"The question now doesn't seem to be how to get in, right?" Christina said while looking at the front entrance.

I also nodded and said: "We need to think about the current situation first. The situation on the other side determines that we can't just rush in."

"Why?" Really red Some do not understand.

Christina explained: "Because we don’t know whether the current situation is the spontaneous behavior of Japanese players or a strategy."

"Strategy?" really red looked towards me with confusion. .

I thought about it for a while and said: "Don't worry, first ask Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji what's the situation there, and I'll talk about the others later."

True red although I don't know what the situation is, but I still connected to the communication as I said, and then I heard the voice of Yingyu Divine Young.


"What's the situation on your side?"

"We are now outside the entrance. Where are you?"


"We are already outside the entrance." Christina said: "There are a lot of Japanese players here, do you know what's going on?"

"I asked them to intercept here Yours." Ying Yu Shen Chu said calmly.

When Zhenhong heard it, he was surprised and asked: "What did you say?"

"I said I let them intercept you here." Yingyu Shenyou knows us I might be a little confused here, so after finishing talking, I explained to us the previous situation so that we can understand why so many Japanese players gather here and why she and Chi Fire Dragon Hime called on Japanese players to block this entrance. .

Zhenhong said after listening to the explanation of Sakura Rain, "You mean you did this so that the gold coin can drink Matsumoto Masaga and the others to complete the task?"

< p>"Yes." Ying Yu Shen Hina said: "Now in the mission, only Masaga-kun Matsumoto and elder sister August Kaun are acting together with gold coin. In this way, no one will know our identity. They are completely Can cooperate with gold coin to complete the task, if a large number of Japanese players from our side influx, even if it is to behave, Matsumoto Masagakun and August Kaun’s elder sister will definitely need to work against gold coin, this will affect it instead. Task progress."

"Would we not be able to enter in this way?" Zhenhong asked.

Fire Dragon Ji intervened at this time and said: "So we are here waiting for you."

"You mean we want us to fight here?" Zhenhong is not really a fool, but the idea is more direct. Of course she could hear the voice-over of Chi Fire Dragon.

"The method is indeed good, but..." Christina hesitated a little and said: "Can you guys stop us?"

The situation has become quite the same now. trouble. Christina's concerns are actually my concerns. That's right, on the surface it looks like Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Hime and a large number of Japanese players are guarding this entrance together, and then if we need to enter here, we must force a fight from here. However, the situation is actually far less simple than imagined.

Me, Zhenhong and Christina are among the elites and are top battle strength. If we are to have a death duel with these guards here, the three of us are of course impossible to beat everyone here. After all, there are too many people, and our strength is limited no matter how strong it is. However, our current situation is not to play a decisive battle with the people here, but to enter the entrance, which means that we don't need to fight to the death with the people here, as long as we rush forward all the way.

Speaking of which, someone may ask. Since you just need to rush all the way forward, why do you hesitate?

Of course we will hesitate, because the current situation is that we don’t want to enter the mission at all. I rushed to pick up the task before and I wanted to help gold coin fight against the joint attack of those Japanese players, but now I found that Ying Yu Shen and Chi Fire Dragon had already figured out a way to temporarily prevent the outside players from entering the task. , Which means that now gold coin and Masaga Matsumoto can still work together to break the game. This is actually the best situation for us, so what we need is to maintain the status quo rather than change anything.

However, maintaining the status quo is not as simple as imagined.

First of all, if we need to maintain the status quo, we only need to not participate in this task. But is that the past? On the surface, gold coin and Matsumoto Masaga are on the mission together, and Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru should be regarded as Japanese forces. In this way, gold coin is equivalent to a one-to-two state, and gold coin is still Need to complete the task, this is simply impossible. So, according to normal circumstances, we must rush to support us in a hurry. If there is no response at all, what will others think?

People in China will think that our guild is arrogant and arrogant, thinking that gold coin can complete the task by one person, or that our weak command leads to gold coin one-to-two but no one supports it. Of course, this only has a small impact on our prestige, and the problem is not big enough. The point is that the identities of Masaga Matsumoto and August Xun are very problematic. If we didn’t participate in the mission, we would still be able to complete the mission easily by gold coin even when Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru were two-to-one. Then, what would Japanese players think of Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru? In addition, our side is completely assured and bold to let Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru bully the gold coin two-to-one, but it turns out that there is no intention to intervene at all. Is this the past?

So, we definitely need to come over to make a move, so as to win the trust of others, and we must enter the mission, so as to ensure that after the gold coin completes the mission, Matsumoto and August can not be Will be suspected by Japanese players. After all, if our experts are in here, then Masaga Matsumoto and Kazuru August will fail if they are outnumbered, or are slightly inferior to ours. Japanese players can also forgive them, it is better than they have an absolute advantage in Mingming. Consequences of defeat under circumstances.

This situation determines that Christina and I will not only come, but must also go in.

However, since it is here, getting into it is also a problem.

Me, Christina, and Real Red’s battle strength are too strong. Although we can’t beat the Japanese players here, if we don’t love the battle and just rush forward, we will definitely go straight into the mission. Space, in this way, the optimal status quo designed by Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon Ji will be broken. That is to say, the harder we fight now, the worse the result will be, but we can't release the water too obviously. This degree needs to be mastered.

We want to enter the task, but the time cannot be early, we must maintain the status quo to ensure that gold coin can complete most of the tasks, and then we can complete the task with appropriate efforts after entering, when the time comes No one will say anything. But how to grasp this entry is also a problem in itself.

In addition to the above, there is actually another way on the scene, that is, Christina and I rush into the mission, and then leave some people here to block the subsequent Japanese players from entering the mission. In this case, after we go in, we can drink Matsumoto Masaga and the others to help gold coin complete the task. This is definitely a very good plan. On the one hand, it can be guaranteed that Matsumoto and August Kaoru will not be blamed by Japanese players, and the other The aspect can also confirm that we have an absolute advantage here and complete the task with confidence.

However, this plan is actually more difficult than the previous plan to grasp the time, because if we only grasp the entry time, we only need to control our own battle strength output, but if we want to block the outside For a Japanese player, what needs to be done is not only to control the battle strength, but to break out, to break out, and to completely block all Japanese players in front of him. This kind of battle strength output is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people.

After trying to understand the situation here, I talked to Christina and Zhenhong about my thoughts, and then connected the military god to the communication and asked him to contact the think tank for a while. Ask what to do.

The think tank on Somei's side analyzed the current situation, and finally gave the suggestion-the second method, grab the inside line, then guard the entrance, and in turn block the Japanese players outside.

"You said it is light!" Zhenhong said, "There are tens of thousands of Japanese players on the opposite side, and there are a bunch of NPCs. We can't hold so many people even if we are one by one. ! Positional warfare is not a field battle. We can't retreat or run. Who can stand the fight?"

"But this method is indeed the best way at the moment." Su Mi said.

"What should I do?" Really red looked towards me and waited for the decision.

I thought about it for a while and said: "In this way, we will convene the high level personnel in the guild, and we will implement the second set of plans according to the plan, force the inside line, and then get stuck. Resolutely block this door. "

"Isn't it?" Zhenhong looked at me in surprise and asked: "Do you really want to block the door?"

I nodded and said: "Yes, block the door, but you No need to participate."


"Because you are an assault tank." Christina said: "Positional warfare is not your strength, your strength is penetration ability. So when your best job is to enter the task to help gold coin complete the task."

"What about you two?" Zhenhong asked, "The task should not be difficult, anyway Matsumoto Masaga is also Our people, but if this task is completed, people will definitely doubt Matsumoto's ability. Gold coin and I will deal with Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru, and then we have to complete the task. If this is both It’s done, isn’t Masaga Matsumoto’s strengths scumbags?"

"Of course you can’t just let you in." I said, "I’ll arrange for someone to help you."


"Snatching ice, big pot of rice, and the eagle and the lark."

"Fuck, isn't it? Let the eagle and lark be with me? We? Are you planning to have too many people?"

"Maybe not enough."

"We have all the offense, support, shield and assault power, what else do we need? gold coin I control the field. There is no suspense in this kind of battle, right?"

"No, I need to find another support. Gold coin needs to be the output here, so the support needs professionals."


"Then let Ruhua come?"

"Ruhua?" I looked towards Zhenhong in surprise.

Christina explained to me next to me: "I'm a new member of the guild. The level is not high, but the assistant is very good."

I nodded and said:" That's her."

"It's not her." Christina is not a Chinese, so she heard what I said was translated simultaneously by the system, so she can naturally hear the difference between her and him.

"Isn't she?"

"Ruhua is a male player, just given this name, and this guy is actually quite handsome. But his profession is a professional healer "

"I'm dizzy, a good man named such a name!" I didn't worry about this again, and then said: "The personnel will be restricted like this for the time being. You, the god of war, will help us put people Call it together."

"What about your defense?" The military god asked: "You can't keep the entrance alone, right?"

"Of course not. I need you to deploy some more personnel for us."

"If you don't enter the mission, you don't need to accept the mission restrictions. Then can I call the Divine Race of Chaos and Order to assist in the battle?"

"Then you need to say?" Christina said: "Hades, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Porsephone, Ladamantis, Pandora, Xinghuo, Peacock King, all High level battle strength can’t be less."

"With so many Divine Races playing together, won’t you recruit the Divine Race from Japan?"

"High Deity Race also In the integration of internal forces, the new Amaterasu is still in elections. It shouldn't be involved in human affairs within a short period of time." I said: "But the eight-pointed snake is a trouble."

"Yes. With so many Divine Races here, it’s not a problem to block an eight-different snake, right?” said the god of war.

I thought about it for a while and said: "It should be okay. Oh, by the way, ask Rose to come over too. With that true love invincible, I should be able to go out together with her."

"Okay, I will arrange it now."

When the military god was going to arrange personnel, I was discussing with Christina and the others about whether to participate in the battle immediately, and The results of the discussion are also very consistent, that is, we will immediately enter the battle, so that we are more serious and more urgent. Otherwise, if we are too calm, it will appear that there is something wrong with us.

"Are you going to attack right away?" Ying Yu Shen Chou asked in the communication.

I said directly: "Yes, you should also prepare a little bit, we will start offensive in a while."

"Okay, you can start at any time."< /p>

After the communication was cut off, the Sakura Rain God Hina returned to the Japanese players, then stood on top of a large rock and activated the amplification magic, and then said to the Japanese players below: "Attention everyone, we The intelligence personnel here have just received the information. Christina and Purple Moon have already left Isengard. They can be sure that they are coming from the mission side, so they will arrive at our side soon. Now Masaga and Matsumoto August Kaoru is working hard for the benefit of our Japanese players during the mission. What we can do is to help them block the Frost Rose Alliance’s reinforcements. As long as the Frost Rose Alliance cannot get in, Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru will have it. With the advantage in numbers, we have great hopes to destroy this mission of the Chinese, so please use your full strength and firmly guard this entrance." After speaking, Ying Yu Shen Chou directly took the right hand in one fell swoop, loudly shouted: "God bless Japan, long live the Great Japanese Empire!"

The Japanese players below yelled at the same time, with great momentum. Christina and I can hear the sound from there when hiding behind the mountain peak here. It's really The earth shook and the mountain quivered. However, more people are useless. Although we don't have the ability to kill all the players here, as long as we don't die in one place, these Japanese players will also use us in no way.

"It sounds like the imposing manner is not bad." Zhen Hong said as he listened to the voice from the other side of the mountain.

"No matter what the imposing manner, we have to act according to the plan." Christina looked at me and asked, "Is it possible to shoot now?"

"Almost. We are. Get ready to go."


After Zhenhong finished speaking, she suddenly looked at the entrance at the foot of the mountain, and then looked at the terrain in front of her.

This entrance happens to be in a col, with mountains on three sides, but most of the peaks are flat, without the feeling of peaks, only the place where we hide is a little farther away The peaks are relatively tall and the terrain is relatively steep. In addition, the area below this mountain col is actually not small. Although it is surrounded by mountains on three sides, it is an open mountain col with a relatively wide opening and a large flat land below, which is completely a large natural battlefield.

Looking at the terrain, Zhen Hong suddenly smiled, and then said: "Let me first call them a gift of love."

Suddenly Zhen Hong flew to the other side of the mountain. One side, then let us all lean back, and then suddenly raised our hands in our surprised eyes to prepare for attack. A golden Dragon Qi began to emerge from Zhen Hong's side, and then actively moved towards her right arm, and then after Dragon Qi completely formed a Divine Dragon, Zhen Hong suddenly exerted force, and then hit the mountain with a punch. Accompanied by a loud explosion sound, our surroundings were covered by smoke and dust in an instant, and the situation after that was almost invisible. However, although we ourselves are covered by smoke and dust, we cannot see the situation here temporarily, but the Japanese players below can see clearly.

The Japanese players who were calling Long Live on the mountain suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the mountain peak, and then they saw a circle of smoke suddenly appeared on the half waist of the mountain, this smoke and dust was like a The ring is like a half waist of the entire mountain, and it is sinking downwards. And with the appearance of this smoke, the mountain above unexpectedly began to move slowly after a greater explosion.

"My name!" The Japanese players below all spit in their hearts, because in their eyes, the huge mountain has already begun to slide down, and the speed is getting faster and faster. When the mountain peak slid out of the cracked mountain surface, it actually tilted, and then the entire mountain peak fell to the side and collapsed directly into countless rubble rolling down the mountain.

Everyone should have seen avalanches and mudslides in the video, but the situation before them is even more exaggerated than that. After all, mudslides are just the flow of surface soil and rocks, but the whole mountain is washed down. Although the mountain peak has been broken into countless fragments, these fragments are only fragments of the mountain peak, not to say that these fragments are very small. In fact, many of these washed-down fragments are quite huge rocks, these rocks are as small as seven or eight tons, and the large ones are more than a hundred tons. While they were rolling and accelerating downwards, they continued to shatter into more small pieces, but the result was the same no matter how they shattered. There is not much difference between a hundred tons of rocks and one ton of rocks. They both become muddy. So the flying rocks are actually more dangerous after they are broken, because if there is only one of those things On the whole, as long as you dodge the past, it's okay, but after breaking up like this, it turns into countless fragments like shotguns. Such fragments are not so easy to dodge.

The Japanese players at the foot of the mountain were shocked by the loud noise and the imposing manner when they saw the fragments of the mountain charging down. Many people could only stand in a daze. Fortunately, the scene is not all waste.

Just when the players were in a daze, one player suddenly yelled. "Everyone pays attention to defense, and the strong come forward to block the large stones."

This shout is not like that of Ying Yu Shen Hina and Chi Fire Dragon, but the Bai Yu Shou Crane. Yes, this guy is considered a strong faction among Japanese players, but although his battle strength is very strong, his popularity is not high.

As this guy shouted, someone finally reacted. In fact, there is no big difference between reaction and reaction of these players, because facing the aggressive mountain debris that is rushed down from the mountain, the average player cannot stop it at all. However, not all here are ordinary players, and there are still powerful ones. At least Baqi Orochi is a very powerful existence.

Just when the rocks looked like they were about to rush to the player camp below, the ground at the foot of the mountain suddenly bulged upwards and quickly cracked, and then a huge silhouette came out from under the crack. And formed a wall-like interception line in front of the mountain, and used his body as a protective shield to intercept all the rocks that washed down from the mountain. Those huge rocks hit the huge silhouette and sent a burst of pēng. pēng pēng's voice, but this guy was completely motionless and resisted.

Although the emergence of the eight-headed snake can be said to have played the role of pulling strongly against a crazy tide, the impact of the broken stones is too large, and the rotating force caused by rolling, many stones are like Like wheels, he actually climbed up along his body after hitting the eight-pointed snake, then flew over and smashed into the crowd behind again. Of course, fortunately, big rocks can't fly, so the ones that fly out are all small and medium-sized rocks.

After these rocks leapt from the body of the eight-headed snake, they began to fall down with rustling sound. The Japanese players covered head and sneaked away like a rat underneath, only some of them reacted so quickly that they were timely. He set up a shield to protect his body.

Although the falling rocks are messy with the Japanese players below, because these jumping rocks have actually lost too much inertial momentum, the formidable power is not large, plus The defensive power of the players did not appear to have died, but there were some bad people who were injured in varying degrees.

Just when the falling stones were gradually decreasing and seemed to be about to stop, the eight-headed snake of the interceptor stone suddenly issued an angry roar, which was seen by all Japanese players. The huge silhouette actually let go of the original position and jumped back screaming. However, just after this guy jumped out, the stones suddenly fell down. The stones that had been intercepted rushed down to fill in the big hole left by the eight-different snake leaving the ground. The rest still rushed through the hole and injured a lot of players on this side. Fortunately, no one was hanging. Lose.

Until the stones were all stabilized, the players on the scene did not notice the reason why the Baqi Orochi dodged. At this time, the Baqi Orochi was shaking its eight heads in anger and biting something. But the sharp-eyed person directly spotted the little thing flying around Baqi Orochi.

"It is Purple Moon, they have already come." As the first player shouted, the surrounding Japanese players noticed my presence.

In fact, the reason why Baqi Orochi screamed just now was because I stabbed him from the side, and this time it was not a general attack, but a special skill I used, even for Baqi Orochi. This is also a very serious injury, so the guy couldn't even care about the Japanese players below, and jumped out with a scream.

Looking at the Eight-Different Orochi who had noticed me, I knew that a sneak attack was meaningless, so I directly commanded Asuka and led me to speed up towards the population over there.

The following Japanese players wanted to intercept me when they saw me coming, but they didn't expect the eight-pointed snake to catch up suddenly from behind.

Unlike me, the body of Baqi Oro is too big, so he needs a lot of space when fighting. Now the entrance is full of people, there is no so-called open space, so when we rushed over, all the players here felt that this time was unlucky, because the huge shadow of the eight-headed snake directly shrouded them. Down.

"Fuck me, flash!" The Japanese player below noticed the assaults the senses, and then quickly gave up intercepting me, but the latter also noticed his behavior In this kind of battle, he is completely messing up, because his huge size will destroy all battlefields, and if I use the game in the battle, his size will eventually kill himself more than it does to me. It was big, so the eight-headed snake decisively put away his body in the air, turned into a human form and rushed down.

"Waiting for you." Feeling that the wind whistling behind my back suddenly disappeared, I immediately turned around and opened my mouth and wings to slow down. Asuka escaped from my feet and flew out. It was in the air that met the Eight-Different Serpent, and the Eternal Sword in his hand was cut horizontally.

Feeling that my terrifying eternal sword cuts over, the eight-headed snake hurriedly concentrated all of his power in front of him. Although my eternal sword can be said to be called there is no stronghold one cannot overcome, as a special existence, the Baqi Orochi is also very powerful, especially since he also holds a large amount of Power of Faith, so the Baqi Orochi is The rare few can use fleshy body to resist the existence of my eternal sword. Of course, this so-called resistance is actually using one's own power to deploy the next set of defense systems, not that I can just cut it off casually.

Seeing my eternal sword cut over, the eight-pointed snake on the opposite side immediately prepared for defense, so he didn't worry at all, because he knew I couldn't go in. However, just before the two of us were about to come into contact, I yelled at his back: "Christina, it's now!"

Following the shouting, Baqi Oro suddenly felt behind him. There was a huge energy response. At that moment, Baqi Orochi knew that he had been fooled. He hurriedly turned his head and looked towards the place where the energy response appeared, and then was surprised to find Christina and the huge magic ball that was condensing in her hand.

Realizing that this is the deadly killer move, the Ochi Orochi hurriedly shifted a large part of its energy to the back, and was preparing to intercept Christina's ultimate move, because he knew us and knew how to attack alone. Christina is actually more threatening than me. After all, I am a balanced type. The attributes are relatively average. Although the overall battle strength is higher, the damage is actually not as exaggerated as Christina. All of Christina's abilities are concentrated on her own attack, and its formidable power and continuity are very exaggerated. Generally, even the existence of the eight-pointed serpent does not dare to fight with Christina.

However, just after Baqi Orochi transferred the energy away, he suddenly felt a cold in his stomach, and when he turned his head back, what he saw was my sitting fist against him. On his belly, and just behind my fist, the three blade claws are connected to his belly, and the bloody water is slowly flowing out along the position where the three blade claws are in contact with his body.

I put my right hand on his shoulder, and most of my left claw is stuck in the belly of the eight-headed snake, and then slightly said with a smile: "Where are you looking during the fight?"< /p>

Baqi Orochi, who was angry because of my words, was about to go wild, but there was a sneer in his stomach, and then he felt a heart-piercing pain. It turned out that when he tried to fight back, I moved my finger, and the claws popped out completely, and three bloody blade tips emerged from his back.

My claws actually have two retractable lengths. Usually the first length is used. The claws of this length are actually only half of the length, but because this kind of length can make Most of the blade claws are left in the storage box, which can guarantee to withstand the lateral force, so at this time I can use the blade claw to chop and cut the enemy. Parts also pop up. At this time, the claws will become very long and the attack range will expand, but at this time the claws will become relatively fragile, not suitable for chopping, and can only stab.

The Baqi Orochi who was suddenly put on a candied fruit stick was injured, and his body shook directly, but I didn't let him go so easily. I know that this kind of damage will not do anything to Baqi Orochi. He has Power of Faith, so it can be repaired wirelessly. My damage can only cause him to lose more Power of Faith. But this thing itself is not so easy to collect, so if possible, I will try to make Baqi Orochi lose more Power of Faith.

Taking advantage of the moment when the Baqi Orochi snake stiffened due to the injury on its stomach, I directly retracted the blade claw, and the serrated back plate of the blade claw caused a huge amount in the Baqi Orochi snake’s belly again. The injury caused Baqi Orochi to almost faint in pain. However, this guy is a demonic beast after all, so the ability to resist pain is still very strong. Although this second injury was caused, he endured the pain and raised his head and grabbed my neck in an attempt to retaliate. However, just when he was about to catch me, my whole person suddenly trembled, and then Ba Qi Da Snake realized that the person in front of me suddenly changed his appearance.

The new person who appeared was a person with golden light all over, and kept the exact same actions as before, except that the equipment and people were changed. In fact, this person also knows the Eight-Different Snake, because this is really red.

Just now, I suddenly flashed and turned into red, so Baqi Orochi didn’t react for a while, but it wasn’t my skill at first, so it was actually quite sudden to me. land.

In fact, what caused all of this was really red, because the thing was really red just now, a new skill that was just acquired in the previous BUFF mission. The function of this skill is very special, the effect is similar to this teleportation, but instead of teleporting someone to a certain location, it allows two people to switch positions.

The main function of this skill should be dedicated to saving people on the battlefield. Because Zhenhong's own defensive power is very strong, and many players on the battlefield are crispy players like Christina with high attack and low defense. Therefore, when these players are in danger and may be killed, Zhenhong can do it. Using this skill to exchange the positions of oneself and the other party is equivalent to helping the other party bear a damage. Originally hitting a crispy player like Christina would have a fatal attack. For Real Red, it was actually a good deal, and it was simply impossible to cause any loss.

With this ability, Zhenhong has two more battle methods in the battle. One is to protect important mages full-time, because she can change people at critical moments and then help the mages take damage. The other is that True Red can be used as the main substitute in the battle, just like this. When I was fighting with Baqi Orochi, she could suddenly switch in, and then help me fight for a while, and when my side was relieved, she could immediately switch us back. With this ability, we have the ability to continuously suppress those particularly difficult BOSSs. Not only can we change players to top the monsters at any time, we can also come down to replenish the magic and blood and wait for the skills to cool down. It can be said that this ability of True Red is definitely a very useful ability in multiplayer combat. Of course, this skill is useless to the enemy, only has several points of that person can be replaced by True Red, and the other party's consent is not required. I just didn't react for a while because I was suddenly replaced by Real Red in this situation. In fact, she didn't tell me that she had this ability until Real Red was used.

The real red that suddenly changed to attacked the eight-headed snake when she was stunned. Her two golden fists opened the bow from left to right, and the eight-headed snake was completely unable to find the north. The two smashed all the way from the sky to the ground. Nobunaga, a ghost like henchman, immediately wanted to go up and help Baqi Orochi to get out of trouble, but he felt dangerous just halfway through, and suddenly stopped suddenly and hit with a magical ball of light. On the ground a little bit in front of him, a large piece of mud on the ground was directly wiped out.

Ghost Nobunaga was blocked by the sudden appearance of the ball of light, and then found that he could no longer make it, because I was already in front of him.

"Where are you going?" I stood in front of Nobunaga Guisou and looked at the anxious Nobunaga Guisou deliberately to stimulate him.

As expected, Nobunaga is not

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