As our eyes focused on the direction of that thing, the other party obviously noticed the fact that he was discovered. After pressing the button, the guy took a more conventional move— -No longer hide your figure.

When that thing popped out of that house, our feeling was not that we finally discovered something in danger, but that we were collectively stunned.

"This is... a primordial person?" When the guy with a skirt of leaves, a circle of feathers on his shoulders, and a high level tomahawk in his hand came out of the house, we All felt a deep sense of powerlessness, because the thing in front of us is really different from the image we imagined. But... "Why does that guy have a sharp battle axe?"

"It should be picked up, yes, it must be picked up." Christina said with some facial cramps.

"Don't you think that instead of discussing the origin of the axe, you should stop that guy first, right? He will rush over and chop us in a while," said Rose.

True Red glanced at the situation over there and said: "At least I can come here."

"The speed is so slow." Christina followed.

"How can that guy live to the present?" Looking at this savage, who is at the basic level of human stamina, I couldn't bear to look straight. The monsters in this place find it tricky even for Nobunaga's second-rate experts. How did this primordial man, who only has basic human stamina and equivalent to free NPC battle strength, survived? With his physical stamina, taking it in such a place is an absolute existence at the bottom of the food chain!

We are wondering here, didn't expect Rose suddenly said: "I know why he can live till now."

"I also know." While saying this, we also noticed the changes nearby. In the building around us, I don’t know when at least thirty primordial people ran out. And all the guys were armed with weapons. Although they were all self-made weapons, they were fully armed and most of them were equipped. There are self-made bows and arrows, and they are standing in a circle at this time, and the bows and arrows are pointing to the way we are ready to launch at any time.

Obviously, although the physical stamina of these primordial people is relatively bad in this place, they are human after all, and even the primordial tribe is not comparable to animals. The real primordial people on Earth were not the same. There was no Saber-Toothed Tiger, the sharp claw fangs of the cat, and the huge size of a mammoth, but in the end they became the overlord of Earth. During this period, it is not physical ability, but intellectual superiority.

Now these primordial people around us exist in this way. Their physical fitness may not be very good, but their intelligence is not much lower than that of modern people. What they lack is knowledge and experience. Under the control of the high level brain, these guys can make and use weapons very proficiently, and can complete the hunting in a tacit understanding, and the division of labor in the team is very clear, everyone has their own tasks, and there will be no confusion.

In front of such a hunting team, as long as it does not have an absolute advantage in strength, or has a high intelligence, this situation can be solved. Otherwise, even if it is much stronger than the battle strength of these primordial people, it can only Obediently died on the spot and became the enemy's prey. It's just... these guys actually treat us as prey. Is this a bit too much? Anyway, we are also humanoids! Is this the legendary Food Human Race?

Anyway, these guys think they are set to win anyway. After occupying an absolute advantage, they immediately rushed up with a strange cry of excitement. This method is similar to psychological intimidation. If it is a creature with very low intelligence, it will be frightened by their collective cry. But the tactics of these guys are obviously useless to us. Just amid their screams, Zhen Hong suddenly jumped on the spot, then slammed in front of the first savage to be found, and directly hit the opponent's wrist with a hand knife.

Although it’s really red, she didn’t use much effort, but her power is there after all. This is definitely a terrifying matchless power for this savage, so that the axe in the opponent's hand was instantly released and cut. Entering the ground, the savage wailed as he sat down on the ground holding his wrist.

True Red glanced at the guy on the ground, then turned his gaze to the axe next to him, hooked on the axe with one foot, and the axe immediately bounced and fell into the true-red hand. . He grabbed the axe and danced in a circle, and then threw the sharp battle axe to the ground, inserting it between the guy’s legs, almost turning that guy into a Court Eunuch, scared that. The guy had forgotten even the screams, just staring at the axe between his legs in a cold sweat.

The other wild people around were scared at first, but these guys who live in this kind of place for a long time, of course, will not be so easily scared. The remaining savages were stunned for a moment and immediately howled and launched another charge, and then the archer among them attacked us first.

"It looks like a lesson is needed." Christina said, she floated on the spot, then she curled her arms around her chest and squeezed her head, and then she suddenly stretched her arms to make her head. I also lifted it up, and it felt like it had broken a layer of film, but in fact, it was a pale-yellow light film that spread, and all the savages swept by the light film fell to the ground collectively. , And slid back for several meters before turning somersault to a stop, and the surrounding builders’ plants were blown down one floor, as if a typhoon had passed by.

Christina’s performance is definitely Divine Vestige level for these wild men. Although they have seen native creatures using magic before, it’s the first time they have seen such a wide range of magic. And Christina's attack formidable power was very large. Although it did not cause death, all the wild men on the scene were actually injured to varying degrees, but most of the injuries were skin and flesh injuries, that is, they were not serious.

Under this terrifying attack, the savages could no longer sustain their attacks. After they got up from the ground, they kept a vigilant posture around us and stopped rushing forward.

" ﹠﹪卍☆ХФ……"

The savage who was almost castrated by the real red was the first to react at this time and jumped up to shout loudly to the surrounding Now, although we don’t understand it, it’s almost certain to tell the savages to stop, because after he yelled, the remaining savages expanded the encirclement, and the weapon was not held, but simply carried. That's it.

"We don't understand what this thing says, how do we communicate?" Zhen Hong looked at me and asked.

"Have you forgotten what I did?" I saw that my eyes were really red, and I stretched out with one hand and moved towards the wild man over there and shot a ray, and the other party thought I was attacking him and was scared After a jump, the surrounding savages were also in a commotion. They looked like they were about to attack, but they were quickly stopped by the savages just now, because he found that he hadn't been hurt in any way.

"I... will speak your words!" The savage said tentatively. He was a little uncomfortable at first, but he soon became fluent. Sure enough, the language indoctrination skills of the trainer are also useful for NPCs in the wild. Of course, the premise is that the other party can't be too powerful, otherwise it's definitely useless.

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