"Wow, there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding between us." The gunman found that the atmosphere was not right, so he smiled and raised his hands to show that he was not malicious. "My goal is only the group of guys over there. As for the accident that disturbed your good things... I apologize, or we can use the method of being used to resolve this dispute."

Ghost Although Te Nobunaga is very dissatisfied with the current gun god, the strength of the gun god is there after all, so he dare not be too arrogant in the face of the spear god's active submission. "What are you going to do?"

"Perhaps we can consider joining forces and find some benefits from elsewhere to compensate for our losses. What do you think?"

"Said For you guys, you just don’t want to compensate for the loss, and you have to pull us into the water.” Chi Fire Dragon Ji deliberately said: “We are not involved in this matter. Anyway, it is not us who lost.” After finishing talking, Chi Fire Dragon Ji suddenly Turning to Nobunaga Onishu again and said, "Hey, be careful of this guy, he is not a good person."

"I know!" Nobunaga Onishou let out an angry roar, and then turned to Gunman. . "It seems that you are not very satisfied with my cooperation plan!"

"I don't think this is our problem." Matsumoto Masaga finally spoke out again. "First of all, as soon as you came here, you killed Nobunaga Guishou and they played the BOSS for a long time, which means that you took away the only benefit from the scene. Nobunaga Guishou paid a great price for this. But it turned out that I didn’t get anything. Why did you pull out first that we wanted us to cooperate with you to deal with those unidentified people, so well, please tell us, why do we trust you? In fact, I am now I’m still wondering why those people attacked us, maybe things are just the opposite of what you said. It’s not you who tracked them here, but they tracked you?"

Originally, Nobunaga Ghosts and I didn't expect this, but Masaga Matsumoto said that the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. First of all, he didn't know the identity of these mysterious persons at all, and the other party just followed up to fight, and he didn't communicate with Ben, which was obviously very strange. If the two parties had hatred before, then it is understandable to attack each other, but Nobunaga Onitaka simply didn't know these people. Then, if you don’t know it beforehand, it can only be the conflict that just happened, but the problem is that the other party didn’t say anything, and they suddenly started attacking them. This is not the same as the conflict on the spot. Finally, the weapons used by those people are all firearms, and this thing is the characteristic equipment of American players, which means that these attackers are American players.

If, based on these analyses, a group of American players who have never known Guishou Nobunaga suddenly attacked him, this obviously makes no sense. However, the gun god is an American, so it is normal to say that the gun god has hatred with these people. After such an analysis, Nobunaga Onishi immediately concluded that what Matsumoto Masakah said was reasonable, so the expressions all looked towards Gun God was wrong. "Let's talk, these people are you who brought you here?"

"Hehehe, aren't these people who I attracted? If I had to deal with them, I would have been directly on it. Why bother to come here and Do you guys do it together?"

"You need to explain it yourself." August Xun said: "You said it yourself before, they never leave the guild. But even if they never leave the guild. Yes, but their guild headquarters won’t move. Has your Holy Lance League fallen to the point where you can’t even attack a guild city?"

"Eh...I want to To correct one point, the guild headquarters of the other party will not move. In fact, the main reason why I came here is that the headquarters of the guild has been moving."

"What did you open? Are you kidding me?" said Nobunaga Guishou, "Could it be that the headquarters of their guild can fly everywhere like the mobile fortress Isengard in the Frost Rose League?"

"no no no, you have misunderstood I did not say that their guild headquarters can fly as much as Isinger Mobile Fortress. In fact, apart from the Frost Rose League, I don't think any guild will have enough funds to build Isinger Mobile Fortress level. "

"Then you said before..."

"I can't explain in detail what it is." Gunman said with some embarrassment: "I don't know more than you How much is it? The information I have is that the headquarters of this guild is an object that can move under the ground without knowing what type. This object can move at a fairly fast speed underground. My people have tracked them to one. I was at the edge of the forest, and they saw a few pipes protruding from under the ground. They got in. But after my people chased there, they didn’t find anything at all. We later dug down that place and found out A huge passage was just drilled out. It was obvious that something passed under the ground and left such a passage. However, after this thing left, it collapsed part of the passage, so we could not follow the tunnel. Pursuing. After that, we have also encountered the opponent entering and leaving the base many times, but it will leave the place immediately after picking up people, so the only thing we can be sure of is the existence of this thing, but what it looks like and how it works We simply don’t know anything."

"I have to say that your ability to compose stories is really very good." After August Kaoru finished speaking, he turned to Oni Shou Nobunaga and said, "Well, for This time we decided to reserve our attitude. As for you... it is your own business." Nobunaga Onitaka glared at Matsumoto and the others, then looked towards the gun god and said: "Based on your statement, I think your words are not untrustworthy. Even if some of your words are credible, I don't think there is any good cooperation between us. Unless you are willing to compensate us for our losses, between us There is nothing to talk about."

"It seems that the misunderstanding between you and me is really deep enough! "

"This is not a misunderstanding, but a fact. "Nobunaga Guishou said: "The evidence is at your feet. You can even pretend to have an innocent expression. I have to say that you surpassed us a lot in terms of the thickness of your face." "

"Well then! "The gun god found that the current situation is very unfavorable to him, so he had to say: "Since you don't welcome me so much, I'd better leave here first." "

After the Gunmaster finished speaking, he turned and walked in the opposite direction of the attacker. Neither Matsumoto Masaka nor Onité Nobunaga planned to intercept the Gunmaster. After all, although this guy hates him, he battles. The strength is real, so no one wants to mess with this guy for no reason.

Just as the gun god turned and left, Ying Yu Shen Hina relied on his small size and quietly moved to Chi Fire. Behind Dragon Hime and Matsumoto Masaka. With the help of Matsumoto Masaka and Chi Fire Dragon Hime, now no matter who is the gun god or the ghost hand Nobunaga, she can’t see her, and the Sakura rain god Hina takes this opportunity to open it. The communicator whispered: "Military god, have you all heard? What should we do without reminding us? "

"I understand. "Military God's answer is simple and clear.

Just after the communication on the Yingyu Shennji's side, the attackers on the opposite side responded immediately. One of Guishou Nobunaga's subordinates was slightly surprised. Said: "Boss, those people... they are retreating. "

"What's the situation? "

"no no no, these people are not retreating. "Matsumoto Masaka pointed to the attackers who appeared from time to time in the distance and said: "They are moving sideways and roundabout. "

"They want to surround us? "Guishou Nobunaga asked in surprise.

"No, it doesn't look like it. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "If they are going to surround us, they should surround us from both sides instead of moving all in one direction as they are now. They seem to be...it seems to be..."

"What is it? "Ghost Nobunaga asked anxiously.

"It's a detour. They are trying to bypass us! "Matsumoto Masakao suddenly yelled: "Damn, our guess is correct." Those people are not going to attack us at all, they are going at the gun god. They are trying to bypass us to chase the gun god. Damn, you idiots have acted as shields for others! "

Onitou Nobunaga was a little convinced of Matsumoto's previous speculations. Now looking at the movement of those mysterious persons, compared to the previous speculation Matsumoto's said, I suddenly felt this thing. Very reliable. "Damn, you bastard, Gunman! "

"I think it's better for us to move over there now. "Augussuki said, pointing in the opposite direction of the other party's detour direction.

Guishou Nobunaga also reacted, and quickly said: "Yes, yes, you can't use it for nothing. Let's leave the way, let those people chase the bastard of the gun god. "

As Guishou Nobunaga and they stepped aside, those people really stopped going around in circles, they just chased the gun god. This time, Guishou Nobunaga firmly believed that he was being used before. The most unlucky thing is that they were a shield. They didn’t get any benefits. The gun god bastard even snatched their mission boss. This loss drove Nobunaga crazy. .

"It seems that our guess is not wrong. "After Matsumoto said, he suddenly turned to Nobunaga Onitou and asked, "Hey, are you interested in following it?" Maybe you can get some benefits? "

Onitou Nobunaga was stunned when he heard Matsumoto's words, because he didn't expect that Matsumoto would invite him to join him, but he nodded and said after only one-tenth of a second. : "Of course, why not? I really want to know what will happen to that bastard of Gunslinger. "

"It is impossible to estimate what will end. "August Xun said: "You have worked with the gun god before, how much of his strength is always known, right?" I think those people are unlikely to really treat the gun gods. "

"Then they dare to chase the gun god?" "Nobunaga Guishou asked in astonishment.

Matsumoto Masaka explained: "Although their strength can't do anything to the spear god, I think their strength should have exceeded the divine ability of the gun. Range, so the gun god will run, and will use us to block these people. The reason why they are chasing the gun god may not be to kill him or something, but probably to show an attitude, an uncompromising spirit of resistance. They just want the gun god to understand that they are not easy to provoke. "

"If it were me, I would consider killing the gun god directly. "Guishou Nobunaga said.

"They may think so too, but they are not strong enough, so...you know. But if we follow it, it's the right time..." Although Masaka Matsumoto did not finish, Nobunaga oni knows what Masaka Matsumoto meant. Whether it is the gun god or the mysterious people, as long as one of them is defeated, they can do it. Get some benefits. Of course, it depends on the situation. After all, Matsumoto and Nobunaga don't want to really turn their faces with the gun god.

After getting confirmation from Nobunaga, the people on both sides They immediately integrated together, and then ran after the movement route of the gun god and the gang. To be honest, the accident of the gun god this time robbed Matsumoto Masaga and the others from the opportunity to grab the boss, but Matsumoto Masaga and In fact, August Xun and the others are quite happy.

Anyway, the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others spend their energy to cultivate the powerhouse among Japanese players, which is a good thing for all Japanese players. Therefore, Matsumoto Masaga and the others should be fully cooperating with this matter. However, if Matsumoto Masaka robs the boss, whether it is intentional or not, it will affect Matsumoto Masaka’s image more or less. Although we The reason for the previous decision to use this plan is that this impact will not produce fundamental changes, but after all, this is a negative situation that we don’t want to see, so we still tried to avoid or reduce the probability and extent of this situation. . The reason why we decided to let Matsumoto Masaka and the others is forced.

However, now we have no choice but to do it, because the gun god fell from the sky like an angel, and then He lifted the huge black pot and excitedly buckled it on his head. As a result, Matsumoto Masaka saved his reputation, and the gun god became the new enemy of Oni Teo Nobunaga. Although these two guys were not thorough before Allies of, but they have cooperated before, and the current situation is very beneficial to us. The probability of Nobunaga Guishou in cooperation with Gunslinger in the future has dropped a lot. It cannot be said to be impossible, but at least the probability is not big. Now.

"hey hey hey, pay attention to your formation and don't run too far forward. "Masaga Matsumoto shouted at Nobunaga's subordinates: "We are here to see if there is anything cheap to make, not to take the initiative to participate in the war." We don’t want to help any of these parties, okay? So, don't be so positive, just give me back a little. "

Onitou Nobunaga's subordinates wanted to go crazy when they heard Masaka Matsumoto gesticulating there, but Onitou Nobunaga knew that this was justified, so they suppressed their own dissatisfaction. "You all give me peace. Now we are really not suitable for mixing in. Give me a step back. "

While Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onited were secretly following the gun god and the mysterious persons, during the mission, Christina and I encountered a huge The trouble. This trouble is even bigger than the one before.

"Who can tell me what is going on? "Looking at the wind wall in front of us, Rose and I were a little dumbfounded.

This place is an ice valley we discovered after walking on the ice sheet for a long time. The ice valley itself is not too problematic. But the problem is that there is actually a cyclone outside this place. This cyclone uses high-speed rotation at a speed of more than 500 kilometers per hour, and there are millions of ice cubes in it. These ice cubes are just Rotating with the whirlwind like a pulverizer, from time to time there will be two pieces flying out. All the ice cubes that fly out, the formidable power is no less than a small cannonball. If someone is hit directly, they will definitely be smashed. Fly out, and if unfortunately it hits the head, it’s the best result to be killed on the spot.

"I think we need some special methods to get into this thing, do you think Woolen cloth? "Christina asked.

"Maybe I can help you block the ice in the upper wind position, and then you rush in? "Zhen Hong asked uncertainly.

"no no no, you are an assaulter, not a shield. Rose said: "Even if someone needs to block it, it should be Purple Moon. His shield defensive power is higher than your armor. In addition, Purple Moon has more healing skills than you, so his protection ability and survivability are actually higher than yours. "

" But Purple Moon is the main battle strength. We are not sure what is inside. Once we enter, we need second defense. Purple Moon has just passed the ice wind barrier, and it is estimated that there is no way to intercept anything. Bar? "

"Then what shall we do? Asked gold coin.

"Maybe we can consider digging a hole in from below? "I said directly: "Pay attention, the cyclone is only above the ground, so we just have to make a hole under the ice and then drill in from below. The ice layer on the surface can help us block the wind and the flying ice. We just need to get in from below. "

"It sounds pretty good. But the problem of punching..."

"Of course I am here! "I took the initiative to take the project, and then began to call the magic pet to help open the hole. I want to make a hole on the ice in an environment of minus 50 degrees, I can't handle this project alone.

We are digging hard, but in Japan, the gun god is even more depressed than us. Although Oniji Nobunaga doesn't believe it, the gun god at least knows that he is telling the truth. He is not. He was chased here, but chased those people here. However, in the situation just now, he had to leave Nobunaga oni and them, and what made him depressed was that after he left , These people actually caught up.

"Are there any mistakes? "Looking at the pursuers who are getting closer and gradually surrounded, the gun god feels that he is really unlucky today. In fact, if he can do it again, the gun god feels that he will definitely not touch the boss again. .Before, he killed the BOSS purely with a joking and greedy attitude. He also didn’t expect that this thing would cause Guishou Nobunaga’s exaggerated backlash. You must know Guishou Nobunaga’s strength problems. In the previous communication with him, he was quite courteous, but this time, even though Nobunaga showed some restraint during the whole process, the gun god still felt that he was just like an angry rooster. It’s almost as if you’re tense all the time, it seems you can enter a state of battle immediately. This state is not the normal state of Nobunaga oni.

Anyway, Regret Medicine this thing does not exist, so the gun God is now very depressed and can only face the encirclement and offensive of those pursuers, and what’s more terrible is that the Gunslinger has gotten bigger this time.

As a Musketeer, Gunslinger’s profession determines that he actually doesn’t Not good at fighting alone. That’s right, the Gunmaster has a second job like me, and he is also a beast trainer, so the Gunmaster also has a lot of familiars, although not as many as mine, but there are also a lot of them, and there are many of them. This is a powerful existence. In this case, the gun god still has a strong individual combat capability. However, that is when the gun god does not actively approach the enemy. In the past, the gun god only had two combat modes, one One is a long-range sniper, every time you finish a fight, you run away, preventing the enemy from approaching him. The other one only appears in one-on-one, he will show up and fight against others. But now the gun god is being pursued, so He has lost the sniper’s greatest advantage-concealment. As for one-on-one... Unless the opponent is a group of patients with secondary disease, don't count on it. Only fools will single-handedly challenge him at this time. /p>

"Look, the gun god is about to be surrounded. "Standing in the distance, Masaka Matsumoto pointed to the front and said to Nobunaga Onitou.

Nobunaga Onitou looked at the situation there with excitement, and there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart. As his fellow is surrounded by enemies, Guizhou Nobunaga will naturally be in a good mood.

The gun god who was escaping gradually realized that this was not the way, he finally stopped while running, and then turned and raised his hand. It was a shot that was thrown out. This attack was very sudden, almost suddenly turning around and throwing the gun while running. There was no aiming process at all, and normal people with fast speed had no time to react.

The gun god used this before. Zhao Yin has killed many people who tried to chase him, and it turns out that people who can dodge this trick are really rare. At least so far, the gun god has not encountered anyone who can dodge it except me.

But today, the gun god was shocked again. Just as he was throwing the gun, the guy he was aiming at turned sideways like a predictor. A bullet that should have opened a big hole in that guy’s heart. Just brushing the guy’s arm to bring out a blood line, did not cause any serious damage that can be counted.

Here, the person on the opposite side will do it immediately after the gunshot is missed. In response, the two people next to the attacked were directly sliding forward one-knee kneels for a short distance while running, and during the sliding process, the other party had already levelled the magic spear in their hands. /p>

It’s different from the gun-god’s cool-flicking shooting method. The opponent’s shooting posture is almost like an elite unit from the regular army. The two men raised their guns almost simultaneously, holding the butt against the shoulders. Position, then tilt your head slightly to let your eyes aim at the gunman through the auxiliary scope, and then two people pull the trigger at the same time.

Puff, puff, puff, pu... the attacks of these two individuals It is not that one person is finished at a time, but two people take turns using the single-shot burst mode to constantly click on the location near the gun god, forcing the gun god to simply dare not raise his head. The other party’s shooting rhythm is very accurate, and it just shuts off the gun god. In all the gaps between the attacks, and the opponent’s shots were extremely precise, every bullet fell on the side of the gun god, and several bullets were hit on the rock used to hide in front of him.

< p>The gun god who was suppressed behind the stone suddenly felt a little depressed. Before, he had always been holding a gun and hitting others unable to raise his head. It was the first time for him to be locked in a place and unable to raise his head. What's terrible is that this is the two opponents who are firing, and the rest of the opponent seems to be using the time when they can’t raise their heads to move to their respective positions.

Knowing that it can’t go on like this The gun god was cruel, and suddenly jumped out from behind the stone, and rolled around behind the other stone physically. During this time, he actually fired a shot with his orgasmic shooting.

< p>One of the shooters suddenly tilted his shoulder, and the whole person was taken back and flew out, but after falling to the ground, The individual quickly got up again. Although he was shot in the shoulder, this is not the worst injury.

"What's the situation?" At this time, Hong Yue of the Isengard commander was asking about the situation of the military god.

"As you can see, our people have blocked the Gunner in this position."

Hongye nodded said: "The Gunner is always troublesome for us. , It’s time to let him suffer."

"Our people have found the right place, do we need to kill him or how to do it?"

"Kill him He, but don’t let him die too fast.” Although Hong Yue is a relatively passionate and impulsive character, she is still a well-educated person. So although she is obviously more impulsive, Hong Yue does things very well. steady. Although she wanted to get a little breath from the gun god, she didn't forget what was going on. Click on the ghost hand Nobunaga on the crystal screen. "This is our real goal. Tell those people, don't be too impatient, and play with it slowly, so that Nobunaga Guishou will not lose interest so quickly. We need him to watch the scene for a while until it meets. Let them leave that mission."

"I understand."

The command was quickly communicated to the front line, and those who were gradually surrounding the gun god held it down one after another. I took the communicator on my ear, and then immediately let go of the communicator after waiting for a while, and started to move the position again.

In fact, this squad is not the same as the average player team. They enter the game not to play, but to train. These people are actually one of the military special forces personnel that Wu Old General gave us to train. They are soldiers themselves, they are just conducting simulated reality training in the game. In fact, even their weapons are developed by us with reference to the characteristics of weapons in reality, so their training in the game will also be of great use in reality. However, given that most people in the game use cold weapons, if you want to train gun battle skills, the best place is of course the United States. After all, the featured profession here is the Musketeer, so there are many Musketeers in the United States that many players choose. It's so easy to find a group of people here to fight a gunfight. This is also the reason why the current Captain branch is stationed in the United States. Their task is not to go there to do anything, but to train there. Usually they do the command tasks of our guild, which are all part of the training. It can only be said that they are helping us by the way during training.

Because these people are real soldiers, many of their battle methods are different from the players in the game, such as the tactical arrangements in the game. There are two situations in the tactics between players. One is that there is no tactics at all, and some simple tactics that have been coordinated in the process of training together for a long time. However, these people use standard military combat coordination methods. They have special training manuals for their movement, offense, defense and cover, so they must get up with ordinary players. The cooperation of these guys is simply tacit to people. go Ape. Such a group of people is simply moving according to the mode of one person, and sometimes they often make their enemies want to commit suicide angrily. Of course, it won't help to do that.

"Did you see the movement of those people?" Oni Te Nobunaga looked at the tactical situation there, and then asked the Matsumoto next to him in confusion: "Did these people's actions make you think ......?"


"Yes." Nobunaga nodded and said immediately: "It is the army. I think these people are just a group of professional professions. Soldiers."

"Perhaps your guess is correct." Military god said: "Maybe these people are colleagues in a previous army. The crowd of "Zero" games is so large that there are active soldiers in it. It is also normal. In addition to those who have retired, there are actually a lot of military talents in the game. These people may have been a squad before, but now they are directly switched to the game to play shooting games."

" It’s really possible to put it that way. I don’t know if the unorthodox of the gun god is an opponent of these regular troops."

"That's not sure." Akatsuki said: "These people The tactics are indeed very good, but their weapons are not good compared to the gun god. Although the gun god’s gun looks a little big, but it can fire a heavy artillery formidable power rifle, so the result of the battle is really good. It's hard to tell."

Just as Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitaka were discussing the gun god, the gun god was panting behind a giant tree. Just now, he took the risk and changed positions again, but this time it was obvious that many people on the other side had completed the battle, and he was hit just as he jumped out from behind the stone. Although he succeeded in hitting the guy who hit him, the price was that he himself was hit once and failed to hide behind the obstacle he chose, but fell behind this big tree. Fortunately, this tree is big enough, otherwise he is really worried that he will be killed directly.

Unfortunately, before the gun god could catch his breath, he suddenly heard the bang, and the wood chips flew around his ears. If it weren’t for the helmet on his head, this one would definitely make him look bad. . Just now, it was not a bullet shot from behind, but someone used an armor-piercing bullet to directly penetrate the big tree. Fortunately, the position is a little bit off, otherwise, as long as the bullet is a little bit off his side, it is not just the trunk that has so many holes.

Embarrassed from behind the big tree, the gun god finally hid behind a big rock this time, but just after he hid behind that, he suddenly heard a very strange sound. The sound was quite sharp, but the gun god swears that he should have heard this sound before and is very familiar.

Quickly glanced from behind the stone, the gun god’s eyes widened instantly, because he saw a thing with a red tail moving towards him quickly approaching.

"I..." The gun god rushed out from behind the stone before he even complained and yelled out, and just after he swooped out, he heard a loud explosion sound behind him, that piece The stone he was hiding in instantly turned into hundreds of small fragments, and his back was almost baptism baptism. Although it was not very painful, the shock in his heart was unimaginable. The Gun God never thought that he would be beaten so embarrassed one day.

"That group of people actually have liquefied magic crystal steam missiles?" Nobunaga Guishou looked at the flying weapon that exploded ten pieces of gun god hiding in surprise.

Matsumoto Shrugged and said: "You know, this thing is actually our own responsibility."

Onihand Nobunaga originally wanted to say something, but then suddenly thought of what it looked like. It was Japan that bought the purification technology of liquefied magic crystal steam from Russia, and then the technology spread in Japan, which led to many guilds all over the world having similar technology. So, now the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon in the game is no longer a new thing, and many guilds can make it. However, this thing has not been used in large quantities, mainly because of cost-effectiveness.

Small businesses will not be able to spend that money, just as poor countries would rather use manpower than machines for many things, because they are too poor and can only use manpower to replace those expensive equipment. Although large guilds are as rich as developed countries, their enemies are also large guilds, but the problem is that the nemesis of liquefied magic crystal steam weapons-magic energy stabilization technology has also been invented. In other words, the effect of the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon on these large guilds is minimal, and it is not very cost-effective to bully the small guilds, so most guilds simply don't do this thing.

Of course, it's not that the liquefied magic crystal steam weapon is useless, it's just that the general guild is reluctant to use it. Rich and imposing guilds like our guild will still be produced and used, and some small guilds will occasionally buy a few spares from the big guilds. After all, the benefits of these things are more obvious in some cases.

For this group of people who have a liquefied magic crystal steam weapon Guishou Nobunaga is surprised, but also not completely unacceptable, at least there is some reason for him to see this. However, what he was really surprised was that the liquefied magic crystal steam weapons launched by those people were very similar to the liquefied magic crystal steam missiles used by our Frost Rose League.

Our Frost Rose League’s liquefied magic crystal steam missile is so famous, mainly because the mobile angels of our guild are equipped with this missile, and this kind of liquefied magic crystal steam missile is currently in the game. The only kind of miniature missile with tracking function. Although other guilds have experimentally manufactured weapons such as missiles with seekers, at first, because there is no liquefied magic crystal vapor, the explosive formidable power is too low, even if it can be tracked, it is not cost-effective. The technology of liquefied magic crystal steam has spread, but after all, the preparation of liquefied magic crystal steam also requires money, so there are still not many such expensive weapons, after all, the demand is not large.

It is different from the general liquefied magic crystal steam missile, because our guild’s liquefied magic crystal steam missile works very well with mobile angels, and the cost of these weapons is cheaper than others. In addition, our guild's low cost of liquefied magic crystal steam, so our guild can manufacture this kind of liquefied magic crystal steam missile in large quantities, thus leaving a very good reputation in the world. Many people know that our guild’s liquefied magic crystal steam is not only small in size and large in formidable power, but also not as expensive as ordinary liquefied magic crystal st

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