was not an evil region. On the contrary, this place was originally a desert oasis. In this cold place, the adventurer tends to get lost, and getting lost on this continent is almost like death. In this case, some lucky people will find this hot spring, and then they will replenish it for a while. Then you can leave here safely. Moreover, no matter where you enter this hot spring, you will definitely be in a place not far from the city when you come out, which means that you are basically saved after you come out.

Such a hot spring for the dead has always been regarded as a place of heaven and longed for, but after that, a very strange thing happened. It is said that a pure girl was brutally murdered by people from a district in the hot spring of the dead. Of course, like most stories, the bad people always did something to the girl before the killing, and in the process, The girl began to resent and curse those who hurt her. When the girl died later, these people found that they could no longer get out, and they all died here in the end.

After this, the original paradise in the ice field has completely turned into a man-eating ghost. Anyone who enters it can leave no one alive. This place gradually changed from a place that people wanted to a place feared by people.

Because of this information, we at least know that this place is not safe, otherwise those people will not be unable to leave. At least I think it’s easy to get out of this place. After all, it’s hard to make holes in the ice, but it’s not something that can’t be done.

"If we can't touch the water here, how can we get to the island in the middle?" gold coin suddenly asked.

Christina looked towards me directly and asked: "Boss, did you bring your bribery supplies?"

Gold coin looked towards me questioningly and asked: "Bringing? You want to Who is the bribe? System?"

"Of course not." As I said this, I took out a small bag from my body, and then took out a handful of black sand towards the lake in front of me. Sprinkled it out.

As soon as the black sand touched the lake surface, it immediately disappeared in the lake water. Simply did not see the picture of them sinking. I felt that the lake surface was like a Transmission Gate. The sand was just transported to other places through the lake surface. Instead of sinking to the bottom of the lake.

Although the black sand disappeared after entering the lake water, after waiting for a few seconds, their function was revealed. The originally calm lake suddenly began to rippling, and then the waves got bigger and bigger, and finally even washed up on the shore, but the “water” disappeared into the air automatically after flying out, and it didn’t splash on us. When I looked at the originally beautiful and dreamy lake, everyone couldn't help but get goose bumps, because the dead man's hot spring had actually become a super mass grave. There is not a single drop of water in the huge lake, all you can see are bones and dead bodies. This is not a lake but a mass grave, a super mass grave.

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