"Why is there a Black Widow in this place?"

"The ghost knows what's going on."

"wu wu..." After being rescued, we didn't see any response. Gold coin hummed twice on the ground.

When we heard the sound, we remembered that gold coin was still entangled in spider silk, and we quickly got her out with a knife.

"Damn, don't stand stupid! Run!" As soon as gold coin was free, it pulled us to run away.

I pulled her back, and said, "Did you make a mistake? The task is ahead!"

"Strategic retreat first, wait for a good solution Come back." Gold coin is still pulling me to run.

Christina said: "Our strength is not so weak that we need to run, right? It's just a group of Black Widows, it's a little troublesome."

Rose is also nodded. and said: "You go up, I'll help you. It shouldn't be a problem to deal with a group of Black Widows."

"Who told you that it was Black Widow?" Gold coin pointed to the group over there The spider yelled: "That's Queen Rose!"

"Queen Rose?" Christina and I looked at each other at the same time, and then suddenly reacted, pulling the rose one by one, and turning around. run. "Don't stop, run!"

"Why are you running?" Zhen Hong asked as we ran after us.

"I'll explain it to you later." As I said this, I speeded up, and after thinking about it, I took out Yekage summon, and then directly threw the rose on it, and then jumped on it myself.

It’s really red to see that even the mount is summoned here, so I just hugged Christina directly, and then jumped forward. A golden Divine Dragon came from the phoenix dragon with a whistling sound. The space drilled out, and then instantly turned into a golden horse fell on the ground and ran along with the real red. Zhen Hong directly threw Christina upwards, and then jumped up.

The two mounts are not mortal things. They were really fast as lightning when they ran. In the blink of an eye, they returned to the stone chamber where we fought before, but we didn’t stop, but kept going all the way. Back, he ran a long distance before stopping.

"Huh, it shouldn't be chased now, right?" Christina said with lingering fear.

True Red is still at a loss at this time. We all stopped and asked again: "What is Queen Rose?"

"Queen Rose is Black An evolutionary form of Widow, which is considered to be the more powerful one among all branches. Her own battle strength is considered to be above average, but this is relative to her own level. Their actual level is five thousand, and at Among the 5,000-level monsters, they are considered to be the upper-middle strength type, but these guys live in groups, a group of at least double digits. We saw only a dozen of them just now, but I think that should not be all of them, because Luo The Silk Queen rarely hunts all of them."

"That is to say, the dozen or so just now are just a hunting team?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

"Almost." Christina replied: "And unfortunately a Rose female Royal Family group usually has several hunting teams, so if you don't run into them in their nest, then This means that the number of Queen Roses in this group will be several times larger than what you see, which means that there are at least 50 Queen Roses in the group just now, and this is still a conservative estimate."

"Five. Ten five thousand-level monsters?" Rose said in surprise next to him: "The difficulty of this expansion mission is too scary, right?"

"No, the difficulty of the previous mission has not been very high. "Gold coin said: "I just arrived at this place, I don't know what happened, the difficulty has become so high. I was caught almost as soon as I arrived at that place. If it weren't for you guys, I guess it would be their food. !"

"But it’s not normal for a five-thousand-level monster to produce fifty at a time? Besides, the difficulty was so low before, it doesn’t make sense for us to become so difficult as soon as we come in, right?" Hong complained.

Originally, we didn't expect why the difficulty of the task would become so high, but if it was really red, we were all taken aback. Rose said directly: "Maybe it's really because of us."

"Huh?" As soon as it heard that gold coin was caused by us, she immediately asked: "What are you doing? Oh?"

"Nothing." I said: "It's mainly because we entered the mission."

Rose explained to me: "The difficulty of this mission may be It is constantly adjusted according to the strength of the incoming personnel. Previously, there were only you, Masaka Matsumoto and Kaoru August. The system defaults that Masaka Matsumoto and Kaoru August belong to the interception side, and you are the forward side. Not only do you have to The confrontation task also has to fight against Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru, so the system adjusts the difficulty to make it all as easy as a children’s game. That’s not because the task is simple, but because Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru’s strengths are added together. It has already surpassed your strength, so the system feels that the difficulty of the task is actually meaningless, so it only prepares you some simple tasks like children's games. As a result, because Matsumoto Masaga and Augustsuki are actually our people, Instead of being blocked, you can get help, so the previous tasks were completed easily and quickly."

Gold coin is not a fool, and I understand it after hearing this. "What you mean is that because you came in, the strength of our side has risen, and the Japanese side has been annihilated because of the entry personnel, so the system feels that our obstacles are too few, and it directly raises the difficulty of the task to this abnormal level. "

Christina nodded and said: "Yes. Think about it, if there are more than fifty Queen Roses over there, with the strength of those of us, if we work hard, in fact It's okay. However, if we have to rush over, we will definitely have casualties here, and we can't kill Queen Rose, we can only rush over."

"It sounds like we are the same. Will it suffer?" Gold coin asked.

I thought about it for a while and said: "That's not necessarily. Although the hard charge will cause more casualties, but we are not stupid. Just pay a little attention to the tactics, such as drawing out a part of it, and then attacking. Lao Lao, this way our losses will be much less. Moreover, we may not need to conduct such a great decisive battle."

"What shall we do then?" Gold coin asked.

Rose helped me replied again: "This is not simple yet? Just like before, adjust the strength comparison between the two sides in the task space to reduce our strength score, so that the task difficulty will naturally come down."< /p>

"But how do I adjust this?" Gold coin still didn't respond.

"Aiya, you didn't expect this?" Zhenhong reacted first this time. "We can inform Masaga Matsumoto and Akatsuki Kaoru, let them come back to attack again after they are resurrected, and then we let white jade Qilin and Wiener, the chaotic and orderly Divine Race, take the initiative to release the water and pretend that they cannot stop their impact. This allows them to rush in. As long as there are more Japanese personnel entering the task, the difficulty of the task on our side will decrease, and, if necessary, we can even sacrifice a few people. As long as the number of personnel on our side decreases, the total The strength will naturally come down. Compare it with the strength of the Japanese players. After synthesis, our battle strength may become negative, so the difficulty of the task will be zero."

"The method is good. , But our level is so high, it's not worth the sacrifice, right?" Gold coin asked.

"This is a method that is really impossible. The simplest method we used before is to let the chaos and order Divine Race release water and let Matsumoto Masaka and the others rush in."

< p>"The problem is that we can't communicate with the outside world!" Gold coin asked again.

"I said you have degraded your intelligence today?" Zhenhong said: "You can't think of a way I can think of? It's not simple if you want to inform people outside? Just make a call when you go offline. It’s done."

"Damn, what am I stupid? If you have the ability, you can offline show me?"

After hearing the words of gold coin, we immediately realized that this was not possible. Good and restrictive, so I called the offline function together and tried it. The result was a reminder that this is a special task and the offline is OK, but the offline is regarded as a waiver, and the next time you go online, it will be automatically transferred out of the task space, that is to say. If you want to complete the task again, you have to start over.

"Damn, there are restrictions." Zhen Hong cried out directly.

Rose immediately said: "No, this is better. There are too many people on our side, and the strength is too high. Even if Matsumoto Masaka brought people in, the Japanese players alone would still make us unbalanced. The battle strength."

"Then let a few more people come in outside." Zhen Hong said.

“You’re stupid again this time.” Gold coin said: “Chaos and Order Divine Race can’t be too obvious if it deliberately releases water, right? Matsumoto Masaka and the others try their best to come in, it’s understandable. If even those small fish and shrimps ran in, this fake is a bit obvious, right?"

"This is also true!"

"This is simple." Rose said: "Like I said, this kind of offline restriction is a good thing for us now. We don't have to commit suicide. As long as the offline is back online, we will automatically leave the task, so the total strength of our side will be Decrease, and then Matsumoto Masaka can add a few more experts to surpass our strength. As long as the sum of their strengths is higher than ours, the difficulty of the task will become negative, so this restriction is not a bad thing for us, but rather Good thing."

"But who should I go out to report?" Gold coin asked. After asking gold coin, we realized that we were all looking at her, so she pointed to her nose in disbelief and said, "Do you want me to go out?" Christina said directly: "Sister Rose comes in Now, we have better assistance here. Your sword array can't perform formidable power in this narrow environment, and you have been fighting here for too long before, and the attributes on your body are almost consumed, and you just need it. Rest and supplies, so it’s most suitable for you to go out."

Gold coin really makes sense at first, but at the end it can only helplessly said: "Okay, then. How do I convey orders after I go out?"< /p>

"That's what you said...." I directly told gold coin what I needed to explain, and then let her go offline. However, after gold coin went out, we did not act immediately, but waited in place. It will take time for gold coin to go out and arrange tasks. Impossible will work immediately, so we have to wait for a while.

Let’s talk about the gold coin side. After successfully offline, I chose to go online again. As soon as I recovered my eyesight, I found that I was actually standing on the Transmission Formation of Pointing City. After looking around to determine his position, gold coin immediately ran to the location of the communication equipment on the side of Fulcrum City, and then used the large equipment on this side to contact the Chief-In-Charge on the battlefield.

"Hello, Vina?"

"It's me. You are a gold coin? What's the matter? Aren't you in the mission?"

"I'm out." Gold coin said: "We encountered a little trouble in the mission. We won't tell you the specific situation. Anyway, it is because our strength is too strong, and the Japanese were killed by us. It caused the system to automatically adjust the difficulty of the task. Now the difficulty of the level is too scary. We can’t make it at all, so we can only find a way to adjust it."

"You are planning to let us put in more. A Japanese player, isn't it?" Vina is really smart, and she guessed our intention after just listening. gold coin immediately nodded and said: "Yes, that's what it means. But don't act too fake, at least you can't put those messy fish in."

Vina nodded and said : "Okay, I understand. I'll make arrangements now."

"Remember to let Matsumoto Masaka and the others come over later, you just need to put them in. Matsumoto Masaka and the others are here The mission can be considered as the power of Japanese players, which will reduce the difficulty of the mission on our side."


After explaining the things here, gold coin immediately connected again. After receiving the communications from Masaga Matsumoto, at this time Masaga Matsumoto had just revived.

"Hi, Masaga Matsumoto."

"Gold coin? How can you communicate with me? Did you come out? The mission is completed? That's not right! My side You can still see the mission! Are you going to die?"

"No, I came out by myself. The boss has some trouble in it and they need your help."


"No problem, let's talk about it, what do you want us to do?"

Gold coin relayed what I explained to Matsumoto Masaka after Matsumoto Masaka was ready, and Matsumoto Masaka was in After listening to it, we immediately understood our intention. "Okay, I see. Let us take the rest." After saying that, Masaga Matsumoto cut off the communication and found August Kaun and talked to her about the previous thing, and then the two of them Once again rushed to the battlefield. Unsurprisingly, Nobunaga Onitou also returned, but the Orochi Ochi was still missing, and none of Onbunaga's subordinates came back. This time he was the only one to return.

After seeing Nobunaga Onitou, Masaka Matsumoto hesitated a little, but in the end he didn’t do anything. Instead, he rushed directly to the battlefield, pretending to fight a Divine Race of chaos and order. I got up and shouted loudly during the battle: "Everyone, follow me at the door, there are only Chinese left in the mission. If we can't get in, everything will be over!"

Hear According to Masaka Matsumoto, all Japanese players are desperate, and all the magic skills are no longer retained. All the big tricks are thrown out. The battle strength skyrocketed by 30% for a while, and the chaos and order Divine Race is here. Immediately after receiving Vina's order, he began to actively reduce his fighting rhythm along the trend of the explosion of Japanese players, and as a result, there began to appear a trend of crazy charges that could not reach Japanese players.

Gold coin contacted the battlefield commander Hong Yue after finishing contact with Wiena and Masaga Matsumoto. After Hong Yue understood this, he immediately began to show an extraordinary level of performance. She rushed to the front of the Chinese front, and then shouted to the members of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order: "Be careful to protect yourself. You can't be resurrected. If you can't stand it, raise it back and hand the line of defense to the player. Your death is our biggest loss. We have the advantage in terms of task progress. Even if we put in a few Japanese players, the impact should not be significant. Don't sacrifice for this kind of thing."

Hong Yue’s words are definitely very reasonable, and the order of chaos and order Divine Race is of course the donkey fell down the slope, and started pretending to be injured. After being chopped off by a Japanese player for a few times, it pretended that the blood volume was in a dangerous range. , Began to retreat behind the player. The number of Chinese players is already small, although they are all elites, but after all, the most elite me and Christina, Zhenhong and others are not there. The rest of these elites have to deal with Matsumoto Masagaka Kagui souvenirs. A large group of Japanese players who killed the red eye obviously had more than enough energy, so the battle line inevitably began to be compressed a little bit later.

Because the Chinese players are not releasing water, they really can’t stop so many Japanese players, so it feels very lifelike. The Japanese players on the opposite side can’t even feel that someone on the other side releases water. After all, those Chinese players They played desperately, so they thought it was their own efforts that were rewarded, and they rushed forward with more passionate efforts, finally completely suppressing our front to the small area of ​​the mission entrance.

Seeing that the distance is almost the same, Masaka Matsumoto shouted directly to the players prepared in advance: "It’s now."

As Matsumoto Masaka’s loud voice Roar, several giant magic crystal cannons were suddenly pushed out from the top of the hillside on the periphery of the battlefield. These things are all city defense weapons, and the location of this place is too closed and traffic is inconvenient. It is really inconvenient to transport heavy things like city defense artillery, so the battle has only just arrived now. However, these guns arrived at the right time. Just when Matsumoto Masaka was about to initiate a charge, the cannons were used.

Masaga Matsumoto gave an order, and the magic crystal artillery here immediately went off. Although it is reminded that the heavy movement is difficult, the shells fired are still the same magic crystal as the gold coin, but these shortcomings can not conceal the terrifying formidable power and long range of the magic crystal cannon. With a round of purple cannonballs flying into the air, Japan here collectively stepped back a few steps, and then quickly hugged their heads and squatted down, while our defense line quickly propped up the protective magic, instantly Protected the crowd.

Although the shell of the Magic Crystal Cannon is the slowest among all shells, it is a shell after all. No matter how slow it is, the shell quickly reached the top of the battlefield, and then it was accurate to me. There was an explosion in the phalanx.

The terrifying formidable power of the magic crystal shells directly caused a strong typhoon on the ground for a moment. The protective shields supported by several Divine Races were shaken twice, but the shells were still blocked steadily. Chaos and Order Divine Race is Divine Race after all, and it will not kill one or two shells, especially if you are prepared.

However, although those shells actually did not cause much problem, because of my order, this bunch of chaos and order Divine Race is also creative enough. After the shells exploded, they put away the protective shields and let them pretend to be over-consumed. There was individual chaos and order. Divine Race even forced a little blood into the mouth and sprayed it out, pretending to be really dying. Look like.

These chaos and order Divine Races happened after Hong Yue just sent people to send them away, and the remaining chaos and order Divine Races were few, and because The players in our guild really couldn't stand it anymore, so the line of defense was obviously about to collapse.

At this time, Masaga Matsumoto suddenly shot out strongly, followed by Akatsuki Kaoru, Sakura Rain God Hina, Blazing Fire Dragon Hime, and Guishou Nobunaga. In fact, Nobunaga Onishu didn't want to follow Matsumoto Masaka, because this would make him look like Matsumoto Masaka's follower, further reducing his prestige, but now this situation can not be rushed. In desperation, Guishou Nobunaga can only run with Matsumoto Masaka, but he has been trying to rush to Matsumoto Masaka, but it is a pity that Matsumoto Masaka knew in advance that we would release water, so he started it. Very decisive, and Guishou Nobunaga would naturally hesitate because he didn't know the situation. Comparing the two sides, Matsumoto Masaka naturally set off first, while the unscrupulous Masaka Matsumoto can sprint with all his strength. Nobunaga Onizu clearly started a little late, and afterwards he has to worry about being surrounded by our guilds. Players and chaos and order Divine Race sneak attack, so I have not dared to run with all his strength. Therefore, although Oniji Nobunaga has been trying hard to catch up, but in the end he didn't catch up until Matsumoto Masaka entered our camp.

The acting must be lifelike. After Masaka Matsumoto fell into our player camp, he did not show mercy. He directly killed a Frost Rose player facing him, and then smoked the three of them in August. With the cooperation of each, five or six people were brought down one after another, and the three of August Xun and Ying Yu Shen Hina also killed several Frost Rose League players. Originally, there were few people in our Frost Rose League, but now that there are so many people, the line of defense is even more tight. Chaos and Order The remaining gods at Divine Race rushed up as soon as they saw the situation here, but Masaka Matsumoto, who was "prepared", was not in love with the battle, so he took August Kaun and the others first. I jumped into the mission space, and because Divine Race can't enter the mission space in chaos and order, I can only do something in a hurry outside.

As soon as Nobunaga Onishu saw Matsumoto entered, he wanted to rush in likewise, but he arrived too late. The Divine Race of Chaos and Order didn't stop Masaga Matsumoto and the others, but it happened to stop Nobunaga Onishu. The order we gave was to let them release the water, but we didn't say that we should ignore it completely. Therefore, this Divine Race of Chaos and Order still took action against Nobunaga Ghost. Of course, because of the order, he still kept his hands. It’s just that Nobunaga Onitou managed so much at this time. After a lazy donkey roll flashed through the opponent’s attack, he turned into the task space one by one. The speed is called a fast.

After Onihand Nobunaga entered the mission, they found that they could not find the location of Matsumoto Masaga, but in fact Matsumoto Masaga and the others are flying towards us on the long spear at this time.

Matsumoto Masaga and the others have already entered a mission before, so they remember everything about the route. The most important thing is that the traps along the way have been destroyed this time, and the monsters have also been killed. They just need to run Just come back. But this route is quite long, and it takes a lot of time to run across it. But because there were only four of Matsumoto Masaga when they entered, they didn't worry about exposure. It just so happened that they also wanted to get rid of Nobunaga ghosts, and didn't want to be with him, so they simply used the guardian long spear and flew out directly.

Onitou Nobunaga also entered the mission space thirty seconds later than Masaga Matsumoto and the others. After entering, he found that Masaga Matsumoto and the others had disappeared, and he had no choice but to summon himself. The mount followed the route between them. It is a pity that his mount is also a better mount among ordinary players, and it is completely incomparable to long spear, and it is absolutely impossible to catch up.

While Guishou Nobunaga is struggling to rush, the defense line outside is really in jeopardy. Because of chaos and order, Divine Race used various excuses to withdraw from the battle, and Hong Yue hinted that some of his senior leaders played patriarch and retreated. The battle quickly tilted. But because we have a lot of unsuspecting players who are really desperate, so the Japanese players didn't feel anything, just felt that they finally defeated our defense under the leadership of Matsumoto Masaga.

The line of defense is just like an egg shell. It is actually quite hard before it is broken, but once it breaks, it loses its structural strength and becomes more fragile. The defensive power of a complete line of defense is amazing, but as long as there is a small hole on this line of defense, the entire line of defense may be destroyed. The Japanese players now feel that they have finally broken our eggshell, so we are unable to resist it.

Hong Yue saw that the task was almost done, so he pretended to fight hard and retreated. Then the last few chaos and order Divine Races also retreated. The remaining group of players were desperate. Resistance, but it is really outnumbered. Although many Japanese players have been killed, a large number of Japanese players continue to flood into the mission at the mission entrance.

Matsumoto Masaga and the others contacted us soon after entering the mission. The communicators can still talk to each other in the mission space. We started to move forward after hearing that Masaga Matsumoto and them entered the mission. According to our speculation, now the system must make certain adjustments to the group of Rose Queens over there. Although because we have seen the group of Rose Queens, the system will not change what has been seen, that is, it will not recycle these Rose Queens and replace them with other weaker creatures. However, because we are here and Japan There has been a change in the comparison of the total strength of the personnel, so the difficulty of the task will inevitably change, but this change is made up for in other ways.

When we returned to the place where the gold coin was hanged before, the group of Rose Queens was still there, but... they were actually fighting with a group of Fire Crystal beasts.

"It turns out that the difficulty of the task was adjusted in this way." After seeing these Fire Crystal beasts, Christina and we all understood how the difficulty of the task was reduced.

Although Fire Crystal beasts are also a wild monster, they will not show any kindness to players, but these guys have some fixed living habits that will not change.

First of all, Fire Crystal beasts do not eat people. They are elemental creatures, their bodies are made of rocks and flames, and they feel like a stone giant's hound shape, and their whole body is wrapped in flames, and their shape is more refined than that of the giants, not as rough as the giants.

Because these guys only eat the things that are rich in Fire Element and Earth Element, they will not actively attack the player when hunting. Unless your race is Fire Element or Earth Element, it’s the flesh and blood. The body will not attract their attention.

Secondly, Fire Crystal beasts have a strong sense of territory and will actively clean up the living quarters of other creatures near the territory, but they will not actively attack non-food creatures passing by. In other words, these Fire Crystal beasts fighting with Queen Rose are actually expelling Queen Rose, because their lair is too close to the Fire Crystal beast's site, which arouses dissatisfaction with Fire Crystal beasts. And we just passed by, and we are not on the recipe of Fire Crystal beasts, so even if there are a large group of Fire Crystal beasts here, they will never attack us first. Of course, it's a different matter if we do it first.

However, even if the Fire Crystal beast is at war with Queen Rose, all these Queen Rose are impossible to be dragged down. One or two of them should still attack us. It's just such a number. It's not enough to see in front of us.

"It looks like our approach is good." Rose said, looking at the melee battlefield ahead.

"At least we have a way to pass." After Zhenhong finished speaking, he asked: "Do you want to pass now?"

"Of course."

With my nodded, everyone immediately started to rush forward. The cave here is full of melee Queen Rose and Fire Crystal beasts. Every time we encounter these guys on the battlefield, we will try our best to avoid them. Sometimes Queen Rose just kills a Fire Crystal beast and becomes free. We will launch an attack on us, but this single situation is really not our opponent, and often we are halfway through the fight, and Fire Crystal beasts suddenly come in and take our mission to fight with Queen Rose, so we The burden can be said to be very small.

The battlefields between the two sides are quite large. Although we did not fight very much, because we must be careful to avoid these super fast guys, we often have to stop and wait for them to finish before we can move forward. The result is that by the time we passed through this area, it was already ten minutes later.

"Boss, we have arrived at the previous battlefield. Where are you?" We heard Matsumoto's voice as soon as we passed by. They stepped on the long spear all the way, the speed was really fast, and they caught up in ten minutes. But it’s right to think about it. In the sky, the long spear has a cruising speed of eight or nine hundred kilometers per hour. Flying all the way at this speed, fifteen minutes is really not fast.

"Are you guys here? Where's Nobunaga Onishou?" Christina asked Nobunaga onwards as soon as he came up, fearing that this guy would follow up and make trouble.

Sakura Rain’s voice said with a laugh: "As soon as we came in, we used a long spear to fly over. The ghost Nobunaga would be wondering why he couldn’t catch up with us. "

"That's good." I complied, and then said: "You guys come here quickly. We are on the other side of the tunnel, but there are two creatures at war here. Those Fire Crystals The beast will not attack you if you don’t mess with them, but Queen Rose needs to be careful, those guys are very offensive. Also, we are in a hurry, so we won’t be waiting for you here. You will come after us after you pass through."< /p>

"Okay, you just need to go first."

After the communication was completed, we immediately turned around and ran forward, while Matsumoto Masaga and the others are going to be as slowly as we did before Through that battlefield. As for Oni Shou Nobunaga... it will take at least half an hour for him to get to the place where Matsumoto Masakah and the others are now, so we have absolutely no problems within half an hour.

While the mission on our side was proceeding, the defense work at the mission entrance had completely collapsed. Our players were completely suppressed into a defensive circle, while those Japanese players swarmed into the mission space in large groups, but after they rushed in, they discovered a very sad fact, that is-no way move.

Don’t forget that the first floating island at the entrance of this mission was shattered by something, so players who just entered the mission are in this gravity-free state. Those who can fly, or those with flying mounts, can fly directly to the next floating island, but those who can't fly can be miserable. Although there is no gravity here, there is no need to worry about falling, but because there is no place to borrow force around, they can only helplessly float in the air. However, Japanese players are not stupid, although not everyone can fly, but those who can fly can bring a large group of players who can’t fly. Anyway, there is a floating environment in this place. If there is only air friction, one person will be at low speed. You can pull a group of people to move without much effort.

The Japanese players who rushed in rushing in were excited to fly to the second floating island one by one, thinking they could stop our mission, but they didn’t know that it was because they were here that our mission changed like this Simple, if they all go out, our task will immediately become the kind of task that we must work hard to get through. But unfortunately, they don't know this now, so they are still filling in the task space one after another.

"So the mission is complete, right?" Just as Matsumoto Masaga and the others passed through that battlefield, when Oniji Nobunaga just arrived at the entrance of the battlefield, we had already completed the final steps. . Because too many Japanese players entered, the system not only turned our mission level into a mentally handicapped mission, but even the process was streamlined to an extremely simple level. As a result, we completed the follow-up mission in just ten minutes.

"I should really feel the strong support of Japanese players!" Zhenhong said jokingly on purpose.

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