"What's the matter? Where did the shells come from?" Nobunaga, who was completely confused by the shelling, couldn't react for a while.

A player next to him pointed in the direction of the attacker over there and shouted: "It is the shells fired by the attackers. They seem to have brought the magic crystal cannon out."

"You What are they talking about? They carry the magic crystal cannon?" The first reaction of Nobunaga on hearing this is that he did not believe it, because the magic crystal cannon is a siege weapon, not the kind of thing that can be carried around casually, and the magic Regardless of whether it is large or small, Jing Cannon is not small in size. According to the information that Guishou Nobunaga has, the smallest magic crystal cannon seems to be the size of two large refrigerators, and one or two players of this size can never take away, even if you have a large storage. Space is also not good, because disassembly and assembly take time, and something as big as the magic crystal cannon is impossible to be packed into the storage space as a whole. The only way to transport it is to disassemble it and then transport it to the destination for reassembly. This method of assembly means that you have to equip the gun with an engineering team, and the minimum staffing of this team must be three or more. So, this thing is very inconvenient to carry, everyone knows this.

In fact, if it is simply inconvenient to carry, it will not affect the players' enthusiasm for carrying the magic crystal cannon, because if you just transport this thing to the designated location to win, then the player We usually would rather work harder to transport and find a way to send the magic crystal cannon to the battlefield where it needs to be. However, in fact, in addition to large-scale siege battles, in most cases the magic crystal cannon is quite a tasteless existence.

The formidable power of the magic crystal cannon is of course needless to say. This thing burns money a bit, but the formidable power is not ambiguous at all. Even the smallest magic crystal cannon can make people within a radius of ten meters turn on their backs, so the formidable power of this thing is absolute. No problem. It is not its formidable power that really limits the play of the Magic Crystal Cannon, but the hit.

The accuracy of the magic crystal cannon itself is not very high, because the shells fly slowly, and the emitted magic energy aggregates themselves have not much mass, so this thing is not only slower than the projectiles of ordinary gunpowder weapons. There are a lot of above, and it is easily affected by the airflow. Even when the magic crystal cannon is launched against the wind, if the wind can reach Level 12, the cannonball will even start to fly back some time after it is out of the chamber, and the final impact point will most likely be in the cannon. nearby.

Considering that the shells of the magic crystal cannon will be affected by these environmental factors, and the flying speed of this thing is slow, the delay is large, so if the target is a movable object and it is not very dense, Then the hit rate will become very low. After all, it takes more than ten seconds to land after this thing is launched, and the shell of the Magic Crystal Cannon is not like ordinary shells. It glows and is very eye-catching, so most people will be on the shells. After flying out, he found it immediately and quickly judged its trajectory to dodge it.

These factors determine that even if the magic crystal cannon can be taken away, most people will not go back to use it to level up or participate in field encounters. Not for anything else, or simply because this thing is not suitable for small-scale battles.

Because this magic crystal cannon is not suitable for small-scale battles, Kizuna Nobunaga was so surprised when he heard that the opponent used the magic crystal cannon. In fact, let alone Nobunaga Demon, even Masaka Matsumoto and Kaoru Akatsuki here are basically the same. Masaga Matsumoto and the others are also members of our Frost Rose League, and this attacker team is also a subordinate unit of our Frost Rose League. Of course, whether it is this mysterious force or Matsumoto Masaga and others, they are all secret subordinates. Except for some of the people involved in our guild, most people don't know about this.

However, no matter what, Masaga Matsumoto and the mysterious forces belong to the Frost Rose League after all, and even so, Masaga Matsumoto and the others were shocked when they suddenly saw each other pull out the cannon. Jump. If they had been killed before that, they wouldn't have thought that someone would bring the magic crystal cannon out to fight a small-scale war.

In fact, this group of people can run around with the magic crystal cannon. In the final analysis, it lies in the particularity of the two cannons.

Although the team sent to assist Masaka Matsumoto and the others is a subordinate guild of our Frost Rose League, their identities are very hidden, and few people know their existence. The identity of this guild on the surface is an American guild.

Yes, this guild was established in the United States, and all the players in it have established accounts specifically in the United States, so the new characters they create can choose the Musketeer profession. After all, this is a specialty occupation in the United States, and players from other countries cannot choose it, at least when the game first started. It's not needed now. The system just opened a special job transfer task not long ago. If you want to choose a special profession in a certain country, you don’t necessarily need to delete the number to re-establish your character in the other country. Instead, you can choose to transfer directly to the other country in the game. That's it. However, if you are a foreigner and want to change to a special occupation in this country, then you need to do an extra task. Moreover, the success rate of this task is very low, and the difficulty can be said to be abnormal. Anyway, so far I haven't heard of a few people who have successfully completed this task.

The mysterious forces prepared by our guild have gone to the United States a long time ago to establish an account and transferred to a specialty occupation in the United States-Musketeer. Because this guild itself is a subordinate of our Frost Rose League, we will not only provide them with all kinds of material and financial support, but also the technology is absolutely unambiguous.

& The internal generation principle of the ammunition is a bit similar to the Gatling machine multi-barrel cannon, but the size is much smaller, which is probably the equivalent to the volume of a light machine gun. Normally, it can be used by a single person, and it can be used as an assault rifle. Once it enters the deployment mode, you can instantly transform into a rapid-fire gun by putting down the fixed frame and attaching the bullet chain. The formidable power is so large that even high-level players cannot resist. . The people of Nobunaga Onishu and others were suppressed and horrified, which is entirely the credit of this weapon.

We have specially developed special weapons for them. Naturally, this magic crystal cannon is specially made. As mentioned before, this cannon simplifies the structure in the special process, on the one hand, it reduces the volume and weight, on the other hand, it also makes assembly and disassembly much simpler and faster. This is a very important attribute for a weapon carried by a small team of players.

Of course, the biggest improvement of this magic crystal cannon is not only the simplification of the structure. In fact, these small detachable magic crystal cannons are no longer magic crystal cannons in the full sense, they have been transformed into another type. Our designers installed a special magic array structure inside the cannon, so that the cannon can form a strong cone-shaped compression shield on the outer layer of the cannon. As a result, the flight trajectory of the cannon has become relatively stable. After the projectile is fired, the shape of the projectile is no longer a sphere, so the movement speed of the projectile has been greatly improved, and the projectile is affected by the airflow and has dropped a lot, at least it will not be blown away by the wind.

Because of these improvements, this new type of magic crystal cannon is much better than its predecessors in terms of hit rate and rate of fire. The most important thing is that this magic crystal cannon can level the barrel for direct aiming when necessary, which is absolutely impossible for the previous magic crystal cannon.

Just now two roundabout troops were killed halfway by artillery shells, because these roundabout troops encountered direct-point shooting from the running team. In this mode, because the cannonball is flying in a straight line, the speed becomes much faster, and it is not easy to find. When you notice the cannonball, it will almost fall to the ground.

Because of the powerful effect of this shell, the new magic crystal cannon can be used in small-scale battles to clear out the dense crowd of the opponent when there are more enemies. Also, if the opponent has an expert, this magic crystal cannon is also a good player. Using Tian Ji's horse racing strategy, as long as you sacrifice one person to entangle the opponent's high level personnel, you can then use the magic crystal cannon to shoot directly, reimbursing the opponent's expert and your own people at one time. Although this method is a bit of hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred, but it can replace a high level player of the opponent with an ordinary player, this transaction is clear to everyone. Besides, the dead in the game can be resurrected, and they are not really dead. Without the psychological burden, everyone is naturally handy.

Guishou Nobunaga and the others are surprised that those people actually brought the magic crystal cannon, but this battle is still going on. It is not that Nobunaga and the others are in love with each other, but that they dare not take other methods at all.

Their current enemy is not only the mysterious person we sent. Don’t look at the mysterious person’s attack very sharp, but in fact the damage output is not very high, which really makes them headaches. The boss is still behind. This guy is different from those in front of him, his attack power is too high. Even people like Guishou Nobunaga himself can only resist two or three blows, and there will be a mortal danger if there are too many. As for ordinary players, being caught by this guy is probably a move in seconds. Therefore, this BOSS is the biggest problem.

However, even though they knew that this BOSS was their drag, Guishou Nobunaga and the others were unwilling to give up this BOSS. Know that this is their mission. Once they give up, it is equivalent to giving up. The task itself will have a negative impact on the player's account.

Guishou Nobunaga and they brought this seed player here to cultivate him into an expert, but once the mission fails, the player’s attribute will be stained, although this stain can also be washed away Yes, but the price is too high.

For this reason, Guishou Nobunaga and the others have to deal with this boss now, but the people on the opposite side continue to harass them, and they really have no way of doing it. If you concentrate on dealing with the BOSS, you will be attacked by those attackers behind you, but if you split your forces and fight at the same time, your own strength is not enough. This situation has caused Nobunaga to have a headache now. Almost everything is fine, but didn't expect this kind of thing can happen at this time.

"No way, we will suffer a loss if we continue like this!" A player said to Nobunaga Guishou, with the goal of hoping Nobunaga Guishou could make a decision quickly, no matter if he continues to fight like this We still need to retreat first, at least one way is needed.

However, although Onizu Nobunaga is very clear about the player's intentions, he does not know how to answer the opponent. It is definitely not possible to continue like this. Your own personnel are attacked by the boss and mysterious attackers, and the battle strength can only be achieved by 50% or 60% when the enemy is attacked. This low ratio of battle strength makes the fight of Nobunaga Ghosts and the others more difficult, which can be said to be a bit of a mess.

"You should make the decision quickly!" The player who had not dealt with Nobunaga Guishou urged him by pulling him.

Of course Guishou Nobunaga wanted to answer, but he really didn't know what to do, but the atmosphere on the scene was so tense, he couldn't help it. The anxious Nobunaga clenched the teeth stomped, and finally shouted out a barely good way.

"First use a small group of people to block the attackers, and others will attack the BOSS with all their strength. This guy doesn't have much blood left. Let's put it down first, and then we will concentrate on dealing with those attacks over there. The person."

Guishou Nobunaga’s method can be said to be quite correct, and now their strength is definitely not enough to deal with both sides at the same time. Even if the hidden powers of Masaga Matsumoto and Akatsuki Kaoru are temporarily inconvenient to shoot, the boss and mysterious attacker alone are enough.

Although the number of mysterious attackers is not very large, there are still twenty to thirty people. These people not only use a full set of powerful weapons, but also cooperate with each other in an unusually tacit understanding. Several experts under Guishou Nobunaga tried to rely on their personal strength to rush up many times, but they were all forcibly smashed back by the opponent's combination of punches. Facing these mysterious attackers with super battle strength, what Guishou Nobunaga and the others can do is to block them with a small number of people first, so that they can't play any role for the time being. When the boss over there hangs up, their manpower will be too. It was liberated. Moreover, the equivalent to completion of the mission is the completion of the BOSS, and their training plan can be considered as successful. Even if there are problems later, it doesn't matter.

Under Nobunaga's "wise" command, those Japanese players finally knew what to do. They rushed to the BOSS one after another, and several of them were on top of the meat shields to hold on to the boss's hatred, while the rest were preparing various ultimatums to get this BOSS all at once.

The process was basically smooth. Except for the two killed because the meat shield could not hold the BOSS attack, the ghosts and the others finally gave the BOSS to the BOSS after consuming a lot of magic power. It's in a state of residual blood. The current BOSS can be said to have more breath than death.

Seeing that BOSS finally fell to the ground unwillingly, with only gasping energy left, Masaga Matsumoto immediately moved.

"Get ready, it's time for us to play." After Masaka Matsumoto finished speaking, watching August Kaoru, Sakura Rain God Hina, and Chi Fire Dragon Hime were all nodded, and then immediately turned from the grass from behind Jumped out, and this guy can be said to be sullen and sullen. While running, he shouted: "Don't worry, I'm coming. You concentrate on blocking the invaders, and I will help you block the boss."

As a matter of fact, a large skill in the hands of Masaga Matsumoto is almost complete when he is shouting. When Onitsu Nobunaga saw Matsumoto and the others, his first reaction was to be stunned. The next second he realized that it was going to be bad, although Matsumoto did not appear to be fighting with them, and Matsumoto Masayoshi He has no reason to fight with them now, but because of his previous experience of losing money in Matsumoto's hands so many times, Nobunaga Onihand saw Matsumoto's appearance this time and knew that he would be unlucky again. Therefore, when Matsumoto Masaka shouted to help block the boss, he immediately reacted, understanding that as long as Matsumoto Masaka helped intercept the boss, it would actually be equivalent to their mission failure, because they did this mission this time. It is to train the Seeded Contestant, not just to do the task for the task. So, as long as the boss is not killed by their Seeded Contestant in the end, then their previous efforts are actually in vain.

Unfortunately, although Oniju Nobunaga had a rare reaction depth this time, after Matsumoto Masaka appeared and yelled those words, it was only delayed for more than a second and promptly yelled Matsumoto Masaka and the others not to interfere. Words come. It's just that Nobunaga and the others did not expect that Masaka Matsumoto and the others were here to make trouble this time. How could Masaka Matsumoto, who had been prepared for a long time, really ignore it because Oniju Nobunaga yelled not to let them intervene? This is simply a dream!

Although Oninote Nobunaga reacts quickly, it is a pity that Masaka Matsumoto reacts faster. At the same time that Oninote Nobunaga yelled out the words, Matsumoto Masaka had already begun to release his skills from the air, and this At that time, Nobunaga Onishu had just begun to call out that they should not interfere, and when Nobunaga Onishen had finished shouting, Masaka Matsumoto's skills had actually been thrown out.

Onitou Nobunaga and the surrounding players could only watch the shining sword that Matsumoto Masaka threw out like a little sun and flew towards the boss over there, and that was already Basically, only the last breath of the BOSS is actually obviously about to hang up. Once this sword hits, the mission of Nobunaga Onihand and the others will instantly become completed by Masaga Matsumoto. Although the system will recognize that the mission is completed, the various attribute rewards will change. The reason why this task is important is that the reward for the final kill of the boss is tailor-made based on the attributes and occupations of the output personnel at the last moment. So whoever hits this last moment is very important, because otherwise, come out. The rewards for their Seeded Contestant are meaningless. Not to mention that Masaga Matsumoto was reluctant to call out what he got. Even if Masaga Matsumoto really gave it out unselfishly, the equipment would become the best equipment for Masaga Matsumoto’s attribute, and the Seeded Contestant took it. Basically, this thing can only be regarded as a relatively good equipment, and there is no talk of reversing the strength.

Although Guishou Nobunaga has ten thousand unwilling reasons, but at this time their position or something has determined that he is impossible to intercept that thing, and the people around are not at the right distance, more Nobody reacted, so it's probably going to be really finished this time.

However, just when Nobunaga Guishou thought the mission was going to be a waste of time, a person suddenly popped out among the players who were around the BOSS on the opposite side. This guy jumped from the crowd, and then turned around in midair, with a long sword in his hand, and the sound just opened the brilliant Divine Sword of Masaka Matsumoto, but he himself was smashed by the great power of Masaka Matsumoto. Flew out, and the direction was exactly the direction of that BOSS.

The reaction of this player can be said to be very exaggerated. The person has twisted his body while flying in the sky, and then drew a special throwing knife from his waist, and then shone the eyes of the boss below. Threw it out. The flying knife is too fast and the distance is very close, not to mention that Matsumoto Masaka can't find a reason to intercept it now, even if there is a reason, he has no time to intercept this thing. However, the last blood of this BOSS is really mountain road twists around each new peak. It was saved by this player after being almost killed by Masaka Matsumoto, and the flying knife thrown by this player seems to be successful. At the time, the attacker on the opposite side suddenly flew a red light spot. The flying speed of this photoelectric is very exaggerated, it almost flashed past, leaving a bright red line on everyone’s eyes, and as this thing flew over, they all heard a crisp ding, that guy The thrown knife was hit and flew directly.

"I rely on!" Nobunaga Guishou Citrus is about to have a heart attack. Is this only a few seconds? That BOSS's fate has been in the hands of so many people several times. At this rate, Nobunaga Onishu was afraid that he would be nervous first and died.

Although the flying knife was knocked into the air, the player who was flying in the air was really quite powerful. He actually threw away another flying knife in the air forcibly. But this guy probably also reached an arrow at the end of its flight. Although the thrown knife hit the target, he actually thought that the angle and strength had hit the monster's horns and bounced out.

"What are you kidding?" Guishou Nobunaga felt like he was going crazy.

The player over there and Masaka Matsumoto were actually not feeling well. Both of them were trying to quickly kill the monster. At this time, a new silhouette fell from the sky, accompanied by With a loud explosion sound, the monster's head was directly turned into a large piece of red and white paste and spread on the surrounding ground.

Everyone on the battlefield was frozen for a while, because after the boss was killed, they were all waiting for that person to appear. The scene was obscured by the smoke and dust caused by the attack. Although the blood and scum showed that the BOSS was dead, they did not see who the attacker was.

Fortunately, the climate in this place is not that kind of particularly dry place, so the flying smoke drops quickly, and soon everyone saw the person walking out of the smoke, and this The appearance of a person makes everyone around him stunned.

"The gun god?" Guishou Nobunaga was stunned when he saw the person coming.

As one of the bosses in the United States, the Gunslinger is a high level player who is known as a famous player in the world. The gun god is also very famous in Japan, because Japanese players have worked with Americans many times before, so the gun god is particularly well-known in Japan. However, although the two sides have cooperated many times, the gun god is not Japanese after all, so Japanese players are still wary of the gun god. The most important thing is that the gun god seems to have a deep relationship with me. Although I can't say that there is a positive relationship such as a good friend, it can barely be considered as a partner if it is a partner. Therefore, when the gun god appeared here during this time of immorality, whether it was Nobunaga Onitou or Masaka Matsumoto, they were actually very nervous, because they didn't know what the gun god was going to do.

Onitou Nobunaga and Matsumoto Masaka have their own affairs now, and the appearance of the gun god is undoubtedly a huge variable, and this variable is that Matsumoto Masaga and Onitou Nobunaga are not Hope to appear, so among the people at the scene, except for the Gunner himself, probably no one wants him to appear here.

"Why are you here?" At this time, Masaga Matsumoto also rushed to the vicinity with Akatsuki Kaoru and Sakurayu God Hina, watching the gun god who came out of the smoke, Matsumoto Zheng He's brows were almost twisted.

"Yo...are everyone there!" The gun god did not take seriously the expressions of Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitaka here, and walked to Masakao Matsumoto in a very casual manner. The position between Ka and Nobunaga Onitou, then he glanced at Nobunaga on this side and Masaga Matsumoto over there, and then said, "Don't be so nervous. I'm here to help this time. Oh."

"You just killed the BOSS that we had finally become empty-blooded. You actually said that you were here to help?" Before Nobunaga Guishou could speak, there was one next to him. Playing patriarch rushed up and yelled at the gun god. This guy is the previous player who was not quite right with Nobunaga Onishou. Obviously, this person is not only wrong with Nobunaga Onishou. His temper may be very hot, and he belongs to the type that looks unpleasant to anyone. .

After hearing this guy’s words, the gun god just squinted at that person, then looked at Guishou Nobunaga and asked, "This is your dog? When it’s okay, tie it up, don’t let it He came out to bite people, okay?"

"You..." When the guy was about to go crazy, he was pulled aside by a few Japanese players, and even his mouth was gambled. .

This mission is very important for Nobunaga Guishou, so the people who come are all experts. In addition to fighting, these people are not low in intelligence. It can be said that they are all very shrewd. People, otherwise if you are really stupid, your strength is unlikely to develop.

Because these people are smart people, they know very well that the identity of the gun god here is very subtle. Obviously, Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou are not in the same group. Although Masaka Matsumoto previously called out to help, whether it is Masaka Matsumoto or the people on Nobunaga Onishe, they actually know that he is not. Here to help. Therefore, these people know that Masaka Matsumoto and Nobunaga Onitou are simply not the same. Not to mention the attackers on the opposite side. These people were armed with muskets, and they knew that they were American players. They attacked Nobunaga's people, so they must be different from Nobunaga. However, before Masaka Matsumoto said that Nobunaga should focus on these people. He went to deal with the boss. No matter how true this statement is, at least it sounds like Matsumoto and these people are not the same. .

Of course, Masaka Matsumoto and them are actually in the same group, just because Masaka Matsumoto and the others are used to being spies, and the act of hiding their identities is the same as in daily life. A kind of instinct, will not expose any weak spot at all. Therefore, those of Nobunaga Oni Shou thought that the three people at the scene should belong to three forces.

In this case, the situation can be said to be very chaotic, but the gun god appeared at this time, but this guy’s attack power is still very high, so he can be here. Determine the direction of the battlefield. No matter which side he joins, he will pose a huge threat to the other two groups.

Because of this, everyone in Guishou Nobunaga knows that you cannot offend the gun god at this time. Once he becomes unhappy and joins other forces, it will be very difficult for Guishou Nobunaga. Something bad. The BOSS had been killed by the Gun God just now, and their previous efforts were all in vain. However, this can only be said to have done nothing, and paid some extra price, but did not get any benefits, but that's it. However, if the gun god and one of the other two gangs unite to deal with them, maybe they will all suffer. It's nothing for them to die, the key is that Seeded Contestant, he can't die. Because this guy is currently trying a special task reward, although he is not sure whether he can actually get it, but once he hangs up here once, he can't get it.

In fact, what they hope to leave this Seeded Contestant is not something special, but a title called the immortal.

This so-called immortal means that a player has never died once after entering the game, whether in the Novice Village or out of the Novice Village, he has never died. The type of combat player that fits this situation is called an immortal, and if such an immortal can raise his level to 1,000 and maintain this ability, he can get an additional reward. This reward has already been received by some players. Although it is not an easy task to remain immortal from Novice Village, there are so many players in "Zero", and there are still some special people who can do this.

These players all received a special gift when they reached level 1,000. The attribute of this gift is an attribute called Survival Guardian. With this attribute protection, when the player's health is completely emptied, the player will get a protection time of ten minutes. In these ten minutes, the player’s health value will remain at zero, that is, under normal circumstances, he is actually dead, but because of this attribute, he can still fight, and there will be no negative effects such as injury and weakness. Effect. Moreover, if this player continues to be attacked within these ten minutes, although he will be prompted to lose blood, his health will still be locked in this state. Basically, you can understand this state as an alternative version of the invincible mode, which can be hurt, but it is not dead.

During these ten minutes, the player can consider killing the enemy, or fleeing, anyway, as long as he finds a way to end the battle, and then use any way to replenish his blood. As long as your health can reach more than 5% of your total health before the ten-minute validity period expires, you don't need to die.

It can be said that this kind of attribute is quite abnormal, because once the blood is empty, the player is basically immortal, unless you have a way to cut it into a stick, or fry it into mud, otherwise It's useless to beat him into a sieve. And precisely because of this state, the other party does not need to defend himself, as long as he concentrates on attacking or fleeing during this period of time. With this ability, as long as the enemy is not much stronger than him, he will basically be counter-killed, and it is usually possible to escape without any help.

Because this ability is very abnormal, so many players hope to get it, but the problem is that it will not die once during the entire upgrade process. This in itself is a very troublesome thing, even for a super like me. Experts have died many times, so it is difficult for ordinary players to guarantee that they will not die once. That is almost impossible. Except for a few people, most people can't do it.

Originally, this attribute alone is not a big deal. The key is that a player recently broke the news that he rose to level 1,200 and still maintained this one-time immortal state. As a result, his The title of immortal was actually promoted automatically.

Originally, most players didn't know that this state can be upgraded, but since that player reached this state and released a video of the proof, everyone began to discuss the characteristics of this ability.

In the discussion among many players, finally came to a very possible conclusion, that is, this attribute may be automatically promoted once every two hundred levels after the 1,000th level. That is, if you can stay immortal, this attribute will continue to strengthen.

The one thousand and two hundred immortal players get the death guard attribute after being promoted. Basically, they are the same as the one thousand, but the guard time has been extended from ten minutes to twenty minutes, and there are additional Added an attribute, that is, within these twenty minutes, the player's attack power will increase by 5%. With such an attribute, there are still twenty minutes, and the survival rate of this player can be said to have been greatly improved, at least the probability of accidental death has dropped a lot. In other words, with this attribute protection, it will be easier to adjust the level of the next death guard. In this way, as long as the player's level continues to rise, he can get more and more powerful Death Guard.

Guishou Nobunaga and they have also heard of this attribute, and because their seed player is strengthened by everyone's efforts, the character creation time is very short. In fact, the account used by this seed player is that he deleted his trumpet and re-trained. In order to adapt to some of the prepared equipment and skills, all the development routes of this new number have been planned in advance, so his growth rate is very fast, and because someone has been carrying it

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