When we completed the last level, many Japanese players were still on the way to the mission location. As a result, they heard the system hint that the mission was over, ten seconds after they ran halfway. After the teleportation began, all Japanese players began to react in various ways.

Most people's first reaction was stunned on the spot. After all, everyone's efforts like this didn't get anything in the end. Normal people would definitely not be able to accept it for a while. But not everyone was stunned there. Some emotionally slammed their weapons on the ground in anger, or vented their emotions at nearby rocks, trees or even the ground. Some female Japanese players actually sat down on the spot and started crying. Anyway, all kinds of strange things had reactions.

Tentatively not to mention the reaction of the Japanese players, a few of us were forced to teleport after the mission was completed, but this teleportation location is quite strange. Originally, we thought that the expansion mission would send us back to the country like the previous BUFF mission, or it would be fine for us to appear in a city on the Japanese side or in the wild. However, the destination of this transmission is not one of the targets we guessed above, but a system room.

The so-called system room refers to a room independent of the game, and is mainly used to adjust the settings and other adjustments of the player's game characters. This kind of room simply has nothing to do with the main map. It can even be said that when you are in the system room, you simply are not online.

For most players, the system room they are most familiar with should be the death penalty room. This room is the room that the player stayed in before the resurrection time came after the player died. Of course, most players will choose to log off after this happens, and then log in again, so that they will enter the guide room. The boot room is also a system room, but it is different from the death penalty room. In this room, system settings and other adjustments can be made, and you can also browse the web. It's not like a death penalty room or a confinement room. Basically, except for the first two times, there will not be players waiting there anymore.

The room we are in is also the system room, but it is different from the normal system room. In most cases, the system room is for single use, that is, you will not encounter other players in it, whether you like it or not. However, this time we entered a multiplayer system room, where I, Rose, Christina, and Real Red are all here. Except for the gold coin that was forced to be sent offline, all the people on our side are equal.

When we first entered the system room, we discovered that it was not on the game map, so we started calling system, but the system did not respond to us at all, and until more than a minute later, after We are all going offline to test whether the system is malfunctioning, and one wall of the room suddenly becomes a huge display.

When this display wall was lit up, the system hint sound finally appeared. "Attention to the Frost Rose League high level player team, because you are the first team to complete the special country mission and its expansion mission, you are specially rewarded with an additional reward mission." After a two-second pause, the system voice continued: " The extra reward task is a system gift, you can refuse to accept it, but once you accept it, you can’t give up. The death penalty in this reward task is subject to special rules, but the specific setting can be chosen by you."

"What do you want? Choose?"

"The system will give you optional items. You only need to choose one of them. Note that your choice directly determines your rewards and risks. Don’t choose the impossible difficulty. But if the difficulty is too low, the gain will be very little, please make your own decision."

"Tell me about the options?"

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