Following Rose’s fingers, we found that there seems to be a faintly discernible passage between the densely packed fragments in front. Looking through the gaps between the many floating objects, you can I clearly saw, it should be said that it was half a floating island.

The half of the floating island is not very big. Although I don't know how big it was originally, the remaining part is only as big as two football fields at most. On the remaining half of the floating island, one can be seen on the edge of the floating island. The pavilion half extends over the edge of the floating island. In addition, there is a part of a large building hanging on the broken half of the floating island. The edge part, but because we can't find the other half of the building, we don't know how big this building was before. We can only estimate from the height it should be a fairly large building.

In fact, seeing the half-laden floating mountain over there, the biggest gain is to help us make sure that these messy things floating around us are part of that floating mountain. After all, soil and stones are normal. It shouldn't have been flying to the sky. Of course, this gravity-free mission space itself is already quite weird.

After confirming that all the surrounding things are fragments of floating mountain, Rose said: "Shall we go to the remaining half of the mountain first?"

"Yes." After Zhen Hong said hello, he started flying there. She has the ability to control gravity, so she can fly freely in this gravity-free environment without being affected at all.

I think Real Red has already flown away first, so I opened my wings and chased it up, and Rose and Christina followed and flew up. This proves the benefits of high-level players teaming up, and flying with all members does save a lot of things.

Although the floating mountain over there is actually not very far from us, it is a bit hard to go this way. The space between us and the floating mountain is almost full of floating mountain fragments. It’s really red with skin is rough and flesh is thick. I can just hit it directly, but I can’t learn from her. After all, Christina and Rose are behind. Neither of them is progressive, and defensive power is not that abnormal, so I pushed all the things in the way to the side along the way, clearing a passage for Christina and Zhenhong behind.

Finally drilled through the debris area, and successfully landed on the remaining Banla floating island, Zhenhong was the first to rush to the Banla building that had become a dangerous building, but it was obviously early in it. There was no one, so Zhenhong just glanced in the past and found nothing at all. Christina and I knew that there must be nothing there, so they didn't even look at it. The reason why I came to this floating island was not to find anything, but to find traces.

The person who can smash such a large floating island into pieces is definitely good. However, no matter how strong the opponent is, there will always be some traces when attacking, so we have to see if we can find some traces left by the opponent on the island.

Facts have proved that this kind of trace can not only be found, but also many. We took a random circle around the island and soon found several traces. Several of the traces are damage caused by weapons, which are traces left in the battle, but this trace is obviously not left by one person, because some are deep and some are shallow, and there are many types of weapons, which are obviously not. Caused by one person.

In addition to these traces, another trace is the location of the rift on the floating island. Although the area near the fracture can be confirmed to have collapsed, judging from the internal traces, it seems that the blow was caused by a very large weapon being cut from top to bottom. Of course, we can be sure that this is the damage caused by a giant weapon. As for what it is, we can't see it.

After checking the floating mountain, we took a look at the surroundings.

This mission world feels very strange, I can't see the ground. Only far away from the floating mountain we are in can we see a white sea of ​​clouds, and the blue sky above and around, and other floating mountains can be seen within the visible range of naked eye. s position.

However, it feels a little inappropriate to say that these all are floating mountain, because the floating mountain here simply has no buoyancy. This world itself is weightless. As long as you don't drill down by yourself, even if you jump out from the edge of a floating mountain, you won't fall down at all, but will fly forward with the strength of your jumping up. But you don’t expect to be able to fly out of space all the time, because although it is a gravity-free environment, there is air, so there is air friction. After flying for a certain distance, the inertia will disappear and the speed will become slower and slower. If there is wind, You will even be blown away by the wind. Of course, what I'm talking about is that under the premise that you don't have the ability to fly, if you can fly like ours, then there will be no problem.

Except that the world itself has no gravity, the floating mountain itself seems to have its own artificial gravity, as long as you fly directly above the floating mountain, within ten meters of the mountain The same normal gravity as on the ground can be felt within the range, and this situation is limited to being directly above the floating mountain, so this floating mountain seems to have its own gravitational field.

"We didn't expect this kind of map world, what are we going to do now?" Christina asked.

Rose looked around and said: "It's just a different map structure. In fact, the mission format will not change much. The only thing that is special in the line of sight is the floating mountain in the distance, so we can The choice is to go there. And I’m sure that the clues for future missions will be there too. But we don’t necessarily need to explore the mission step by step."

I know what Rose means We have a communicator, just ask Gold Coin and Masaga Matsumoto where they are. But, to be honest, I don't think communicator can be used. This task space is obviously a very large task space, and our communication crystal has a receiving range. If gold coin and Matsumoto Masaga are not near us, the communicator will be completely useless. After all, this is the mission space, and we don't have any transit equipment here.

"Since this is the case, shall we contact you now?" Zhenhong was eager to contact Masaga Matsumoto directly after hearing what Rose said.

Although I don't think it can be connected, there is nothing at worst if I try it, so I opened the communicator and tried it.

"Gold coin, can you hear it?"

"Boss?" Unexpectedly, our side was actually connected.

"Huh? It really got through!"

"What did you get through?" Gold coin asked suspiciously over there: "You are Isn't it already in the mission? If so, hurry up and help."

"You are in trouble?"

"It should be said that we have been in trouble all the time. "Gold coin said: "The task itself is not very difficult in this place, but this damn natural environment is simply a player killer!"

"Don't complain, the outside is already great for you all. It’s shaking the sky. Now the mission world portal in Japan is still blocking hundreds of thousands of people fighting over there. By the way, are Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru by your side?"

"We Yes." Masaka Matsumoto and Kaoru August heard their names in the newsletter and they complied directly.

As soon as I heard that they were with gold coin, I hurriedly said: "Hurry up and separate from gold coin. Nobunaga Guishou just came in with a group of people and may encounter you at any time, so you three They separated quickly and can't stay together anymore."

"What? Then I want to do the task by myself?" Gold coin asked in surprise as soon as he heard it.

"What are you worried about? Didn't we come in here? Besides, even if we are separated, can Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru really fight against you?"

"But Pingbai lacks two helpers, and the task is definitely going to be a lot more difficult!"

"Of course I know this, but I can't help it. Nobunaga Guishou doesn't listen to me."

"If you can't command you, please get rid of him."

"I think, it's a pity that they came first than us. It takes time to catch up with them, and no surprises. They must come to your side first. Besides, this time I didn’t plan to kill Nobunaga Guishou directly."

"If you don’t kill him, do you plan to keep him?" gold coin asked.

"Of course not, listen to me, I have a plan."

"What kind of plan?"

"You tell me first Well, I rushed to your side while talking, so as not to waste time."

The gold coin immediately told us how to go to find them, let alone, the route is quite complicated. However, with the route indicated by gold coin, it should not be difficult to walk.

After getting route information, Christina and I explained my plan to them while chasing gold coin.

"The three of you are in the mission, and the external affairs may not be very clear. After the three of you entered the expansion mission here, the Japanese region and the Chinese region simultaneously appeared to open to the outside world. , Allowing Japanese players and our Frost Rose Alliance players to enter the mission to help or hinder the mission."

"We have already guessed this." Matsumoto said.

"What you can't think of is the back." I said: "Do you know why the three of you haven't come in for so long in the mission?"

I asked Masamoto Matsumoto this way. He they were really confused. August Xun thought for a while and wanted to ask: "Did Ying Yu or Chi Fire Dragon Ji do something outside?"

Didn't expect August Xun knows Ying Yu Shen Hina and the others so much. , Can actually guess. I said directly: "Yes, Sakura Rain God and Chi Fire Dragon Hime thought of a way to block the Japanese players outside."

"Can they both block the players in Japan?" Gold coin was surprised Asked.

Matsumoto Masaka immediately said: "Of course it is not blocked by martial power, but by other methods." After Matsumoto said, he continued to ask: "Purple Moon, please tell me exactly how. What's the matter?"

"Actually, it’s easy to say it. On the surface, you are the only three people in the mission, Masaka Matsumoto, Kazutsukao, and gold coin. Japanese players think you and Kazutsukazu It is their people, and gold coin is ours, so on the surface it seems that the mission is two-to-one, and you have an absolute advantage. Therefore, Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji publicly stated this situation and said, Anyway, the task has an absolute advantage. No matter how many people enter, it is just icing on the cake, which is of little significance. It is better to do something provide timely help and directly control the entrance of the task entrance. Otherwise, our Frost Rose League’s Follow-up reinforcements go in. As long as it is guaranteed that there are only three of you in the mission space, it seems that Japan has taken a big advantage. Under such a call, most Japanese players agree with this idea, so they are in the entrance The place formed a line of defense. We must block all of us outside so that no one has come in until now."

"No!" Matsumoto Masaka said: "Since we have decided to guard at the door, then Why did Onisou Nobunaga come in first?"

"This can only be said to be the personal wish of Onisou Nobunaga. Sakurayu Shinhina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime's plan Onisou Nobunaga at first He opposes it. He thinks that all Japanese players should flock to the mission world and destroy the mission. But because all the people previously agreed with the plans of Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime, they are not open to everyone. The opinion of him was against him, so he reluctantly guarded the door here. However, after the reinforcements composed of our high level Divine Race and high-end players arrived, Nobunaga Onishi probably knew that things could not be done, so he didn’t care about the guards. When I got my job, I just brought my men in."

"What about your so-called plan?"

"My plan is actually very simple. The three of you are on the task It was originally guaranteed to complete the task. According to common sense, even if we don’t enter the task, you can complete it smoothly. So it doesn’t seem to make much sense whether we will come for reinforcements. However, in fact, we have to come because if With only the three of you in the mission, Japanese players would think that Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru were unable to prevent Gold Coin from completing the mission together. This is a serious blow to the reputation of Matsumoto Masaga that we have finally built up. So we must send people in, not to help you complete the task, but to let the Japanese players outside understand that this is force majeure, and Masaka Matsumoto is not at fault."< /p>

Masaga Matsumoto said while nodded: "It makes sense. "

I continued: "Now, since Oni Shou Nobunaga hurried in, he already made a mistake for the Japanese players outside, because everyone said that he was going to keep the goal. , Blocked the entrance to prevent us from entering. As a result, Nobunaga Onishu did not block the door, and ran in by himself, causing us to also come in. This is Nobunaga's fault, but if Nobunaga can stop our mission, then his little mistake is not a fault. However, we are impossible to let him prevent us from completing the task. On the other hand, we have to push all the reasons for the success of the mission to him, so that Masaga Matsumoto and Kaoru August will not be hated by Japanese players. On the contrary, Nobunaga Onishi helped you carry a scapegoat. What do you think of this method? Sample? "

After hearing this, Masaka Matsumoto said: "It sounds good, but how do you do it?" "

"It's actually not that difficult, right? "August Kasumu suddenly said: "If we just want to shirk responsibility, we can design a bureau, and then let me or Matsumoto Masaka save Nobunaga Onitou, and then I or Matsumoto Masaka hangs up because of his rescue. In this way, the responsibility for our mission interception failure is all the responsibility of Nobunaga Onishu, and it has nothing to do with us. After we come out, we just need to play the video and complain a little bit. It will definitely make Guishou Nobunbu a hundred words. "

"Yes, that's what I meant. And when the time comes, we can act according to the situation. If we have the opportunity, we can even create more accidents, so that Nobunaga Onisha will become a complete fool. In the future, his reputation among Japanese players must be dropped a thousand. zhang in one fall, see how he will fight us in the future. "

"Sounds pretty good. "Matsumoto Masaka said: "Then we should act quickly?" "

"If you want to act, you have to wait for us to arrive!" "I said and asked again: "Where did you say that the Transmission Formation that leads below?" We are almost on the floating island. "

"It's not Transmission Formation, it's Transmission Passage. Anyway, it's in the house in the middle of the island. I just don't know if Nobunaga Onishu passed there will destroy the passage. "

"hey hey hey, can you stop the crow's mouth at this time?" "

Although I didn’t want that to happen, unfortunately Matsumoto’s crow’s mouth was fulfilled. When we arrived at the floating island, we saw it at a glance. We don’t know what this building originally looked like, but now it has completely turned into a pile of ruined walls, and the so-called passage... well, even if there is no problem with that thing, don’t leave the ruins We don’t expect to clean it up.

Fortunately, although the expansion task of this BUFF task is a continuation of the BUFF task, the task environment is not at all in touch with the original task, so we don’t have Restricted to any attribute, all familiars can also summon. The work of cleaning up the ruins is relatively fast with the help of my large group of summon creatures. A few giant dragons push the piles of broken bricks and rubble aside in twos or threes , And the rest is cleaned up by Qilin warrior. About five minutes before and after, the so-called Transmission Passage appeared in front of us.

Matsumoto Masaka told me this place before. There is a Transmission Passage, I thought it was Transmission Formation, but now I saw the real thing and found that simply is not what I thought. This thing is not so much a Transmission Passage, I think it is more like a slide. Buried. The entrance is actually a huge hole, and below is a pipe formed by energy. As long as you jump in, it will follow the pipe all the way down, and finally reach the other end of the passage. This way of movement is not wrong to say that it is transmission, but This thing is the transmission of a conveyor belt, which is not a concept at all with Transmission Formation.

After finding the entrance, we started to jump down. Of course, the real red is still the first, Christina is the second, and the rose follows. I am in charge of the queen.

This passage looks like a tube made of light from above, but after entering it, it feels as if there is nothing around me. I feel like I just keep falling down. Fortunately, although I can’t feel anything, the falling speed is not out of control and is always maintained at a stable speed.

Although it is a stable speed used, the falling speed of this channel is still quite fast. It only took two 3 minutes to get to the end. In the process of falling, because the surrounding pipe wall seemed to be non-existent, we clearly saw the outside situation.

The location of the floating island It is very high, and the place far below is the cloud layer. When I saw it from above, I felt that there were a large white cloud everywhere. But when I really fell into the cloud layer, I realized that the cloud is completely different from the feeling seen from above. Same. The clouds seen above They are all white, and it feels like piles of cotton candy. It feels very soft, but when we enter the clouds, we discover that this is actually a rain cloud, and it is the kind of cumulonimbus with lightning and thunder. As we shuttled down through the clouds, we could see the thick lightning arcs of the surrounding buckets winding down in the air, sometimes even only a few meters away from us. The horrible effect of ordinary people is estimated to be directly scared to death.

Fortunately, although the falling process is always accompanied by lightning, we are not hit. It is estimated that the light channel also has a certain lightning protection effect, otherwise the impossible lightning is alone. Did not meet us.

After we landed successfully, we immediately observed the surrounding environment, and found that this place was completely a deserted mountain and ridge with no shop in front of the village, but fortunately, the landing location was just on the edge of a lake. , And there is only one trail by the lake, so unless Masaka Matsumoto and the others are under the water, there is no need to worry about finding the wrong way.

The ground here is actually a mountain forest, the surrounding plants look very ordinary, and the scenery is also very ordinary, but I don’t know why, I always feel colder as I go.

"Have you noticed that the surrounding temperature has been dropping?" I couldn't help but ask out loud.

In fact, everyone feels the feeling of cold, but because it is not serious, no one has said it. Now when I say this, everyone immediately said that they also felt very cold.

If it is in reality, the cold may be caused by the wind, or the temperature is really low, but in the game, there are more conditions that can cause the air to become cold, so we I don't know what's going on for the time being.

After communicating with each other, we didn’t find out why it felt cold, but at least we can be sure that this is not an illusion, because we all have the ability to detect the Illusion Technique, so in case this is an illusion, it’s definitely It was discovered long ago.

We can’t figure out the situation, and we don’t want to waste time on this kind of thing. Anyway, it’s not cold enough to affect our battle strength, so everyone didn’t care. However, as we continued to move forward, we soon discovered a situation that surprised us very much.

We walked well, but a Japanese player suddenly appeared on the road ahead, and he had turned into a corpse. After playing the game for so long, of course we have seen a lot of corpses, but this is the first time we have encountered such a weird one. The Japanese player in front of him had a thick layer of hoarfrost hanging on his entire body, and he would make a thumping sound when he tapped, which was obviously completely frozen. However, although we have come along the way, we do feel that the temperature in this place is getting lower and lower, but it is just a bit cold. The ambient temperature is at least ten degrees Celsius, and even the surrounding green plants are growing very luxuriantly. This is obviously a sign that the temperature is fairly normal. However, at such a temperature, an ice-covered corpse appeared here, which was abnormal.

"Is this guy being attacked by ice-bound magic?" Zhen Hong knocked on the corpse on the ground and asked.

Christina shook her head and said: "It's not like it. Ice attribute magic is mostly mixed attack magic similar to Icicle, which has physical attack effects in addition to ice. Most of the magic of this kind is surface-killing, but you see, the surrounding plants are not frozen at all, but the person himself is frozen. This is obviously not a feature of ice attribute magic."

"If it's not a cold ice attribute spell, then it's a special attack?" Rose stood up and looked around the surrounding environment, and then said: "What do you think it will be?"

" Maybe." Christina said: "There are too many creatures of all kinds of strange things in the game, and all kinds of abilities are stranger than one, and it is not strange what happens."

"If it is If this is the case, then we have to be more careful in our subsequent actions." I said.

Rose nodded said: "Everyone should be careful. Gold coin also said before. The task in this place is not difficult, but the environment is very harmful to the player’s safety, so we still have to be cautious, don’t Capsize on this kind of little thing."

Zhenhong and Christina were both nodded, and then approached carefully. I also took Eternal from the back of my hand and turned it into a sword shape and held it in my hand. At the same time, I took out the shield that I didn't use very much and put it directly in my hand just in case.

After passing the corpse of the Japanese player, we walked some distance forward and then we ran into the corpse of another Japanese player. This time it was worse than last time. Not only was the corpse covered with ice It was sealed, and it was broken, and the floor was covered with fragments. Fortunately, the fragments were frozen, so they were all white, which didn't seem disgusting.

"How many people did Guishou Nobunaga and the others come in before?" Really red asked when he saw the fragments on the ground.

Christina thought for a while and said: "It seems that it is thirteen instead of fifteen. I don't see it clearly."

"Fifteen. I remember." Rose said.

"Then there are thirteen left now." Zhen Hong looked at the front and said: "Guess will there be more in front?"

"It shouldn't be Only these two." Christina said: "It is normal to lose three or five. We can see at least one more corpse." In fact, Christina's guess was quickly obtained. Confirmed, and not only found the corpses, but also a pile of them at a time, but not a pile of corpses, but a pile of corpse fragments. Judging from the identifiable part, it is conservatively estimated that there are three people in this place, or there may be four. The fragments are too severely shattered and mixed together, which is really hard to recognize. But three or four people are about the same.

"It looks like this attacker is quite powerful!" Christina said: "The first and second times can be regarded as sneak attacks. Two people who died in a row, Nobunaga Ghosts, their vigilance affirmed. It’s improved, so you can die three at a time. The opponent definitely has a very strong strength."

Rose added: "And have you noticed? There are no traces of fighting at all. The opponent is obviously It appeared suddenly, and it was a one-stroke. Nobunaga and the others didn't even have a chance to fight back."

"That is a highly mobile creature?" Zhenhong said, "It looks like it should be. My strength."

"No, this is my strength." Christina suddenly looked at the woods on one side and said.

It was discovered that Christina's reaction was abnormal, and the eyes of a few of us immediately moved. As a result, all of a sudden we all saw the thing Christina noticed. Now we can understand what is going on with Nobunaga's gang.

In the direction Christina was looking at, a faint transparent silhouette was moving sneakily among the trees. This thing looks like a cloud of transparent gas. It has no color or reflection, but things seen through it will be distorted. Although you can't see it if you don't pay attention, you can find it if you look carefully. As for Christina, she certainly didn't see it because her eyes were particularly sharp. Christina was able to find that thing entirely because of the stronger energy induction.

Compared with the appearance of martial power, the energy form of that thing is much clearer, and anyone who can see the energy form can discover this thing. However, this thing is not the kind of swaggering forward, even if it can be invisible, it is still consciously using the surrounding plants as a cover to move. This method definitely greatly enhances the privacy of this thing. Action ability. It is estimated that Nobunaga Guishou didn't pay attention before, but they did not notice after paying attention.

This thing is circled around us at this time, obviously looking for a chance to start, and it is very sensitive. Before Christina looked towards that thing, and then attracted our attention, That thing immediately stopped instinctively, and it didn't start to move again until we looked away. This clearly shows that this thing has a certain sense of anti-reconnaissance.

After we pretended not to spot this guy, it immediately started that sneaky way of acting. It constantly moves from behind one tree to behind another tree, even though it is simply transparent, it still has the habit of looking for shelter.

I think that the observation is almost ready to start. The thing began to approach us carefully, and then gradually approached us,

The first target this guy stared at It turned out to be Rose, and I don't know how he confirmed which of us was the weakest, but it was quite accurate based on this action.

The thing finally moved to the very edge of the woods after N many times around us. The road ahead is the way we walked. However, the guy was still very careful at this time, moving to the nearest tree on the side of the road, and then, when I was ready to take a shot while holding Eternity, the thing suddenly moved. Its speed can be said to be fast as lightning, even with my reaction speed, I almost missed it, but fortunately, the distance between me and Rose is so close, I just caught up.

Just when the thing rushed in front of the rose, I happened to kill it from the side. I picked it lightly for eternity, and the body of the thing was immediately cut off, and the thing suddenly seemed Shocked, he retracted into the woods where he hid before at a faster speed than before, and ran out for a full twenty to thirty meters before stopping.

This time it took less than one-tenth of a second to fight against each other. The speed is fast as lightning. The average player doesn't even talk about the fight, and the fight is over without a reaction. The vigilance of that thing is also quite exaggerated. After being hit, it flashed more than 20 meters in the blink of an eye. This safety awareness is really strong enough.

Looking at the thing running so far, obviously I didn’t intend to come back for attack power in a short time. I took the opportunity to look at the small group of things on the ground that I had cut off, only to find it when I lowered my head. Something is missing.

"Don't look for it, that thing will naturally volatilize. You just cut it off and it disappears in the air before it hits the ground." Rose seemed to have discovered the fragment I was looking for, so she reminded.

"Boss, your sword!" As soon as I heard Rose's words, I heard Zhen Hong yell. When I looked down, I realized that a thick layer of hoarfrost was hanging on the first half of the eternity. Now we know how the ice corpses came from before.

"What the hell is that?" Christina asked: "President, you can read the attributes of the targets you have played against? Have you seen the attributes of this thing?"


I nodded and said: "This thing is called the lonely spirit, the undead, the Nether Soul type branch species. The specialty is called the cold heart, which can freeze all targets."

"Freeze all targets? Isn't that invincible?" Zhen Hong asked in surprise.

"It is not invincible. This kind of freezing is limited. As long as the comprehensive attribute is stronger than him, it will be fine."

"That means we are all fine?"

< p>"It’s not necessarily. It’s just that the freezing effect will be much weaker if we are touched, and it’s not that it’s useless at all. But at least don’t worry about changing to ice sculpture."

" It's okay. But this thing is so fast, how are we going to kill it?"

"Why kill it?" I looked at Real Red and asked.

Zhenhong looked at me quite surprised, and then suddenly reacted after a few seconds. "Boss, aren't you...?"

"You are right." I directly affirmed the real red guess. "Since you want to pit Nobunaga, you have to find a reasonable situation. What happens in such a sudden attack is reasonable and reasonable, and it is suitable for arranging the reasonable death of Matsumoto Masaka."

< p>"But how do you make sure that this thing will attack Nobunaga Onishu first?" Christina asked.

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