"Hey, guys over there, if you don't move, I will move." white jade Qilin asked loudly while looking at the big snake over there.

Baqi Dasnake was originally a little afraid of white jade Qilin, but now suddenly he heard the other overbearing question, he was immediately suppressed in the imposing manner, and he saw that white jade Qilin really step by step When he walked over, Baqi Orochi began to hide timidly, fearing that white jade Qilin would actually launch an attack.

"What's the matter with you guy? It's just fighting. Is there such a terrifying? If you are really scared, then give up and get out of the way. I don't have to fight you."

Although the imposing manner is completely suppressed, the eight-headed snake is not the kind of real waste wood. At any rate, he is also a Divine Beast who has been in Japan for so many years, and his status and status are still there, so after reacting to it Still recovered some of his aura.

"I'm not afraid of you, I just don't want to be a big woman." It's a timid snake who still insists on not wanting to lose face at this time. Since the last time he created a very negative image for Japanese players outside Fulcrum City, Yaqi Orochi has learned about his shortcomings with the help of Nobunaga Onitou and the others, so he came here to intercept us this time. Qi Dashe deliberately put on a rather magnificent face, the purpose is to ease his image among Japanese players.

white jade Qilin didn't take the face of the eight-headed snake seriously, but simply stretched out a hand moved towards the eight-headed snake made a move. "You don't need to worry about me, you should be the one who needs to worry about. Now, take out your ability to fight me, otherwise you will surrender obediently."

"hmph, since I give If you don’t want your face, then I’m not welcome.” At this time, the Baqi Orochi had recovered completely. After shaking off his prestige, he began to move upwards, but white jade Qilin reacted faster than him. Qi Da Snake took the lead before rushing out.

As soon as Baqi Dasnake saw white jade Qilin rushing up, he stopped carefully. Although he could get a little bit cheaper, he knew that white jade Qilin was still in China back then. At that time, it was already the existence that the demonic beasts looked up to. So, even if the strength of white jade Qilin hasn't changed at all for so many years, it is definitely not an existence that ordinary people can handle. Moreover, the strength of white jade Qilin is also impossible. Increase. Demonic beast is not the same as Human Immortal. Their strength is often related to lifespan. Even if a Demon Beast doesn't cultivate, natural strength will rise at the age. Therefore, the longer the lifespan of the demonic beast, the stronger the strength. Even though this is not an absolute situation, it is correct in most cases.

Faced with the charge of white jade Qilin, Baqi Orochi wisely stopped in place and started to prepare for the battle, but after two steps, white jade Qilin shook his whole body suddenly, and then divided into one. Three, it became three white jade Qilin at once. The Eight-Different Big Snake who was preparing to face off completely didn't expect this to happen. He was a little panicked at the time, and just in the process of hesitating so much, three white jade Qilin had already surrounded him.

The movements of the three white jade Qilins were completely different after the split. One of the white jade Qilin accelerated slightly and dashed forward, and then greeted him first, raising his hand to move towards the eight-pointed snake The front door is printed on it. The Baqi Orochi got a palm before, knowing that white jade Qilin's hand was very cruel, so of course it was impossible to let myself be slapped by this palm, so he quickly raised his hand to block it. As a result, the Baqi Orochi actually found himself after the two palms against each other. Without feeling the slightest strength, the opponent's palm passed through his own hand with ease.

Although suppressed by the imposing manner of white jade Qilin, the eight-headed snake is not a rookie who has not participated in the battle. He immediately realized that it was an illusion, and it was a kind of illusion The strength of the big snake is completely indistinguishable from the illusion of true and false.

Although I realized that this was an illusion at the moment of the fight, it was a pity that it was a bit late to find out at this time. Just when Ba Qi Da Snake realized this was an illusion and pulled his hand to block the other two white jade Qilins beside him, the second white jade Qilin had already flashed out from behind the side of the first white jade Qilin, and then ended. A sturdy palm was printed on the shoulder of Baqi Orochi.

"pu..." a mouthful of blood spurted, the eight-headed snake was hit by the palm and flew out on its back, but the person has not yet fallen, yet another white jade Qilin suddenly appeared in the middle. On the road, I hit the belly of the eight-headed snake in midair with an elbow, and directly dropped the eight-headed snake from in midair to the ground.

The Baqi Orochi, which hit the ground suddenly and rebounded, felt that something was wrong before it recovered, but it was too late at this time. Another white jade Qilin appeared next to him, and then a soaring cannon against his stomach blasted him directly into the sky.

The Baqi Big Snake that flew up again is a bit indistinguishable from East to North to Northwest, but white jade Qilin didn’t mean to let him go. Seven or eight white jade Qilin appeared in midair together, Then suddenly they began to gather energy together. Although Baqi Orochi realized that this is a big move, but so many goals, each with terrifying magic fluctuations, I don't know which is true and which is false, even if it can condense defense. , Ba Qi Da Snake also didn't know which side he was going to block.

Just when Baqi Orochi was hesitant, the attack finally arrived. The white jade Qilin prepared for a long time to gather energy and finally completed the attack. Seven or eight white jade Qilin pressed down at the same time, and seven or eight white balls of light moved towards the eight-pointed snake and flew over.

The Baqi Orochi who wants to understand knows that it’s impossible to stop it at all, but he can’t stop every one of them, and if he only blocks one, he doesn’t know which one is better. . In this way, Baqi Orochi was completely depressed, but he finally condensed a magic shield decisively, and then instead of protecting it by his side, he took the initiative to throw it out.

It is not a new skill to separate the magic shield. As long as the magic control is strong enough, any mage can do it. As a Guardian God beast in Japan, Baqi Orochi would naturally do such a trick. However, shooting the magic shield out of the body is a tactic in itself, a very rarely used, but sometimes very useful tactic.

The Baqi Orochi knew that he could not guess which of these magics was true, and he also knew that it would be meaningless to hold up a large protective shield to cover them all, because the intensity of these attacks is bound to be It is beyond his load limit. Therefore, Baqi Orochi decided to take a gamble and used the magic shield to directly hit the opponent's magic missile. If it is a real magic attack, it will inevitably trigger an explosion. Moreover, because the magic shield flies away from the body, it will come into contact with the attacking magic in advance. In this way, if it is found to be an illusion, the magic shield can also be urgently transferred back to collide with the next target. In this way, this magic shield can block two attacks, and there are only eight white jade Qilin altogether. In other words, if you block twice, the success rate can reach 1/4/2021.

The idea of ​​Baqi Orochi can be said to be very good, because this method can indeed increase the success rate, but what he doesn’t know is that white jade Qilin has more combat experience than him, and Compared with a more lonely and unpopular Baqi Orochi, white jade Qilin is not to say that it is a heartthrob, at least it is a very popular existence, so you need to rely on your own Oki Orochi for everything. , White jade Qilin is better at using the power of the team.

Just after Baqi Orochi played its own magic shield, and that magic shield successfully broke through the first magic, a violent explosion immediately occurred. This formidable power made the magic shield of Baqi Orochi flashed directly in the air, and the bomb disappeared directly with the magic shield.

This suddenly did not make Baqi Orochi not feel how powerful the opponent’s attack was, but made him feel very happy, because although the formidable power of the magic attack is a bit out of the ordinary, this After all, the thing was knocked off by his lucky first collision, so that the remaining magic bullets could prove to be false, which means that he had successfully solved the crisis at this time.

Before the Baqi Orochi had time to be happy for this moment, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, because the falling magic was still flying down.

Generally speaking, these magics are used to confuse the audience, so that the interceptor can't find the real magic bullets to use. However, now that it even really exploded, why are the magic bullets of those homes still flying? Isn't this superfluous?

Baqi Orochi just realized that there is a problem with the "phantom" here, and then it really went wrong. The first magic bullet hit his body first. He only temporarily condensed a layer of magic shield and was blown up directly, and then the remaining magic bullets turned directly, chasing after them like tracking missiles. , And then chased the eight-pointed serpent in the air and hit it continuously, and each time it produced an extremely terrifying explosion.

Until all the magic missiles were hit, Baqi Oro was still confused there. He couldn't understand why all the magic missiles were real, and the formidable power was so big. To be honest, the current Baqi Orochi is actually more vocal than the dead. If it weren’t for being supported by Power of Faith, it could be repaired immediately. If the Baqi Orochi is alone, he is actually defeated. , And it's the kind that was almost lost in seconds.

Although Baqi Dashe knows that white jade Qilin is very difficult to deal with, he still can’t understand why he is so far behind white jade Qilin. Even if he wants to come, even if he is not as good as white jade Qilin at the beginning, But I am now Power of Faith, and I have stayed in Japan for so many years. I heard that white jade Qilin has always been sealed. It should not have increased much. However, the actual result of the match was that I was almost divided by the opponent. The second is gone, the gap is really beyond imagination.

Faced with such a terrifying situation, Baqi Orochi couldn’t turn around anyway for a while, but when he landed, he suddenly understood it. It’s not what I want to understand, it’s about watching. Understood.

Just when the blown torn body of the Baqi Orochi fell to the ground, he discovered that seven of the eight white jade Qilin who attacked him had changed. One of them is still white jade Qilin, but the rest are actually new faces. Some of them he knows, but some he hasn't seen. These obviously Europeans are obviously Divine Race, and they are all good in strength, but Baqi Orochi has never seen these guys, and he doesn't know where these people come from.

Actually, it was not white jade Qilin who attacked the Baqi Orochi just now, but eight people. White jade Qilin did use a phantom at the time, but this phantom was not Phantom Clone, but Camouflage Technique. white jade Qilin disguised the seven companions around him as seven selves, making Baqi Orochi mistakenly believe that seven of them are illusions and only one is real. In fact, these eight are real, but the appearance of seven of them has changed.

Because of this little tactic, the Eight-Different Snake suffered a big loss. Eight Divine Race teamed up to attack, although one of them was blocked, but the remaining seven did not run away at all, and all made a hit. After hitting seven big moves in a row, it's pretty good if you don't hang up on the spot.

"How do you feel, Baqi Orochi?" Looking at the Baqi Orochi who fell on the ground and couldn't get up, a guy that Ochiko knew came out. This is one of the Guardian God Races of our Frost Rose League, the big wheel of the Peacock King of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, that is, the peacock.

Although he knows that the other party is mocking himself, the Baqi Orochi now has no meaning to argue, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't dare, and he didn't have the strength anymore. The attack just now left him very seriously injured. Although Power of Faith is repairing it, it will take time. As for not dare to... the eight on the opposite side are not easy to provoke. The Eight-Different Orochi may still have the power to fight one or two of them, but the eight together...being ravaged and can't think of other possibilities.

In fact, the gang standing in front of the Eight-Qi Orochi are already the highest-end battle strength of our Frost Rose League. In addition to white jade Qilin, the scene also includes Wiener, Xinghuo, Peacock, Hades, Poseidon, Aphrodite and Ares.

Don’t say white jade Qilin among these eight people. It’s quite a year when Baqi Orochi was still Ms. Talent decides that people are still smart. Basically, you have all the advantages you can think of. Anyway, white jade Qilin was born to make others envy and hate. Although I was sealed and slept for a while for some reasons, my strength was still there, and I didn’t lose much. In addition, after arriving in our guild, Power of Faith began to supply unlimited quantities. Of course, the strength of others is One day changed, the current Baqi Orochi would not be her opponent at all if he didn't support it with Power of Faith.

In addition to white jade Qilin, Vina, as the main god of our Divine Race of chaos and order, naturally cannot be underestimated. Although Vina's strength was not very good at the beginning, the identity of the main god determined her growth rate. Being a master god can get a lot of benefits. In addition to the priority of Power of Faith in Divine Race, there are many auxiliary capabilities brought by the divine force core. The biggest advantage is that Power of Faith is one of the divine force cores. The speed of refining will be much faster than refining yourself, so even if the main god is not good at aptitude, as long as you become the main god and get enough Power of Faith to support, your strength will go up like a rocket. This is also the reason why so many Divine Races have sharpened their heads just to become the main god. After all, the advantage of the growth rate is too tempting.

Because he is the main god, Vina's power growth speed is absolutely amazing. Even if it was just an ordinary existence at the beginning, it is not the ordinary Divine Race can fight. Moreover, Vina still holds the divine force core of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order in her hand. Think about the Eight Differences Orochi, originally it was just a second-rate stuff, but once they got the divine force core, they got enough Power of Faith, and their strength immediately exploded. Think about Vena again. Not only does she have the divine force core in her hands, but the Power of Faith in our guild is too much to use up. In this way, everyone can imagine how terrifying Vina really is.

After Vina, don't talk about Xinghuo and Peacock.

Xinghuo was originally a good seedling with great potential from the Divine Race of Gao Tianyuan, but was later abducted by Buddhism, changed his name and changed his surname, and used the identity of Bodhisattva Guanyin to hold high-level positions in Buddhism. With the strength of the Buddhism flourishing period of the year, it is not difficult to imagine the strength of the identity of Guanyin. And Xinghuo is Guanyin, her strength is naturally not weak.

Peacock was also a member of Buddhism back then, and it was also the protector of Buddhism. The name of King Dalun Peacock Ming is not for nothing. People even swallowed the Tathagata Buddha back then. His strength is absolutely against the sky. Had it not been for the Power of Faith to support the Baqi Orochi, Peacock would be able to compete with the Baqi Orochi alone.

Needless to say that Hades and Poseidon, the Olympus Divine Race is not a lot of waste, the occupation of Divine Race is not blown out, it is true Each is the master who can fight.

Aphrodite and Ares may be considered the weakest two here, although Aphrodite was originally the god of beauty and love, it sounds like it has nothing to do with battle. To be honest, I was shocked to find that Aphrodite was able to beat me like this, but after all, they came from the Olympus Divine Race, and the battle strength is understandable. As for Ares, this product was originally from the Olympus Divine Race where the War God came. Although the experience was a bit harder, War God is after all War God. Although luck is often negative, the battle strength is still very high. reliable.

The eight existences like this beat one of the eight big snakes, and they walked the lucky dog ​​excrement without killing it on the spot. This group of people just happened to have the least damage in this attack, otherwise Normally, he should be able to stop him immediately.

Because of being surrounded by such eight existences that can be crushed by one or two randomly divided out, the current eight-pointed snake dare not arrogant at all. Usually arrogant to us is because our strength crushes us. Now that we have not been crushed, smart people naturally know what to do.

Actually, Divine Race has always been relatively strong in Chaos and Order. I used to worry that the Eight-Finger Snake would go to China to attack Isengard. It was not that I was worried about our side. People can't beat Baqi Orochi, but I am worried about Isinger's loss. Although there is enough battle strength on the Divine Race of Chaos and Order to overturn the Eight-Divine Snake, if there is a real battle in Isinger, then Isinger is probably over. This is what I am really worried about, not to say that I am worried about what will happen to us.

"You... are you here to kill me?" After holding back for a long time, the big snake finally said a relatively complete sentence.

Here, white jade Qilin, they haven’t answered yet. Suddenly, they didn’t know where they came out of a group of Japanese players, and they didn’t look at who was in front of them. They found that the eight-headed snake was besieged. People yelled and rushed. At first, they didn't care about white jade Qilin, until one of them moved towards the nearest Aphrodite and shot an arrow before it finally attracted the attention of this group of powerful people.

Aphrodite, who was shot by an arrow, looked back at the crowd beside the horse, and then seemed to be a little annoyed, and waved at that side, a red light wave quickly swept across After a large piece of land here, all the Japanese players in the charge fell to the ground collectively, and then all the pores of the whole body began to spray blood, and within a few seconds, the surrounding ground became completely red, and these People become corpses.

Although I can fight these Divine Races for hundreds of rounds, I can also fight these Divine Races, but that’s because my personal strength is tens or hundreds of times that of ordinary players, plus I have divine The force stone can suppress the divine force attribute, as well as the Godslayer title, so the general Divine Race will be half soft after encountering me, which has resulted in the effect that I can kill the gods. Ordinary players want to be strong and have no strength, to suppress without suppression, and face-to-face confrontation with Divine Race. What can be the result besides courting death?

"A group of ants." After Aphrodite finished speaking, he turned and looked towards the eight-pointed snake over there, and then said: "Should we just kill this guy now?"

< p>"He carries a lot of Power of Faith, we probably can't kill him." Weina said.

"Then it doesn't matter?" Aphrodite asked back.

"That's not necessary." White jade Qilin suddenly said: "Why don't we consume his Power of Faith? Hear Rose said that the Power of Faith on his body cannot be replenished, as long as we consume more Some, it will be good for our future battles."

When the big snake on the ground heard the words of white jade Qilin, he immediately felt a little throb in his heart, and then rolled his eyes and suddenly dived into the ground. , Disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Quickly chase, don't let that guy run away." Aphrodite immediately jumped into the big hole in the ground when he saw the eight-pointed snake escape, and Hades and the others followed Lu. Go up, but not everyone is out here. Two of the eight gods that besieged the Eight-Different Serpents remained unmoved, one was white jade Qilin, and the other was peacock.

The reason why white jade Qilin and the peacock do not chase is actually the same, that is, they can't burrow into the ground. Both of them are super beautiful and very clean, so even if they can easily learn the ability to burrow, they will never touch them. Besides, these two can fly. They usually go up and down, and the speed is very elegant. Ghosts want to burrow into the ground.

Just when six of the eight Deity Clan were chasing the eight divergent snakes, I walked up to the white jade Qilin and said, "Since you two don’t want to chase them, it’s better to come and help block them. The door, right?"

"Of course." white jade Qilin said: "When we came here, we planned to guard the entrance, but if we are going to block the door for a while, other places will attack us. But I can’t control it."

"Of course."

There are white jade Qilin and Peacock sitting in the seat, and we have completely won the entrance here. Although the entrance is still under the control of Japanese players, the gods on our side have arrived, and the Japanese side has not appeared in any Divine Race except for the eight-pointed snake. This has caused a huge gap in the strength of the two sides. Yes, there are indeed a lot of Japanese players. The integrated battle strength and the integrated battle strength of our Divine Race can be barely equal, but the individual strength of Divine Race is too strong, and the battle strength of Japanese players is scattered, and there is no way to hurt them. To these Divine Races. After all, the attack power of a nail and a ton of cotton must be incomparable.

After confirming the help, white jade Qilin and Peacock pushed forward with me towards the entrance, but they said that they were pushing forward, but in fact it was just going all the way. Few experts among Japanese players are here. Masaga Matsumoto and Kaoru August are both on the mission. Sakura Rain and Fire Dragon are fighting with a group of high-level players in our guild. The same goes for Nobunaga and his little brothers. The high level personnel of our guild are entangled, and although the number of ordinary players is large, as I said, they are the ton of cotton. It is very difficult to block our nail.

My battle strength as well as the battle strength of white jade Qilin and Peacock are far beyond ordinary players, and the number advantage in front of us is completely useless. As long as we don’t stand there and wait to be beaten, Ordinary people are simply out of reach.

Seeing us gradually approaching the entrance over there, Nobunaga on the other side finally realized that it was not good. In fact, Nobunaga Guishou from the very beginning disagrees with the method of blocking the door that Sakurayu Shinshu and Chi Fire Dragon Ji came up with, but because the method Sakurayu Shinchu and Chi Fire Dragon Ji said is indeed a comparison. It makes sense, so many Japanese players agree with this opinion. As a result, under the opinions of the Japanese players, Nobunaga Onitou and the others are not openly confronting the Japanese players. They can only follow here to guard the entrance together.

However, now it is discovered that the three-person formation formed by me, white jade Qilin and the peacock is like a speedboat heading up against the current, quickly moving towards the mission entrance, and Nobunaga Guishou can't sit still anymore.

"Quickly, the entrance can't be blocked, go and stop Purple Moon and the two Divine Races!" Nobunaga Guishou yelled at the Yingyu Shenhina and the others.

Of course, Ying Yu Shen Chou knows what the whole plan is like. At this time, I am having a great time playing with the ice-grabbing exhibition match. Of course, I will not listen to Nobunaga Ghosts. Huanshi, who screamed at Nobunaga, moved towards loudly shouted over there loudly shouted: "Don’t you see that we can’t get out of here? Why don’t you hurry over by yourself? Fighting with one of Purple Moon’s demon until now, Are you deliberately releasing water? Tell you, don’t work without effort, it’s not good for all of us to let the Chinese complete the task."

Ghost Nobunaga, who was in a hurry, was caught by Ying Yu Shen. The young army general, and what hurt him the most was that he couldn't find any words to refute. After all, in the eyes of other players, he was indeed entangled by one of my familiars. In fact, Yeyue has never been an ordinary familiar. He has very strong battle strength when facing humanoid combat units. Not to mention Nobunaga, even if he is really red facing Yeyue, he can’t get rid of it in a short time. Physical. Therefore, in the face of Yeyue's attack, Nobunaga Guishou was already very desperate, but he had no chance of winning at all. It's not that it can't be beaten completely, but the difference in strength is too small, so that Ye Yue can only be forced to retreat. It is basically impossible to get out of trouble.

"Damn it!" Guishou Nobunaga looked at the trio of us who was getting closer and closer to the entrance. The trio of us was already anxious and about to breathe fire. The attack that stayed in the same month was still at a moderate. pace, if he storms Yeyue, he will retreat. If he wants to run, Yeyue will immediately get tangled up, which makes him have no temper at all.

"No, I can't go on like this." Seeing that we were already near the entrance, Nobunaga Oniji couldn't help it. Suddenly he winked at a Japanese player next to him. , And then when Yeyue rushed up, several Japanese players around suddenly rushed up together, moved towards Yeyue rushed over, and Yeyue turned around, waving the snake sword in his hand, and instantly swiping these few The player was cut into human segments, but when she turned to face Nobunaga Guishou again, she found that Nobunaga had actually disappeared.

Taking advantage of the sacrifices of several Japanese players, Nobunaga Guishou finally found an opportunity to run out, and he was not the only one who came out, but also the second-third rate experts under Nobunaga Guishou. They ran away together, and replaced a large group of ordinary expert players over there temporarily dragging the high level personnel of our guild.

"We should have brought the aerial battleship when we knew this situation!" Hong Yue helplessly said after seeing Guishou Nobu long running out and also chasing the target.

Although I was very disappointed, I couldn't help it at this step. Hong Yue immediately began to organize manpower to chase Nobunaga and the others. After finally gaining control of the mission gate, he still needs manpower to guard the entrance.

When Hong Yue organized the manpower to rush upwards, Guishou Nobunaga and the others were the first to arrive near the entrance there. Although they are farther away than us, they are all Japanese players. Although white jade Qilin and I are not afraid of the battle strength of Japanese players, even if there are a lot of rocks in front of you, you have to lift your feet and step over, right? This is a time delay, so it's normal for Nobunaga Guishou to arrive before us.

The Guishou Nobunaga, who rushed to near the entrance first, did not leave anyone there to defend us. Instead, he entered the mission entrance over there directly in the angry eyes of both of us. Not only us, but even the expressions of Japanese players are all wrong.

The plan to block the gate was adopted collectively by the Japanese players before, and everyone has reached a consensus. Now I, white jade Qilin, and Peacock are about to reach the entrance. The Japanese players watched Nobunaga hurried over there and thought they were trying to block us from letting us in. Who knew they were there? Bian actually went in by himself. This was different from the previous plan, and because Onihand Nobunaga and the others entered the mission gate, there were no high-end players near the entrance here. In this way, ordinary players alone will definitely not be able to stop me, white jade Qilin, and peacocks. This situation can be said to be caused by Nobunaga Onihand. Can you say that Japanese players can not be popular? But anyway, Guisou Nobubuki has grown in. You can't pull him out, right? In addition to expressing anger at Onitou Nobunaga and the others, the Japanese players have no other way.

After Guishou Nobunaga got into the door of the characters, our side was also taken aback. Our original plan was well planned. After I got there for a while, I entered the mission space, and the two great gods, white jade Qilin and Peacock, couldn't enter the mission anyway, so I simply blocked the gate outside to prevent Japanese players from entering. When the time comes, there are two experts, me and gold coin, plus August Kaun and Nobunaga Guishou. It should be easy to complete the task. Of course, in order for Masaga Matsumoto and Akatsuki to gain fame, we may need to recruit a few more people here, but there is no problem with the mission itself anyway.

However, things have changed dramatically now. Nobunaga Onitou actually got in with a group of his own men. In this way, Masaka Matsumoto and Kaoru August will continue to play their Japanese leaders, that is, they can’t continue to wear a pair of pants with us. Of course, secretly still You can join hands, but then it's not that simple and casual. When the time comes looked at by Nobunaga Demon, Akatsuki and Masaga Matsumoto must fight against us symbolically. This not only reduces our task force, but also increases resistance. This is absolutely It greatly increased the difficulty of our task.

"I find that I hate Guishou Nobunaga more and more!" Looking at Guishou Nobunaga and his men who disappeared in the entrance, I couldn't help but say.

white jade Qilin said with a smile: "Aren't you worried that you will not be able to do the task after he enters?"

"Why? Do you have a way?"

The peacock said next to you: "You are really too, sometimes you are terribly clever, sometimes you are particularly stupid. The ghost hand letter grows in and then enters. Your battle strength is so strong, so let in a few more people to get in. They die if they die?"

"This...seems like a way too!"

Although I am not quite clear about what is going on in the mission, no matter how I do it, it's always Can't we reverse our strength? Therefore, I will definitely be better than Guishou Nobunaga, and as long as he is better than him, I can kill Guishou Nobunaga, so as long as we kill all of them, we can collude in the mission again.

This method is indeed a good one, and I suddenly thought of a bad idea.

After the peacock finished the prompt, I suddenly found that I was smiling very evil, and couldn’t help asking: "What bad idea did you think of?"

I said with a smile: "Also I can’t say it’s a bad electronics. I just think of a way to pit Nobunaga Guishou by the way."

"Isn’t this a bad idea?"

"To Nobunaga Guishou It’s a bad idea,

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