"Wow...this...this...is really super magnificent!" Zhen Hong said something uncomfortable.

"How many people does it take to fill the entire lake?" Gold coin asked.

Rose just glanced briefly, and then said: "About 700,000 people. Taking into account the different proportions of dead bones and semi-decomposed corpses, the error is about 100,000 people."< /p>

"So there are at least six hundred thousand bones here?" Christina asked.

I nodded and said: "Rose’s estimate should be more accurate."

"Well, now I regret not being transferred to the Undead Department!" Christina said jokingly , And the purpose is nothing more than to make everyone a little more relaxed. The atmosphere at the scene is really too depressing, and everyone who saw it trembled.

"Oh, it seems that our investment has reacted." As my voice fell, the dead man’s hot spring suddenly started to move again, only to see the full bones beginning Rolling and twisting, it feels as if something is moving under the bones, and this thing is obviously moved towards us.

Because of the fast speed, the thing quickly reached the shore near us, and then I saw the bones on the lake shore flipping, and then all the bones began to move quickly to both sides, in the bones A passage was exposed in the pile. Almost as soon as the passage was completed, a skeleton wearing a tattered cloth robe and holding a huge sickle in his hand slowly walked out of the passage.

Although this guy looks like a skeleton, if you really think of it as a skeleton soldier, then it’s really courting death, because the sickle in this guy’s hand is already It clearly told us that this is a Death God.

Death God is not the name of a god in the game, but refers specifically to a type of NPC creature. Of course, you can also say that it is a monster or a BOSS, anyway, it is such a non-player character set by the system. Although they only have an extra robe and a sickle outside the ordinary skeleton, this branch is actually completely indifferent to the skeleton. They are a more extreme existence than Lich. Although they are slightly inferior to Lich in terms of knowledge and magical abilities, this race has battle strength far surpassing Lich. They are different from the almighty Lich. Death God is a fighter machine. They are the Reaper on the battlefield. All enemies are weeds to them.

Because it is very powerful in its own settings, the number of Death Gods is quite rare. After all, they belong to the extreme martial power type. If the number is large, the average player will not live.

Although the existence of Death God is relatively small, there are many players who know them. After all, every time this thing appears, a large group of players are killed in battle, so players are very unusual about this race. careful. As for the one in front of us... barely should be regarded as the middle and lower reaches of Death God, or the worst kind of Death God.

Actually, Death God is divided into three, six or nine, but in fact, most of the Death Gods we see are this in front of us. They are the weakest group in Death God, but everyone is right. Most of the impression of Death God comes from this kind of Death God, so it can be said that even the worst Death God, battle strength cannot be underestimated.

Seeing this Death God come out, the people on our side have maintained the greatest degree of composure, no one moved rashly, it's not that we can't beat him, but we want to get more from this guy Intelligence, so we did not attack him.

The Death God immediately collapsed a step forward after fully rising from the passage and came directly to the shore.

Death God is not a low-level skeleton soldier, they have quite high-end intelligence, so after the appearance of this Death God, it did not directly rush up like ordinary low-level undead, but first used the black eye socket to look around. Those of us, then he suddenly bowed slightly to salute us. To be honest, if the average person sees this scene, it will definitely startled to fall the chin, because Death God is almost one of the most untouchable types of BOSS, and the success rate of the task of challenging this type of BOSS is less than 10%, so It can be seen the power of this type of BOSS. Under such circumstances, Death God shouldn't put anyone in his eyes, but the Death God in front of us salutes us first. This is definitely not the treatment that normal people should get.

"I think you should be the leader of this group, right?" The Death God immediately looked towards me and asked. Through the two holes in his eye sockets, you can directly see the two purple Soul Fire burning under his eyes. Although this Death God seems to be of a low level, it is actually on the verge of evolution. The Soul Fire in the eyes shows that this guy is shifting to a higher level, because the pure low-level Death God's spirit fox fire is only one ball, which is in the cranial cavity where the brain was originally stored. So, normally, what you see through the eyes of a skull should be a large group of Soul Fire burning in your brain. However, this is actually not the case. This guy has his own independent Soul Fire in his eyes, and the main Soul Fire in his brain is also hidden. The outside is covered with a layer of darkness, and the situation inside is not visible at all.

"I’m Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League, these all are my subordinates. Are you the master here or just live here?"

"I just A guard here is neither the owner here nor just living here."

"Guard?" I looked at this Death God questioningly and asked, "Do you still have an organization here? ?"

"Yes." The Death God said: "Do you want to get inside or do you need anything?"

"Can we get in?" The rose went straight over me Asked aloud.

The Death God turned his head and glanced at Rose, but because the skeleton can’t express such things as facial expressions or eyes, we can’t see what he means, but this guy quickly spoke. Said: "If you can follow some necessary rules, we allow outsiders to enter. However, I need to explain to you first, if you accidentally hang up here, we will not care."

"Of course." I said: "We have the strength to protect ourselves."

The Death God nodded said: "I know this very well, so I will let you in. Otherwise, you will simply not see me." Then Death God said immediately after finishing saying: "In addition, let me tell you that we have an entrance fee here, so you need to decide whether you want to go in."

< p>"Does all people who come here need an entrance fee?" Rose asked.

"No, it's free for residents of this city, but you are outsiders. So..."

"What about the charges? What do you use for settlement?"

"Our currency is mainly high-energy crystals, but all other items with magical energy can be used as currency, not as good as magic core and the like. Of course, the kind of dark energy attribute you just provided Crystals are more expensive."

"So what is our entrance fee?"

"Everyone has 15 units of mana."

"How much is a unit?"

The Death God hesitated a little, but in the end he reached out and took out a purple coin that looked like a crystal from his chest, but this The processing method of things is very peculiar, it is actually cast. A crystal that can be cast, this is new. However, this is not what we need to care about now.

The Death God took out the currency and said, "Be careful, this is a very large denomination currency. I work here for a year to get ten. This amethyst crystal coin. The value of this amethyst crystal coin is 10,000 units of mana."

"Can I feel it?" Christina asked.

The Death God obviously hesitated, but Rose reacted quickly, and directly stuffed an uncut piece of black liquid crystal over it. After seeing this crystal, the other party immediately handed over the amethyst crystal coin. "Look slowly, it's yours."

Christina is the strongest person in our magic perception, so a simple experiment will know the energy density of this amethyst crystal coin, according to Christina In the test, we obviously did a loss-making business just now, because the energy in that black liquid crystal is at least equal to one and a half of this amethyst crystal coin. More importantly, according to this Death God, dark energy is a more precious currency. , And this purple magic crystal coin contains only ordinary magic power. In this way, the black liquid crystal we give is at least equal to more than twenty such purple magic crystal coins.

Although we made a loss here, but because we let him take advantage of it, the Death God became very enthusiastic about us afterwards, and began to introduce us to some of them here. The general situation. In fact, if it weren't for the fact that we accidentally got the favor of this Death God, we would like to know these common sense things again, and the price would only be greater. Besides, we didn't really care about the black liquid crystal ore.

According to the introduction of this Death God, this place should be a completely undead city full of various types of undead creatures. These undead creatures live together in this place, and the dead hot spring above will continuously provide fresh blood for this place, so this place is unexpectedly prosperous.

In this city of the undead, everyone lives like a resident of an ordinary city, because there are very few light forces appearing here, so the undead creatures here are not very disgusted with Light Element. High, mainly because of too little contact, and many undead even not quite clear. What kind of damage will they cause?

Because the undead itself is a very low-consumption creature, they do not need to produce much material. The survival of the ordinary undead is only enough to rely on their own absorption, so there is no need for food supply, and Things like clothes are rarely needed, and as for the living environment...not to mention that. The undead are rarely picky about their living environment.

However, although these undead seem to have no need, this city is not really as lifeless as a dead city. On the contrary, this place is actually quite lively.

First of all, although the undead here do not have the need for survival pressure, self-evolution and strengthening are always the ultimate goal of the undead, so these guys are eager for methods and items that can improve their strength. When there is demand, there will naturally be a market, and a considerable scale will naturally be formed over time.

Secondly, apart from those fighting for strength, the undead also have some psychological needs. Although this thing about the body after becoming an undead, even if it is not completely non-existent, it is a completely unsaved corpse, but because there is no body that can be used to enjoy the material life, the undead are comforting the spiritual world. It became even more eager.

Based on the above two basic needs, this undead city has unexpectedly prospered. Not only is there a lot of undead in it, it also forms a fixed trading market, so it can be said that the safety of this place is a version of the undead. Commercial city. Of course, this is what Death God told us. We haven't seen the inside of the city yet.

In addition to telling us the basic situation here, Death God also told us some more important information. The first is the details of the currency system in this place. Although we can also trade with raw ore, it is best to go to a special bank to exchange it. They can purchase the ore and then transfer it to the official currency here. The advantage of this is that it will not be hacked. The energy structure of the ore itself is unstable, so there is no way to quantify it, and because of the inconvenience to carry, the seller will use various excuses to lower the price, which causes a certain loss. If you go to the bank to exchange, although you have to charge a certain fee, it is actually a safer and more economical way.

In addition to currency, this place has some other special attempts.

One of the special common sense is that the ability of Light Element must not be used in this place, otherwise it will definitely be besieged. Of course we can understand this kind of information, but there are also things we don't understand in this place. For example, the undead in this place have their own personalities. The undead of the Skeleton Department are very simple, the zombie Department are all reckless, the ghosts are very sinister, anyway, each race has its own characteristics.

With curiosity, we quickly walked through the passage with this Death God and entered this undead city, and it was actually located on the Lake Heart Island we saw before, just the place The area is obviously not as small as it looks on the outside. Its interior should use a spell similar to a compressed space, so the island does not seem to be big from the outside, but after entering, I found that this place is not only not small, but even a little big. Too much.

"Wow, is this place like a paradise for dark fans!" Gold coin yelled directly after entering the city.

Actually, in reality and in the game, there are many dark fans. They all like things like undead or skeletons and think these things are very cool. In fact, I am one of them myself, otherwise I would not have regarded Isinger as the guild headquarters. It is nothing more than because Isinger is a magic city and he is of dark style, so I especially like Isinger.

Although the city in front of me and Isengard are both Dark Element, the specific architectural style is quite different. Isinger is basically black. Most of the buildings in the city are black, or dark purple, uniformly using golden hook lines, using red or blue as decorative colors. Anyway, no matter what the building is, it is basically this. Several colors. Colors such as white or green are basically invisible to Isinger, because that is not the style that Dark Element should have.

However, the city in front of me is almost pure white. Of course, don't just think of a picture of the gospel of heaven just because I said this city is pure white. In fact, the main reason why this city is pure white is that it was built almost entirely of bones.

All buildings in the city use a lot of bones. Some are giant devil beasts, some are humans, and some other animal skeletons. Anyway, these are all bones, and then use An ash-gray adhesive is used for caulking at the same time as an adhesive. Buildings built in this way are naturally white, and after we asked Death God, who had not yet left, we learned that the adhesive used in this building was actually blended with some special substances from ashes. In other words, these adhesives are essentially bones.

In addition to using a large number of bones to build cities, the seeds of this city can be seen everywhere. Various types of skulls. Although there are the most human skulls, various devil beasts and even giant dragons are not. few. These skulls are all placed on the main streets of the city, and their purpose is actually decorative objects. Of course, there are also a large number of used skulls on various buildings in the city, and even the entire wall is made up of the front faces of skulls. This style full of evil values ​​really makes me a little excited.

"Okay, this place is inside the city. You can move freely, but please remember not to enter other people’s houses without authorization. Stores open to the outside world are open. If the door is It’s closed, then don’t open it, otherwise it will be very bad. Goodbye, I hope you can come out alive.” After the guy finished speaking, he returned to the previous passage. Obviously he has a mission here. Yes, you can't run around.

Although a city full of undead sounds scary, it actually doesn't feel so depressing after entering here. To be scary, Isinger is much more terrifying than here. The flow of people or ghosts in this place is very large, but although the appearance is messy and strange, it excludes these external things. These undead are actually not much different from the people shopping.

Because we are all used to Isinger, we have quickly adapted to the environment when we get here. You must know that Isengard is also a place where the undead runs all over the street. Although we have made some adjustments to the undead in the city in order not to scare some children, those who look disgusting or scary are concentrated in special areas. Generally, the undead that can be dangling on the street are the kind of relatively normal-looking undead.

Of course, as guild leaders, we certainly won’t have any fear of this place just because there are so many undeads in this place, so we adapt to the environment almost as soon as we come in.

"It looks like we need to find out where the bank is here first." Christina looked at the group of undead on the left and right and said.

"I think that should be the bank, right?" Zhen Hong suddenly pointed to a building in front and said. To be honest, the logo on the outside of the building is really very simple and easy to understand, because the two skeleton paws on it are making money, so you can see that these eight achievements are banks.

It turns out that Zhenhong’s guess is very correct. After entering the bank, we quickly completed the fund exchange work with the help of a very "enthusiastic" undead. The undead also became our guide on the face of the two amethyst crystal coins we paid.

Just as we were adapting to the urban environment, the situation on Matsumoto and the others changed a little.

Because of being outnumbered, the gun god quickly died, but this guy still broke out a round of small peaks before he died, and directly used his large skills to kill the affiliated guild of our guild in seconds. With three players and some equipment, fortunately, this ratio is not very large.

After the gunman died, Nobunaga Guishou targeted the personnel of the affiliated guilds of our guild, but the opponents were all professionals, and the reaction was quick. As soon as the gun god was killed, these people immediately gathered together to form a defensive circle.

On seeing the opponent, Nobunaga knew that he had been spotted by the opponent long ago, and the opponent's reaction was clearly to prevent the oriole from behind. However, Nobunaga Guishou clearly mistaken the real reason for the formation of this formation. The Guisou Nobunaga, who thought he had surrounded the opponent, became high-spirited and vigorous again at this time, because he learned his lesson and called for a lot of reinforcements while the Gunslinger was still fighting those people, so now Guisou Nobunaga Their number advantage has been quite exaggerated. If the opponent resists, they will definitely be killed soon.

Under these conditions, Nobunaga was naturally very proud, so after the computer room personnel surrounded those people, Nobunaga did not immediately order the attack, but deliberately set it up. She walked out of the hiding place, and first did not look at those people, but showed off to Masaka Matsumoto with a look of planning strategies: "How about? I have a good staff, right?"

Matsumoto Masaga was actually quite disdainful, because he knew the real reason why the people on the opposite side got together. In fact, just when Nobunaga Onisha ordered his people to go up and surround these people, Masaka Matsumoto and the others also happened to receive requests for assistance from those people through the gods of war.

They gathered together like this because someone in the team is preparing a collective Transmission Formation, and it takes a little bit of time. What they need now is to let Matsumoto Masaka hold on to Nobunaga to stop fighting immediately.

The reason these people came here before was to help Masaka Matsumoto and the others destroy the Oni Shou Nobunaga's purpose of strengthening the Japanese high-level players, but now this task is accidentally completed by the Gun God, so It doesn't make sense for them to stay here, so these people immediately decided to leave here.

Matsumoto Masaga knows that they are going to leave, so he doesn’t look down on the so-called encirclement of Nobunaga Onitou now, but since the other party needs time, Masaga Matsumoto is only really strong. He pretended to be very admired and said a few clichés.

Regardless of whether Onishou Nobunaga has heard Matsumoto's rhetoric, he is actually not interested. Anyway, Onishou Nobunaga's appearance seems to be quite useful. However, his good mood was quickly broken, because just as Matsumoto Masaka’s side had just finished talking, the center of the group of people in the field suddenly lit up with a blue and white light spot, and then this light In the blink of an eye, Great Accomplishment was expanded. A huge ball of light enveloped all the attackers, and then the ball of light was the same as when it appeared, instantly shrinking Small Accomplishment by a single point of light, and then it flashed. It's completely gone. After the ball of light disappeared completely, Nobunaga and the others discovered that the attackers he hoped to be able to catch were disappearing with the ball of light, but let alone the attackers now, even the position where they just stood. The leaves and weeds on the ground are gone. Only bare ground is left.

"It seems that some people's plot against failed!" Chi Fire Dragon said cynically deliberately looking at the location of the group of people who disappeared.

"What did you say?" It was the flaming ghost Nobunaga who broke out immediately when he heard Chi Fire Dragon Hime's words. He turned and pointed directly at Chi Fire Dragon Ji and asked loudly: "You say it again and try it again."

"It was originally a fact, if you weren't in a hurry to show off your arrangement just now, you just ordered the arrest. After their team is rushed away, there is definitely no way to complete the collective teleportation. Even if they can run away a few, they won't get nothing like it is now, right?"

"What do you know?" Guishouxin Chang quibbly said: "I was mentally torturing the enemy. I used this calm attitude to stimulate the opponent to put pressure on them. As long as the opponent loses his calm, our subsequent capture or encirclement will become much easier. But what about me? Know that they have this kind of magic that can transmit a large group of people in an instant?"

"Okay, they are all quarreled." Masaga Matsumoto stood up at this time and said: "Don't say a word. People have already run away, and we don’t have any interest in staying here. Let’s go back and do our own things." After Matsumoto said, he said to Nobunaga Onizu: "Nobunaga Onizu, this time yours Although the mission was a failure, I don’t think it’s entirely a loss."

Onitou Nobunaga looked at Matsumoto in amazement and asked, "What do you mean?"

Matsumoto Masaka explained: "At least we know that foreign forces like the gun god are unreliable. We..."

Unless Matsumoto Masaka continued to speak, Nobunaga Onitou was the first to interrupt What he said. "Don't think I don't know what your peace of mind is." Guishou Nobunaga said with a cold face: "Although I am not as smart as you, I am not stupid. Don't you mean that I don't want to be with the Russians anymore? Have you cooperated? Huh, if I cut off contact with the Russians and don’t get their support, my strength will drop a thousand zhang in one fall, when the time comes, you can trample me at will, aren’t you? When I am an idiot? The god of guns is the god of guns, and my Russian partner is another matter. Don’t think that we have dealt with a common enemy together, just as if I would completely believe what you said. Tell you, this is a dream "

After saying this, Nobunaga Onishi didn't wait for Masaka Matsumoto and the others to explain, he waved his hand and shouted "Go", and then left the scene with his own people.

Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru stood there in a daze, until the four people gathered together again after Nobunaga and the others were gone. August Kaoru looked at Masaka Matsumoto with a weird expression, and said, "When Oni Te Nobunaga suddenly became smarter?"

Masaka Matsumoto said with a smile: "It’s not that he became smart, but This kid has gone bad."

"Why?" August Xun obviously didn't want to understand where the joints were.

Matsumoto Masaga explained: "This time, Nobunaga Onitaka clearly made a mistake. Not only did the mission of training Japanese high-level players failed, but he was also robbed by the gunman. In the end, it was because he wanted to show off that he missed the best time to deal with those attackers. At this time, we use a preaching tone to educate Guishou Nobunaga. In fact, we are attacking his prestige, because one needs someone else. The leader of preaching is obviously not so easy to reassure others."

Sakura rain god young suddenly nodded and said: "I understand. Nobunaga Guishou is afraid that our preaching will make this mistake. They are all clear, and he also lost his prestige because of being preached. He intends to use this method to take this incident lightly, which means raised high and gently put it down."

Chi Fire Dragon Ji is also nodded and said: "I also understand. Nobunaga Guishou is actually not smarter, he just fly into a rage out of humiliation. However, I have to say that he is a slap in the face this time. ."

In fact, these analyses are very correct. Nobunaga Guishou was not a smart person himself. This time the failure was so serious that someone would have to carry the scapegoat, and Nobunaga Guishou didn't want to carry it by himself, at least he couldn't do it all by himself. Therefore, although Onihand Nobunaga’s previous fire was directed at Masaka Matsumoto and the others, it was meant for his own people. The purpose was nothing more than to downplay the specific reasons for the failure of the mission, and to divert attention a bit. The meaning is inside.

After the separation of Nobunaga Onisha and Masaga Matsumoto, there is nothing important. Nobunaga Onishe and they want to train super players in a short time, they will not continue, after all, that kind of High-return tasks are not Chinese cabbage, not something you can do if you want to. Need to wait for an opportunity.

The Japanese side is quiet, but our side cannot be quiet during the mission, and the reason is in the building we found after we left the bank.

There is a very tall building behind the bank. This building is considered to be the top large building in the entire city, so we think it is a very important building. In fact, when we walked around to the back street and actually entered the building, we discovered that it was actually a large shopping mall.

Of course, the undead’s shopping mall will definitely not sell ready-made clothes and cosmetics. In fact, there are really cosmetics here, but these cosmetics are very weird. As for the reason why the undead want cosmetics...Of course, it is not for beauty, but for mixing into human society.

In fact, these so-called cosmetics are things that can disguise the undead as human beings. Although some look inferior, some are really quite good. It's better to talk about the item called Magic Skin that Christina and Gold Coin just wanted to buy.

To be honest, in my opinion, this thing is the painted skin in "Liao Zhai". As long as you put this thing on your body, you can use special spells to deform this thing. Kind of human shape, but also can disguise some equipment. Of course, this thing has flaws. First, there is no way to maintain the transformation for a long time. Second, because this is a magic equipment, the magic fluctuations will always exist. It is nothing for some people who are not very vigilant, if it is those who are alert. , It must be immediately exposed. So this thing actually doesn't have much practical value.

Women are probably born to be unable to resist shopping. As soon as they enter this mall, even roses are a little out of control. They walk back and forth between layers of goods. This one compares that. , It really means to vacate this mall. And, unfortunately, not only do they have such a large storage space to empty here, but what's more terrible is that they do have so much money to buy these things.

The currencies in this city of the dead are just another manifestation of magic crystal. Our guild has such a large amount of magic crystal mining. We naturally have a lot of magic crystals in the hands of the guild leaders. , So we just need to redeem it, and it will definitely be okay to buy this mall. In addition, in fact, during the previous exchange process, we also confirmed one thing by the way, that is, magic crystal is indeed the high-energy crystal here, which has been confirmed by the bank. In other words, the task we received before was actually to clean up a magic crystal mining area. As for why we got here...this estimate will be known when we finish investigating here.

I didn’t pay much attention to the things in this place when I was just walking around the lower floors. It’s just that some of the women have a soft spot for shopping, so I saw some weird baubles. After that, I couldn't help but want to buy it. However, after we visited the three floors below and entered the Fourth Layer, we suddenly discovered that this place was not just a place selling some useless bauble. Even the expressions of Rose and the others returned to their serious looks, obviously they also found the things that I paid attention to.

"It looks like we might really need big purchases this time!" Christina said, looking at the thing facing the stairs.

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