"If it doesn't work, there is only one way." I looked at the ice on the opposite side and said, "Let one person go first, and then pull the lock on the opposite side, and then everyone will follow The rope goes over, so it’s much safer."

"But who is the first one to let over?" Christina asked.

"Of course it is my favorite." As I knew each other, Shuangxue appeared beside me. Because of her special status, Shuangxue is my favorite of summon rarely, but I have to say that she is still very useful in some aspects.

After I talked about the specific work with Shuangxue, Shuangxue gave a simpler suggestion. This suggestion is actually very simple, but we didn't even think of this method before. We can only say that sometimes smart people will fall into thinking errors and get stuck in some place.

The method provided by Shuangxue is actually very simple, which is to use the Water Element spell to hold up the sea water and make it leave the water surface. Because the temperature in the air is lower, the floating seawater will freeze quickly, and then as long as these large ice blocks are directly put back into the seawater, the low temperature will broaden the surrounding ice layer based on these ice blocks. Therefore, if we lay these ice blocks at appropriate intervals, we can actually create a channel before the entire river is frozen. In addition, Frost and Snow also said that in addition to using this method to accelerate the ice seal, it can also artificially use the spell of the ice attribute to assist in accelerating the freezing speed, so that the formation of this ice road can be accelerated to the greatest extent. .

It can be said that we were just stuck by our own thoughts before. Once we figured it out, it is much simpler. According to Frost’s suggestion, we first asked the small dragon girl to help get the sea water up, and we used an improved method, instead of letting large chunks of sea water float into ice cubes, but directly let the sea water drop into the form of water droplets. Floating in the air, so with the ability of a small dragon woman, hundreds of millions of small drops of water can be produced at a time. Because of their small size, these small water droplets cannot fight the severe cold. Basically, they freeze immediately after leaving the sea, and then these water droplets become hundreds of millions of small ice balls.

When these ice balls were formed, the small dragon girl manipulated them to form a two-meter-wide channel on the river in front of us, extending from our shore to the opposite bank. These small ice beads all lost support and fell into the sea immediately after they were in place, and because of their intervention, the sea surface on this straight line immediately froze into a long ice channel. Of course, this icy channel is still unable to pass people, because it is too thin. As a matter of fact, this ice-bound channel began to break up due to the waves immediately after it was completed, and the small dragon girl did not care about the broken ice, but got more seawater from nearby to form ice beads to make it. Frost and snow use a strong ice spell to reinforce the frozen ice surface. In addition, the climate here is enough to freeze the sea surface, so under the three-pronged approach, the sea surface quickly freezes completely. A long ice-bound tunnel is formed.

In fact, this ice-sealed channel is composed of a large number of broken ice blocks. While they are freezing, they are twisted and broken due to the undulations of the sea and constantly endure various forces, but they are broken apart. The ice cubes will condense again due to temperature and magic, and because the seawater becomes ice, although it will shatter but will not melt, in general the ice layer is constantly increasing. When the ice layer finally accumulates enough to resist the strong stress here without breaking, the ice channel is completely completed. With the completion of this icy passage, the small dragon girl and Frost and Snow began to unite to water the passage, and the water that was poured on would quickly freeze and become a smooth road. Of course, this road is very smooth, so it is impossible to walk on foot. We need special equipment. Fortunately, we are not walking on foot, but riding on steel claws, so it is not difficult to pass this kind of place.

With the joint efforts of Shuangxue and the small dragon girl, we completed the laying of this passage in just a few minutes, and then everyone quickly passed the big river.

"I finally came here." Looking at the endless ice field ahead, Zhen Hong couldn't help but ask: "But can we really complete the task quickly? This place looks simply boundless, we want How to find the target?"

"Although the mission target has a map, but there is no reference object in this place, it is really difficult for us to find the target we need." Gold coin also said.

Christina took out a crystal ball from her body and said, "Don’t worry about this. That NPC said, this high-energy crystal mine is somewhere near here, and the high-energy crystal is actually very likely. It is the magic crystal. What we need is not to find this mining area, but to follow the curve of magic intensity to find places with high magic concentration."

" Christina is right, we don’t need to go. Looking for that mining area, as long as you find a place with sufficient magic power, you are basically a target." Rose said.

"Then I hope we didn't freeze to death before getting there!" Real red reluctantly drives the steel claws under the hips to accelerate, but the surrounding environment is the same no matter how you look at it, even if it accelerates. , And see nothing.

The situation of our team is constantly changing during the acceleration of the movement, one of which is a good change, and the other is a bad change.

The good change is that Christina did discover the energy radiation in the mining area. Her magic detection crystal accurately captured the mana fluctuations in the mining area, and as we progressed, this The volatility is becoming more and more obvious, obviously we have found the right direction.

However, in addition to this good news, we also encountered a bit of a bad situation, and this so-called not good situation is that we find that the weather is gradually deteriorating.

We have chosen before entering the mission, and the scene we are in will have extreme bad weather. The section on the sea did not encounter any storms, which we are still wondering until now, because the system has no reason to give us special treatment. However, no matter what we are willing to, our sea journey is exceptionally smooth anyway, and there is no bad weather environment at all. It can even be said that we sailed downwind most of the time, even the difficulty of normal sailing was not reached.

However, although the severe weather on the sea did not appear, the severe weather on the ice sheet seems to be unavoidable, thinking that the weather environment here has become more and more abnormal.

When we were blocked by that big crack before, the only threat we had to face was the high wind, but as we progressed, big snowflakes have begun to appear in the air, and the wind is obviously strengthening. Even the existence of steel claws is often blown back by the wind. Fortunately, there are a lot of people on our side. After we take care of each other, the problem is not big, but if the wind is further strengthened, it will really be troublesome, because we are about to withstand this damn strong wind now.

In fact, wind is still one of the problems. What's more terrible is that I don't know what's going on before. The wind has started to be mixed with some flying snowballs.

Don’t think that what I call a snowball is the kind of little snowball that everyone hits on others during snowball fights. The snow mass I am talking about is a kind of frozen snow that is the size of a human head and is completely compacted and close to the ice and snow mass. Of course, if it’s just the snow block, it’s not a big problem. The key is that when these guys are engulfed in the gusty wind and move at a high speed on the ground at a speed of more than 200 kilometers each hour, that destructive power is definitely unimaginable for you. of. If this is in reality, except for tanks, I think that all human ground vehicles are paperless in front of these things. When those snow blocks weighing more than ten to twenty kilograms hit the target at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, the formidable power is often no less than a speeding truck. After all, a large truck will not hit people at a speed of two hundred kilometers. Even if the truck driver has no time to brake and hit a person, the vehicle will probably slow down before hitting the person, so usually the instantaneous impact speed of a traffic accident is actually not that exaggerated. However, these snowballs will not slow down, they will never slow down until all split up and in pieces hit you, so being hit by these guys is basically like being hit by a truck. If a real person is smashed, basically one is enough to kill people. Fortunately, we are gamers, we have armor on our bodies and we have defensive attributes, so we are not so fragile. However, it is actually quite scary to watch these big guys pass through quickly.

In the beginning, these snowballs just made us feel very dangerous, but we haven't really regarded them as the same thing. However, as time went on, this situation began to get worse. The increase in wind power is not too exaggerated. Although it is larger than before, the increase in wind power is actually not too obvious. However, although the increase in wind force is not obvious, the snowballs caught in the wind are getting more and more outrageous.

At first, the snowball we saw was only the size of a ping-pong ball, and it may be smaller. However, as we progressed, the snowball gradually increased to dozens of kilograms. However, just a few seconds ago, we suddenly found a snowball the size of a car whistled past ten meters from our side. In front of this thing, we are like a bowling pin in front of a bowling ball. As long as we hit the top serve, the team will definitely run into big trouble.

My prediction soon became a reality. Just after we moved on for a while, the snow block the size of a car has changed from occasional appearance to normal, because the surrounding Almost all such big snowballs are flying, and we are like a group of pedestrians walking backwards in the middle of the expressway, and we need to constantly pay attention to avoiding the oncoming snowballs.

In fact, I think it’s easier to hide from a car on a high-speed kilometer. At least most drivers see that we will take some measures to avoid hitting us, but this snowball seems to be a blind driver. Like a driving car, it doesn't react to our existence at all. If we can't get out of the way, we will be completely smashed into pieces.

In the face of such horrible things, we still focus on dodging at first. Then, as the snow blocks become more and more bulky, we begin to have to adopt a variety of methods to mix them. Ways to deal with these things. For the snow block coming from the front, it can dodge and dodge. Although this is very hard, it is better than being hit directly. After all, even we are impossible to continuously use our bodies to resist these high-speed flying objects with a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour and weighing several tons!

Just as we were struggling to face those high-speed flying snowballs, Masaga Matsumoto and the others finally waited for the mysterious support force.

According to the plan, Masaga Matsumoto and the others did not meet these people directly. After all, this place in Japan belongs to an area with a lot of people and less land. So because the population density is too high, there are people in many places, so they have to do it secretly. Something is very difficult. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary risks, according to the meaning of the military god and Hong Yue, Masaga Matsumoto and the others did not meet with our reinforcements, but divided into two groups and moved to the area where Nobunaga Onishe was located.

When Masaga Matsumoto and the others reached this area, Nobunaga Onishi and they were taking the player to do the task. According to the reward introduction of this task, as long as the task can be completed, the player's strength will be It has been greatly improved, and at the same time, it can also train the player's combat skills and so on. Therefore, this kind of task can be said to be very important for the cultivation of this player, and Masaga Matsumoto's purpose is to prevent the opponent from completing the task.

"They are in front." Ying Yu Shen Hina controlled a water mirror technique and projected the scene captured by the surveillance magic, from which you can clearly see the ghost hand Nobunaga and a large group Players are fighting together, but because there are too many people, it is not clear which of these people is the Seeded Contestant they are training.

Although I don’t know who the Seeded Contestant is for the time being, it doesn’t matter. What Matsumoto and the others need is to destroy this mission.

Although they have reached the vicinity of Nobunaga and the others, Masaga Matsumoto and the others did not appear rashly. After seeing the situation clearly through the magic of Sakura Rain, they began to follow each other continuously. , But the moving process was very careful, for fear of disturbing Nobunaga Onitou and the others to destroy the plan.

In fact, the action plan that Matsumoto Masaga and the others got can be said to be very simple and rude. According to this plan, what Matsumoto and the others need to do is to wait for Onihand Nobunaga's action to be nearly complete, that is, when the opponent contacts the bottom boss. At this time, because of the need to face super-powered BOSS, Nobunaga Oni's reaction ability against external interference will inevitably become extremely fragile, and this time is just a good opportunity for Masaga Matsumoto and the others to start. .

As long as Onihand Nobunaga and the others are in such a situation that they don't have enough strength to pay attention to the surrounding situation, Matsumoto's reinforcements, that is, the subordinate guild of our guild, can be dispatched. Their task is to intersperse directly into the task to carry out interference operations, and in the process, Nobunaga Onitsuka and the others will inevitably need to fight. Facing both the BOSS and the guild's players' attacks at the same time, Nobunaga Onitou and the others are bound to be in a hurry, and at this time Masaka Matsumoto and the others can take the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. Their task is to pretend to help Guishou Nobunaga and they cope with this unfavorable situation, and on the other hand, to take the opportunity to kill the boss.

To put it bluntly, this plan is to let Matsumoto Masaka and the others rob monsters under the banner of help. If it's a general leveling, it's not a big deal to be robbed of a monster, it's just that the previous battle time and medicine are useless. However, this is a task, and the task BOSS is killed by others, which can only represent a complete failure of the task, and in order to complete this difficult task, the investment of Nobunaga Onishi and others before this has been very exaggerated.

In fact, speaking of which, it is also a way to kill the Seeded Contestant directly, but compared to the current plan, the plan to attack the Seeded Contestant is obviously more risky and very uneconomical.

Although the personnel trained by Nobunaga Ghosts have not been fully trained yet, since this player has been selected as the Seeded Contestant, he must not be a mediocre, which means that this person is not as good as me. It's definitely not the kind of weak who is bullied. In addition, because this guy is the hope that Nobunaga and the others have invested heavily in nurturing, so if someone else wants to kill this Seeded Contestant, Nobunaga and the others will definitely protect him. So who, it’s actually very difficult to kill this guy. If Christina and I are here, we can still try to kill them, but now we are all trapped in the mission, and we won’t be able to get out at all for a while. , So forced killing is obviously a risky behavior, and the success rate is very low.

However, the plan currently implemented by Masaga Matsumoto and the others will not have so many problems. First of all, the task of the reinforcements is not to kill the Seeded Contestant, but to harass. All they need to do is to put on a posture to forcefully kill the Seeded Contestant, but in fact they must not really kill him. As for Masaga Matsumoto and the others, if it is a forced kill, they simply can’t make a move. After all, although this seed was cultivated by Nobunaga Onizu, it can be regarded as the common hope of Japanese players. There is no sufficient reason. Masaga Matsumoto and the others attacked. Killing such a player will affect his positive image in the hearts of Japanese players. On the contrary, if it is a planned task, it is fine. Although it is not a glorious thing to grab the boss, it is just that when it comes out. Japanese players will not suddenly feel a lot of hatred towards Matsumoto Masaga because of this. Moreover, there is a historical issue in this, that is, Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onite are at odds, which is something that all Japanese players know.

Matsumoto Masaga and Onisite Nobunaga represent two power groups, and the contradiction between them can be said to be very strong. Therefore, as long as there is no national righteousness involved, Matsumoto Masaka will not arouse much resentment from Japanese players even if it is clear that nobunaga. And this time, although it was to grab the BOSS, the situation at the time was that Nobunaga Onihand had to face both the BOSS and the mysterious invaders at the same time, and Masaga Matsumoto and the others attacked the BOSS at this time. It can also be understood as Helping the ghosts of Nobunaga and their rescue. Therefore, we can't blame Matsumoto Masaka for this matter. Not only has the difficulty of the task reduced, but their own public opinion pressure and political risks have also been drastically reduced. Such a good plan, how could Masaga Matsumoto and the others not accept it?

Although the plan is like this, it still needs to be executed carefully. Nobunaga and the others are not dead. If Masaka Matsumoto and the others rob the boss, Nobunaga and the others will definitely fight back. Even if they don’t directly attack Matsumoto and the others, they will at least rush to get the last blood of the boss, so if If the control is not good, the task itself may be messed up. Of course, Masaga Matsumoto and the others will be on the spot. Even if they didn’t grab the BOSS when the time comes, Masaga Matsumoto and the others will temporarily change their plans. Anyway, they will not disturb the training plan of Nobunaga Onishi. I'll let it go.

"Where are our allies?" Matsumoto Masaga glanced at the map and asked.

August Xun pointed to a location on the map: "They just arrived here 3 minutes ago."

"Already not far?" Matsumoto Masaka said: " The speed of these people is so fast!"

"Maybe it is a high-density receiving unit, or a special mount, right?" Yingyu Shencu said: "What kind of team do you think they are? Hong Yue they just refused to tell us, and I still feel itchy now!"

"To be honest, I'm also very curious, but I think it should be a very special unit. Otherwise, the president of them. Bian will not let these people go out and establish guilds independently." Masaga Matsumoto said.

"It is said that these people belong to the covert operation group, which means that no one knows that they are a subordinate guild of the Frost Rose League." August Xun said: "They should be very confidential when they came out this time. So we can’t let others see that there is a connection between us."

"Of course we know that, everyone is not the first day to be a spy." Chi Fire Dragon suddenly said after he finished, "Look at it. , The BOSS has come out."

Following the fingers of Chi Fire Dragon Hime, Masaka Matsumoto and they looked towards the picture of the water mirror technique, and saw a large number of cracked rocks suddenly appeared in the front mountain. , And then the ground began to sink, and at the same time, a huge silhouette was slowly crawling out from under the ground.

"Damn, why didn't anyone tell me that this thing is so big?" Masaka Matsumoto was completely stupid when he saw this thing. To grab the last blood of the BOSS, you need to destroy it with one move, but this guy is so big, according to convention, the defense and health points are definitely astronomical, so it will be very difficult to grab the last blood of this thing.

Augussuki suddenly pointed to the lower part of the screen and said, "Look, Nobunaga Onitomu are here."

"Where are our reinforcements?" Matsumoto Masaka asked. .

"It's right behind this BOSS, about two kilometers away." Ying Yu Shen Chou said.

"It looks like we need to change positions with them." Chi Fire Dragon Ji said.

Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaun both nodded expressed their agreement, and then used a communicator to connect to the communicator of the opposite group of people. When the communication was connected, Masaka Matsumoto heard the voice of the opponent saying: "This is the attacker squad, the battle sequence is ready, do I need to start the battle now?"

"no no no, first Don't worry." Masaga Matsumoto was surprised. The other party spoke in a very strange tone and didn't feel like an ordinary player, but he didn't remember what was wrong, anyway, it was a strange feeling. However, Masaga Matsumoto and the others need to pay attention to this matter now, so he said very quickly: "No, don't do it. The opponent has just contacted the boss, the team may continue for a while. Your premature intervention may cause the opponent to leave the battle, so Keep it hidden, and wait until we say we can start, and then you can start again. In addition, your current position does not seem right, you are behind the monster's buttocks, this angle is not for you and the monster to besiege the ghost hand letter together They are long, but you, Nobunaga and Oniteda besiege the BOSS together."

"The attacker understands that we will start from the secondary coordinate radius and move clockwise with the target as the center. Ten degrees."

"Ok, pay attention to the secret."


After the simple communication, both sides started to move, then The reinforcements completed the position adjustment as smoothly as Matsumoto Masaga. Both teams successfully moved to the right position, but at this time the BOSS in the field just entered the burst period, and came up with a large area of ​​attacking ghosts. Nobunaga and the others turned their backs on their backs, and even an attack fell on the attacker's formation. Fortunately, only one person was injured, and it was a bruise, which was not too serious.

In the face of the BOSS outbreak, Nobunaga Guishou and the others are playing very hard. The level of this monster is too high. On the one hand, they have to help the Seeded Contestant to get the BOSS on the other hand. Be careful not to kill the BOSS directly, because according to the content of the mission, the BOSS must be killed by the Seeded Contestant to be effective, otherwise even if Nobunaga kills the BOSS, it will only be regarded as a mission failure.

In this kind of shackled battle, I was tired enough, but this BOSS is not someone who is easy to deal with. At this time, it happens to be the time when the BOSS is showing off. Nobunaga Ghosts and the others Reluctantly, he can only switch to defensive mode first, hold the BOSS's outbreak first, and wait until it fails before continuing to attack.

Because the BOSS's HP is still very large, for the time being, Masaka Matsumoto and the reinforcements did not move, just waiting for Onijo Nobunaga and the others to beat the BOSS almost to the point. Shot again.

Just after they waited for more than an hour, when Masaga Matsumoto and the others were about to fall asleep, the person on the opposite side of the reinforcements first activated the communication mode, and then shouted : "It's almost done. The BOSS's blood volume is about to bottom out. I request the action to start." Matsumoto and the others immediately got up and looked at the monster over there, judging from the damage. It's almost there. So Matsumoto Masaka said: "Okay, you can start. We will take action after you suppress Nobunaga and them."

"Understand, the mission is started."

< p>At this time, Nobunaga Guishou and they are besieging the BOSS excitedly. After more than an hour of fighting, this BOSS was finally overwhelmed by them. Although the whole process consumed a lot of medicines and killed several players, it was generally smooth. Moreover, as the life of the BOSS gradually bottomed out, its resistance became weaker and weaker. The ghosts of Nobunaga who saw this situation were naturally as hard as they saw hope, and they hoped to solve this BOSS as soon as possible. However, the danger just appeared at this time.

A high-output Japanese warrior suddenly jumped out from behind his companion, and then prepared to stab the boss. This is his trump card skill, the formidable power is very large, and the consumption is also very large, so unless it is the last blow, it will not be used under normal circumstances. Of course, the current situation is not the last blow. The reason why he wants to use this trick is because he wants to give the team a chance. However, just as he leaped high and saw that he was about to slash the monster on the body, a flash of red light suddenly disappeared, and it plunged into that guy’s back like lightning, and the guy’s body was instantly smashed. Soft, he, who was supposed to hit the monster with a single knife, actually hit the monster directly.

This BOSS was only injured and dying, but it didn't really die. They still have battle strength now. Although it is difficult for him to find a chance to start with those teams that cooperate with precision, he will never let go of this kind of person who bumps into himself.

Hey... the player just hit the monster and was slapped into fleshy flesh before falling down, and the surrounding Japanese players were stunned for a while, and then immediately turned their eyes to the monster. The direction where the red light flies.

It's obvious. The player just now died because of a sneak attack, which many Japanese players have seen. Therefore, they all knew that another group of people had appeared here, and at this time, all of them shifted their gaze to that direction and became cautious.

Although these guys are already very careful, they are impossible to make a complete defense at this time, because compared to the sneak attacker who doesn’t know how strong it is, the BOSS in front of them. But it was standing there. Therefore, these players have to be careful of sneak attacks behind them, while constantly dealing with the BOSS in front of them.

In the beginning, playing BOSS was a dangerous job, and now I have to distract him. These players quickly start to get messed up, and the other party seems to think that their side is not messy enough. That’s it. After reluctantly adjusting the formation, a red light flashed past again, and then a player in charge of fighting monsters suddenly fell forward and fell to the ground. How can the boss be polite to him when he sees this situation? With a slap up, the player was photographed as an abstract painting.

"These people are awesome!" Masaka Matsumoto, who has been monitoring the production screens, of course saw the loss of Oni Tei Nobunaga and the others. Although they were only attacked twice, they Bian has directly lost two people. Of course, Guishou Nobunaga and the others had long expected that this BOSS would not be easy to push, so they brought a lot of people back then. One or two deaths are simply not at the worst. However, although the death of a few people is not a big deal, but this situation is really a big blow to morale. More importantly, because everyone is carefully guarding against sneak attacks, most people cannot fully exert their battle strength at this time, causing problems with the cooperation of the entire team, and the overall attack power is also plummeting.

"Asshole!" Nobunaga Guishou cursed angrily, and then moved towards several players on the other side and shouted: "Harada, Yamaguchi, take people over to pull out the attacker."

"Understood." The two Japanese players quickly left the battle, then called their own squad and ran in the direction of the attacker.

Originally, they saw that it was a beam of light every time before, and the transmission frequency was not high. They thought that there was only one person on the other side, and the attack frequency was not fast. However, when these two teams ran less than a hundred meters, a bunch of silhouettes suddenly appeared in the grass, behind the rocks, or even on the trees and in the dirt on the opposite side. These people were not suddenly teleported by magic, but they were originally in this place, but they were all dressed in various disguise, so that the Japanese players had actually seen them before, but they didn't find them to be people. For example, here is a player who has been standing in front of a big tree with his back leaning on the trunk. However, because of the texture pattern painted on his body with the same color as the tree trunk, he felt that he was part of the tree trunk when he was not moving. It was not until this person started to work that the Japanese players realized that it was originally a person.

This magical ability to disguise is not to make the enemy invisible to them, but to let others see them, but will ignore it unconsciously. This is simply the Camouflage Technique of Master Rank, so that the Japanese players have no chance to react at all. When they noticed these people, it was actually time for them to attack.

Because they did not expect to be attacked in this position, and they were attacked in close-range formations, most of these people fell immediately when they were attacked. Although the people underneath used various methods to avoid them, they just lived a few more seconds longer than their companions.

The battle here is completely different from the previous battles. In this battle, there was a dense burst of noise like popping beans, so that Nobunaga Onihand immediately noticed the situation here. , And by the time they saw this side, the people sent by Nobunaga Guishou were already dead.

"Damn, are these people from the SEALs?" Looking at the picture displayed in the water mirror, Masaka Matsumoto almost didn't jump up, not because of the opponent's attack power, but because of these The way people attack and the clothing they wear.

In fact, until just before the attack, Masaka Matsumoto and the others didn't know who came to cooperate with them this time, but they were shocked when these people appeared just now. These are not ordinary armors, but all hard leather armors. Moreover, these leather armors are not exaggerated ancient style leather armors, but tight-fitting leather armors like motorcycle protective gear. In addition, these people all wear helmets, and these helmets without exception look like a combination of gas masks and bulletproof helmets, which look ugly but very domineering.

If only this kind of wear is counted, the key is that the weapons used by these people are actually all muskets. The combination of these things is completely like a jungle special force. Of course, the so-called jungle special forces are only similar in appearance to the special forces. After all, the guns used by these people are the products of the game, and the guns in the game are actually gunpowder weapons.

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