There is no Guishou Nobunaga who is guarding the entrance, and the rest is just a group of ordinary players. Of course, with the strength of white jade Qilin, it is easy to chop melons and vegetables. , And then we proceeded to the mission gate very smoothly, but I did not rush in, but waited for the follow-up reinforcements to gather near the gate and explain to them before preparing to enter.

The entrance here was completely controlled by us after our people arrived. Although Japanese players are crowded, their ability to penetrate defenses is not strong, and the eight-headed snake is being hunted down. , And we have a lot of high level Divine Race left on your side, and the Japanese Divine Race almost never showed up. As a result, in the absence of high-end battle strength, Japanese players can only use their lives to pile up our defense. But even so, it can only make us consume more medicines, and the fatigue of personnel rises a little faster, and it does not really cause us much trouble. But speaking of which even if they have high-end martial power, it is useless, because there are still many high-level goods on our guild that have not been put into use, but because there are no high-level players on the Japanese player’s side, so we start from In terms of cost saving, high-end battle strength that needs to be spent is not used. After all, the war weapon of Isengard Mobile Fortress, although the battle strength is sturdy, but the cost of hundreds of thousands of crystal coins can be overwhelmed by us, so we don't need it if we don't use it.

I re-arranged the entry list after the personnel on our side arrived. Because of the accidental entry of Nobunaga Onita, the list of personnel on our side has also been adjusted accordingly.

Originally, I planned to leave the high-end martial power outside and only let a few people enter the mission, because the mission originally planned was just a team that looked like, anyway, gold coin cooperated with Masaga Matsumoto. It is also possible to complete the task. If I am not worried that Matsumoto's reputation will be affected, I don't want to send someone there. On the contrary, the entrance must be blocked on the outside to prevent the ghosts of Nobunaga and the others from entering, so high-end battle strength is required to sit here. But now because of Nobunaga's early entry, our tactics naturally need to be adjusted. Nobunaga Oni's mission will hinder our cooperation with Masaka Matsumoto, so we need to get rid of it, and the people he brought in must also be killed. This requires our battle strength to exceed. The opponent can only be killed accurately several times, so the previous staffing is obviously inappropriate. Besides, there is no ghost hand Nobunaga outside, and so many high-end martial power are not needed.

The number of people entering the new plan is not many. Besides me, there are Real Red, Christina, Ice Snatch, and a rose.

Although there are not many people who enter, this is all high-end martial power, especially the addition of roses can definitely greatly increase our battle strength.

In fact, many ordinary players don’t understand. They think that high-level players like Christina and I are very idiots. Every time we fight, we don’t have support personnel around. This behavior is obviously not in line with the players’ experience from the game. Those classic tactical formations summarized within.

In fact, regarding this issue, we can only say that everyone is standing at a different position from us, so what we see is different. For ordinary players, a team should indeed contain tank-type personnel that can block the enemy and at the same time output a certain amount of damage so that the opponent cannot ignore it. Later, they need to have a long-range strike and a main output with a very high damage output. In addition, , One or more auxiliary personnel with the ability to heal, dispel, and curse the enemy is also essential. However, these are only for ordinary players' battles. In the high-end battle strength battle, it is actually useless at all.

The high-end martial power in "Zero" often exhibits characteristics in combat: high mobility, high resistance and self-supporting capabilities.

This high mobility is easy to understand, which means that the movement speeds of both sides in the battle are very scary. This kind of battle determines that positional warfare is impossible. It is not only the kind of positional warfare that digs trenches to occupy the top of the hill, but even the two-line confrontation of small teams is impossible, because the movement speed of the personnel in the team is very exaggerated. Ensuring the formation of a complete formation in the movement will eventually evolve into a melee, which is almost a situation of fighting separately. It's not that high level players don't know how to cooperate, but that they can't cooperate at this stage. Apart from occasionally helping each other to block an attack or come up with a big response, basically there is very little cooperation that everyone can do. Even high-end players like Christina and Zhenhong me and I have no chance to cooperate with each other in most cases.

This kind of high-speed mobile battle determines that the protection of the auxiliary personnel is not as much and as comprehensive as the ordinary player’s positional battle. As a result, the survival rate of the auxiliary personnel becomes very low, unless the auxiliary personnel themselves It also has super strong battlefield survivability, otherwise it would not be able to keep up with the movements of the main combatants. However, in fact, we all know that the support personnel have never said that there is a particularly strong presence. Even the strongest support, at the later stage, cannot keep up with high level players, so if high-end players fight with support players , It feels like a group of more than 1,000-level output and tank-type players bringing a 200-level auxiliary class player into the high level monster area. I’m afraid that most of everyone’s energy in the battle will be focused on protecting this newcomer’s support. The real battle strength is not only not strengthened, but becomes weaker. This is also the main reason why high-end players rarely bring assistance.

In addition to the confusion and complexity of the formation caused by mobility, the high resistance of high level players is also one of the reasons why auxiliary players rarely appear.

High resistance means that the effect of assisting players' field control skills has been greatly weakened, and they are of little use except for blood. In ordinary battles with ordinary players, auxiliary players can use auxiliary field control skills to limit the enemy’s movement range, sports ability, and even directly reduce attributes such as attack power. However, in high-end player battles, these abilities of auxiliary personnel are often The weakened ones can only play a little role, or even be completely resisted. This has resulted in the simplification of the abilities of the auxiliary personnel, and their role has been drastically reduced.

Finally, the self-supporting ability of high-end players is also the main reason for not supporting players.

Although high-end players are not support personnel, almost all high-end players have their own supplementary abilities such as blood supplements and cleaning up negative states. Although unprofessional, because they have them, they bring one more for this purpose. The support staff seems a bit tasteless, and coupled with the reasons brought by the first two characteristics, most high-end players naturally don't want to bring support staff.

However, Rose may be regarded as one of the few particularly popular support personnel, because she is a resurrection mage, this is more useful than any support, after all, high-end players will die. In this regard, Rose is a rare auxiliary player with a few high level attributes. The disadvantages of the auxiliary players mentioned above are mainly due to the disconnection between the strength of the auxiliary personnel and the main station personnel, resulting in the inability to cooperate with each other. In fact, it is not that high-end players do not need assistance, but because the strength of auxiliary players generally cannot keep up with their needs, and they must be distracted and protected with them. It is not as good as it is not. However, what Rose is rare is the kind of assistance that does not require protection from others, so it is just fine to bring her.

After our staff made the decision, we all entered the mission space together, and I threw the outside things to the command of Hong Yue. Anyway, Vina and their gang of high level Divine Race are there. By the way, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it.

After entering the mission gate, we found that this entrance is actually a Transmission Passage, after entering it is a tunnel like in space. The length is completely invisible, because there is no reference here, and it seems to be a completely weightless environment here, and nothing can be touched around it. However, as soon as the player enters here, it will automatically float forward, without self-control, and the channel itself is not long, and it will go out after a few seconds of drifting.

My first reaction after passing through the tunnel was a daze, because there was no change in gravity after I came out. You have to know that there is a gravity-free environment in the passage just now. If this is also the case, doesn't it mean that it is also a gravity-free environment?

"Damn, what's the situation?" As soon as Zhenhong came out, he found that there was a problem with gravity here. The whole person actually started to spin in the air, and soon became a head and foot. state. But because everyone doesn't have gravity sensors, even if you turn it upside down, you can't feel anything.

After we all came out, we began to observe the environment of this place, and it turned out that this task space is really quite strange. It doesn't matter if there is no gravity, this place doesn't even have the ground. There is a large expanse of space around us, it feels like in the sky, all around is light blue, not as dark as in space, there is oxygen, but there is no gravity. And, the strangest thing is that there are many large and small fragments floating around us.

These suspended fragments looked like a piece of land before, because there were not only soil and rocks, but also some plants and animals. Those animals are obviously not living creatures in the air, because they are now panicking and futilely in this gravity-free environment. Unfortunately, they were originally ground creatures. In this environment, they simply can't move and can only fight there helplessly. Drifting around in a direction they can't control at all.

"What's the situation here?" Zhenhong asked again when everyone came out.

Christina looked around and said: "I feel like another continent has been crushed."

"It should be a floating island." Rose said in a final word, and then In our puzzled gaze, he stretched his finger forward. "Look over there."

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