After killing Nobunaga Guishou, our task is considered complete. Although the defensive work at the mission entrance may not be able to completely block, but even if some Japanese players leak in, it is meaningless. Gold coin has passed so long, it is estimated that the task is almost the same without interference. Later Japanese players need to travel through the entire mission scene to get to us, and the time lost on this journey is definitely enough for gold coin to complete the remaining missions. In other words, even if we let white jade Qilin let them go to guard the entrance, there is nothing that can be undone in this task.

"What are we going to do now?" Christina looked at the corpse and asked: "Should we help gold coin?"

I looked back and saw gold coin left. At the intersection, I thought for a while and said: "Go. Anyway, there is no meaning to stay here."

Rose also nodded agrees with my opinion, so everyone cleaned up together and started chasing gold coin. The left route ran over.

I thought that gold coin should have run far for such a long time, and it is estimated that the task is almost complete. However, when we left the previous fighting area and entered the passage here, we walked less than fifty meters and saw a scene that surprised us. The gold coin was actually tied up like a mummy. It was hung upside down on a stalactite, and there was a large cobweb near us. It seemed that there was no way to go.

"wu wu ......wu wu ......" When we found out, gold coin immediately struggled desperately, but the web was tied too tightly, except that she could twist it and use her nose You can't do anything other than making some simple sounds.

In fact, we have never said before that the career of gold coin actually has a big flaw, that is, she is not good at coping with surprise attacks. When gold coin is prepared, others can't do anything to her, but if gold coin is not in a defensive state and is suddenly attacked, it will probably suffer. The main problem that caused this situation is the professional tendency of gold coin.

In the beginning, the career of gold coin was a Taoist priest, then he was promoted to Human Immortal, and later he was promoted to become Sword Immortal. However, after becoming Sword Immortal, it began to divide into different branches, and gold coin chose the sword array branch with the most damage output. This branch uses multi-handled Flying Swords to form a sword array to fight, instead of just using one sword. The benefits of this sword array are obvious. Large formidable power, wide range, can be offensive, defensive, offensive and defensive. However, the defects of this sword array are also obvious. The first is that it is expensive. Commanding so many Flying Swords at the same time is obviously impossible and the cost of commanding only one Flying Sword is the same, so Sword Immortal who learns the sword array is a big waste. This second flaw is what I just said, not good at dealing with sneak attacks.

For Sword Immortal who learns the sword array, the Flying Sword must be the more the better. Although it is rare to have tens of thousands of handles like gold coin, but at least there are dozens of them. Form the sword array. Although the Flying Sword can vary in size, it is the skill of the sword skill branch, and the sword array branch of gold coin does not have such ability. Of course, Sword Immortal of the sword array branch can also learn the skill of changing the size of Flying Sword, but the problem is because of the career direction, the effect of learning this skill is not as good as the sword skill branch. They can only reduce the normal size of Flying Sword to chopsticks. size. However, even dozens of chopsticks are too big, and it is obviously impossible to get a scabbard to hang on the body. Therefore, the Sword Immortal of the sword array branch is a special skill, that is, a special storage equipment can be refined to put Flying Sword. Unlike the sword technique branch, the sword array branch is used to install the Flying Sword not the sword box, but the universe bag. Although it is not stipulated that the must be refined with the universe bag, the attribute of the special equipment can be improved a lot with this refining. Therefore, the sword array faction all use Universe Bag.

This Universe Bag is transformed into a dedicated Flying Sword storage through special skill refining and transformation. This storage can not only be used to install Flying Sword, but the biggest use is that it can be continuously warmed up. Flying Sword, so that the Flying Sword placed in it is constantly upgraded. And unlike what everyone thinks, the more Flying Swords in the Universe Bag, the faster the upgrade speed. This is the reason why gold coin's Flying Sword is always better than others, because she has more Flying Swords, so the upgrade is faster than others.

However, no matter how many benefits there are, there is a major problem with the use of Universe Bag, that is, from the user who wants to release the Flying Sword, to when the Flying Sword is really flying out, there will usually be one or two in between. Seconds of delay. The user needs to take out the Universe Bag hanging on the waist first, and then open the bag mouth, then the Third Step can call out Flying Sword. People who are fast can do it in more than a second, and those who are slow may take four or five seconds.

Don’t think that these two seconds are short. You know, when a warrior encounters a surprise attack, the average reaction time is only 0.5 seconds. The reaction time of high agility professions is usually around 0.34 seconds, and very few professions have special skills that can speed up the first shot. Speed, such as Japan's Blade Drawing Technique, can complete the first attack in zero and 13 seconds, which is definitely the best condition to resist a sneak attack. Conversely, the sword array type Sword Immortal that takes nearly two seconds to release Flying Sword may have been killed when Flying Sword is released.

Because of this defect, the strategy adopted by the sword array type Sword Immortal is usually to hang some straps on their bodies, and take out a few flying swords in advance to hang them on them, just in case they encounter In a surprise attack, they can quickly use their Flying Sword to meet the enemy without having to open the Universe Bag first.

This method can be said to reduce the weakness of the sword array type Sword Immortal to a certain extent, but in fact the problem remains. The sword array type Sword Immortal is, after all, a profession that relies on the sword array to defend against the enemy. That is to say, if they use one or two Flying Swords to attack the enemy directly, just like the warrior, they can’t actually exert their full strength. The sword ability directs Flying Sword to conduct flying attacks, and the effect is not necessarily much better. Because the sword array type Sword Immortal relies on the number of Flying Swords, the attack power of one or two Flying Swords alone is much lower than those of the sword skill type Sword Immortal. This causes the sword array type Sword Immortal to be suppressed when it encounters an enemy suddenly. If you cannot find a chance to open the Universe Bag and release all the Flying Swords in it, then the sword array type Sword Immortal will always be suppressed. Being suppressed, he couldn't show any superhuman strength at all.

Gold coin is now hanging upside down on the top of the cave, and most of it has encountered a surprise attack. Otherwise, with her strength, even if the enemy cannot be defeated, this place will definitely not be where it is now. Like this. As long as their sword array-type Sword Immortal skills are activated, the nearby terrain usually changes significantly. After all, so many Flying Swords are everywhere, and it is estimated that they have to be cut into pieces except for metal. The ground in this place is so clean, and there are still a lot of stalactites hanging from the top of the cave overhead. This is obviously because gold coin didn't have time to release its Flying Sword.

"Why are you like this?" Seeing that gold coin was hung upside down, Zhen Hong immediately ran over to save her after being taken aback, but what surprised us was that Zhen Zhen Gold coin struggled more violently during the red race.

We are all smart people here, and we all have very rich combat experience. We discovered the abnormality of gold coin at a glance, and probably guessed the situation. I directly raised my hand and a throwing knives shot out, cutting off the spider silk with the gold coin accurately. At the same time, the sickle had appeared beside me, and a ball of spider silk spurted out, directly hitting the one just now. The gold coin that began to fall, then suddenly recovered and pulled the gold coin back directly.

The hunter, who has been hiding in the dark and waiting for new prey to come to the door, found that the prey did not step on the trap, but stole its prey, and finally couldn’t help jumping from the hiding place. Came out, and at this time we finally found the creatures that attacked the gold coin.

There are spider silk everywhere here. It is obviously spider species that attacked gold coin, but when we actually saw it, we were shocked because these are not ordinary magic spiders. Things, but a rather terrible monster-Black Widow.

In reality, the Black Widow is a small, but very deadly poisonous spider, but the Black Widow in the game is another thing. These guys look like a centaur. The difference is that the lower body of the centaur is a horse, while the lower body of the Black Widow is a spider, and their upper body is only female, not male. In fact, Black Widow is just the species name of these guys. They are not really widows, because there is simply no male among them. This race is self-reproductive and does not need a spouse at all.

The waist of these Black Widows looks like a charming young woman in her early thirties, mature, beautiful, noble, and glamorous, with a little bit of demon. However, below their waist is a giant spider that is two meters tall and the size of a rhinoceros. Moreover, this body speaking of which is the structure of a spider, but looks like a crab, because its surface is not the fluff on the surface of the spider's body, but a smooth carapace. This carapace does not look like an arthropod shell, but has a texture similar to obsidian. It looks very smooth and has a translucent feel. It can be said to be very beautiful and not disgusting at all. Of course, not disgusting does not mean that it is not dangerous, because the obsidian-like shell attribute is too awesome on the body surface, and as a result, these guys are directly included in the high-level species, and most of the branch species start level. It is 1,500 level, and some high level evolutionary branches have more than 5,000 levels. It is even said that the BOSS level existence of this species has been discovered in the leveling areas of some countries, with an initial level of 8,000. At that time, the player team who found her took a look and was collectively returned to the city in seconds. Of course, the real terrifying of these guys is not how high her level is, or how strong she is. What they really terrifying is that they live in groups.

"Fuck me, I'm in trouble now!"

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