Matsumoto Masaka’s prediction is actually quite accurate. No matter how first-rate or second-rate people are, Nobunaga Kishou is always considered expert. As soon as the attackers here were exposed, they immediately determined that these people were long-range attackers, so they adopted a very targeted attack method, which was to quickly close the range, and then destroy them one by one.

Generally speaking, this trick is very useful for long-range systems, because the reason long-range systems are remote systems is that they are not strong in close combat. Once they are close, they are usually abused. Therefore, the combat objective of the long-range system is to try not to let the enemy get close.

It is said that under normal circumstances, this kind of remote system attack is easily suppressed, but now the Heavenly Ghost souvenirs are in big trouble. In the process of their charge, the group of attackers on the opposite side showed an unprecedented attack mode. There seems to be a sniper-like unit in the team of these people, but the target of these snipers is not the heart or head and other vitals, but the kinematic structures such as leg joints or ankles.

The weapon used by these guys is a very large-caliber magic gun. The kinetic energy of the physical ammunition fired by them is amazing. Every hit can make the person hit a few somersaults, or directly on the spot. Sliding backwards a distance. Although this terrifying kinetic energy does not produce enough penetrating power, the projectile has produced shock damage, often causing fractures, and the result is that the person who is shot directly loses the ability to move partially or completely. It can be said that this is a very terrifying situation, because the opponents are all remote systems, so the choice of attack targets is very flexible. As long as they are hit by a sniper and lose their mobility, they will immediately become a target of fire. Moreover, because there is no way to move, or the moving speed is slow, these people can't dodge the enemy's long-range firepower at all, and can only rely on defensive means to resist. However, the facts tell us that passive beating can never win victory. No matter how thick a tortoise shell is, it can sometimes be broken. So basically, as long as the people of Nobunaga and the others are hit in the leg, it is roughly equivalent to death. . Anyway, the few people who fell during the charge failed to survive.

Due to the high firepower density and precise sniping, the people on Nobunaga's side can only hide behind rocks or some other obstacles, and they dare not show up at all. In this case In addition to being passively beaten, he is passively beaten, and he has no ability to resist at all.

"No, we are not their opponents like this. Sooner or later we will all be killed." said a player next to Nobunaga Onishu.

Ghost Nobunaga said angrily: "Do you think I don't know? But the problem is that the firepower network over there is so dense, do you think we rushed past?"

"Even if we can't rush over, we can use other methods!"

"Then tell me what method to use?" Nobunaga Onishu was very angry at this guy's attitude, obviously The relationship between the two people was not very good.

The guy immediately said after hearing Nobunaga's words: "We can move to the side, and then attract the BOSS to follow us to move together, and then as long as the direction of movement is controlled, the BOSS can contact the opponent, and then We..."

"Are you treating those people as idiots or are you an idiot?" Nobunaga Guishou cursed before the other party finished speaking, "You know how to attract the boss to the past." , Don’t people know how to hide? Those people are all long-range types, as long as they don’t hit the boss, they won’t pull animosity. Even if the distance is closer, most bosses will take us as the priority attack target, not to mention that the opponent can completely fight and withdraw. We are dragging the BOSS, and the moving speed will definitely not be able to catch up with them, and there is a way to avoid others. And don’t you know that our people are more likely to be the targets of the other party when they are moving?"

Ghost Te Nobunaga’s voice was so loud that even Masaka Matsumoto here heard the roar of Nobunaga Onitou, but after he finished cursing, Nobunaga said, “Although your method is idiotic, But at least one thing is right." The man over there heard that he had the right place, and he immediately wanted to express his opinion, but he was interrupted by Nobunaga oni before he opened his mouth. "Although you are partly right, don't be too proud of this kind of blind cat running into dead mice."


That guy is going to be mad. , But Guishou Nobunaga ignored him at all, and directly ordered a few people around him. These Japanese players immediately separated from the left and right sides, and the Japanese players in the middle were not idle, but cooperated with the personnel on both sides to continuously move forward and make short stops. The advantage of this method is that it can quickly move from behind an obstacle to another obstacle, so the time of exposure to the opponent’s fire is very short, and if the opponent wants to suppress them, they have to stare here. Therefore, on the one hand, this method of movement can reduce the probability of assault personnel being shot, and on the other hand, it can also ensure that the enemy is not free to do other things. For example, cleaning up roundabout troops or something.

The two commandos on both sides soon moved to the side of the battle line and started to advance towards the middle. It seems that the form has been reversed, because as long as you are not stupid, you will understand when you see this situation. The attackers will definitely suffer. But in fact, the facts are far from everyone's guess, because the attack power hidden among the attackers has finally begun to show off.

Just as the roundabout troops arrived at the right position and began to encircle, the attackers here suddenly heard two muffled noises, and then saw two purple glowing spheres. It flew out from the back of the attacker team, and then quickly approached the foothold of the roundabout group of troops.

Originally, these two purple light spots were still far away from them, so these Japanese players didn't take this thing seriously. However, when those things really landed, they finally realized that the trouble was big this time.

In fact, it was nothing else that fired, it was the two assembled magic crystal cannons, and the first target after the two magic crystal cannons fired was the detour troops. Although the cannonball does not directly fall on the human head due to the accuracy of the cannonball, the biggest difference between the cannonball and the bullet is that even if it is not directly hit, the cannonball can kill a person.

With two loud bangs, a huge explosion occurred in the center of the detour troops on both sides, and the detour troops within ten meters of the surrounding area were all lifted out. The battlefield situation was instantaneous. Reversed again.

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