"hahaha...for our victory, please go and die." The excited Onito Nobunaga is about to lose his mind. It has been a long time since Matsumoto Masaga returned to power. I have felt this triumphant feeling at my fingertips, so when he saw the rose close at hand, the expression on his face was even distorted. However, this expression really distorted soon, not because of excitement, but because of being hit by someone.

The rushing ghost hand Nobunaga immediately grabbed it with a paw when he reached Rose. He had activated the Ghost God form during the run. This is the Divine given to him by the Ochi Orochi A new ability formed after the body of Race and his original skills is combined, it can be said to be a very good ability. It can turn his body into a super warrior, without even using weapons, just the palm of the hand. It is enough to cause serious damage.

However, the ghost Nobunaga in the charge didn't know. During his charge, Rose had already activated the true love invincible mode, which means that she can now use the same attributes as me. Fought.

Rose herself has already undergone body modification. She is now also Dragon Clan, so she has a superhuman response speed. With proper attributes, she can make a lot of actions that humans can’t do. Yes, the super fast combat rhythm is a basic ability performance.

Although Guishou Nobunaga's speed is very fast, but under the reaction nerve of our Dragon Clan, the speed is still slow and can be seen as a stop motion animation. Just as Guishou Nobunaga stretched out his ghost claws to grab Rose, Rose suddenly squatted and slipped under Guisou Nobunaga's arms, followed by straightening his waist and stretching his knees. Suddenly bounced up, and her right arm also raised Dragon Boxing in a single move, centered on Nobunaga's chin, and then the two flew together to be three or four meters high. Then the rose began to fall, and Nobunaga was It continued to rise for five or six meters before falling to the ground after exhausting its strength.

With a bang, Nobunaga Guishou fell to the ground in a big font, and all the people on the field were stunned, including Nobunaga Guishou. Own.

In fact, this is not the first time Guishou Nobunaga has been beaten by Rose, and it is not two days since the last time. Previously during the BUFF mission, Guishou Nobunaga mistakenly thought that Rose was just an auxiliary staff, so he planned to kill Rose when no one on our side was there. As a result, the attack failed and was beaten by Rose instead. . However, even though he was almost invisible that time, Nobunaga Guishou did not learn his lesson. In his opinion, Rose must have practiced some fighting skills and the like in reality. At that time, everyone's attributes were suppressed in the BUFF mission. The role of the player's attributes in the game was negligible, on the contrary. It was the player's personal skill in reality that showed the formidable power, which led to his ghost Nobunaga being beaten by an auxiliary staff such as Rose.

Because I always thought that what happened last time was caused by the restriction of attributes, Nobunaga Onihand didn’t take Rose seriously this time, so he went straight up and attacked, because he wanted to come, this time Everyone's attributes have completely returned to normal. Rose is definitely not his opponent of the main combat personnel. It must be that he can chop melons and vegetables as soon as the two sides contact him.

It’s a pity that although Nobunaga's analysis in the previous part is reasonable, it is a pity that he does not have the latest information. I don’t know that the BUFF sculpture we just got has an attribute like True Love, and it turned out to be him. Once again, I ignored the terrifying battle strength of Rose, and rushed up without hesitation, and the result was already well displayed.

Guishou Nobunaga was lying there in a daze, and suddenly he found Rose jumping over again. He pulled Guishou Nobunaga out of the big pit in the ground, and Rose rode directly on his chest and bowed left and right, and directly greeted him with a fist on his face, and every time it was a heavy blow, Guishou Nobunaga was instantly hit. I was stunned, and could only hurriedly use his arms to block and protect his head, trying to prevent Rose from continuing to violent. It's a pity that his resistance is the same as that of a little girl, it's useless at all. After completely inheriting my attributes, Rose’s power has exceeded Nobunaga's power points, so she can easily press Nobunaga's hands on top of his head with one hand, and then continue with the other hand. Hammer the head of the ghost hand Nobunaga.

Ghost Nobunaga, who was still resisting desperately at the beginning, was soon beaten and started crying for his father and mother, but Zhenhong completely ignored his reaction and continued to punch one after another. Going down, soon Guishou Nobunaga's yelling voice became faint. This is obviously the rhythm to be beaten to death!

Of course, our plan is not to kill Oni Shou Nobunaga on the spot, it would be too cheap for him. The whole process of us was in the video. Just now I have shown Guishou Nobunaga's stupidity, greed, and his current tragic appearance. Now it's time to buckle his head.

To make Nobunaga stinky, he must be the main reason for the defeat in this battle, so at this time Matsumoto Masaga began to perform.

"No, you can't let Nobunaga Guishou be killed by them." Nobunaga Guishou righteously said to the men brought by Guishou Nobunaga: "The other party is crowded, once the ghost is lost Nobunaga, we will be beaten by the opponent. They have support, we can’t use them."

"What should I do?" This guy found that Nobunaga was beaten by the fat, and Matsumoto Masaga’s words sounded very reasonable, so he immediately asked Matsumoto’s opinion.

This is what Matsumoto Masaga was waiting for. He said directly: "You and August Xun joined forces to help me block Purple Moon. They are three. I will rescue Nobunaga Guishou."


Without giving this guy a chance to argue, Masaka Matsumoto rushed out. Christina and I are still really red. Of course we have to do something to intercept it, but at this time, August Kaoru shouted at the still dazed ghost Nobunaga's subordinates: "Now don't you work hard, when do you want to wait? "" After speaking, he took the initiative to greet him. All the large-scale skills that I had never dared to use in order to control the output were thrown out. A series of gorgeous attacks stupefied the attacks of all three of us, and they were forced. We can only protect ourselves and cannot intercept Masaga Matsumoto.

Through this gap, Masaga Matsumoto finally "successfully blocked the breakthrough" to Nobunaga Onishu. Matsumoto Masaga, who came up with a heavy cut, obviously uses a high level skill. Although the activation speed is fast and the formidable power is large, it consumes amazing mana. It is not a skill that will not be used desperately.

Seeing Matsumoto’s “sudden attack”, Rose “helpless” can only choose to block and retreat, while Oniji Nobunaga is struggling to get up from the ground at this time, but he has already I don't have the ability to run back by myself, so I can only crawl back desperately against a pig's head.

Matsumoto, who found that the situation was not optimistic, forced Rose again with a big move, and then immediately turned back and picked up the ghost Nobunaga on the ground and was about to rush back, but just before he rushed In the process of returning, Christina used the cover of me and Zhenhong to circumvent August Kaoru, while the subordinates of Nobunaga were completely unable to intercept Christina.

Seeing Masaka Matsumoto running back with the ghost hand Nobunaga, wanting to get together with August Kaun, Christina suddenly touched her toes on the ground, and her whole body rose into the sky, a beautiful piece, The butterfly wings of light shining with colorful rays of light suddenly unfolded behind Christina, and at the same time Christina's whole body brilliance flowed, and lightning gathered on her hands and simulated a divine bow and an arrow of light. .

Christina in an archery pose pinched the energy arrow and pulled it back, and then loosened her finger. The bow of light instantly disintegrated into light particles and disappeared, but the energy arrow shot out, like a laser beam directly hitting Matsumoto Masaka's back, and passed through him, drilling out from his chest. And it shot into the wall behind, and it collapsed with a bang.

Although he was shot through by an energy arrow, Matsumoto Masaka only shook his body, but did not immediately fall down. Instead, he insisted on holding the ghost hand Nobunaga and rushed to Augustsuki with the ghost. Hand Nobunaga fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, the subordinates of Nobunaga and Augustsuki immediately joined forces to protect the two people, and then used big moves to force us to step forward.

Guishou Nobunaga directly took out a medicine pill from his body and put it in his mouth, but before he could put it in, he heard two screams suddenly in front of him, and then he I saw Akatsuki Kaoru and that Onihand Nobunaga's hands flew out from left to right, and I flew over from the position where the two of them were standing, and then landed directly in front of Matsumoto Masaga and made a sword at the same time. Through the chest of Masaga Matsumoto.

Matsumoto Masaga, who suddenly freezes, completely settled there, the medicine pill in his hand rolled to the ground, and then rolled to the side of Nobunaga Onitou, but at this time, I was on one foot. Stepping on the shoulders of Masaka Matsumoto, holding the blade of the Eternal Sword in both hands, he made a gesture to kick Masaka Matsumoto away and pull out my sword.

Matsumoto Masaka, who had been frozen at this time, suddenly regained his strength as if it was a flashback. He suddenly hugged my hands to prevent me from pulling out the eternity stuck in his chest. At the same time Turned his head and looked towards the silly ghost Nobunaga who was there yelled: "Hurry up and take that medicine, don't let me die in vain. If you can't destroy the mission of the Chinese, I will never end with you."

< p> After roaring these last few words, Masaka Matsumoto seemed to have exhausted the last bit of strength. His hands suddenly loosened and I kicked them away. I took the Eternal Sword back again and turned to Nobunaga Onishu with a grinning smile, vividly and thoroughly playing my villain role.

After seeing my hideous expression, Nobunaga Guishou was shivered all over. He seemed to have reacted. He quickly picked up the pill on the ground and stuffed it into his mouth, followed by the golden light flashed all over the body. I jumped up, but at this moment, I rushed up and struck Nobunaga on the body with a sword. But the golden light on Nobunaga's body suddenly brightened many times at this time, and a huge repulsive force was generated, which actually blocked me.

Guishou Nobunaga was taken aback after taking this medicine, because the effect of this thing is very good, otherwise all the attributes will be restored instantly, and it also provides five seconds of invincibility. It can be said that if this thing is used well, it can completely reverse the situation at a critical moment. If it wasn't for the rescue of Nobunaga Oni Shou, with the strength of Masaka Matsumoto, with this medicine, it shouldn't be a problem to kill one of our people. In other words, Matsumoto Masaka had a chance to win, but the pill was wasted in such a place. Instead of killing one of our people, Matsumoto himself died.

Although the person who died was Masaga Matsumoto, now Nobunaga Onitou hopes that he is the one who has just been stabbed to death. He is not really stupid. Originally, the task interception work was done by Masaka Matsumoto and Kaoru August. Although they did not destroy the task, at least they did not let gold coin complete the task. As a result, he didn’t help and killed Masaka Matsumoto. He, that means that the task of destroying the mission fell on the shoulders of Nobunaga Guishou. If he succeeds, that's fine, but if he fails... Nobunaga Guishou has been a little bit afraid to think about the consequences. It is estimated that he will be drowned by the saliva of Japanese players when he looks back.

Although Oni Shou Nobunaga was extremely unwilling, it was already like this. Matsumoto Masaka’s death is very glorious. The first decision to rescue is not to say whether there is any problem. At least the action itself was made out of good intentions, and before Matsumoto’s charge ahead, he said before that the reason he went to save the ghost Shounaga, that The reason is also very reliable, so Matsumoto's death can only be said to be just and honorable withdrawing from the mission. Not only will the responsibility be thrown on Nobunaga Onitou, but also the Japanese players will not be blamed.

Ghost Nobunaga, who picked up a hot potato for no reason, now has a real heart to die. And the worst thing is that now I don’t want to die anymore.

Masaga Matsumoto died, and Akatsuki Kaoru and Guite Nobunaga's own men were injured. Now they are blocked in the corner of the wall, and they are about to die. With both the strength and the number of people at an absolute disadvantage, Nobunaga Onihand really didn't know how to handle this task next. Is this a dead end!

Suddenly being thrown into such a mess, and he hasn't dealt with it yet, it is strange that Nobunaga is not depressed now. However, there is no way at this time. Since the mess has been thrown up, Oniji Nobunaga can only find a way to solve the immediate crisis first.

Looking at me coming over with a grinning smile, Nobunaga Ghost suddenly launched a countercharge, hoping to make a surprise attack with the help of his sudden recovery of strength. Of course, the result is very sad. He was not my opponent at all. After two or three hits, I was shocked and retreated again. Although there was no injury, the most serious problem was that he simply could not break through my defense.

Just when Guishou Nobunaga was still over there hesitating what to do, a loud explosion sound suddenly appeared next to him, and accompanied by a scream, there were only two of Guishou Nobunaga’s last subordinates. Supporting the upper half of his body with one hand, he fell to the ground and wailed. His lower half had completely turned into charcoal, and when Nobunaga Onishu looked over, it happened to see Christina ending the battle with a red flame arrow.

Here, my last subordinate was killed. But Nobunaga Guishou had no other way. He still wanted to fight back. Unfortunately, he immediately heard a scream from the other side accompanied by the explosion. When he turned his head, he found that Zhenhong and Augustsuki were separated from each other. Fly away. With two booms, the two landed separately. After reaching the ground, August Xun rolled out along the ground, and was finally blocked by the wall, and then there was no movement at all. On the other side, Zhen Hong got up from the ground with a lot of effort after landing, and while walking towards this side with some wrong posture, he wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

"Damn it, this August Xun is quite difficult to deal with!" At this point, Zhenhong suddenly said to Guishou Nobunaga: "Speaking of which I would also like to thank you, if it weren't for your delay. Legs, it really takes a bit of effort to kill Akatsuki Kaoru and Matsumoto Masaka."

As soon as I heard this, Nobunaga knew I was going to suffer, because it was not the first time we did this. . Oninote Nobunaga knows our methods. He takes the video of the battle and publishes it. During the battle, we will continue to induce him to make mistakes. This way, the Japanese players who watch the video feel about his Oninote Nobunaga. It will get worse and worse. This is definitely a very propaganda attack, a soft knife that kills people without seeing blood, but the cut is really painful.

"What the hell do you want to do?" Onizu Nobunaga is completely desperate. He is now slightly better than a nervous breakdown, and even his resistance has stopped.

"What do we want to do?" Christina looked at Guishou Nobunaga and said, "Of course we want you to die. But, we don’t even have any interest in starting with you now. . So, can you get rid of yourself and die?"

"You...you...you don't be bully intolerably!" Nobunaga Guishou seems to have recovered a little courage again.

Zhenhong deliberately said arrogantly: "We bullied you, what are you doing?"

Don't say it, it is enough to suppress the other party with absolute strength to say such things It's cool, at least Guishou Nobunaga can't answer a word now. Of course he wants to treat us, but the problem is that he does not have such strength to support, so it is just a joke. Threats to others are only called threats when you are able to do it. When you can't, it is a joke.

"hmph, don’t be proud of you too early." Nobunaga suddenly remembered that there are many Japanese players outside the mission entrance, so he said: “There are still many of our people outside the mission entrance. , As long as they rush into this mission, they can also destroy your mission."

"About this. Let’s not say whether they can enter, even if they do come in, do you think they Is it too late?" At this point, Rose suddenly paused, and then said: "Oh yes, I still want to feel you. If it weren't for you, it would not be so easy for us to enter the mission space. No wonder People say that they are not afraid of enemies like gods, but teammates like pigs. With you pig, Japanese players are really miserable!"

"You, you..." Nobunaga Guishou In the end, you didn't have a chance to come out, because I had already stepped forward and put a hand on his shoulder and pierced Eternity into his heart. This guy has no battle awareness at all. I stabbed him to death without even resisting. He kept pointing at us until he died and failed to say his last words. I think that Nobunaga Guishou was stabbed to death by me, it is better to say that he was pissed to death by us. After all, our run on the line just now was strong enough, if I had committed suicide early. Fortunately Guishou Nobunaga can survive till now. I have to say that this guy is really thick-skinned.

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