"Now you can communicate with us and talk about what happened just now? Why did you attack us?"

"Because you are outsiders." After calming down, he said.

For this answer, some people may find it not convincing enough, but in my opinion it is actually enough. Sometimes conflicts actually originate from very simple problems. Rejecting outsiders and repelling people who are different from yourself are the basic characteristics of human beings. This situation is manifested in the primordial tribe more clearly than in modern times. There is still a civility and politeness suppressed by modern people. Just put it into action.

"Well, now that we know that we are outsiders, and we know that our strength is very strong, and it is not something you can deal with, then as the leader of this tribe, don't you plan to do it for the offense just now Is there any compensation?"

"Compensation?" The other party was stunned for a moment, and then began to think about it. After a while, he suddenly said with excitement: "By the way, I remembered it. We have a magic axe here, if you can get it, I will give it to you as compensation."

"Why do I sound a bit like the stick of Monkey Sun?" Zhenhong said .

Originally, I didn't expect these, but it was a bit of a meaning to listen to Zhenhong. But I still said: "How do I know if that thing is worth this price? You also know that your weapons are all tattered in my opinion, including the one you use."

"no no no , The god axe is a different existence." The savage leader said very excitedly: "The god axe was given to us by a mountain god a long time ago. It is an axe with a divine force. It is not only very heavy, but also extremely sharp. . That's not something that our weapons can mention on equal terms."

"Given by the mountain god?" Hearing that it was so popular, I felt that this thing was 80% bad. You must know that the mountain god system can only be regarded as a rateless Divine Immortal in Celestial Court, and it is only a little higher than the heavenly soldier, and it is definitely a miscellaneous soldier. What good things do you say this kind of existence can give? As for the savage leader who said that this item is too heavy to hold, I think it is nothing more than the equipment attribute requirements of this item are relatively high, and the required power points are too large, so they can't hold it.

"Although what you said seems to be very precious, we really cannot be sure of the value of this thing without seeing the real thing."

"It’s okay, I can take you Go and see."

Led by the savage leader, we quickly left from an exit at the back of the city, and then walked around outside the city. The villages of those savages are not far away from the abandoned city. As for why I didn’t take Christina and they hurried to chase Matsumoto Masaga, this is not a waste of time, but Matsumoto Masaga just sent a message that they have come out of Underground World and are currently heading to the back of the city. The forest area moves, so it doesn’t make much sense for us to go down. It’s better to just take a shortcut and go across the ground to save some time. As for the part of Underground World, leave it to Nobunaga Guishou and the others to play slowly.

After following the savage all the way to their village, a large group of female savages and little children were greeted by the village. These are obviously family members. After seeing us outsiders, the women and children did not show any fearful gaze, but looked at us with a curious gaze, and did not know what it meant.

The savage leader who led the way waved away the women and child, and then took the three of us to a square at the back of the village. We found the axe a long distance away, because it was inserted in a big rock in the center of the square, and the axe was not ordinary. I said before that the equipment level and appearance in "Zero" are directly linked, unless some very familiar equipment, generally speaking, the more gorgeous the appearance of the equipment, the higher the level of this thing. Looking at the shape of the axe in front of you, you know that it is definitely not ordinary, because it is so gorgeous.

This is a golden great axe, the whole body is full of golden light glittering, it is inlaid with more than 20 gems of various colors, and the axe has a Divine Dragon embossed around the axe handle, the dragon head It stretched out from the top of the giant axe, forming a three-dimensional sculpture of a dragon head with an open mouth. This giant axe is standing there. The length of the axe handle inserted into the stone is not very clear for the time being, but the exposed part of the outer second is two meters long. It is estimated that the total length may be two meters or two if the whole is pulled out. about. The upper axe blade part uses a standard crescent blade, which is different from the carpenter's axe. After all, this is a combat axe. In addition, the back part of this axe is designed with a rather large hammer-like structure. This thing is mainly used for counterweight. After all, the axe blade part is too thick. If it is not counterweight, the weight of the axe itself Tilting will occur, and accuracy will be affected when swung horizontally, because additional force is used to stabilize the axe itself. However, a little bit different from the general giant axe is that although the counterweight part of this axe head looks like a slightly protruding rectangular head structure, in fact, there are more than a dozen short and thick nail heads on the head. , If it hits a person, even if it doesn't kill it directly, it will definitely be able to hammer out more than a dozen holes at a time.

In general, this thing is a very domineering golden great axe, and it feels like an imposing manner as long as you hold it in your hand. Of course, this thing doesn't look like anyone can play with it. After all, it's such a big iron bump, and the inertia when waving it is definitely considerable.

"Is this the apology gift you are talking about?" I asked, looking at the axe.

Zhenhong walked over with a little excitement when I asked, but instead of touching the thing directly, she turned her head and looked at me and asked: "You can try Try it?"

When the savage leader heard this, he immediately ran over and said: "This is the apology gift I want to give you, so of course it can be used, but I will say it first. This magic axe is very heavy. If you can’t pick it up, don’t blame me.”

Of course I didn’t respond to that guy’s words. After all, we still have a weird girl here. This thing is pure gold, so don't expect it to be really red and you can't get it.

I ignored that guy, I directly nodded and signaled that Zhenhong could touch it. Zhenhong immediately rubbed his hands in excitement and moved around the thing twice, and then held the long handle of this thing with both hands. Mention up.

After a pause, Zhen Hong didn't even lift this thing up. This result made us all stunned, and the savage leader looked at us with a smirk. I now understand a little bit why this guy wants to give this thing to us. I guess this thing simply can't be picked up, so he is so generous. Although we were shocked by our strength before, this savage leader didn't really intend to bow to us, but just wanted to send us away.

Although Zhenhong did not fully pull up for the first time, Zhen Hong did not intend to give up. She adjusted her posture this time, and then held the long handle of the battle axe with both hands in the lower place and started to send force. The method she used before was actually relying on the arm strength to lift up, but this time she used the waist and leg strength, which is naturally much larger than the simple arm strength.

As True Red suddenly exerted its strength, only a click was heard, the stone slab under her feet was trampled directly, and the battle axe was finally lifted up in True Red’s hand. A little bit.

Before this golden great axe was probably fixed at the bottom. It was not simply because it was too heavy to pull it up, but as it was lifted up a little this time, the fixed position was obviously out of place. , And then the remaining part does not need too much force. Real Red is very simple to mention this giant axe to the whole.

After lifting it up completely, Zhen Hong immediately held the giant axe in excitement and waved it horizontally in his hand, only to hear the sound of breaking wind, a golden arc of light flew out directly horizontally. , The savage leader directly hugged his head and squatted down, while the arc of light was all the way forward, first cutting off the upper half of a house, then flying into the woods behind, and watching after a few seconds. The house began to collapse, and the trees behind it fell down one after another. It was this simple axe that opened a passage directly in the forest behind.

"Damn, your axe is too cruel, right?" Zhenhong looked at the golden great axe in her hand and couldn't believe that all of this in front of her was caused by herself. She hadn't seen high-end weapons before, but they were all short types of weapons. This was the first time she had seen such extra-large high-level weapons. Moreover, the arc of light just now made it clear that she just shook it hard, she didn't use her skills at all. It is said that there shouldn't be that kind of thing, but this obvious forest passage is the best proof.

"Good stuff." Christina said: "It's really red, it looks like you're going to take advantage of it. I guess you can use this stuff here."

Although it's really red Fist is very difficult to deal with, but no one would think that there are too many weapons, right? Generally speaking high level weapons are used for special purposes in many cases, especially heavy weapons, which are especially useful for the violent demolition and destruction of organs.

Faced with such a powerful weapon, most people are definitely unable to bear the attack of this thing, and the attack mode of this axe just now is obviously a normal attack, that is, as long as the clubhouse axe is swung casually, it does not need to be activated. Skills can release this arc of light, which is definitely the ability to greatly enhance battle strength. Such a good thing is actually just an apology and compensation made because a group of wild people collided with us, and this feeling is almost the same as for nothing.

"Well, we are very satisfied with this thing. This means that we have accepted your apology. This thing will be ours in the future." I looked at the savage leader and said.

The other party looked at us a little unwillingly, but after looking at the half-missing house and the trees in the back, he finally held back what he said. He knew that once he regretted it, he estimated that he would lose more than this weapon.

Under the acquiescence of this hapless savage leader, we finally left the village with their treasure of town and village. Although the savage leader was angry, he did not take any further action, even Some of the arrangements he made before have been stopped, because he already knows that our strength here is too much beyond them, and a rash counterattack will only kill itself.

After leaving the village, we moved forward directly under the coordinates given by Masaga Matsumoto. Although there is no specific axis to use in the task, this place is a bit better. There is a big mountain farther away, that mountain is very high, and there is a horizontally protruding part on the top of the mountain. This thing is like a road sign erected there. Everyone can see it as long as they climb the treetops. Therefore, the coordinate axis established by this thing was used by Matsumoto Masaka, and soon let us know that we are with them. Relative position.

Actually, the relative position is not very precise, but as long as it is roughly correct. Anyway, we have many ways to scan each other within a certain range.

As Masaga Matsumoto and the others continue to correct our deviations, we soon met them in the Central Region of the forest, but after meeting we couldn’t stop, but we still had to continue walking, because This time the destination is not this place.

"What the hell is your mission?" After finally meeting, Zhen Hong couldn't help but ask. She had long wanted to know before.

Gold coin didn’t answer, on the contrary, Matsumoto Masaka explained, “Anything is very simple.” At this point, Matsumoto Masaka suddenly gestured, and then he touched the gold coin from the middle of the clothes. Out of a badge.

"What is this?" Christina asked. "I felt a huge wave of magic power on it."

Matsumoto Masaga said: "This is a mission item, a magic badge carved from a very huge energy crystal. Magic can be used by itself, and The formidable power is endless. But our task is to bring this thing to the volcanic crater and throw it down."

"Why do you hear a story like the Lord of the Rings?" Christina said again.

"There is a slight difference." Matsumoto Masaka said: "There is a fire god who lives in the volcano over there. Although this thing is to be thrown down, the main purpose is not to destroy it, but I want to return this thing to the Vulcan. After that, I can use this thing in exchange for Vulcan's forgiveness, and then Vulcan will lift his curse on the NPC in the place where we took the task. Anyway, as long as this item is delivered. Even if our task is completed."

"It's a pity, if this is not a task item, I want to take it for myself." Looking at the attribute of this badge, I found the item listed above There are a lot of attributes. If this thing can really be taken out for equipment, it is definitely a treasure that is even more Divine Item than Divine Item. It's a pity, let alone take it out, even in this mission, the attribute of this thing still says the words "quest props cannot be equipped".

Although this thing is a mission prop, it does not prevent us from checking its attributes. To be honest, the attribute of this thing is so beautiful that we are all there sighing that such a good thing must be handed over. I really want to wait until the task is completed and then come back to kill Vulcan and get this thing back.

Of course, this is just our delusion. On the one hand, Vulcan is not so easy to solve. On the other hand, since the opponent is a god, there should be no problem with intelligence, so the opponent will only hide when injured. , And the other party can live in the mountain pass, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not have the ability to move through the underground appearance pipeline. If that were the case, we would be miserable. This Vulcan will come out of nowhere, so it is extremely difficult to catch him. Besides, even if the opponent does not run, it is not a simple matter to kill a god here. In addition, don’t forget that there is the presence of Nobunaga’s gang behind us. This is a real threat. It’s not good if we don’t want to do something.

Although there are a lot of threats, but that is when we snatch this thing. As long as the obediently and honestly trick requires the task to be done, the difficulty of this task is actually not high. The real difficulty is just like what Matsumoto and gold coin said before, the creatures living here are the real danger.

After the meeting, everyone started to move. Anyway, the problem is solved. With our strength, it is not easy for ordinary wild animals to hurt us, but the current situation cannot be said to be Accurate, approaching this place is the mission space, which is different from the world outside. The main game map outside is managed by the system through rules. Those rules are absolute restrictions, no exceptions are allowed, and the main system itself rarely directly intervenes on the main map. However, the task space is different. If it is a single-player task, the system can even change the internal Time Flow Speed ​​and other situations. In short, this task time has a high degree of freedom for the system, and anything is possible. happen.

We walked all the way and said that after about three or four kilometers, we suddenly heard a loud explosion sound coming from behind, and then we saw a cigarette rising up, obviously Somewhere exploded.

In fact, we can probably guess what it is, because after the meeting, Masaka Matsumoto and the others once planted a large number of mines near the exit of Underground World over there, and the explosion just now is estimated to be someone directly Stepped on one. Although those are not liquefied magic crystal steam, but the formidable power should not be underestimated, otherwise you won't be able to hear such a loud explosion after such a distance.

"It looks like your little gift worked." Christina looked back towards the direction behind and said.

August Xunwei said with a smile: "In fact, the gift we designed is not as simple as this bomb."

"What else have you arranged?" Really Hong asked.

Matsumoto said with a smile proudly: "We also set up a lot of magic incense in the forest over there. After we left, there should be a lot of monsters gathered there. There was no one there just now, so there should be no problem, but once those ghosts of Nobunaga show up, they are like going directly into the cage of the monsters, and they will definitely be attacked."

When the ghosts of Nobunaga and they were battered and exhausted on their way forward, we finally almost reached the predetermined location, which is the foot of the mountain.

This is a seemingly tall mountain, but its structure is rather special. Generally speaking, there are plants on the mountain, and the plants on the mountain will change according to the altitude. From below, you can find some clearer plant areas in different regions. This is to use the characteristics of the higher the mountain and the colder The growing plants are divided into several layers.

However, the characteristics of the mountain in front of us are just the reverse of the general peaks. The bottom of the mountain is full of frigid plants, and the more you go up, the more plants there will be. On the contrary, the bottom of the mountain looks very Look less.

This strange phenomenon, I attribute it to the problem of heat distribution caused by volcanoes. Although the temperature at high places is normally lower, because there is a volcano below it, the central location is connected to the lava cavity. Instead, the internal temperature can follow the lava cavity. In the principle of hot air rising, it naturally goes smoothly. As the pipe rises, the part of the mountain top with the air outlet becomes hotter, so naturally the higher the plant is, the more tropical plants are.

Although the distribution of plants here is strange, our goal is not outside the mountain, but inside the mountain, so we directly searched for the location of the entrance on the mountain.

According to the content of the previous mission introduction, there is no mention of the entrance to this place, but according to the previous NPC told Matsumoto Masaga, this place definitely has an entrance, so we need Look carefully.

After much deliberation, this entrance is always very difficult to find. We went back and forth on the mountain, I don’t know how many times. Some hole was pressed, but unfortunately, we simply did not find any entrance.

"Did you miss something before?" Christina asked anxiously.

Masaga Matsumoto grabbed his hair and said, "No! We didn't need to act as an enemy before Gold Coin, so the mission went smoothly. There should be no problems."< /p>

"But we have been searching here until now and have not found any entrances or exits. This is obviously a problem with your intelligence."

"But we really didn't miss anything!" gold coin also said.

Christina suggested: "If you think about it, there may be no exact hints for some details, but some special sentences or other things should be given. In short, this door opens. It should be very special."

When Christina said that, Masaka Matsumoto and Gold Coin began to think with their heads down. After thinking for a while, Gold Coin suddenly looked at Matsumoto. Masaga asked, "By the way, Masaka Matsumoto, do you remember the woodcutter we met before?"

"The woodcutter?" Masaka Matsumoto was taken aback for a while, and then passed. After a while, I suddenly reacted and dealt with: "I understand. Everyone quickly scatter out and look for the big trees. Some of the big trees may be the entrance."

"Big tree?" We were surprised. Looking at Matsumoto Masaga, I don't know what medicine he sells in bottle gourd.

Seeing that we were so confused, Masaka Matsumoto immediately explained: "In fact, it was a woodman we met before meeting with you. The guy said when chatting with us that he was from his own house. There was a cellar in the backyard, which was originally used to store vegetables, but then they dug a new one, and the old one was no longer needed. As a result, after a few years, the entrance of the cave was blocked by a big tree. The plants in the place are growing very fast."

"That means, the hole here may also be sealed, right?" Christina asked.

"It should be like this." Masaga Matsumoto confirmed: "At least we can only think of these now, so you all hurry up and look for it!"

After getting such an answer, we had to find them separately. This time, regardless of whether it was convenient or not, I directly scattered all the ghost worms and started to help find the entrance. Not to mention, in the end, he really found an entrance according to Matsumoto's statement.

The entrance to this place is a vertical downward passage, but after the passage descends more than two meters, it starts to slope downward and deep, and because the entrance is upright, the seeds of big trees fall into it. As a result, it started to grow on a raised part on the wall at the entrance of the cave. As a result, the seed finally grew into a big tree, which actually sealed the entrance. That’s why we couldn’t find this at first. The reason for the entrance, after all, no one would have thought that the entrance would be filled with trees!

After confirming the location of the entrance, there are more short answers for the rest. Zhen Hong used her new axe to put the big tree down with one axe, and then we dragged the remaining part out of the ground and cleared the collapsed mud from the entrance below.

This entrance was originally repaired and it was useless for a long time. In addition, the roots of the big tree were drilled everywhere, the walls and ceilings were long gone, and a lot of soil fell down and lifted the ground. We got up a lot, which made us crawl on the ground in the initial part of the function, because simply is not high enough, the station does not raise.

Moving forward along this passageway, we hear the back not too far There was a noise, and it was obvious that Nobunaga Onitou and the others were also chasing after him. I don't know what, these guys actually speeded up a lot after we overtook them.

As for the reason for Nobunaga oni’s sudden acceleration, Rose deduced that there should be two reasons. One is that they found that the traces of our walk appeared in the process of moving forward after the battle. On their route, Nobunaga Onihand knew that we were already ahead of them. In this situation, Nobunaga Guishou naturally did not dare to neglect, and could only continue to urge to speed up. As a result, the speed of these people increased significantly.

In addition to the above reason, Rose guessed that there is another reason for Nobunaga's speed, that is, the number of people in the team has decreased.

The more people march, the slower the speed will be. At first there were more than a dozen people in Onitou Nobunaga, and they continued to die during the battle. Now they are definitely only in the single digits, maybe there are less than five. In this case, Nobunaga Oni's speed will naturally be faster. After all, the lonely spirit outside was designed to attack the weakest existence, so the weak players are all dead, the rest of the human body can be attributed well, and the natural movement speed is much faster.

Faced with the acceleration of Nobunaga ghosts, we did not dare to neglect, we all accelerated and crawled forward, and soon the road was restored to its spaciousness, and everyone immediately accelerated and ran forward. He also deliberately dropped some bloodstains in the middle of the road so that Guishou Nobunaga and the others saw these things and thought we had a battle here. And, from time to time, we will use our skills to collapse a section of the tunnel, in order to slow down the guys behind. Of course, this method cannot last long, and sooner or later we will be caught up.

Of course, even if it is to catch up, we are not afraid. We have already arranged a plan. I will wait for Nobunaga Guishou and they will come up. I can start to trick Nobunaga. This time, Nobunaga Guishou made such a mess for us. We can't just leave it alone. We must let him remember.

After continuing for some distance, the temperature in the passage began to rise significantly, and it was obviously close to the lava pool over there. But at this time the passage suddenly turned into a huge cave, which is not easy to defend and collapse, so I can only think of other methods.

"How far is ahead?" I asked gold coin.

"At most one kilometer."

I pondered for a while and said: "Don't run. Let's divide the troops here."

"Split the troops "Gold coin looked at me in surprise.

"Didn’t I tell you before? I’m going to cheat the ghost hand for a long time. Anyway, it’s the end of the mission, and what you said is that the mission itself is not dangerous. The danger is the environment. So there should be no big problem here. Gold coin, you go to perform the task, and the rest of us are here to help you resist the ghost hand Nobunaga behind, so you should be able to complete the task, right?"

gold coin thought for a while and said: "No problem, I can handle it."

"Then you go quickly."

After I finish talking about gold coin nodded directly He rushed into an entrance inside the Rock Hall, and then disappeared. As for those of us, we are going to start dispatching tasks here.

"Listen well, Shinobu Nobunaga and the others will catch up in a while, so Masaka Matsumoto and Akatsuki Kaoru can't be with us. Let's separate the teams from now on."

After I finished talking, everyone started to act immediately. The team was automatically divided into two groups. Masaga Matsumoto and Kazutsuki were considered Japanese people, and Zhenhong, Christina, and Rose were considered Frost Roses. The people of the alliance need to block Matsumoto Masaga and them here.

After arranging the styling and sorting out the team, I started to explain to them the general situation for a while, as well as our respective arrangements. The advantage of doing this is to avoid the problem of wearing help. As for whether it will be heard by Nobunaga Onihand... don't worry about this. I lost a ghost worm every short while on the way, so I know where Guishou Nobunaga and them are. However, Nobunaga's team is really amazing. It was understandable that a few people were killed in the middle of the road, but I thought that Nobunaga Guishou could bring at least six or seven people here, but after I actually saw their team, I found out that there are actually no ghosts here. There were only two players left besides Nobunaga himself. In other words, the group of people that Nobunaga brought with him when he came in had already died a dozen or so.

After we finished talking about the tactical arrangements here, Nobunaga Guishou and the others have just reached a distance where they can probably sense the situation on our side. And Masaga Matsumoto and the others immediately started to move under the sign of one of my eyes.

"Go to hell." Zhenhong shouted after I counted the seconds with my hand, and threw the battle axe as a throwing weapon. Although the performance of this thing is very good, Real Red has never used it before, so I am not familiar with the ability of this thing. It is still good to use it in normal combat. Of course, you can't practice using new weapons at this time, so just throw it. Go out and play the biggest battle strength.

The angle, strength, and time of this throw are all calculated, otherwise I won’t have to count the seconds to True Red before. In conjunction with the visual synchronization of the ghost worms, I pinched the time when the ghost hands Nobunaga appeared at the corner of the passage to make Zhenhong throw the tomahawk, and the effect was really good.

As soon as Guishou Nobunaga came out of the passageway, he saw a tomahawk whirling over with the sound of howling wind. He hurriedly put a stick on the wall on the side, the battle axe directly rubbed his chest armor and flew over, followed by pu' sound, the axe blade directly smashed into the player's skull behind, half All heads were cut open. The axe's power was too great, and its mass was also great. The huge kinetic energy brought the player all the way back and nailed it to the wall of the passage behind it.

This time, Nobunaga's team was immediately reduced from three to two. Apart from Nobunaga himself, there was only one ninja wearing a black clothed suit.

The two Japanese players both glanced at each other, and then ran out of the hole together and stood beside Matsumoto Masaka and Augustsuki.

"Hey, how come you haven't got it done yet?" As soon as Nobunaga came in, he started to run Matsumoto Masaga with words. I also found that a memory crystal ball that recorded video was hung on his chest. Obviously Oni Shou Nobunaga was also well prepared. The main purpose of his coming in was actually not to intercept us from completing the task, but to suppress Masaka Matsumoto's reputation, so his previous words were based on The words mean more than they say.

When Masaga Matsumoto played this set, Nobunaga Guishou didn’t know where to level up to fight monsters, so of course he wouldn’t be fooled for this kind of thing, so he asked directly: "You take Frost Rose What are the high level players of the league? Gold coin is the third in the world battle strength list. It’s not bad that August Xun and I can drag her and not let her advance the task progress, but we have already grasped the initiative before. I almost got it right, but didn't expect the guys from the Frost Rose League actually ran in. I said, what did you do outside? No matter if you don’t have assistance, how can you let the enemy back in? Anyway, it is also our mission area in Japan? Is it because you are so close and the speed is not as fast as the Chinese?"

Onihand Nobunaga violated everyone's original setting and rushed into the mission. It was a crime. The public is angry, so as long as the mention of this matter, Nobunaga Oni will suffer. Masaka Matsumoto has been on the mission as normal, and should be ignorant of those things outside, but he is actually ours. So of course I told him about this. In this situation, Masaga Matsumoto was using this to trick Nobunaga. Even if it was Nobunaga Onitou with the video just now, when the players outside heard it, all the spearheads were definitely directed at Nobunaga Onitou instead of Masaga Matsumoto.

"Hey, why didn't you speak?" Masaka Matsumoto stared at us, pretending to be very jealous, and was still talking to Nobunaga Onitou.

Onitou Nobunaga wants to answer now, but he doesn't know what to say. After looking at the situation on our side, he suddenly realized something, and pretended to be very anxious and asked: "What's the matter? Gold coin is not here? Did she do the task?"

Matsumoto Masaga glared at Guishou Nobunaga and said, "Isn't this nonsense? Purple Moon and Christina are here, there is a real red behind, and Purple Moon his wife, a super assistant, you let me and Ba How do you charge Yuexun? Are you treating us as Superman or Purple Moon as idiots?"

"Can yo

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