"You are all going to die here today."

The shackles of reason in the head of Baqi Orochi is finally broken completely and never go again. Regarding the casualties of the Japanese players, the completely beastly eight-headed serpent completely unfolded its huge and unmatched body, and then opened its mouth as eight thick flames spurted out.

"I rely on! Flash!" The stimulation of the language is the stimulation of the language. I don't really treat the Baqi Orochi as a cat or puppy. This guy is the enemy of all people when he is mad, and once his sanity collapses , Then basically nothing can stop it. The best way to face this kind of opponent is to leave him alone and drive him crazy. When his stamina is exhausted, just come back and clean him up.

Looking at the jet of flame, I grabbed Real Red, then quickly turned around and jumped up. The flying bird flew under us, just to hold us, and shot into the sky with an acceleration. However, we ran away, and the Japanese players below were unlucky. The flames of the eight-pointed serpents are face-to-face attacks, and the grand competition of the scope of the giant dragon's dragon flame jet is even more terrifying. After all, most giant dragons have only one head, while the eight-pointed serpents have eight.

Looking at the Japanese players who were burnt down below, Zhenhong and I were relaxed. The flame sprayed by the eight-pointed snake is called the fire of disaster. It is a kind of flame with BUFF effect. In addition to the burning damage of the general flame, this flame also has a very annoying ability that can reduce the player's lucky value. , So under normal circumstances, I definitely don’t want to be touched, otherwise I have to be prepared for bad luck. Of course, if Jixiangruyi is here, I will say something else. In a sense, the two fat pandas are invincible, even if Hongjun Sect Lord ran into them, they had to take a detour. After all, no matter how strong it is, it can't stand good luck.

After the flame was sprayed, it was discovered that the eight-headed snake that did not hit us immediately reacted. Looking at the Japanese player who was burned miserably below, he quickly reverted to a human form. I guess he knew it too. We were fooled just now. However, the Baqi Orochi had just reached a human form on this side, and suddenly felt that a large shadow moved towards himself was enveloped. The puzzled Big Snake turned his head and glanced back, not in a hurry. After all, his strength was there, and there shouldn't be much problem with him. However, the Baqi Orochi can be regarded as extremely unlucky this time, because this time there is an existence that even us didn't expect.

The big snake who turned around saw a large white mist rushing towards him. The big snake who didn't realize how dangerous this thing was, didn't mean to evade at all, directly It was swallowed in, and then, in the next second, the eight-headed snake began to crawl out, but in any case it couldn't find the exit.

Originally, the Big Snake didn’t care about the mist at all, but after being enveloped, he realized that this thing was actually absorbing the energy from him. Whether it was Power of Faith or magic, it was using a kind of Slow but very steady rate of loss. Although the speed of this loss is not fast, the Baqi Orochi has not established a stable source of faith. Even if the guild that joins Nobunaga on the guild becomes the guild Divine Race, the Power of Faith obtained is still very small. It is also because of the meager income that any expenditure of Power of Faith is very important to Baqi Orochi. He can use Power of Faith in battle, but he can't let Power of Faith lose himself for no reason.

Because I don’t want to lose these Power of Faith in vain, the eight-headed serpent will continue to rush forward, hoping to leave the range of the mist. Unfortunately, the mist always moves with him, no matter how it moves. It's useless.

Some anxious Baqi Orochi panicked for a while, and it took more than ten seconds to react. Since it can't get out, just shake the fog away. The Eight-Different Orochi who reacted directly used the skill and easily blew out the mist around him, and as the mist dissipated, the energy loss on his body also stopped immediately. However, at the moment when the fog dissipated, Baqi Orochi suddenly found a silhouette of the fog rushing in, and before he could react to what was going on, the other party directly printed a palm on his chest.

Although I have been beaten countless times before, and I was beaten by a real red just now, they are all superficial wounds. It looks very miserable, but in fact, it is simply not the point where it hurts the bones. However, it was just this palm that made the Baqi Orochi feel a threat, a threat to life. That palm seems to be light and fluttering, but the energy contained in it is actually incredibly powerful. Just like this, Baqi Orochi feels that the body protection cover qi on his body is directly shaken away, and the Divine Soul in his body is also Following a violent shock, there was almost an illusion of destroying both body and soul.

Such a terrifying palm scared the Baqi Orochi very much, but fortunately, the power of this palm was also great, and it directly shook the Baqi Orochi out. After landing, it had already pulled the other side. Drove a distance of nearly two hundred meters.

The Japanese players who surrounded the eight-pointed snake originally knew the human-shaped eight-pointed snake, but the new enemy who just arrived shook the eight-pointed snake nearly two hundred meters away. , And didn't get up for a long time after landing, but this stunned everyone around. Everyone knows what level of the eight-pointed snake is. At the beginning, facing the joint attack of Christina, Christina, and gold coin, it was able to do its job easily, and it could also back pressure on us. This kind of strength is already Japan. The strongest players can imagine. However, such a powerful Eight-Different Serpent was knocked into the air by the palm of a person. Not only did it fly so far, but it also seemed to be hurt. This turning point was a bit too sudden.

"who you are!" The eight-pointed snake that climbed up from the ground forcibly supported and shook it twice before he stood firm. When he just got up, he almost didn't get up. The skeleton and muscle tissue in his chest were already It was all shattered to pieces by that moment. If it weren't for his system and energy to quickly repair his body, this one would be a deadly injury on the ordinary person.

However, the Baqi Orochi is the Baqi Orochi after all. Although this kind of damage can make him weak and inconvenient for a short period of time, he can quickly recover. However, even if it can recover quickly and slap him like this, the opponent is definitely at the same level as him, or even more powerful, otherwise it is impossible to produce this effect.

When I first asked who the person was, the smoke between the eight-headed snake and the other party had not completely dispersed, but after he had finished asking, the smoke had completely dissipated, and at this time the attack His people have appeared opposite him.

Baqi Orochi was slightly taken aback when he saw the person who attacked him, because he didn't know the person. The other party was a woman, about one meter tall, and she looked soft and weak. A long white dress didn't have any variegated colors, it looked as if it was made of snow, even on this battlefield, there was no dust.

This woman has no weapons, no shields and other things on her body. Except for a white dress, the only item is the belt on her waist. However, even this belt is very simple. There is a sapphire in the center of the pink belt in the white, and there are no other decorations. And the woman's face is also clean, without makeup, and without jewelry accessories. A long black hair was simply draped behind him, and only a rope loop was tied on his waist, and there was nothing else.

This kind of dress can be said to be quite alternative, not too complicated, but too simple. However, even with such a simple outfit, the beauty of this woman was not impaired in the slightest, and she even seemed to have a sense of holiness like a snow lotus.

Although he doesn’t know who this person is at all, Baqi Orochi instinctively feels that this is a series with himself, and even more terrifying existence, so he is very careful, and his previous anger was completely destroyed. Suppressed, because he knew that playing against opponents at this level might suffer a big loss if he didn't pay attention.

"Are you a ghost car?"

The other party did not answer the question of Baqi Orochi, but instead asked about the identity of Baqi Orochi.

The Baqi Orochi who was suddenly asked for his name was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry, not because the opponent attacked him, but because he finally knew the origin of the other party. Those who can call the name of the ghost car must have something to do with Celestial Court, so Baqi Orochi hates this name very much. Basically, whoever dares to call this name is his enemy of Baqi Orochi.

"Looking at your expression, my guess should be correct." The visitor looked at the angry Baqi Orochi and said, "Hurry up, we can go home after the fight, and I still have Other things."

"Who the hell are you?" Baqi Big Snake asked through gritted teeth.

"You don't know this one?" I landed directly next to the woman, and then said: "Tell you, let you have a long experience, this is the first protector of our Frost Rose League—— white jade Qilin. How about? Have you heard of it?"

"Are you white jade Qilin?" Of course, Baqi Dasha knows who this white jade Qilin is, because this is the third Divine Beast in China one. The four Sacred Beast and the three Divine Beast can be said to be the top-level existence of the Demon department in Asia. The eight-pointed snake is also considered as a subordinate existence of this branch, so naturally I know the identity of this person very well.

After hearing the name of white jade Qilin, Baqi Orochi became a little timid instinctively, not because of strength problems, but because of self-confidence. The previous Baqi Orochi was actually a grassroots monster in the Desolate Wilderness Period in ancient China, while white jade Qilin was a Ms Perfect-level existence back then, which he could only look up to. Even though the generations are changing now, his eight-pointed snake has gained the core of faith and has become an existence that can rival white jade Qilin, but in the bones is a kind of inferiority towards white jade Qilin. Therefore, after hearing that this is the white jade Qilin, Baqi Orochi immediately became a little hesitant.

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